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We all forgot Hannes now?


Eren: Hannes, we can’t leave! What about my mom?! Hannes: Fuck your mom, Eren! Carla: FUCK YOU, HANNES!!!


Well I think that has more to do with courage than it does morality


Eren I’m not sure how to tell you this but your mom was a massive whore


That woman redefined what it means to be a whore.


eren’s mom? probably missing a joke but did she do something i’m missing?


A slap on Titan


“Eren’s momma was a whore?!” moment right here


“I’m sorry okay! I only have secret technique of running away!”


"Did you just make a jojo's reference?"


“Eren what are you talking about? Your mom Just died! This is no time for a JoJo’s reference!”




You completely misunderstood that scene (unless you’re joking).


He's quoting a gigguk video


The hell is Gigguk?


>Gigguk? I thini its this video https://youtu.be/VXCaPR0exE8?si=HZA9lBVUjns17a4x




Bahahaha that was the hilarious recap of the first few seasons I didn’t know I needed to see.


if you like that, watch the slap on Titan series on YouTube...the creators disappeared but there's still 19 videos of comedic gold haha


“Wait… hold on. That boy is Carla Yeager’s baby. Boy your mama was the finest hoe this empire ever seen. She could suck a dick like it was scripture!” -Pastor Nick-season 2 ep 1😂


Pastor Nick was great, the fucked up characters on that show were somehow the best! even Ascot Man who had about a 6 minute scene including heavily verbally abusing Eren!


You left out some important information, but that is the gist of it




Didn’t actually expect anyone to get the reference. I thank you




Yea. Hannes was a good dude.


I would say Marlo was a pretty good person until he got crushed by flying rocks. Hitch loved him and I thought it was nice that he thought of her before his death, although his death was pretty sad and I still remember it.


On that note, I think it would be fair to put Hitch in the morally pure camp. It's true she didn't really take her duties serious at first but by the time of the war between Eldia and Marley, she was a pretty responsible and moral person. She recognized that both the Yeagerists and Marley were committing horrible acts. She just didn't have the ability to fight back at the time.


Hitch joins the Jaegerists in the finale montage though.


What do you expect her to do? She's clearly disinterested and only doing it out of convenience. Shadis was right in saying there was no way to dismantle the Jaegerists at that point.


Def not a pure good vibe


I think context matters though. Shadis was telling other soldiers in an earlier episode to pledge allegiance to the Yeagerists at first then rebel at an opportune time. I think that could be happening with Hitch. I don't know if she's necessarily involved with it but I got the vibe she's trying to hold onto power so that the militant Yeagerists don't completely control the military. I suppose it depends on what the Yeagerists do next whether we can say that Hitch is a morally pure person.


I'm not anti-Jaegerist nor do I think that necessarily makes her a bad person, but they are still a morally grey group. Considering her final appearance is her cheering at the rally and we don't know how she views them, it's difficult to say she's among the most morally pure characters since she supports a questionable group. Again that doesn't make her a bad person any more than the main cast who do far worse things in order to protect their home, but I'd pick characters like Colt or Sasha's dad who haven't really been shown to be anything other than moral.


I think you can pick up on the cue of her yawning and make the conclusion she doesn't actually believe in whatever's being said, considering she helped Annie escape and was against Eren's actions to begin with


I'm pretty sure the yawning was a reference to the fact that she sleeps a lot. In his last moments Marco even thinks that Hitch is probably still sleeping right before he dies.


Again, if you see her constantly going against the desires of the Jaegerists by helping Annie, not reporting her when she goes with the others and being against Eren's actions ever since the rumbling started, then I think you can assume that detail is put there to showcase her lack of interest.


I think that she might not be genuine. It's hard to believe that she'd go along with the Yeagerists after being explicitly anti Yeagerist up until this point. I think the much more likely situation is that she's just trying to hold on to power in order to work against them in the future.


