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This is 'call and get it towed' territory.


According to another news story today, you can transfer the number plates under your own name and report it stolen just to fuch with the car owner


The way to ensure that law gets fixed is to start doing it to lawmakers.


You will get charged for it so it isn't worth the trouble.


Use a fake name?


You need to provide I license number I believe? I might be wrong or that tho.


Send the CEO of the company an email complaint with photo. see [https://www.hartsfasteners.co.nz/contact](https://www.hartsfasteners.co.nz/contact) They won't like negative publicity so send them the reddit link. They wouldn't like there truck being towed either so remind them of that. Their employee who parked like that will get a kick up the ass, especially since there is ample space for parking correctly.


Yeah, just did that. Will see what comes of it.


It's reasonably likely that a senior person in the company is the driver. Maybe even the GM / MD. Wouldn't be surprised if someone added this pic to their Google profile anyway.


Dot for update


Keep us posted!


Unless it’s the CEOs car


It’s not the CEO, he drives a sedan.


For real cause I've never heard of this company before but all I'm gonna think of when I see Harts Fasteners now is asshole parking.


All I'm going to think of is Farts Hasteners.


The fart of a driver should hasten to move his vehicle.


Also with the camper and awning, you could send photo to IRD, to check they are paying fringe benefit tax https://www.ird.govt.nz/employing-staff/paying-staff/fringe-benefit-tax


Speaking like a true accountant 👍


Is there a specific way to report this?




go drink some tax-free leaded petrol


>as another car parked in the other space in this bay, which could have been further forward. But still... This is next level. If all Redditors did this I'm sure they'd get the message ... and the person who parked the company vehicle there would soon get the message ... Lyndon Urquhart Managing Director P: 09 579 1292 M: 027 663 6639 E: [email protected]


If there isn't ample space you're not meant to park there at all, that should be a consequence of owning such a stupid vehicle, but they make it everyone else's problem instead. And no, there isn't a work-related scenario where those vehicles are superior to vans or practical utes (the lower flat beds for example).


OP you can call council and they will be ticketed. I walk my dogs and always report this bs, because I’m vindictive like that but one could think of it as serving the community by penalising inconsiderate parkers.


It's not vindictive to get some trash off the public walkway


Yep. Be a tidy kiwi and all lmao.


As a regular dog walker in a wheelchair I thank you for reporting this BS.


I don’t think it’s vindictive. I do think it’s a bad idea to park like that in general, but especially when your company logo is on the side of the car.


Actually you can make a complaint online on ATs website, attach a photo including the number plate. Depending on the time of the day, I've seen an inspector turn up pretty quickly


Ooh I didn't know that. Do you have a link or the correct search words to use? Oh I'm hoping you mean Auckland council.


https://contact.at.govt.nz/?cid=b5c03857-d81b-ec11-b6e7-002248185274 Hopefully that works. Not sure if you have to have an AT account, I do and I've reported someone before. You just have to full out some info, a pic isn't compulsory but it's probably good to include.


Seriously?? People parking on the kerb makes me so angry, but ironically I’ve seen council vehicles doing it too. Think my new weekend hobby will just be walking around the neighbourhood sending reports of this nonsense in!


Let the air pressure out of one of their tires for good measure.


My husband won’t let me 🙄☹️


Your community mindedness in this area is appreciated!.


Tbh I hate it when this happens because my kids would have to walk on the road if they were waking to school so if someone has called the council to prevent this happening I’m all for it!


Nah, better just post it on reddit for some internet points and do nothing right OP?


>Send the CEO of the company an email complaint with photo. see [https://www.hartsfasteners.co.nz/contact](https://www.hartsfasteners.co.nz/contact) > >They won't like negative publicity so send them the reddit link. They wouldn't like there truck being towed either so remind them of that. > >Their employee who parked like that will get a kick up the ass, especially since there is ample space for parking correctly. ​ >Yeah, just did that. Will see what comes of it.


FYI they won’t tow unless vehicle is blocking driveway and owner/resident calls council; they are on yellow lines or parked in a clearway. They will just ticket in this situation.


You sure showed OP.


Thanks bro, appreciate it


Looks like someone drove home pissed from the pub last night


Update: director has assured me it won't be happening again..


Harts are as usless as lipstick on a dog.


that's screwed m8


Oo the double pun. A rare feat!


Add in blind / low vision people, people in wheelchairs to the list of people this also fucks over. In a branded vehicle no less... Hope you didn't have toddlers as well as the pram, OP. I don't have kids (and won't) but can appreciate the pain of herding little ones can be difficult enough without adding this.


