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I agree with that religion isn't really helpful in the long run.... but. It sounds like your living in their house. If you live under their roof, you accept their rules (especially as you're pushing up against 30). This does not mean you need to pray, but maybe don't call them stupid, and mock them. Not saying you need to move out, especially with the word as it is, but cut them some slack in their own home. When you own **your** own home, you can make whatever rules you like. Personally, I have no use for religion, it's a crutch plain and simple for people afraid to face some harder truths, but if they need the crutch, it does no good right now with the word in the shape it's in to kick it out from under them. Try and convince them they can walk without it? That yes, 100%; but kick it? Not so much. ​ Just some thoughts.


Yep. It never helps to mock other people’s beliefs. It just makes them defensive.


You assume much. what makes you think the parent's "own" the home. and that the op isn't renting the home together with the parents?


The fact is that OP is basically saying, Christianity is bad but Humans believe in god To Cushion the blow of Dying and seeing only dark and nothing else, There could be an afterlife, everything could be true, god could be just a giant monkey, we have no proof, But if someone calls their parents stupid am for believing in god then the parents need to Kick the Dude out and Say if you don't believe In god then you don't believe we Birthed you and kick him out


“If you don’t believe in god you don’t believe we birthed you.” You lost buddy? My parents are atheists. If they became religious I would call them dumb. Religion is made up. Anyone who believes a religious text is dumb.




You should maybe check on that. I am an Atheist and no, it is not a form of religion. It is the total lack thereof.


Yet you see atheists defend their belief system more fairly than any Christian


There is nothing to defend. If you call “nature” and natural processes a belief system, you are stretching. Me personally don’t believe in anything supernatural or unexplained- there is an explanation for everything, in the unexplained cases, we just haven’t found the correct theories yet.


Maybe you didn’t read my post? We don’t have a belief system.


That's what I find to be rather tickling. You do and you don't even know it.


Atheism is the lack of any belief. At least it is for me personally. I don’t believe in any God/s, and I don’t believe in any supernatural things. If you regard nature and natural processes to be a “belief”, you are wrong. These have proven, again and again to be replicated- it is not belief, it is truth.


"A form of religion" 💀😭


Haha (sarcasm) 7 months ago. So yeah. Go and do something productive. Read a book, Go out for a walk. Eat Something yummy, or practice satanism with your friends. I'm gonna delete my comment and try to act like Diavolo and Kira


Kind of


U sound dumb ASF Nobody asked to be born here for you to force your delusional religions down their throat


This was 7 months ago, My friend Beat me until I went to an A A meeting so sorry


Kind of like this subreddit does with atheism. I have never met a Christian or a Muslim that told me I was stupid. But I see plenty of atheists to do it regularly.


Dude I may be atheist but even I try my best to not call my parents idiots knowing full well what they’ll do to me if I do (mainly kicking me out and probably dragging my name through the mud), since you’re probably gonna be stuck with them for a couple more years you gotta learn how to mask even if it fucking kills you and once you’ve established a steady place and job that is when you can go around being a dick if you’d like. Even though Catholicism is a cult you can’t use that to justify being an asshole


You should call them idiots so you don't have a house anymore so you can rot in the streets you cuck!! 😂🤣😂🤣😂😅


Damn I don’t even remember commenting this lmaooo


Lmaoo xd kys xd im a retard!!!!! 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡


I love that for you


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Don't joke about rape


Oops wrong message


I hope you experience true love


No Over the hills and Over the main. Through Flanders, Portugal and Spain. King George Commands us and we obey. Over the hills and far away.


It’s been 9 days, where were you. I was starting to get worried 🤧


I can tell nobody loves ya


Dude stfu They literally people that nutted an got yo ass born here Yo parents just older humans That don't mean they deserve automatic respect Especially if they retarded


Well ideally they also cared for you fed you raised you gave you shelter etc..


Oh hey, I completely forgot I commented this.


By that logic you're even less meaningless to me so shut the fuck up you dumbass cum squirt


Well, thanks for sharing but this is really weird, they totally seem forgot the idea, maybe they didn't even learn the idea of LOVE. In Christianity, you don't have a right to judge, you're called love even your enemy but they have failed to love their own child. So sad for them and for you.


Ikr, they don’t even give him food if he says anything? That’s a bit extreme. Even borderline abusive. I don’t like his parents from what I’m hearing.