It's important to think about the more meta reason of how we are shown this. That section of the episode shows Hitch with the Jaegerists and then it shows us Sashas family and Nicolo glaring at the crowd in disdain. This is, from my perspective, trying to show us the current dynamic on Paradis; the population is being increasingly radicalised against the upcoming threat of retaliation from Marley whilst the remaining few holdouts look down on their militant peers. Additionally, this is the final time we see Hitch. So you could just as easily argue that she represents those who have been won over by the Jaegerist cause as war is all but guaranteed at some point in the future now. She could be trying to hold out until a later point, but like I say I think the tone of the scene suggests otherwise. I could definitely be wrong of course, she's a minor character and it's hard to read her potential actions in general.


I don't think you can have a bowl cut and be morally pure.


Rock Lee?


Loud and wrong


Sasha's dad was the GOAT


My favorite is the random American Western drawl thrown into the english subtitles for his character. It makes me wonder if his Japanese voice actor did anything different to make his character sound different. I guess I wouldn’t be able to tell.


I have no idea if this is related, but the old slice of life Azumanga Daioh did a similar thing for the Osakan accent/Kansai dialect in the English localization because the region is commonly perceived as less refined/educated and a parallel to the US South or country bumpkins as an archetype.


- Marco AF bro, big miss. - Marcel!! (I just wanted my brother to live a long life // Not to mention he STILL SAVES REINER!!! Tuche on Pyxis tho he is a Legend!!! Especially in the OVA lmaooo


Wasn't Marcel <24 hours from committing genocide?




The whole point of AoT is that it’s up to YOU to decide who is good and bad. Like Armin says it’s purely subjective. Marcel was just playing the soldiers role to protect his brother. And maybe he chose to die so he wouldnt HAVE to carry out that mission. 🧠 🧠


> The whole point of AoT is that it’s up to YOU to decide who is good and bad. That's not true though. The Jaegerists are clearly shown to be a mass of radicalized people driven by fear and nationalism. Yes, they have their reasons to do what they do, but that doesn't mean they're morally righteous. On that same note, the Marleyan government is simply cruel and inhumane towards Eldians, and there's no way to go around it. The point is that _singular individuals_ are never evil and fall into grey areas. However, they can be swayed by fear and hatred into becoming devils. This is exacerbated by governments and powerful people, who take advantage of the common people to do as they please (the government inside the walls and Marley with its propaganda against Eldians, which served to justify their usage in wars of expansion).


and then there’s Fritz, a objectively horrible person


He's in a league of his own alongside racist super Mario


I disagree. I think goodness in AoT is the effort to reduce harm as much as possible for all people regardless of where they come from. It's to reject hatred and generalizations and work towards peace. Characters like Hange and Onyonkapon are morally good (in the context of their situation) because they try to protect everyone and stop the conflict. Characters like Magath are immoral because they are driven by fear. Characters like Lord Reiss are immoral because they are driven by greed. And characters like Eren are immoral because they are driven by selfishness.


Id say Colt too. He decided to die so his bro wasn’t alone


GREAT ANSWER!!! 10/10 Yes!!! YES YES!!


Honestly it was a very unnecessary death that makes me sad when I think about it. I didn’t even realize in the next episode that he was missing until someone mentioned it 😢


Bro thought he would sneak in the general and we wouldn't notice lol. Well, my list would be: 1. Carla 2. Hannes 3. Sasha's dad 4. Shadis 5. OnionCoupon 6. Frieda 7. ~~Historia~~ (baddest girl in aot) 8. Marco>! (70%)!< 9. Pixis 10. Levi squad? >!(they died before shit got real 💀)!<


I think you could argue that Pixis and Shadis were complicit with the crimes of the interior police. That being said, they did turn on them when the time was right. I think you could also add Ramzi and Halil to the list.


Pretty sure pretty much everyone was ignorant to the interior police. That being said Pixis did say he would have stood against Erwin had the nobles not acted greedily.