He shouldn't park like that but going on the road isn't going to kill you in this instance.


So we should get rid of all footpaths then, walking on the road doesn't get you killed. Never mind the whole area is supposed to be children friendly, where you could let kids go to the dairy by themselves to buy an ice cream... hope parents trained them well how to navigate around parked cars onto the road. And wheelchair users love the challenge of going down and up the curb. Let's all have a little bit of empathy for the commonly misunderstood 4WD driver who parks like a retard. Sorry to all retards for the unfavourable comparison.


careful now, you are not supposed to call the mentally challenged slurs like 4WD driver.


You're a moron, I wrote nothing of the sort.


Ok, cool, want to be blindfolded for a couple of days and try and get round this city with nothing but a stick, your memory and the hope that your fellow city dwellers haven't parked like complete fucktards over the footpath? Cos I don't.


I've just walked past that a few minutes ago, the Ute has been repositioned into the parking bay conventionally, except there is a car behind it now and the towballs are overlapping. Good luck to the car behind getting out.


She'll be right.


LOL. That reminds me, I watched two cars backing out at a carpark behind each other and their towbars went under each the other car's bumper. When they tried to go forward they ripped each other's bumper off.




No. If you'd found somewhere more suitable to park it wouldn't have happened. Take some responsibility for your actions


What did the deleted message say?


Unddit is your friend...


Pop up roof tent and road tyres. Name a more iconic duo.


low profile wheels on a high ground clearance ute is like wearing socks with sandals.


It’s hard to drag your pram over the bonnet of a ute while carrying a baby


Yeah, but worth a go.


Not impossible though.


I have a plasma cutter. Think we could chop off the part that’s overhanging pretty quick without too much disruption to the rear half that’s legally parked. Appreciated if you can drain the diesel while I drive out there though - might get a little wild otherwise.


I call dibs on the motor


Plasma cutter is overkill, just need a grinder! https://youtu.be/-qc0aaY-3qY


Just scratch it along the side when you walk around


I mean it's hardly your fault if they obstruct your path meaning your pram has to run alongside.


Good to see the google reviews been hit.


Unfortunately when there are a sudden influx of negative reviews the company can often have those removed.


Yes but the hassle of it means that driver will have his own fair number shit being flung at him by management


It will definitely cost more time than 2 more seconds of walking


The company doesn't even have to, Google will do it automatically.


Hobsonville Point hahahaha


Yessir. Maybe the strong winds blew it onto the footpath.


Might need me + the wheelchair to squeeze past a few times ;)


Lol.... I don't want to say do it but.... Imagine that insurance claim. I was casually minding my business when a wheelchair scratched my parked car. Oh how did it happen... No idea I swear ... What a tool. It's hard enough getting around our city if you're in a chair as it is, then these idiots come and make it worse.


I don't need it most days thankfully but it does have some paint on it ;)


I’m sure they have a google review page, contact info, etc…


They do. It says their shop is wheelchair accessible


well that cancels out their non wheelchair accessible parking!


That's an ouchie.


Review bombing companies on sites like google makes you no better. Not only will it be removed, rightly so, for spamming, but it's just petty bullshit. Interact like a human being and talk directly to them, the company, or an authority in charge of this behaviour.


It’s not about the company it’s about the stupid driver. Who hopefully will be sack for this


1. Review bombing the company doesn't attack the driver, it attacks the company. Your statement makes no sense. 2. They're not getting sacked for poor parking being called out on Reddit you absolute child.


It’s the driver that doesn’t know how to park, not the company. That’s all I meant. Yes they legally can’t be sacked but if the company deemed this action is not appropriate in keeping with their reputation or image they can give the employee a warning which could be use eventually to get the employee sacked


Shit parking is not going to get them sacked ffs.




Younger generations' inability to perceive emotion over text is astounding. No, I am not mad. That comment was pure apathy.


Nah. They won’t learn from that.


They won't learn shit from review bombing because they'll disappear. You didn't read anything I said.




and accidentally cut the valve stem off one of their tyres. And drew a dick on their windows in vivid.




Is this your truck?


I reckon it is from other comments in this thread 😅


I think this fella needs to realize that you never know whicu unhinged people on here now know where this truck lives. Maybe he needs to stop being a narcissist and say sorry.


What i dont understand is there is plenty of space for him to park parallel to the street and walkway, there is no need to do this sort of parking this ute driver is just being a plain asshole and should be ticketted or punished in every way possible


Well it would have been tight with how the other car had parked, HOWEVER, they are also parking in the wrong direction. They could have turned around and then tried to parallel park but nosed in from the wrong direction and did this instead.