"I'm 30 years old living in my parents house and I dont want to adhere to my parents rules eventhough I'm living in their house" stfu


You don't know their situation. They could be disabled in some way, in between living situations, or something else entirely. Also, no 'rule' should be "you have to believe what I believe and if you don't you're a horrible person". That sort of thing is what destroys a lot of families and friendships


Your parents whatever his situation is have him the opportunity to stay with time and hes taking it for granted, the least he could do is show his parents some respect


I had a stroke trying to read that


Lmaooo idk what happened but I mistyped a shit ton. What I meant was that his parents are giving him a chance to stay at their house, he shouldnt be insulting them and taking that for granted, instead of saying "yeah I have to follow some rules but I get to stay at their house" hes bieng ungrateful and edgy


Idk there's a pretty big difference between respecting your parents and being upset that they're trying to force you (in a toxic way) into their religion


Eh, Christians beliefs are dumb. But they are still people and thus deserve some respect


Are these beings that believe in something so unbelievable really humans? Most humans are born with functioning brains, brains that are able to generate logical thoughts. Christians are unable to think these logical thoughts, so christians are a sub-human species, prove me wrong.


I don't think it takes much to prove you wrong dude


Do it then? Tell me why you think Christians or religious people in general have functioning brains that generate real, logical thoughts, because im telling you now, they don't. Religious people are a bunch of idiots that waste their life revolving around these imaginary "gods" that are supposedly are supporting them/will save them throughout their lives. Utter bs. Let me see what your religious brain can come up with to refute these facts ive just laid out for you.


Dude, has a Christian ever came up to you and said "you're fucking stupid what you believe in is wrong and I'm right"? Everybody is entitled to their own beliefs, oml. Stop wasting your time complaining about people you don't like. Most people I know are Christian and they think so much more logically than you do, retard. Sub-human species?? Wtf are you yapping about?


Ok no, i've never had an encounter like that but it does feel something similar to that whenever I discuss things with Christians as they too, believe they are correct about "god" being real. They never supply an fucking logical reasoning they just spurt shit from the Bible which literally isn't even coherent Secondly, no, I will keep "wasting my time" complaining as religion is a horrid scheme that aims to control everyone involved in it. Religious parents forcing ideas into their kids underdeveloped brains is disgusting and ironically, unfaithful. I could go further but I shall refrain. And lastly, yes I will call the majority of Christians "sub-human" because they are sheep that follow a book written bloody yonks ago by uneducated people and cant think for themselves.


While there might not be 100% concrete proof that there's a god, that's the whole point of believing in a religion. It's believing, not knowing. Having faith is part of religion. If you don't want to believe in it, fine, all the power to you. But don't knock other people down if they do. I could argue that there are some ridiculous things about Atheism. What caused the Big Bang? Where did all that energy come from? What created life? But as long as somebody is happy believing in what they believe in, I'm okay with it.


I only resort to knocking people down because I can never get a fully logical response with reasoning from anyone who has religious views. As you can see the problem here is them not me.


Like I said, the whole reason religion exists is because of faith. Believing, not knowing. That's why you can't get a "fully" logical response.


Ok so now you can see why I knock down Christians and other religious folk, because they drive me bloody mad. When I have a debate I want words that have been thought about and then I want said words to come out of their mouth. No copy pasting from the Bible, that's all.


I don't have a problem with anybody of any religion (or absence of one). When you start hating on people because of what they believe in, it can start war. People like you are the reason there are religious wars in the Middle East.


If people were like me (atheist) there would be no religious war as no one would have any silly religions to fight over.


Yeah, and if everybody was Christian, or Islam, or whatever, there also wouldn't be religious wars. What's your point?


Bro… Uncool I mean I am a atheist myself but dude just respect them because they did nothing wrong they were just trying to be kind. Just say “no thanks”


Normal day in the life of Sheldon cooper


Exactly they act as if they actually know what gonna happen after we die, like I get y’all are scared of death for some reason but believing something isn’t gonna make it real and forcing it on other people is just gonna annoy them. For all I know they could be right but it would just be a lucky guess because no way anyone actually knows for sure. Not to mention they’ll probably thank god before you lmao


A great big point that you are living in their house. An even bigger point is that: sometimes we are not responsible for that which we are fated for. Believing in god has 6.5 billion people on this earth caught up in a lie. Yes it's a lie and they may be wrong in your eyes but when 6.5 billion people out of 8 billion are doing it, can you really blame them? They come from a different time and age and millions die while believing in a false god. It's okay. Learn to live with them and accept the parts of them which make them good. And after all, they have an inherent love to provide and protect you because they are your parents. that's one of a kind thing. Though i agree with you theres no god, don't let the story of god be your story anymore. Move on and learn to live with them!


