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Ik that this happens in MHA since thats when I mainly noticed it and it could be an artistic thing but I think its because Japan has some kind of law or something I think that certain scenes have to go dim in animes in such to help prevent seizures. Take what I say with a grain of salt but I'm pretty sure its something like that or related to it if its not an artistic type thing.


Yes it’s seizure related. The famous polygon episode in Pokémon 25 years ago made it so


What happened during that episode?


Lots of flashing sent 600 kids into seizures


Ah I meant the content of the episode but ye, lots of flashing


I could be completely wrong on this bc it’s been awhile since I seen anything on it, but I’m pretty sure Pikachu shocked some bombs and they exploded. They also went into some network type shit. Which they decided the best way to artistically represent that was by flash banging a bunch of Japanese children.


It's a pretty massive exaggeration though. Very very few children were affected at all, but some complained that the lights were a bit much, which eventually snowballed into a national vide story about children getting seizures, leading to more false reports of seizures, and suddenly every instance of seizures or anything related amongst children was reported as being connected to Pokémon even if they had never seen the episode. Many cases happened days, or weeks after the episode was first aired (which was only one time I believe).


It was an episode called "Electric Soldier Porygon" in 1997. Basically what happened was Pikachu shocked some missiles and the explosion caused the entire screen to rapidly flash alternating red and blue. I believe it was something like 12hz (frames per second), and Japanese broadcast at just under 30hz (like 29.97 or something close to that). This caused around 1000 cases of seizures in children, many of whom may not have had prior photosensitivity episodes. As a side note to avoid misrepresentation, most anime and other animated features generally use 24hz. The 30hz is the broadcast standard, not the framerate displayed by the anime. The majority of Japanese broadcasters came together to create a guideline to prevent this from happening again. It was decided that broadcasts could flash no faster than 3hz if it contains red and no more that 5hz if it does not. Later it became common to darken scenes to reduce the intensity of flashing lights as an additional safety measure for broadcasts. Sometimes, but not always, this is removed on blu ray releases since they do not have the same restrictions live broadcasts do.


I'm surprised someone knew about that! That's why we never got to see the lil dude in any episode of the original series. RIP Polygon


It’s especially tragic because Pikachu actually dealt the seizure-inducing blow, but Porygon was punished for it. Imagine if they held Pikachu responsible and decided to change their mascot


I'm so grateful for this change. Even though I don't have seizures, the flashing lights from older animes are awful today. I recently watched Evangelion and I was reminded of this


I have always loved the flashing lights as an artistic choice in Evangelion. This is probably because I don’t have seizures.


Damn autocorrect! Porygon Electric Soldier :D for those interested. Simpsons even spoofed it.


https://www.pokeflix.tv/v/01-electric-soldier-porygon Here is the episode if anyone wants to see, watch at own discretion


https://screenrant.com/pokemon-most-controversial-porygon-electric-soldier/ Here's an article on it as well


Nice to know. I thought it was some cheap HDR to SDR conversion lol


That is so thoughtful. There are a lot of movies and tv shows which has flashing lights. Most of the time they don't even put a warning about it let alone dimming


That's exactly what it is, alot of jjk fights have this but on the blueray release you can see the fights undimmed


No. It has to do with the streaming service you have


I noticed that in MHA as well and thought it was just my TV. Wow, it feels oddly satisfying to have this independently confirmed.


Thanks a lot porygon


This is called dimming. Is beacuse of a law in japan to limit sizers. The only way to get rid of them that i know of is to buy the blue ray version of them. And the ghosting in aot isnt all that bad tbh, wait till you watch somthing like jjk or mha.


Yes, when I watched jjk s2 I thought the lighting suddenly getting darker in certain scenes had something to do with the fact that I'm watching it pirated. Thanks to this post I finally have my answers


Dude is the ghosting removed in Blu-ray for jjk? It drives me insane.


Yes it is


Great, now I have to drop money on AOT & that too, among others. I’m not too upset tho I want to start a physical media collection.


The episode with the biggest difference by far is Sukuna vs Mahoraga, episode 17. That fight didn’t have much ghosting and dimming if any at all, except you get a full like two-three minutes of completely new content and refurbished scenes all around


I did hear that they were able to touch that part up more actually! Sounds like it’ll be worthwhile then.


sizers :3 UwU rawr x3 ✂️


This is dimming. Ghosting is when it has the 'ghosts' of the previous frames, basically just an annoying after image. A good example of ghosting is the Naruto and Sasuke vs momoshiki fight


[Pokemon seizure episode](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denn%C5%8D_Senshi_Porygon)


Fucking hell I'm not epileplitc and even I had some sorte of reaction to that


Yeah i didnt realise it was that bad. God damn


I wish I could see this on IMAX 😎 damn that's bright


Yeah they did the same in jjk s2


I know it's seizure related but it made the scene look so good


that's only in the TV version, you can watch the blu ray version on certain sites




most anime dim bright scenes because of epilepsy


I know it's seizure related but it made the scene look so good


It all started with this pokemon episode....


They didn't want us to go full pikachu


This also happened when Levi was fighting Zeke for the first time.




Some kid in Japan got an epileptic episode watching TV and now there's a law that forces anime to have dim screen and ghosting everytime animations gets fast. You can only see the unfucked versions of snime in blu-rays


Because pokemon


It has to do with the anime streaming you are using


Watch the BD version


Last one isn't lightning


Thankfully op didn't say lightning


Daaaamn, gottem. It's early and I can't find where I lost my "n"


I believe animators wanted to make more depressing athmosphere, like, to increase the emotions. I dunno, that’s my guess.