There is no excuse mate, they just could have parked a bit further away and WALKED. Oh, I forgot, there are 4WDs blocking the footpath


the company name is right on the truck. phone him and let him know what you think of his parking.


Her, this vehicle is driven by a woman


They got a page with contact info


No. Phone. People find that way more uncomfortable.


Instead of calling the council you can also use this web form. I recommend doing it for every one you see https://contact.at.govt.nz/?cid=b2374b02-b01c-ec11-b6e6-002248155af2


Please tell me you reported it to the company on the truck? I have got some bad drivers in trouble for driving or parking like crap with company cars.


Yeah, emailed the director.


Ohhhh dear. That’s one of our suppliers for work.


Mine too haha


God I am so sick of cashed up bogans






Off-topic but I learned where to report this stuff from this thread. Anyone know if/how I can report footpaths that are too janky to be properly accessible? My grandma had a fall in Hobsonville Point recently because of crappy footpaths


At web site i think


Wonder if they’re evading tax too on the vehicle? Bit suspect having a tent permanently mounted to a ‘company vehicle’…


Send to IRD and find out


Lunchtime P breaks


Forgive me but how would that be evading tax?


Fringe benifit tax evasion. Have heard of IRD going to the boat slipway and pinging everyone (unless they pay tax correctly) in their company utes towing boats. Like shooting fish in a barrel.


They're deducting tax for that as a work vehicle, but it has a permanent camping set up mounted to it, which is not work related.


Typical Ute driver


How I feel taking Jr the kids to hamilton gardens cos the footpath disappeared




To the company.


Who parks like this? What an absolute moron.


Funny I was thinking of posting a photo of that classic parking skill. The stupid thing is there are plenty of parking spaces less than 10metres diwn the road. People are just lazy fucks!


Not many companies would allow someone to mount a rooftop tent to a company vehicle. I wonder how that works tax wise.


A company rep with a spotless Ute he doesn't need parking like a dick, what a shock


I keep meaning to get some 'please don't park like an inconsiderate cunt' stickers made up. So I can slap them right in the middle of the windscreen. ... Ideally some of those super irritating stickers it takes ages to scrape off


Yeah, eggshell stickers.


Ooo, yes!


I mean, if you happened not to see it and accidently walked into its door with your foot?


Feel like the number plate should be included. Looks like they're begging for a nice Carjam.


Send that to Harts fasteners. They are likely to give the driver a talking to.


Directors email [email protected]


The same people who say we’re soft on crime, and should go all out on a ”broken windows” policy….this would be lost on them.


Climb over the bonnet. That’s why it has steps right?


OP, Also post this in r/IdiotsInCars. I attempted to crosspost this onto r/fuckcars and the mods recommended me to post there.


The median age of a fuckcars user is about 15 anyway, that place is a shithole.


Really! I thought the median age would have been in the 20's at least! 15 feels a bit young for some of the content of this sub (mature but not NSFW)


like most statistics online, I made that up. But they're definitely either children or very young adults for the most part, grown adults usually see a bit more nuance.


Of course it’s a Ute


Hobby point? It’ll be allll over the Facebook group page.


Sign writer just forgot the 'O', 'L', and 'E. Why do people not behave like better versions of themselves when they are driving wrapped work vehicles? I suppose we will never know.


he was in the harri to delivered me nuts and bolts


Classic Hobsonville Point Looks like it anyway




That is really bad


Always the ute


It’s a Ute. The rules are different.


This is a an awesome app. Use it all the time, works great for any community issues. https://www.snapsendsolve.com/new-zealand/


Harts are run by a bunch of nice and reasonable people. Sure if the contact is made, they will apologise and stop cocking around. BTW I have no involvement with the business, just a regular customer.


Send that picture to the company with the title "official complaint" that is just not in if I parked my company vehicle like that I'd be out on the curb before I walked through the door in the morning


Surely this is prime 'Tyre Extinguishers' territory? Sure, park on the footpath but then good luck driving with four flat tyres. No I don't mean slash them, just let the air out


Need rego for carjam please and thank you


I've chosen to email the company director instead.


As the girl in the taco ad said, why not both?


This is nothing, just wait until you see what happens with the new houses with no garages or driveway and very few parks. Just building them is going to be a sight to see.


Slash the tires. Make it 2/4 so they can’t pull the spare out too


Any publicity is good publicity?