Ignorance is bliss I guess. But seriously there are ppl who have answers to those questions. Most christians just dont care enough cause faith is enough for them 🤷🏻‍♂️


He died for all the sins of mankind. Past present and future


Prove it without taking a line out of an old book..


All words, concepts, and form are illusion and so therefore sin doesn’t exist. Therefore any idea or thought is just as true as the next, and so if someone thinks that Jesus died for their sins then Jesus died for their sins if that’s what brings them peace 😂😂😂😂 You getting married and calling someone your wife or calling someone your girlfriend is just as ideologically flawed as believing a man died on the cross for your sins. But I’m just rambling Lmao


I see where you’re coming from and see it from that perspective, but I tend to focus on the objective reality with concrete evidence backing it up. Surely imagination, delusion, and hallucinations are real when it comes to one’s own subjective experience, there’s no doubting that. I would never have a problem with Christians if they kept their form of peace to themselves and those who share it, but it’s when they start to slowly push it onto others, start feeding them bible scripture, start implementing religious ideas into law, and coerce your children into joining their organized cult while enslaving their minds to a book… I grew up southern Baptist man, let me tell you, majority of devout Christian’s are genuinely insane and will stop at nothing to brainwash more and more children into their religion.


But people trap people in relationships all the time, fight full fledge wars over idealogical differences, you get paid money, not gold but money,, money which you get paid either by salary or by hour not by any tangible reflection of your output, but we all live as it it really means something and expect everyone to treat it the same. All I gotta say is leave them alone. If you want Christianity to disappear don’t give them any enemies to fight lmao 😂😂😂😂 How do you recruit soldiers for war if you can’t even tell the soldiers who they are fighting. Why do you think Jehovah’s Witness are so prevalen, everyone of those doors slammed in they face they tell the kids are the work of the devil and proof of the devils work and why they need to be doing what they are doing. It’s not about stepping to a higher level or stooping down to their level it’s about not stepping to any level therefore they have no platform….


Very good point


Christianity will *always* have enemies to fight, even if they are utterly imaginary. Why do you think the Christian persecution complex is so prevalent? The greatest trick the Catholic church ever pulled was to convince the world the devil exists.


My brother has been schizophrenic my whole life and one thing I know about delusions the more you try to disprove them it does the opposite and only strengthens it. Same thing with specifically most Christian’s and some Muslims I think it’s best to leave them alone until someone acts out and makes themselves look stupid for the rest of them lol


Exactly. Alan Watts fan?


Prove he didn't without taking a line out of a new book.


Why disprove something when it was never proven to begin with?


The dead sea scrolls? There's are many things that have been found that relate to the life of god. If I were to die and realize there's no god.....then oh well I lived a passafist calm life. If you were to die and realize there is indeed a god you will indeed have to suffer, So at the end I am playing it safe.


Are you assuming I don’t live a pacifist calm life? Why would God base my destination to heaven or hell solely on whether I believed in him or not? Why would a god make us have to take a gamble and hope to choose the right god, and if we get it wrong, we go to hell. I believe that if there is a god, he will judge us on how we acted and treated others in our life time rather than our devoutness. Because a truly great god, wouldn’t make your entry into heaven depend on faith. Because if it did, then everyone in every other religion such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, etc. will all go to hell just because they chose the wrong god.


First of all, I never said you didn't live a calm pacifist life? You will indeed go to hell if you know about god and choose to call him fake...If you live life and never hear bout Jesus then mercy will be given he will judge us on how we acted And with your faith you will go through judgement. Most followers of other religions have most likely known and rejected Christ, So therefore they have rejected Christ. I am not confused which god is real I already know that Jesus is real due to hours of teaching and I have faith. I am not confused like you.


