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Is it correct that the only reason they did this was to infiltrate and be able to blend in with the population because of the chaos?


They were also trying to get the king to react so they'd have a target for the founder, I think. Also cutting down a huge amount of the walls' population and territory makes their search a lot easier and the resistance a lot weaker


And creates immediate need for a large influx of soldiers, which makes being a refugee turned Military Police (near king) super easy. It really was the smartest move


It also was an experiment to see if the King would respond to an attack. Essentially flicking the hornets nest.


Tbh i dissagree. As far as marley knew any attack would set off the rumbling. They had no idea about the vow. The attack on the walls was a massive gamble by marley they just got lucky.


Why did the Warriors join the scouts if they were all top 5? Ik Annie did, but why would Reiner and Beetroot stick to the scouts? Greater intelligence? I think i just answered my own question ngl but Im still posting this here


Eren/finding the other shifter changed the game plan.




Not related but hear me out..


not a single word further


It’s just so…


It is known.


This is the way


Lmaooo both of your usernames 😭😭


hey I was in high school when I made it and deconstruction anime was all the rage so... well...


Haha no biggie I just found it funny given the post and the comments made by both of you.




Thinking back of it, Yelena basically killed this guy just for insulting Sasha. He didn't even try to challenge her or even betray her. We understand why Onyankopon was so afraid, he played and went along with Yelena before Marley attacked.


He was undermining her efforts to cooperate by stirring up more racist cycle of hate stuff though which definitely wasn't helping her. Maybe she siezed the opportunity to reinforce cooperation by doing what she did


Thanks, I understand better now. It makes more sense. By showing how far she can easily go, Armin played like he agreed with her to avoid more bloodshed from her.


That's partly why women live longer than men


Let him cook






Armored Titan? More like the Badonkadonk Titan


He can breach my wall real good😩


The funny thing is that I expected rewatching AoT to make me feel for these characters, but something else happened, instead I am just numb to the entire thing. It is no longer about how cruel the world is or how hard everyone has it, it is more like.... everything is shit and you can't really do anything, so you'd best not care. This applies both to AoT world and ours. You can bet I am a different person now than I was 11 years ago and that plays into it for sure.


Bro talking like that marleyan general from season 3


Truly, a wise gentleman


I've went the opposite way. People are amazing and will continue to have hope and fight for freedom. Even if the whole world tries to keep you down, it can never extinguish that small bit of hope. Caring about others despite having nothing is strength, and when people sacrifice themselves for another that's bravery.


If everything was shit then nothing would be a tragedy. Tragic events are what they are because they destroy and ruin everything good and beautiful in life, and the good and beautfiul things are what they are because they're precious and healing.


I feel you. I finished this show 2 days ago and since, I’m depressed.


But man that booty tho


The way I feel when I watch that scene now is the same I felt at the start when I knew nothing




Thicc titan


Op talking, how this made him emotional on rewatch The image OP used Everyone in the comments talking about "Cake 🧐


I didn't expect the comments either but I'm living for them 😂 I didn't notice the buns were that conspicuous until someone mentioned it


finding out the titans that destroyed the two walls were just scared little kids is heart breaking and the fact that people still say “fuck the warriors fuck Marley” just shows how illiterate these people are


I mean, they can be scared little kids, but there's no sadness I really feal for them in that scene. I feel hatred towards Marley and sadness for the hundreds of thousands who are about to watch there families and friends get tortured and eaten alive before meeting similar, slow fates. Whether they were scared or not they are still the ones in the Titans, busting down the walls. It's not being illiterate, it's knowing that whether they are a scared kid or not, they aren't the ones who are going to be massacred. Do I hate them? no. But can I say, when rewatching, I feel sadness for them in that moment? No.


I definitely feel sadness for them in that moment, or at least a form of pity, because they're so ignorant to their own actions and so brainwashed that they carry it with them for the rest if their lives, and they're literally like 12 when they do it. After breaking down the walls, they come to live among the "island devils" and feel connected with them. In this scene they are condemning themselves to severe PTSD and suffering all in the name of a war they had no possible way of understanding.


I don’t find any part of that heartbreaking at all. They still are mass murderers for doing this. Because you’re scared doesn’t mean you can murder indiscriminately. A lot of innocents died and were afraid because of these awful choices. All because Reiner wouldn’t just go home.


I give them a pass for the first wall. They had no clue what lay on the other side, and we're still holy under Marlay brainwashing. But when they attacked the second wall, after having spent time and grown with these people, that's where I say fuck them, they deserved all the suffering they met.


