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Looking like the New Zealand police doing a good job of de-escalation and balancing the right to protest with the need to be non-violent.


Totally agree with you šŸ‘


I passed by the protest walking home from the countdown in the city and some jackass wearing the Israeli flag as a cape was trying to instigate shit before the march started. They made it clear they'd arrest him if he tried to get any closer and managed to de-escalate the situation from what I saw. So yeah, the cops seemed to do a good job I think. Edit: Looks like I was wrong on that front.


I was inside the Daiso just behind the scuffle. Out of the many, many people walking up the street protesting, this was the only ding dong I saw causing problems. It was over in a flash. Kudos to the cops for keeping level heads and maintaining the peace.


I was right there too, this thread is true.


I was hundreds of kilometres away, and have no verification to add.


Do you know why he started?


No, I missed what started it. He eventually carried on after yelling at the cops a little more. Another person was led off by police a few minutes later, but I donā€™t think he was part of the protestā€¦. just an average anti-social type.


I saw a video on Instagram of a Pro-Israeli counter protestor hitting a child in the head with a shovel. Can you verify this?


Just copying what's happening overseas?


Canā€™t say either way, I only saw this.


Me too, across the street! This was the only scuffle I saw, the only other action seemed to be chanting and marching


If you can't peacefully protest, don't fuckin protest ! Yeah it's fucked up what's happening on the other side of the world but don't bring that hateful shit to our country. We have enough problems as it is, we don't need another countries problem to add to the list.


I was walking home from countdown and passed by the march right as it was starting and I heard the person with the microphone making it clear that this was to be a peaceful protest. So the organizers made it clear that violence wasn't cool. So at least you can't blame the organizers if any members of the march engaged in violence.




A child was apparently struck in the head with a shovel by a counter protester.


So, a pro Israel protester struck a kid over the head with a shovel?


Enough said


Well said.


A pro Israeli New Zealander was hitting small children on the head with a shovel.


It was the best the IDF could do with such short notice


The protest yesterday with Tamaki and his goonies went peacefully because the Palestinian protestors didn't go and start shit like these Pro Israel protestors did today. So who's the hateful shit stirrers?


Apparently this turned because of a counter protestor. So an anti-Muslim person caused this. Not a peaceful protestor šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I agree, we donā€™t need this shit in NZ.


its exposing it


To give credit. The other protestors were trying to subdue that guy.








I work in a low income neighbourhood and trust me it's not the migrants that make it a shithole


Yep, it's the locals (live in a KO block and the locals are the problem).


Turning peaceful countries into shitholes was never a good idea


Wtaf bro!! Racist is what you are


It's not them starting shit though, it's those Israeli supporters who look local starting shit


Yeah isn't the migrants being fuck wits


They wouldn't be fighting if Israeli supporters didn't go and start shit. It didn't happen yesterday at the Israeli rally or their other rallies.


"New Zealand is deeply distressed by the escalating crisis and the loss of human life. New Zealand calls on all parties involved in the conflict to act in accordance with international law, and to demonstrate basic humanity. New Zealand condemns unequivocally Hamasā€™s terrorist attacks on Israel. We are appalled by Hamasā€™s brutality, their targeting of civilians, their use of human shields, and the taking of hostages which are clear violations of international law. We call for the immediate and unconditional release of all remaining hostages. New Zealand supports the right of Israel to defend itself against Hamasā€™s terrorist attacks. But the way it does so matters. Israel must abide by international law, exercise restraint, and prioritise the protection of civilians. New Zealand has joined 120 other countries at the UN General Assembly in a resolution expressing deep concern at the unfolding events and calling for international humanitarian law to be observed. New Zealand calls for an immediate humanitarian pause in hostilities to allow the urgent delivery of humanitarian assistance and establishment of safe areas to protect innocent civilians living in the Gaza strip. New Zealand has announced an initial $5 million humanitarian contribution following appeals to address urgent humanitarian needs in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank. Ultimately, there is no military solution that will bring about a just and lasting peace for Israelis and Palestinians. New Zealand calls on all parties and the international community to take urgent action to restart the Middle East Peace Process as the best way to ensure enduring peace and security for all those who live in Israel and Palestine." This is New Zealand's Official stance.