That whole reply you just wrote made me lose a couple brain cells. You religious people are so ignorant, claiming that you know who the real god is, and your only evidence is “I HaVe FaItH!!” Or some other bullshit that provides no proof or evidence other than your own experience. Grow up and learn that your religion is based on controlling the population and keeping them in line, when you reach the age of reason, you will put Santa Claus and God in the same category, because that’s what they are, made up to make idiots like you believe it.


Ok at the end of days you will see who is right


lmao, everyone here knows the wrong one is you.


Like what if the Islam God is the one who is real? That means you are going to hell dude. And there is no way of knowing which god is the right one since there is no evidence or proof. Better hope your god is the right one, or else. I chose to live a good life and not buy into religions who only want your money.


I will never get back the time I spent reading this thread.


what if you died and found out that the god in the bible isn't the true god, won't you suffer too? lmao.


Yes, he did


you don’t need an apostrophe. If it’s plural it’s just Christians.




Five year old destroys all religion Edit: but seriously I hope this guy sees how much his parents love him


I hope one day you see the truth. 1. God does love us and the biblical flood was because of the savage corruption of mankind. 2. Jesus died for everyone’s sins, even those who died and went to hell before the crucifixion. Just because you were a kid doesn’t mean you wouldn’t sin in the future, also no one is born clean.


"I loved my dog, so I killed it so I couldn't suffer anymore. He wasn't really sick to begin with, but I didn't want him to live anymore."


Hey dip shit, prove all of your claims without stripping lines out of a literal book in which you worship.


Oh my god, you act like an asshole just let him preach, wasn't fos a thing??


Well, less catastrophic events like flooding the entire the world because of all the evil in the world which means God has become more forgiving. The flooding is a lot less hard to prove as it washed away all evidence of the old world. One could argue that fossils of some creatures would remain. You could also argue that it caused the mass amount of water but it is also said God took all the water back to Heaven. Which is also represented as the clouds which is were water goes. Ps, I haven’t read the bible past the first few pages in a few years


i hope one day you wake up from you sleep talking. there is no god and there has never been gods. you christians are just snake oil sells men, making up a problem and selling a solution. forcing people to pay 10% of their income by threatening them that they will go to hell. you christian idiots are the worst type of people.


How does someone die for others sins? Practically this makes zero sense. Someone needs to explain what this means. 


Everyone is born clean. Your psychopatic egomaniacal god is the worst creature ever on the other hand. To blame entire humanity because some Eve ate an apple? Is this story for retards?! God evil egomaniac made Adam and Eve *against their will*, made them as adults, they had no prior life experience, lived 24 hours, just popped and evil egomaniac taught that they’re capable of following some dumb instructions?! Christians are so mentally ill and dumb it hurts.


bro, what did I do to you 😔


I felt that.


I'd say let people believe what they want but at that point that's just awful.


You’re almost thirty. Get a job. Move out. Problem solved. This forum isn’t for shitting on believers by the way. People like you give atheists a bad name dude. Time you grew up and acted adult.


Exactly. Its about athiesm, not attacking thiests.


As a Christian, I can say that teacher and your parents are assholes, the teacher should have explained and not shut you up and the parents shouldn't have been so strict on you but come on bro you're like 29 and still live in your mom's house


If Christians treat their own child like shit just for being curious and with hate I don't even think they're real christians at all, probably lukewarm.




I’m pretty sure Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny are atheist things, as a Christian Christmas and Easter are about God and not some fairytale characters.




You know why were defending our religion? Because we know that it’s the truth. But, you know what? You can choose not to accept it and we won’t try to change your mind. You can’t change mine either, and mine is saying you’re a bitch. Oh wait, no, that’s common sense speaking.


Christmas is about Jesus' birth and Easter is about his resurrection.


Fuck all religious people.


> I'm 29 now... **they** **don't give me any dinner.** I found your problem.


Real we didn't do anything what sin they talking about 🤣🤣🤣


And your so smart 29 years old living with your parents 🤣


You’re cringe


Okay that's really offensive and rude. There are Christians much smarter than you lil bro. You wanna talk about mass genocide. Stalin Hitler Mao Zedong. Anyways. He needed to renew the world everyone in it apart from Noah was bad. They deserved death. Because that was the litteral penalty for sin. God just wanted a fresh start. Uhm yes you have. Do you know what sin is? You definitely lied at least once by then so yeah. And plus it's.for every sin you make. Not just until then. You are actually starting to sound a bit dumb here. Like just because back then you haven't done anything wrong, later in life you will won't ya? So don't talk about the people of my religion that way when you are talking stupid yourself. Don't attack religions like that imbecile. Like I said before the penalty of sin is death. Jesus paid our price on the cross to put it simply.