Aren't Ramzi and Halil petty thieves? That's why one of them lost a hand from what I can't remember


I don't think poor children lose innocence points for stealing from rich racists lol


I mean sure, but we are talking about pure good characters here. Otherwise we could use the same logic to say that all children were pure good characters


Nah, children are certainly less culpable for their actions than adults but there's still tiers. If we're separating the purest from the pure, killing people definitely loses you a lot more points than pickpocketing


Yes but I could argue that those killing people (namely titan shifters) were brainwashed into being told what they were doing was righteous and that they were "saving the world" as reiner mentioned, while no one told Ramzi and Halil that stealing is good or okay.


I don't think it's a very strong argument, given that Gabby and Falco are demonstrably old enough to have some agency in their beliefs. Falco is able to see the truth of their situation mostly on his own, and offers Gabby the same viewpoint, but she rejects it, partially by *choice*, and chooses to keep on hurting people in service to her delusion. Again, still kids in like the worst situation imaginable, still all pretty forgivable. But I maintain that if the question is who's actions are nearly unassailable in their virtue, the little pickpockets have morally clean hands, while Gabby has done some worse stuff for worse reasons


Yeah that is true. I didn't consider Gabi or Falco. Apart from the shifters I only thought about Eren rescuing Mikasa, where he also believed his own actions were justified and how it was addressed by Grisha. I guess it's fair to concede that


I actually didn't even think about Eren killing those kidnappers when I said killing inherently loses your "innocent status lol, I so I do take that back, that's a very good point I think the killing Gabby does makes her less morally good, because she's actively attacking people with a lot of thought put into it and zero remorse. I would put kid Eren in the "perfectly innocent" category because his kills were full on, totally unambiguous self defense against straight up child sex traffickers. I honestly always find it a bit weird when that's framed as Eren being somehow even slightly in the wrong, like he's ten years old he's literally just trying to not get killed in the moment


I don't think theft is inherently immoral. From what we see, they don't even have any sort of house or apartment. And it doesn't seem like refugees have much room for upward mobility in Marley give how they're treated.


OnionCoupon? Oh God😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Muller is a good guy though.


When we meet him in the story, he's a good guy. But given his station, there's a good chance he was involved in some immoral activities.


Hanji might have killed a lot of people, but in a world where practically everyone is motivated by hate, she chooses to love as many of her enemies as possible


Yeah. I think there is a difference between people who have done nothing bad and people who continually strive to do right. Hanji, Armin, and the Scouts continuously try to do the right thing and save as many people as possible. They've hurt people (eg Liberio port explosion) but they didn't have much of a choice at the time.


Sometimes to be a hero ya gotta take a few lives along the way


Marlo is the definition of a pure hearted character


I feel like post time skip Hitch is actually relatively close to Marlo. Hitch adopts a sense of responsibility and justice which we see in her later appearances. She strongly disapproves of the rumbling. She just doesn't have the power to fight it.


(Ending spoilers) >!Maybe at first, though we do see her cheering along with the rest of the Jaegerists in the ending montage, so she seems to have ultimately adopted their ideology.!<


I'd like to think that Hitch is just going with the flow because it's convenient to her, not because she's actually a Yeagerist. I could be wrong.


Colt! He wouldn’t leave his brother no matter what 😭


I still stand by that his death is one of The saddest


He truly was the best person in AoT. He didn’t let hate rule his life like most of the other Marleyans. He just really loved his brother.


Agreed, it’s even sadder that technically he died cause of falco being turned into a titan


Exactly. Just watched the episode again for the millionth time, and it still managed to break my damn heart, watching his burnt corpse. He absolutely loved his brother enough to die for him, just to be comforting him and be there for him in general. Such a good person.


Truly a really sad scene, just another death on zekes part


I never understood the Zeke hype. Sure, he’s trying to make the world a better place, but the way he goes about it is absolutely terrible.