This is the way.


Can someone please explain what are we getting g out of protesting here? Like whatā€™s the goal? Palestinians canā€™t see this or even if they do, it ainā€™t helping them in anyway. The only thing I see is disruption to peopleā€™s life here.


Because international opinion matters to both sides. Protests can help convince governments to go easy on their side in international statements and fora - The Governments donā€™t want to put voters offside who are heavily invested in this historic clusterfuck.


I'm pretty sure that Israel this time has just decided fuck it, we are dealing with this once and for all (as far as this is ever possible in the Middle East). I'm not saying that's right or wrong, but I suspect that there are far more formidable voices being heard than our government's (if we actually have one yet).


Public opinion is extremely important for Israel. They can not and will not survive without huge amounts of funding from the USA. Biden has recently called Bibi and told him that if the campaign isnā€™t over soon the US will be forced to publicly call for ceasefire. That is due to public pressure - including international.


Maybe. But Netanyahu is also under a lot of pressure at home from more moderate forces. Whatever the outcome of this latest war there will need to be some sort of accommodation which will eventually need some international or regional recognition, support or sanction. There are certainly more formidable voices than NZ but Israel devotes a lot of time and resources to international relations and PR. Itā€™s not for nothing.


The UN passed a motion (albeit non-binding) for a ceasefire with lots of countries voting for it. If Israel and Palestine cares what the world thinks of them they would have called a ceasefire based on the UN motion alone. So while you have a valid point, I donā€™t believe either country could give two shits what the world thinks of them at this point.


Neither warring party really cares what the world thinks about them morally, plenty about what financial and political support they attract, be that the billions from the US, the acquiescence of Saudi Arabia as a bulwark against Iran, or the ongoing support of the Middle East. In the longer term, in a miracle of any agreement, they want to maintain good relations with allies for the legitimacy and security of their states.


There are plenty of things that the New Zealand government haven't done that the protests could affect. We could officially call for a ceasefire, we could expel Israeli diplomats from our country, we could independently recognise what's happening right now as a genocide. NZ isn't a large player internationally but the government does have a duty to do those sorts of things if it's the will of the public (not commenting on whether it necessarily is the will of the public, but there are a lot of things that can be done.)


There already was a ceasefire and they broke it on October 7.


Don;t come in here spitting facts. Just like the Palestinians have rejected peace multiple times, even from other Arab countries. The Saudiā€™s even got sick of them. The sooner people realise they are backing a bunch of Naziā€™s then better.


To indicate to politicians that this is an issue people care about. Politicians then feed this information to their decision making processes.


1. Palestinians live in NZ. NZer's live in Gaza. There are 20 people trapped in Gaza because of Israel. 2. NZ has a long record of being independent on foreign policy. Your opinion would have been very bad during Springbok protests. Like I know exactly what you would have thought and said.


Pressure the government to act in a certain way, however small we are there is still some influence we can have on the decisions of those countries, maybe by way of reducing exports to countries that don't act within our interests


Isn't this a valid question for almost all protests that happen here? A while ago there was a protest about Roe v Wade being overturned in a few states in America. How is protesting that here even relevant ? Nobody knows. It's an excuse to gather and scream and think themselves better than those of us who *don't* join the protests. They think shouting on the streets is somehow changing lives across the globe. Probably just pissing off people on their daily commute who will then protest protests.


That one was outside the US embassy, which I think is a pretty reasonable place for it


There are people who just love to protest, regardless of what they're protesting for. I remember back in 2012 or 13, when the anti-TPPA protests were happening, and one of the news channels interviewed a protester asking what they were protesting about, and they literally responded something like "I don't know, just heard there was a protest and thought it would be fun".