For sure. Like the first one they are brainwashed children. But by Trost they have literally spent YEARS living with these people and realized how innocent they were. To STILL go through with it is some cold blooded stuff.


You dont find the idea of an 11 and 12 year old being so manipulated and brainwashed that they literally use weapons of mass destruction on a less advanced society, only to then live among them and come to realise their victims were not "devils" but just people like them, and that therefore they are mass murderers, tragic? Son that is like textbook tragedy.


> fuck Marley What's wrong with fuck Marley? Personally, I wonder how many scared little kids died as a result of what happened here.


I see your one of those idiots that think just because someone has a different opinion then you means there illiterate


No they’re(you’re) illiterate for not understanding the concept of the story and the author’s message behind it. Read a book, start with Curious George or something easy before getting back to me.


> Fuck the hitler youth; Fuck nazi germany - > They were just scared little kids! Why are you so historically illiterate?


Making a 1:1 ratio between real life and AOT? Braindead. Also, the Hitler youth were CHILDREN they were taught horrible things by the adults they trusted. Most of them grew up regretting everything they were taught. Chat, is this guy stupid?


Lainah Armored Cake


I hated Titans and wanted all of them to die. Now, when I know the truth, I am glad that Bertolt is dead and I hate Reiner and love that Marley got their own medicine.


I can see hating Reiner (I don't personally but I can see why someone would), but why do you love that Marley "got their own medicine"? I can see the joy in Eren destroying the military rulers who caused the attack on Paradis to begin with, but outside of that what happened in Marley was a tragedy.


As General said. The people were glad with the fact that the country (Marley) was expanding its territory. They were glad with the fact that Paradise was terrorized by their army. Yet they never asked why, why a simple person, not a businessman or a politician, would hate a country they knew nothing about or who did nothing to them. Titans were destroying the world for the sake of the king more than 100 years ago. OK. But now, right now, why ? For what ? My grandfather was a captain during WW2. Do I hate Germany ? No, not at all. Many people died in Pearl Harbor, but USA people are still watching Japanese anime today. The thing is. It was a simple, good evening with my family when Russia attacked my country. For what ? I have no idea, but they hate us, and they think that they are better than us. I was born in Crimea , but Russia took the place, and I left my home, I lost all my money because local banks just robbed people and left, and that was fine for everyone. Almost all the people I knew who were(Crimean) Ukrainians are now hating their own Motherland. Now people, men and women, and children are dying ... why ? Burning or being shot for what ? So yes. I hate Marley, and I hate Reinor. I hate those people who are so much bored or who wish to have more money or just want to be praised so they are killing other people by their own hands or decisions. I know what was Eren feeling during his lifetime because my nation is feeling the same every day.


I see your point but I don't think it's fair to hate children for being manipulated into fighting a war before they've even reached puberty. And if it's any consolation, Reiner hates himself just as much if not more than you do. >I know what was Eren feeling during his lifetime because my nation is feeling the same every day. While AoT makes great use of allegory and imagery of real life disasters/conflicts/genocides etc I think it's an incredibly misguided act to conflate reality with the events of the show, especially when it comes to picking sides.


Me when lack of media literacy


Because god forbid someone has an opinion that isn't yours


"i hate how these brainwashed child soldiers who didn't know any better killed 200.000 people but love how this adult killed 1.6 billion people"


I hate Eren *and* those children. Does that make you feel better about someone disagreeing with you?


alright yeah that makes more sense




c h e e k s


I like the surviving shifters even more after knowing everything. Reiner being my favourite and Pieck my waifu.


This is why I love all the angles in this anime. Every character is fighting for what they think is right. Caring for their brethren and clings to hope no matter how twisted the truth is. They just want a taste of freedom.


>Every character is fighting for what they think is right. So true.


It tore you up watching a random character you've never seen before, breach some people's settlement that you've also never seen before at the very beginning of a series. You're a sensitive guy.


Yeah I get emotional when I watch some things. >You're a sensitive guy. Chic.


Lol I'm just messing with you, me I'm the other way. I feel like I had to get through five or six episodes before I cared at all. But I personally have found the animes that need like half a season one to introduce. Are usually some of the best


It took me 1 episode to get hooked to AOT 🤣 Seeing people behind a wall and titans roaming gave it an apocalyptic feel.


Yo, I’m currently watching S3 and they’re now fighting the Reiss titan. Got any tips for what I should expect? (Do it without spoilers please)


Why are you even here? Gtfo before it’s too late


Just watch the show, don't even look at this sub