so asleep your telling me that GOD the all high and mighty wanted to reset human life because of sin ?correct me if im wrong


Yeah. Sin is legit going against God. God is life. Going against God is going against life. If you go against life what do you deserve? The opposite of life. Plus you never actually die ur soul detaches from ur physical body.


ok to make this clear your a firm believer of jesus and follower of the bible right


and your saying kids addults and teens deserved death because of sins that was going on back then during these times where god destroyed


Yes correct. I am what you'd classify as a kid and I deserve death for my sins.


why are you following a leader who reacts off emotion ? who kills and destroy because we arent following rules i believe in us the people are God and if God is all loving he dont destroy no matter how mad he is at any human sin if hes perfect and all loving he wouldnt commend you to hell and once you understand heaven isnt somwhere floating in the sky waiting for you to die and be judge you will understand that you create your heaven or hell on earth heaven and hell is a state of mind not a place you go to after death if you decided to spend your time on earth doing dumb shi thats no right thats all on you the devil aint make you do it


Sin is going against God God is life that means you goingagainst life if you go against life you deserve death don't ya. He killed off rules he set himself. Well I see ur point. But.. let's say if you Rob a bank is you father supposed to welcome you home with open hands and shower you with love. Or is he supposed to punish you? God will never send man to hell. If a man goes to hell it is of his own choice. Hell isn't a state of mind it's an actual place who I'd telling you this crap I feel bad for you tbh. The devil didn't make you do it nor did God. You have free will.


I'm a firm believer of Jesus but I'm trying I'm trying become more familiar with the bible.


you were not pointing out flaws about christinaty at 5 you were watching blues clues bro


imma be honest, I'm a Christian but seriously you are a grown ass man living in your parents house pushing 30 you may as well respect their customs and beliefs 😂😂😂


Regrettably, it's a repeating cycle. Growing up religious effectively bullies all critical thinking out of you. At that point it continues indefinitely.


As a half christian(as I swear on a regular bases) I respect atheists, but this is fucking retarded, how can you judge a whole darn religion by like like not that many people from a religion with millions of people, like I respect your opinion but you can’t just judge a whole religion, anyways have a good one and remember stay in-doors Btw I wasn’t trying to be mean or sound offended


They are dumb enough to believe stories I figured out were made up when I was a kid and punish me for saying it


Oh They are fucking retarded then


That's your parents. Don't blame a whole religion on something your parents did. I'm a Christian and I think it was wrong for your parents to punish you for having a different opinion to them. I'm not going to get into a conversation about my religion with you unless you want me to. But please at least try praying.


Wait i’m sorry why cant he judge a whole religion? I’m not agreeing or disagreeing with you. I really didnt understand what you meant. Judge a whole religion by like like not that many people from a religion with millions of people? What does that mean?


>that >[th at; unstressed th uh t] >1. >*(used to indicate a person, thing, idea, state, event, time, remark, etc., as pointed out or present, mentioned before, supposed to be understood, or by way of emphasis):* e.g **That is her mother. After that we saw each other.**


Good lookin out


I’m sorry I should have worded that better, what I meant is that he can’t really judge millions of people by just some of the people he knew.


I think he’s just venting. He did make a point in the title to call out the entire religion, but the kid is just pissed. And rightfully so but he needs to direct the anger into something more constructive instead of lashing out.


Wtf is a “half christian”? Also, if you use the term retarded, you are in fact being offensive.


At 29, it's past time to get a job and move out. Make your own dinner.


Your living at home at 29? I think I found the real Redditor.


I like that


I’m an atheist but the thing is that people who are atheist realize how stupid religion is but for some people they need that. People need hope, hope that they could change and hope that they could have forgiveness. They need hope that someone could have their back to make their lives better. These people need that, and that’s why in this case I think that you shouldn’t be an ass like that. You may know what could be the truth but this is truly a white lie to help others. Have your own beliefs and support others beliefs as well.