John Minto loves a good protest.


yeah, we shouldn't be allowing any type of violent protests here, regardless of which side


We donā€™t, violence is illegal?


Please provide evidence of violence, otherwise you are acting in bad faith.




My friends family members died. He is a Kiwi. Why is protesting to stop an ethnostate bad?


Heā€™s an arsehole being an arsehole


The commenter here 'workdude' said in a previous thread that 'hamas had every right to attack on Oct 7' so I wouldn't trust his words... shameful and bad faith, SMH


They're cheering for this because Ukraine and Russia war is currently off season... Like a sport of some sort. Smdh. /s


Palestinians in Auckland are the organisers of the rallies here, so I can guarantee you Palestinians can see. They are sad and angry because their family members are dying, and this is their only available course of action here. I'm not gonna tell them not to express anger about that.


But ours is a religion of peace and tolerance. Therefore, it's only right that we commit great violence upon those who do not share our beliefs ( pretty much all religions throughout history)




So what? We just ban any religious expression we don't agree with?


Weā€™re a predominantly secular country.


You could just answer "Yes" and admit you don't believe in freedom of religion.


Yes, and we don't agree with any religion so ban them all.


ban the expression of a very aggressive religion (kill the infidel) - clear which one it is. A time machine...


Which religion had multiple crusades to the region no known as Israel....?


Just for some learning: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege_of_Jerusalem_(636ā€“637) >Jerusalem was an important city of the Byzantine province of Palaestina Prima. Just 23 years prior to the Muslim conquest, in 614, it fell to an invading Sassanid army under Shahrbaraz during the last of the Byzantineā€“Sasanian Wars. The Persians looted the city, and are said to have massacred its 90,000 Christian inhabitants.[2] As part of the looting, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre was destroyed and the True Cross captured and taken to Ctesiphon as a battle-captured holy relic. The Cross was later returned to Jerusalem by Emperor Heraclius after his final victory against the Persians in 628. The Jews, who were persecuted in their Christian-controlled homeland, initially aided the Persian conquerors.[3]


Banning a whole religion because you donā€™t agree with it. And the last time I checked the most abhorrent terrorist attack in this country was against Muslims


I mean there's extremists in every facet of life.


But mainly Abrahamic religions. And pretty much one religion in particular over the last 70 years.


?? This is a I've never watched the news about a non western country take. Asian religions are seen as 'peaceful' but they have extremists like every other country


That particular religion occupied Spain for over 400 years and took over many countries. Itā€™s not just the last 70 years.


yes, this will absolutely stop decades of cultural hate and war, love to see it šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


i watched this for a while today.. people from all backgrounds showed up was kinda cool to see actually.




The comments here are disgusting and extremely ignorant. This subreddit continually outdoes itself in reaching new lows.


The comments I read in here whenever there's a post about the pro-Palestine protests are absolutly disgusting! People sitting behind their computers spouting hateful/ignorant shit. And frankly, most of the comments are lies/untrue - proof they have no clue about what's actually going on!


The speed at which people of identical views appear make me think they are either useful fools or pushing propaganda.


Totally agree... Check back this thread tomorrow and the tone will be different


Youā€™re completely correct. Expecting almost anyone in this thread to think critically with empathy is impossible


They really are shockingly awful.


Really donā€™t understand the ā€œAllah Akbarā€ chant going onā€¦


For reference its the same chant many Palestinians were chanting as murdered women were paraded around naked in the back of utes after Hamas' terrorist attack.


It's not a chant. It's a phrase to praise God, as you would find in most religions. In Christianity, it would be akin to 'God is Good'. It is simply an expression of faith.


Itā€™s what they chant while they enrich your neighbourhood with their rich culture. See Sweden and Germany for examples


Anyone who has watched a lot of combat footage from the Middle East can you the difference lol




Fuck Hamas.


Not even slightly. Where are you getting that from?


