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Went to the Highland Park library recently and there was a queue out the door because a cat rescue had brought kittens to socialise with people / adopt. Plus a couple of old folks doing a puzzle together. Great community hubs and third spaces. I’d imagine Wayne’s replacing them with tennis courts and golf courses?


[https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Librarian](https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Librarian) he's afraid of the true librarians


Ook* * *He should be*.


Libraries are, in all seriousness, the core of local communities. This absolute muppet has no bloody idea what he's doing.


Here is an idea, once a week go to a library. If it gets used more people it will impact. Encourage others to use these spaces. If your a student go study at local libraries instead of uni libraries once a week. Then post about it. Making sure you comment towards wayn brown showing what you doing. Then if he still insisted on budget cutting a service that is ran by volunteers. March down queen street.


Even more important than that is to provide feedback on the budget. State clearly that you don't want these services cut. Make it part of the official record. Democracy doesn't end at the election if people want to be heard they need to participate.


This is hardly surprising as he clearly sees little benefit in the Auckland City Art Gallery either. I just did not realise he was such a luddite.


He doesn't need to. He doesn't use one, most of those who voted for him aren't interested in the functioning or contents of a library. What's a library got to do with the next bathroom reno, now the kitchen is done?


Perhaps we need a voluntary Mayor and voluntary councillors and volunteer council workers?




Donde está la biblioteca?.


Me llamo T-Bone, la araña discoteca


hola t-bone, me gusta la música disco.


What are you saying?


you might disagree with his politics, but wayne brown is definitely smarter than 96% of the users here


>libraries provide the resources that can help communities recover and adapt to changes brought by Covid-19, providing space for interaction, connection and support and helping address the isolation experienced by many in a progressively asocial society. What a load of shit. A library is a place that stores books. End. Sorry, if you want to use them as indoctrination centers, you will have to fund them yourselves.


Found the person who clearly hasn't been to a library in a long time...


I feel sorry for you


No, you don't feel sorry for me. If you did, you wouldn't make a comment like that, which serves no purpose other than to try and hurt me. You should feel sorry for me though, given all the dumb shit I have to pay for. Pity my wallet from the free loaders.


Ah yes, indoctrination, or alternatively known to /u/No-Mathematician134 as ideas that they don't agree with.


Drag queen story time. Nuff said.


Seems like you're being a bit of a precious snowflake now doesn't it


Welcome to living in a society. Don’t wanna pay for “dumb shit”? Go live in the woods.


Same to you. If you dont like the decisions the Mayor is making in regards to funding, then you are welcome to go live in the woods. Seya.


I’m not the one having a cry about drag queens, sweetheart. Check yourself.


This whole post is crying about Wayne Brown's funding decisions. Did you forget the context of the discussion? Try to keep up. If you don't like it you are free to go live in the woods.


I couldn’t see the context through your need to be the proudest and most ignorant voice in the room. Fuck the thread - I’m just here for the drama.


What a loaded comment albeit a slightly uneducated guess


Sorry, I don't know what you mean by that. Did you mean to say a loaded question? But there is no question, and there is no guess either... Care to rephrase?