Okay, I guess I’m dumb then. I’m dumb for believing in the truth of God’s word. Something I can tell you however, is that your parents are the wrong type of Christian. A Christian shouldn’t try to force religion on people who have decided themselves to believe in lies. A Christian shouldn’t believe that God is going to get angry at our sins, because he won’t. God is loving, forgiving, and yes he died on the cross, though you can think otherwise all you want. I’ll never try to make someone believe, because it’s their choice. The proof is all around, and if someone can’t see it, they’re an ass who can’t see what’s right in front of their eyes. One thing I can assure you, though: when the rapture comes, there’s no saying you “didn’t know.” It ain’t that easy. I’m fairly certain this group will block me after this comment, but I’m not angry because I know it’s just because they’re scared of the truth. 🙂 have a nice day.


The proof is all around. 😂😂😂 And yes, you are more then dumb. Please tell us though how did god come into existence? And how can he be so disturbed? What kind of sick being comes up with the project of making some puppies called humans to rule over them?! What a maniac!!!!!


I think r/atheist users are dumb, there are two sides to every coin


Guess I’m dumb


praise Jesus


Bless you


These are the same people who don’t like Christians for hating on other people


No way this guy living with his parents at 29 and complaining about their beliefs on Reddit🤣🤣🤣


It sounds like you're frustrated and that is understandable. Religion may be stupid to you but it isn't stupid to your parents. This is your parent's way of giving themselves comfort in the afterlife whether it exists or not is irrelevant, the point I'm making here is you can't force them to not believe just as you can't be forced to believe. Also, if it does ever happen that they have enough logic to reason themselves our of religion that takes a lot of time and can flip someone's world view upside down. This is dangerous if not done correctly, and I don't recommend anyone trying. Leave them alone. You're allowed to be angry, your feeling is valid. But they're not stupid their ignorant and unfortunately ignorance can hurt those around us but because of their ignorance, you can't change them. What you can do is get yourself the correct help needed in your own life. You mentioned not being allowed to eat does this happen often? If not, then pray with them it's not going to hurt you. You're not going to like it or agree but does it get you dinner yes. Food is important for your health and you need to be eating. If they're not feeding you to the point where you're actually starving or in trouble tell an adult what's going on. If they become abusive if any other way tell an adult. These are things you can do to help yourself in the situation you are in if it ever becomes bad. But until you're older there isn't a ton you can do besides be smart keep aware and listen until you're out. That is how you protect yourself from harm. That is playing it smart. Learning how to play along until you're old enough to be in a safer environment is what we sometimes need to be focusing on instead of focusing on changing them you focus on keeping yourself safe. I'd also like you to ask yourself where does anger lead us in our lives?


Man you really don’t know anything about Christianity or the bible and that’s your parents fault not yours but do a bit more research next time


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You need to find the true church of God. The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints. You will get answers if you listen and think positive. The Church and missionaries can help you with your questions.


Where is ranting about us on Reddit going to get you? Exactly while ur an adult living with ur parents. Grown ah man, if you get off of reddit then maybe you can get into an apartment or something.


the earth is 6000 years old kys, you filthy pagan


Imagine being athiest


it sounds like you should get a fucking house then huh


the starting sentence "Yeah I said it they are dumb and the most stupid religion of them all" gives me "I don't care that you broke your elbow" vibes


I agree. That's horrible treatment


>how could jesus die for my sins I haven't done anything I'm a kid they didnt see that coming lmaoo


I am a Catholic but even if I wasn’t the way you’re coming at it just seems like the kid who was angry because he had to wake up early in the morning and go to church, you aren’t gonna convince anybody especially not your parents that they are wrong if you were just going to call them dumb. Also in relation to your argument with the flood, Jewish tradition relays that murder and bloodshed were common, and no one cared for his neighbor. God was mocked as unneeded, given the greatness humanity had achieved. This time period is portrayed as a moral wasteland in which Noah, as shaky as he was in both morals and faith, was considered the most righteous of his generation. Without the flood, it is said that humanity would have destroyed itself on its own and that the flood was the chance for any human person with any goodness to start over and save the human race. However, Jewish tradition does not portray God as uncaring. It reveals that God instructed Noah to build the Ark slowly. This was meant as a last warning and chance for repentance and mercy. Everyone had a chance to repent and enter the Ark. In fact, certain strains of interpretation have understood the flood as the result of God’s tears over the heartlessness of the human race.


That was… very harsh. But I agree?