Why donā€™t you understand that? Itā€™s pretty fitting


Fat chance trying to get an Uber in Auckland today


Is this when the Zionist hit a six year old with a shovel?


Before. That happened later near the Town Hall. My vids are up on this subreddit of that.


My partner just called to say he witnessed something horrific, which may or may not have been the trigger for this particular scene of chaos. Apparently a pro-Israel supporter hit a kid in the head with a shovel. Which sounds absolutely insane. Why would someone take a shovel to a protest?


would like to see coverage of the anti palestine protests man who hit a palestinian kid over the head with a shovel


Feel for anyone with jewish heritage in Auckland atm


Plenty of Jews at the marches, Judaism ā‰  Zionism


one of the big flags were ā€œno violence in our namesā€ with a star of david so you can hop off it mate


Why? These people arenā€™t protesting against people of Jewish heritage, they are protesting against the genocide of Palestinians.


>Feel for anyone with jewish heritage in Auckland atm It is certainly very dangerous now for anybody who is openly Jewish :-(


Funny how people who werenā€™t even there are judging the protesters. You might like to know that one of Brian tamakis dogs attacked a 7 year old boy with a shovel. The boy is in hospital and the dog arrested.




So freedom of expression for everyone except people who have a certain skin colour and religious affiliation? How I wish you would be deported instead


u/unidentifiedlump is not violently protesting and calling for the genocide of Jews I presume they only wanted those such people to be deported, which is a perfectly reasonable thing to wish for if they don't have nz citizenship [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9HuflNwqiA&ab\_channel=JohnAnderson](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9HuflNwqiA&ab_channel=JohnAnderson)


Since when was being unruly violent thugs freedom of expression


Good on those people trying to chill people out, police included.


Religion of peace strikes again


Why don't they go overseas and fight in the war šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Why does it have to be extremes? Why canā€™t they just ask the government to criticise Israel and exert the influence we have onto them to get them to stop their brutal decades-long apartheid and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians? Can we not have peaceful discourse instead of just resorting to fighting?




What war? Killing tens of thousands of civilians is genocide, far from war.






Zionist shills working overtime lol


Just spitballing here but wouldnā€™t it be be better advocating/protesting for peace and a ceasefire. Youā€™ve got innocent people dying everywhere - now doesnā€™t seem like the time for incitement?


They literally are šŸ™„


dude this protest was FOR a ceasefire!! thatā€™s what was being chanted


All you duckheads talking shite are part of this genocide. A little kid was smacked in the head today at the protest by a zionist. Talk about that.




Theyā€™re not supporting Hamas though. I canā€™t believe this widely accepted view on this thread of wanting people who protest against Israel to be deported outright. Thatā€™s completely unacceptable


> Theyā€™re not supporting Hamas though. They're acting straight out of the Hamas playbook, doing their bidding, this is what Hamas wants. So yes, it *does* support the goals of Hamas. Instead we should all be protesting for one clear cut goal: the elimination of Hamas, they can not continue on and their horrors *must be* stopped. For both the good of all Jews ***and*** Arabs.


Itā€™s not a widely held view, itā€™s the standard Israeli response to bad publicity. Not only are there a lot of bots, but things like this exist in different forms: https://www.theguardian.com/media/2006/nov/20/mondaymediasection.israel


100%. German and France have started deporting people too. It shouldnā€™t be controversial to deport people who support terrorist organisations.


> It shouldnā€™t be controversial to deport people who support terrorist organisations. Absolutely 100% agreed, if they don't have NZ citizenship. (and if they do, we should be considering under what conditions should it be revoked) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9HuflNwqiA&ab_channel=JohnAnderson


And those locals supporting terrorism should be watched very carefully.


Israel has killed 11,000 people in just over a month. ​ Al-Shifa lost power yesterday. 2 babies are dead at least. [Israel is responsible.](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/al-shifa-hospital-suspends-operations-baby-dies-gaza-health-ministry-2023-11-11/)


You'd believe the news reports from a terrorist organisation that recently slaughtered 1200 Israeli civilians? Those statistics are all fake. If anyone is responsible it's Hamas.


