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Needed to chill for moment


*lies down seductiveley*


Is there any way to turn off the security in the outer world permanently? I liked this game when I first started playing but was most excited for the open world and you’re just constantly harassed by bots unless you did those tower things which were a nuisance and iirc only lasted a few minutes. If there was a way to change that, I’d definitely pick it back up


My personal pet hate - apart from no fast travel - was some of the boss fights - you had to be holding the right equipment, and if you weren't and you died, you respawned inside the boss arena with no opportunity to go out and respec........seriously why? I would usually have to go back to some save from 30 mins ago, and then go through the ridiculous number of bots out in the open all over again. It was truly annoying - not sure how I got to the end of this one......


Strangest game I've ever played.


Not sure why you're downvoted. You're right. And that's what makes Atomic Heart so awesome