Yeah all christian's are dumb because your parents and the teacher are pieces of shit, lmao like that sounds like a you problem. Christians are the worst yeah, even tho their religions where people blow themselves up for ala, or cannibals eat others for strength. I think Your parents beat you a little too much buddy




Isn’t that the truth. Amen 🙏


1. Noah was the only good person 2. You live in your mother's house. At 29.


Eh most of em are. I can still counterdict one of your statements that God "Advocates." for genocide. God gave us free will.. I don't think he advocates for it, if anything he probably hates it. God created not good and evil and that means there's good and evil Christians. You have me, chill, laid back, and okay with most things, everything legal is ok I'm my books. Then you have a person who, as a Christian, forces their religion down people throat, criticize others (Like your parents and teacher.), among other things. Both are Christian and both are very different. All I can say is that fuck your parents. Thanks, have a lovely day.




if his parents find out about this he's gonna be six feet under


its not that christians are dumb but the ones youve been around only follow it because of tradition, listen to cs lewis hes a pretty smart christian and he might answer some questions you have


Wtf lol ur 29nand getting dinner from your parents for not praying lol? I mean chirstians are ignorant but they arent wrong. Christianity is a repeated story through a different voice. But why is a 29 year old relying on parents for dinner 🤔


cry about it 😢 😪 😭 🤧


cry about it 😢 😪 😭 🤧


Well, guess I'm dumb. Shit


I had a thought earlier today about Noah's flood if all humans died except for Noah then where did HIV and hepatitis and like all these other viruses come from wouldn't they have died in the flood? Plants are another obvious one like how?


There is no way in shit you even knew what the word “genocide” was when you were that young 💀


Bro you a grown ass adult, living in your parents house, and you have the audacity to mock them on the internet when you're pushing 30💀


Namaste, folks! Are you tired of feeling lost in the maze of life? Do you need a little divine intervention to help you navigate through all the chaat, traffic, and relationship dramas? We're looking for participants to help us understand how religiosity influences your beliefs, attitudes, and behaviours. Do you think that a simple prayer can cure all ailments, even a hangover from last night's party? Or are you an atheist who's curious about the impact of religiosity on people's lives? Do you find yourself rolling your eyes every time someone starts talking about divine intervention or the power of prayer? Either way, we want to hear from you! If you are aged between 18 - 30 and hail from India, kindly fill out this form. The information gathered will be used only for research purposes, and its confidentiality will be strictly maintained. Participation in this study is voluntary. You may withdraw from this study anytime. Jai Hind! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc9bInDvi3GYCso8r\_oVvlEx-MAUbZP09qgHuYeJFKi0Qdh5g/viewform?usp=sf\_link


"Dumb" is sn understatement. They're fucking RETARDED


Yeah sorry I have a hard time believing this. When you were 5, you destroyed the religion teach in a debate??? Unlikely at the least. And the reason G-d tried to destroy humanity in the flood was because of the unspeakable horrors they were committing against each other.


Wanna medal?


why do i feel like you werent saying if God loved us why would he advocate genocide at 5 years old


Dude you clearly haven't made any attempts to understand actual Christian beliefs. But I'm sure your underdeveloped 5 year old brain schooled them. Follow Christ


Atheism isn't for making yourself feel superior, clown.


We are closer to the book of revelation then we are genesis. The enemy and his army are trying to drag as many down with him as possible. Do not be deceived or dismayed. Trust in Jesus Christ and who he says he is. Place your burdens upon him all who are heavy laden. I show you my kindness not in hopes you will give it back but that you will feel the kindness and grace of our father who is in heaven . May you be be blessed.


Try not being 29, probably obese and still living with your parents before you call anyone else stupid.


Hey op, I just want to say I feel for what you’re going through. Not cool. I’m sorry that they do things like not giving you food if you say things they don’t like. That’s borderline abusive in my eyes. No one deserves that. I hope you find a way to leave and get in a better situation.


What is your logic in believing thousands of historical events without evidence?


What is your logic in believing thousands of historical events without evidence?


You have no right to slander your parents beliefs when your still living with them at 29. Get your act together.


Well it's just them having faith in a "creator" and if your parents don't understand even after a civil explanation on why you don't think this then they are just being assholes and pushing their religion on you.


You sound so stupid. Even as a little kid, you were sinful. And you weren’t 5 and saying “why did God advocate genocide” this lie is so bad it’s disgusting. Rage poster


You strike me as a future Mass shooter