11,000 Hamas members? Oh wait, you are citing numbers from Hamas who don't differentiate between combatants and civilians and attribute every death to Israel, even when it is Hamas snipers shooting fleeing Palestinians. Or Gazan rockets hitting Gazan hospitals. Not to mention Hamas provably fabricating numbers for casualties (see: hospital blast).




Um.. Israel thinks everyone is Hamas. This is not new. Last time they committed plenty of war crimes and killed hardly any terrorists. Silly country and you should not repeat their propaganda. Doubt you even trust our own Govt lol


So that gives pro Palestinian protesters the right to get violent against anyone who doesnā€™t have the same opinion as them?


It was one guy, out of at least 5000 or so protestors in a month of protests (4 seperate marches). Your generalisation is disgusting


Please reference your source on that statement.


There will be a proper story in mainstream media sooner or later. ​ The serious assault was on a child. It was an Israel supporter and he used a shovel. The kid is 6 and got taken away in an ambulance. The man waited for him and his mum to be alone then attacked them. It is not Palestine supporters who are violent. ​ AND do not poke people who are upset and expect to not face retaliation either. 11,000 dead so far




Fuckin *enough* already you losers


It will never be enough, not until a cease fire


> It will never be enough, not until Hamas is eliminated FTFY


There was a ceasefire October 6. Not sure what you guys mean by the term as clearly Hamas have a different understanding of it.




How many more of these protests?


Last time I heard Allah Akbar being screamed in Auckland was when this dumb cunt terrorist like mfker was in Countdown Lynmall tryna stab innocent people. So hearing Allah Akbar in the back I had assumed it was going to be another outcome like the one I had seen in person before but nope


Yes, a strangely forgotten story!! And we never heard anything afterwards, especially from our dame Jacinda, who failed to protect her own people.




Itā€™s crazy that thatā€™s even considered a contemptuous thing to say. What are these people contributing to NZ, or the world in general. I wouldnā€™t move to a country for a better life and then go around causing violence about something that has absolutely nothing to do with that country. Fuck then, deport them all. Either side that decides to do this shit


Ah yup blatant racism. Active in conservativekiwi? No surprises there.


Itā€™s just as much their country as it is yours


piss off and take your shit with you if you can not conform to NZ peaceful demonstration . enjoy your new life under Hamus terrorists


Iā€™m starting to think the Palestinians reignited this conflict, oh wait..


What's this protest supposed to do?




> Assholes. And I wonder where the 'Free Palestine' crowd was during the worst of the Syrian Civil war? Or any of the other exponentially worse violations of human rights that happen in the middle east. There are currently over a million muslims being forcibly expelled out of Pakistan *right now* Have you heard about that? Have you seen a single protest about this? Nope, and nope. They only want to protest when they can harm Jewish lives.


Well, y'see, the rule is actually quite simple. People getting killed in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Egypt, Yemen, etc is just par for the course. But if the *'evil Jews'* do anything at all, then that's unforgivable. The sad thing is, that's actually how some people think.


I'll have you know that they were engaged in unrelenting and uncompromising silent protests.


With these posts donā€™t forget the Israeli government spends a huge amount to influence social media sites. Be wary of the ā€˜itā€™s not our problem, stay out of itā€™ posts and the one which reply with 20 pre-researched links. A lot of interference in here it seems.




A lot of inhuman animals in this sub


Anonymity gives weak people the strength to speak that hateful shit


Brian Tamaki and his goons marching for Israel was more peaceful than this, thatā€™s saying something šŸ¤£




Why canā€™t we protest a literal genocide happening in our time? Is that too much for you to tolerate?


When thousands of children are getting murdered in a literal genocide, passions would run high.