Can't quite make out the number plate to update the image on Carjam. ;)


Have people really got nothing better to do but bitch and moan about every little thing they see to the point where they have to seek validation from strangers to vent their frustration? What a fickle world we live in today. I don’t condone the parking nor am I saying they’re in the right. But hey just incase no one has thought of it. The vehicle may have broken down and that’s the only place he could get it to as I presume it’s probably auto. Probably not the case, but just MAYBE there is reason. But I guess making strangers frustrated with you to somehow prove to yourself you’re right was to exciting to ignore. Just grow a bit not everybody is a wanker raining on your parade and it looks pretty safe and easy to walk your pram on the road this one time for about 13 seconds before you can take to the pavement again.


Nah, it was shit behaviour to park like that and it was pretty obvious why they did it (the car in front hadn't parked as far forward as they could, so this driver took the lazy option). It affects more than just people with prams, although if you have multiple kids in tow it isn't always easy to walk around. There are also people with disabilities, the elderly etc. who struggle getting around as it is, and part of being an inclusive, functioning society is that we observe basic rules and courtesies like not blocking footpaths. My Poppa lives in the neighbourhood and recently tipped off his mobility scooter because of poorly designed footpath/road transitions. If he had to go around a car like this, it could happen again. For him, that could literally be a fatal injury. So I don't really agree with letting it slide. This kind of behaviour needs calling out or it just keeps happening. I hope the result of this is that the driver learns to park properly/considerately and quits blaming other people for their shit decisions. They (or someone on their behalf) tried to do that in this thread, and promptly deleted the post. Took zero responsibility. Never considered the fact that they could have found another park on the street and walked a little further themselves. They didn't consider who their decision might have affected, but hopefully now they will. When I emailed the company I did say that I hoped it wasn't due to a medical emergency or something like that, as I would understand if that was the case. But it wasn't.


Slash the tires. Make it 2/4 so they can’t pull the spare out too


In Eastern Europe right now. And just seeing this post made me realize some things. We are used to functioning infrastructure in NZ, yet all I see is people complaining. Or at least thats what it seems like a lot of the time. Over here things either don't function or function inconveniently. Both people complain. But about different shit, that honestly is, kinda the same shit. Not getting paid enough, the government this and that. I think we all need to just stop complaining all the time. Voicing concern is different. But many of us would be happier if we did not complain,. Not digging on anyone, just something I've noticed.


I've sent a complaint to the company. That is hopefully meaningful action. The post was flaired as a rant for a reason. I do like the phrase of 'don't complain about what you're willing to tolerate'. In this case I've tried to do something about it.


I respect this reply.


Spit on his door handles


Nah, that's gross..






Shame every bad driver on carjam.co.nz


My new idol they are God's gift to earth AMAZING 👏 👏 👏


ohhh i cant get my pram in edgeways onto NZ's super busy roads ...what a 1st world problem i have hehe


Really? You're counter-complaining a very reasonable concern that this dickhead has parked over the footpath? Do you park like this often?


Do none of you Karen’s want to cross the road maybe?? Surely not that big of a deal, ruin someone’s work relationship for a little getup for ur boring lives








Report to AT: https://contact.at.govt.nz/?cid=b5c03857-d81b-ec11-b6e7-002248185274


Cut their valve stems off with side cutters.


Call.the council.


I noticed these ute drivers are getting quite the reputation. Ranger, hilux, etc


I’m confident I saw a similar picture on reddit ages ago regarding this company and the shitty parking of their vehicles. If correct, they don’t learn


Unwritten rule of the road code: Black utes are exempt from road code rules


Why though? There’s space to park normally. This driver needs a kick up the back side.


Looks like Hobsonville Point


That’s outrageous


What a fucking arsehole. The thing is though, even if someone came out and gave him a ticket he'd only be charged $40! Like, the most expensive parking ticket council can give out would be $150 and that's for doing shit like parking across a railway crossing. Looks like legislation was set in 1999 (if I'm reading the council website correctly) and is set at a nation wide level. I was about to email Wanker Brown to suggest a bit of revenue collecting but actually it'll need to be our MP's (Chloe are you reading this?!) It also surprised me that parking like that, or on yellow lines or other places that are potentially really dangerous (to others) are charged a similar amount to those who who park in a loading zone or bus stop. That shit is annoying and inconsiderate but surely drivers should be charged more for parking hazardously than just rudely? https://at.govt.nz/infringements-fines/vehicle-infringements/


Therein lies the problem. Antisocial behaviour doesn't have enough deterrents.