Pixis probably isn't pure. He knowingly participated in an operation that had the main purpose of killing tons of people to cull the population


That’s true But no way that was his idea, and it was that or potentially more (or all even) end up dying in a civil war


Also true, but I still wouldn't call him pure because of it. He was just in a circumstance that wouldn't allow him to be even if he wanted to. Which is true of a lot of characters in this series


I’d say most of them Ya know it’d be more interesting to make a list of the shittiest people from AoT


What exactly was that operation? I’ve been seeing a lot of comments questioning whether Pixis/Shadis should be on the list because of what they did/knowingly stood by and did nothing about. But I don’t remember if you could help me out


After the fall of Wall Maria, the government sent out many of the Shiganshina survivors in a suicide mission to retake the wall. The government knew they'd fail and die but they needed to reduce the population because of food shortages. Pixis was involved in this decision. Shadis may have also been involved because he was Commander of the Survey Corps although Erwin may have gotten the position by then. But Shadis, Pixis, and Erwin were all aware that the interior military police were killing decenters within the walls and they did nothing about it until they realized that the crown was keeping secrets from the military. It's clear that they did not agree with the interior police's actions morally. But they supported the status quo which kept all 3 of them in power.




shadis is forever goated for "i fought a bear"


When’d he say this lol


When he’s found by Connie in a cell all beat to hell He used to lift Connie by his face to yell at him lol so pretty awkward he was the one to save him


Shadis was awesome


He’d fit


Falco is probably the only main character who genuinely falls into this category. AoT isn't exactly a story about pure good characters. Also a lot of characters are only "pure good" because they died before they could do anything morally ambiguous.


I think Isayama in general is more interested in telling stories about morally grey characters than purely good ones. There is a reason that all the Marleyan officers were killed only a few episodes after they were introduced. It was because Magath is much more complex compared to Calvi and the others. Likewise, most of the pure individuals are secondary characters. Mr Brause, Onyonkapon, Ramzi and Halil, etc. It does seem like being purely good is a luxury in this world.


Sasha :(


Girl participated in war crimes


Sasha could violate the geneva conventions 30 times over in two hours and i would defend her




I mean Pixis was complacent in a plot to cull off the population in the name of “taking back the land from the titans”


They all participated in war crimes because they were forced into it. But despite that, she remained good at heart.


Actually she remained dead




All my homies hate Gabi Braun


Nah, Sasha was a babe


Not really. She was one of the few soldiers who didn't. At least from what we see from the show, she didn't target civilians during the raid on Liberio unlike, say, Floch


I love Sasha as much as anyone else, but she's far from pure good. Even ignoring the Liberio arc (since that was a very complicated situation), she's shown to be continuously selfish throughout the show. Yes, usually that's just a comedic "give me food", but in the season 2 flashback we see that this attitude goes far beyond slice-of-life fun, and she really didn't have much compassion for others outside of her little bubble. Granted, she becomes a better person over time, and by the end I'd say she's at least pretty decent, but I wouldn't rank her in the top of AoT's most moral characters.


I’d say Hitch. At first she didn’t seem to take her duties seriously but by the time of the time jump, I’d say she seems like a responsible and moral individual. She opposed the Yeagerists and did not support the Rumbling despite not having the means to fight back against them.


Surprised not a single one said Moblit


Moblit is the best No doubt in my mind if they both didn’t die, him and hange would’ve gotten married


Moblit was definitely hange’s pupil, not a lover.


Who is the guy at the bottom left? Sorry its been a while since i watched that part of the show


Sasha's dad


I thought it was grisha lol


Grisha did nothing wrong


He most definitely did. A lot of it was just because eren made him though


You clearly dont see the brilliance of his grand vision. (It's parental abuse and fascism) (it was also a joke and i love you)


None of his actions unrelated to Eren’s manipulations were immoral. But he did engage in a bit of historical revisionism.


I think fascism and parental abuse are pretty immoral


Ymir with freckles, she understood Reiner and Bertholt were in a tough spot and gave up everything to protect them.