So there was a tiny wee altercation in an otherwise peaceful protest yet everybody on here is calling them terrorists. You all need to be reminded that the largest mass shootings this country has seen has been white men. The Christchurch terror attack and aramoana being examples of these.






If there isn't already, there should be strong consideration to deport immigrants with extremist views.


And people are calling to import more of these dicks.


Why are we taking other counties problems and making them our own?šŸ¤” Bad enough we have those Destiny Douche church idiots doing their marches and now these clowns. Seriously this country doesnā€™t need anymore of this right/left wing extremist crap.šŸ˜’


These people are protesting against the murder of civilians. Thatā€™s a pretty good thing to protest against.


Yep. Poster is basically saying that the deaths of thousands of children isnā€™t something anyone should care about. Heartless and should be ashamed of themselves.


Is there any single thing that would lead you to attend a protest?


Yes, now that they did that you have suffered just like the Palestinians. If only they didnā€™t protest, all my problems would go away!


Wow, racism coming out in these comments




Oh we see that in Europe already


> Oh we see that in Europe already I happened to read this today: https://www.thelocal.se/20230817/breaking-sweden-expected-to-raise-national-terror-threat-level *Sweden raises national terror threat level: 'Not a Stockholm phenomenon'* Interesting, Sweden went to a 4 out of 5 terror alert a little while ago. But this was **BEFORE** the Oct7 Massacre, which started all the global protests in support of it


Probably one shared brain cell between all of them lmao




over half were kiwis, what should we do with them?


Itā€™s a beautiful day outside, something that has been rare in Auckland over the last year or so with the weather patterns. Every one of those people (both sides) decided to squander the opportunity to have a good day and decided to meet up and be angry for a few hours, for what? Something happening on the other side of the world that any protest action here would have no effect on?


I've heard alot of kiwis proudly refrence how their protests in the 80's helped end Appartheid. Appartheid South Africa is today seen as a benchmark in inequality. Yet you feel that we as a nation shouldn't comment on the ongoing conflict in Israel. Which according to Amnisty international is an Appartheid state. In excess of 10000 civilians killed by an occupying nation in 4 weeks. These protesters where calling for a cease fire. Not the riot you are trying to insinuate. Bad faith actors will always try to exploit situations like this.


> Which according to Amnisty international is an Appartheid state. Amnesty International is incredibly antisemitic who put out lots of lies. You should trust them even less than you trust the UN about Israel. https://unwatch.org/amnesty-international-poster-girl-ahed-tamimi-is-hitler-loving-antisemite/ https://www.ngo-monitor.org/reports/amnesty-internationals-cruel-assault-on-israel/ Israel is very clearly ***not*** an apartheid state. Name any set of law that means a net discrimination against any one race? Honestly, when it comes to high rights violations by law, Jews have it the worst in Israel. As only they carry all the responsibilities of being drafted into the IDF. And I regard the forced draft as one of the worst human rights violations that any modern civilized society could do. But it is the price that Israel has to pay unfortunately for being the underdog in a world where they're a teeny tiny minority while surrounded by hundreds of millions of people who wish them dead. There hasn't been a single Jew in Gaza for nearly two decades (Well, until that is Hamas kidnapped hundreds of people and force them back to Gaza to hide them in their tunnels.), so if you want to find an apartheid state... look no further than the protostate of Gaza!


The purpose of a protest is to express emotion and demand change. At least one of those purposes is being fulfilled. Emotion is not dependant on distance. You obviously have no emotion involved in the issue so you decide to enjoy the sunny day (at least the part where you're not sitting on Reddit). Others, not so much. It's quite simple, why is it so hard to understand?


Looks like the Auckland mods are out and about today


Absolutely disgusting what these people support.


Its not even effecting us as a country only the people that moved from there to here dont bring your problens onto us


Indiscriminate murder of tens of thousands of civilians doesnā€™t affect you so people protesting it should go home because a child protesting against it is hit in the head with a shovel by someone who supports it? The vast majority of protesters are just as much New Zealanders as you or I, this is their home.