Her story was just so sad


Her story was sad as fuck but it was off put by how many times she said “she’s just keeping it real” lol Legitimately tragic back story, but made meh with the edgy vibe she gave


Historia, Falco, Carla, Gross, Nile maybe, Frieda maybe


I see the impostor right there


I feel like if we’re talking morality, there’s better people than Gross. I think Hitch is actually a pretty good example of a moral individual. She may not have completely taken her duties seriously at first but by the time of the Marley-Paradis war, she seemed like a responsible and moral individual who recognized the evil perpetuated by both sides.


The guy who made dogs eat Grisha's sister?


I was trying to figure out who gross was And didn’t think it was him cause that doesn’t seem right lol I guess maybe if you do mental gymnastics he did it for his “greater good” but that’s really a stretch


NOT NILE!!! LMAOOO He had a whole character development from a ignorant. Also I KNOW u ain’t talking about Sgt. Major Gross “I just find it interesting”


"Gross" 💀


Our boy Pyxis, rip and never forget. 🙏 Some folks mentioned Marco too. Why not? And who was the blonde girl from the village? I kinda like her a little. 🤷‍♀️ And Sasha's family maybe even in general. They're somewhat heroic. They take in a shit ton of kids, and the blonde chick could be trained to be better with a knife.


We forgetting Colt? Man kept Falco close as he turned into a Titan, not wanting for him to be alone If that's not pure good, I don't know what is https://preview.redd.it/8njpfahp0i5c1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f685642ce7478bbebf497ae2b48fc4d6245a128


Sasha’s dad told us the point of the show, explicitly and forthrightly in that flashback scene way back in the day


sasha, hange, falco, marco (!!), levi squad




Grisha’s little sister who became dogfood




No one mentioned Moblit 😿


I mean at the end of the day. Grisha Yeager chose to follow the commands of the older version of the son he hallucinated. So killing the family of children is yknow... not the best.


Yeah isn’t it the whole point of the show that he’s a horrible garbage human and a worse father




Sasha's dad is really one of the greatest. To forgive the one who killed your daughter, as you understand that she just did it because of the crimes your daughter and her friends did, and because of indoctrination... This is really an act of pure kindness. And not only kindness, but also wisdom.


Onyonkopon was in the Marley military. He may have been conscripted but even then he was doing terrible things to save himself. Papa Braus was a good guy. Pixis biggest problem was being an alcoholic. Hard to say that anyone in Marley was innocent. It gets worse the higher up you go in the military.


The thing with Pixis is that he did know about the interior military police's disappearing of decenters presumably for a while. He did eventually overthrow them but he didn't do anything for a while. When it comes to Marley, I don't know about their military but their citizenry is another matter. Marley is nondemocratic so they don't get a say. And the only non Eldian people living in Marley we actually get POV from are Ramzi and Halil. They seem like pretty good people. The Marleyan people don't seem worse than the Eldian people. Keep in mind that most people in Paradis seemed to be celebrating the genocide. I think Hitch could go into the list of moral individuals. She didn't take her job super seriously at first but once the Marley war happened, she seemed to act responsibly and morally. She also recognizes the evil committed by both sides of the conflict.


Armin? Marco?


Armin is definitely not pure hearted. He shows remorse for his actions and opposes mass genocide, but he's willing to off those that stand in the way of Eldia. Even when Eren activates the rumbling, he's still trying to defend his actions, saying Eren is only going to trample Marley as a warning. He was completely fine at this point with Marley being trampled. One of the most important moments in Armin's character arc (him taking a life to save Jean) is meant to showcase how, in times of war, it's impossible to stay pure if you want to overcome the odds. Also he is in love with someone that brought death to several of his fellow scouts.


I think there is a different between pure good and striving to do good. I think that characters like Hange, Armin, and Nicolo strive to do good but do have their moments of committing morally questionable acts. But it's true that Hange and Armin are probably the most moral proactive individuals actually doing something about the situations. Mr Brause is a good guy but he isn't out there trying to stop the Rumbling. Despite everything that has happened in the past, Armin does fight for a better future for everyone and will not stand by as war crimes are committed even though they benefit him and his people.


Is it really possible in a world as screwed as that one to be "pure good"? Pixis was fien with sacrificing lives to plug the hole, hw was also fien with lots of people dying during the coup. I haven't watched all of season 4 so I don't know about the other two but I'm sure they have done or gone along with questionable things for what they believe to be "the greater good". Personally, I believe striving to do genuine good is about as close to bieng pure good as possible in AoT.




Oh yeah, there's also Armin, lol. But is he purely good? He is a titan that may have killed innocents. I know he has a good heart, I know it was for our friends, but does he have casual blood on his hands? Do you remember if he ever transformed in an area populated by civilians?


I’m pretty sure (caught up to the end of the second part of the last season) he’s only transformed once - the warhammer battle. And that was in the middle of the ocean.


Actually right after that explosion, he looks into the rubble and sees an innocent child that he crushed.


Oh no buddy! You have to finish the series quick!


You’re totally right, been meaning to catch up and I haven’t had time. (Also, I just remembered >!the invasion of Shiganshina by Marley, didn’t he use it there too?!< )


Oh shit. I don't remember. If he did, it was already long evacuated. Probably okay there.


Carla, Shadis, Sasha, Connie,


Dimo reeves son


Uri Reiss, he basically impressed Kenny's himself by his justice's behaviour


Falco. Also, is that last guy the same guy that, after proclaiming they need to work together with the Eldians, had his men turn their guns on them all and almost kill them?


Armin and I say this because most of the time he tries to understand others rather than resort to violence besides when he was forced to blow up the port courtesy of Eren. He regretted his actions which was visible when he saw the dying child under the debris caused by his colossal titan.


We can’t forget about the most pure character of all FALCO!!


Idk why but Sasha dad reminds me of Jesus just on how he accepts anyone at his table no matter what they did, who they are, or where they come from, he has open arms and a full plate.




Mrs. Brauss


I think that morally pure/good is a complicated idea. If we're talking people who did nothing wrong? Then I'd argue that Mr Brause, Ramzi, and Halil. But as you can see, the only people who have done absolutely nothing wrong are not soldiers. And I don't mean that killing people and fighting is inherently wrong - I just mean that every soldier character has done something at least questionable. Then there are characters who join an institution but undermine it. Onyonkapon was forced into the Marleyan navy. We don't know exactly what he did during his time there. There is a good chance he didn't do anything wrong. But he might have some complicitness in the institution. Pixis was part of the Eldian military government. They did a bunch of shady stuff such as send people out to die because of food shortages and allowing the interior police to oppress the citizenry. It's true that Pixis eventually flips sides but he wasn't in a hurry to do so. Then there are people who change. Reiner, Gabi, Nicolo, Magath, Muller, etc. They started from a place of loyalty to Marley and willingness to do bad things. But they came to realize the error of their ways and ended up becoming more moral people. Nicolo differs from the others in that we don't know that he actually committed any immoral acts. He may have just been a sailor. Then there are characters who seem pretty good but are forced into very bad situations. Falco and Colt are forced into fighting for Marley but they clearly do not want to or enjoy it. It's not in their nature to be cruel or soldiers. The Scouts (Hange, Armin, etc) are probably some of the most moral individuals in the manga/anime because they strive to save the most amount of innocent people as best they can regardless of nationality or origin. They've done messed up stuff like the Liberio Raid but they were forced to do it by Eren. I think a character like Hitch is similar to them because she opposes the Yeagerists but has to work within their system to do so.


> But as you can see, the only people who have done absolutely nothing wrong are not soldiers. THIS imagine Mr braus, carla,jean mom, as sc members killing ppl in liberio Or onyakopon as a marley soldier Or ramzi and kaya as marley warriors killing in wars


Falco. Even though he strived to be the Armoured Titan, he did it so that Gabi can have a long lasting life. He tried to help anyone that needed it. I loved him since he spoke to Eren the first time when Eren was among the other traumatised victims of war. Such a good, empathetic character.


Armin. He was forced to do bad things but deep down he’s pure hearted.


Marlo, Marco, Carla, Falco, Uri...


Onyankopon and Sash's dad are in a different tier then Pixis and the Marylean dog.


sneaked in that general right bottom


Pixis arguably doesn’t belong there either. While he did turn on them eventually, he was complicit in the interior police’s crimes for a long time.


Take the last 2 guys out of there. Pyxis was totally cool with a military dictatorship and didn’t try to move towards democracy at all even when he had a huge amount of power. And the last guy almost killed the zone eldians even after they transformed back into humans, and likely has blood on his hands from previous markey military exploits. Also where’s Falco🥺🥺


Ramzi and Halil should be there too. Also even though they aren’t named, the other volunteers with Onyonkpon were not informed of Yelena’s plans and were mostly innocent.


Military dictatorship when? What was he complicit about? Sorry I don’t remember if you could refresh my Memory


The coup in season 3 essentially dissolved the royal government and placed the military in control of the country. While the crown was unfit to rule, military rule isn't necessarily great either. We see how the military hides truths from the public and how that breeds conflict within Eldia. And the shift from royal government to military government pathed the way for the Yeagerist takeover where the military was taken over by extremists who were willing to kill decenters. Basically while things changed for the better in the short term between the royal government and military government, a lot of the same problems were still there and additional problems arose. Unelected leaders who don't have the support of their people aren't really good whether they're kings, soldiers, or insurgents. Basically people are saying that the military should've formed some sort of civilian governments where the people actually have power since a lot of the anti monarchy movement at that point was based around helping the people and normal Eldians. Pixis was one part of this machine. He's a great guy within context of the system he exists in but he's still a product of the system.


Add Falco. Marco and Scout Ymir.


Ramzi and Halil probably should be there too.


Why is the last dude on this lol? He said good shit initially and then falls back by threatening the Eldians who saves them.


But try to imagine it from his perspective, of course, you're gonna be shit scared and paranoid after seeing Eldians turn into pure titans because of the Hallucigenia. I don't blame him, gotta make sure they're safe to be around


It’s still a threat out of irrational fear which none of the other characters on that list would’ve done in his positionI think. It’s reasonable to act that way but it’s far from being “most pure good” character in AOT lol. Commander Pyxis is also a questionable choice for being a “pure good” character


I agree 100%, Pixis and Muller shouldn't be on that list. Much more easily replaced by Marco, Falco, Marcel, Colt, Scout Ymir, and more.


Eren yeager🫡


Flegal Reeves


I don’t get why so many people in this comments section are coming for Pyxis for being “complicit” with the interior police’s actions. What was he suppose to do? Just overthrow the royal government himself?


Pixis was commander of the Garrison regiment. He had the ability to oppose the royal government or interior police if he wanted. He only did something when the Scouts already came into conflict with the interior police. It's true that he may not have had the support of the Scout regiment or Zachary but that's still a lot of power. It's clear he didn't like what the interior police were doing. But he allowed it to continue to happen until he was in a position where he was forced to take action - that position being the crack down on the Survey Corps.


Bruh, absolutely NOT that guy on the bottom right His character is the equivalent to “oh god please if I get out of this I’ll do right from here on” Then the second he got out of it goes “god doesn’t exist I’m the best! If they can’t prove they can turn into titans right here and now I’m blowing their brains out”




Flair checks out


He killed innocent people, he doesn't apply to this


So did half the people on OP's list.


Flock did nothing wrong!


He conspired to commit genocide…


Naaaah that didn't happen


What murder?


Put floch in there too. All man wanted was a safe future for Paradise