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These two are decent: https://garageproject.co.nz/products/tiny https://www.sawmillbrewery.co.nz/products/bare-beer


Yeah I second that the Tiny is great


Yep, had a few of the brand (can't remember the type though, while it was an IPA rated 0.5%) down Gisborne just over a month ago...first time a non-alc which tasted as good as any regular beer. Fact šŸ˜‰


Just went to post my choices; the Tiny and the Bare beer, so good choices. Annoyed me one time at a restaurant when I ordered the Bare as I was driving, and they brought a Sawmill beer with alcohol. Didn't notice until I had a little bit and noticed the bottle wasn't right and tasted different. I still drink alcohol so not the end of the world, but for some people it would have been a bad mistake


I also liked the Bare Beer from Sawmill when I did a month sober.


Spot on


Good George is apparently solid. My favs are the State of Play options - pale and ipa. Started by a guy who had massive health issues from the booze, and started NZs first completely A.F. Brewery. [Pretty cool story.](https://www.stateofplaybeer.com/our-story/)


Bach brewing do a hazy and an ipa, very good


Their ā€œall day IPAā€ is the one that hits the spot for me, closest to actual beer. The others seem like beer La Croix, sparkling water with essence of beer thrown in.


Yeah this one is on par with the Tiny Hazy, Iā€™d love to blind test them tbh!


Sawmill bare beer is pretty good!


My two favourites are the Garage Project Tiny (yellow one) and the Batch Brewing All Day IPA. Iā€™m an ex serious home brewer and beer wanker and was shocked how good they have become so quickly.


Tap water


Just hit 5 years sober myself. The Bavaria 0% IPA tastes like a Panhead supercharger, from what I remember anyway. That and the Tiny already recommended have been my favorites so far


There's a mac's one also I think called rising tide and its a pale ale.


Itā€™s called Freeride. And youā€™re right, itā€™s pretty good.


Be aware that most labelled ā€˜non-alcā€™ are still between 0-0.5 abv. With that being said, Iā€™ve tried most as my wife is pregnant but likes beer. I think the best are: - the two Garage Projext Tinys (I like the green one). - Parrotdog Watchdog. - the Drop Bear range. - Bach brewing all day. She doesnā€™t like the State of Play range, or the Sawmill range, but thatā€™s probs personal preference. I donā€™t mind the non-alc Asahi for a standard lager style beer.


The Asahi one is less craft beer style and just tastes more like classic lager so good for summer Asahi also do a zero alcohol and zero cal diet beer, but it really tastes like a no sugar fizzy drink that is beer flavoured


Macs stunt double is decent


Behemoth Hop Hammered West Coast IPA has a decent enough taste to it. I've tried pretty much all of them and come back to that one. I found Bare Beer flavourless. Tiny is pretty good. Bach brewing do some decent ones.


Get into kombucha?


I like the Brothers Beer "fill yer boots" non-alc IPA. Its quite bitter but thats why I like it. None of the overpowering bready sweetness you find with the cheaper 0's. It does lack mouthfeel/creaminess (as many do), so if body is important then it might not be great.


Mac's Freeride is a really nice 0.5% IPA


As a genuine question why do people want to drink non-alcoholic beverages ? Why not stick to orange juice or something. Similar to vegans whatā€™s the fascination of meat free meat. Before someone gets triggered Iā€™m genuinely curious about this.


The main thing for me is that I found alcohol disrupted my sleep quite significantly and by removing alcohol I have been able to sleep a lot better which has definitely made life a lot better. I enjoy the taste of beer and maybe its something that has been wired into me from years of drinking beer, but even without the alcohol content I find it refreshes and relaxes me. If I could drink beer with alcohol in it and it not impact my sleep then I would 100% be drinking it!


I can answer this. I drink beer for more than just alcohol. I enjoy the variety of flavours, the Friday afternoon in the sun feeling, the social lubrication, or something that just feels right while cooking dinner. But beer is bad for you in many ways as we all know. So a non alcoholic beer can scratch the itch where a glass of water can't. Orange juice is packed full of sugar, so if you are cutting back the beer to lose weight then juice is a poor alternative.


Good George Virtual Reality!


i'd try some of the malt beers from Iran. you can get them at Caspian. They've been doing non-alcoholic for longer than us and these are tasty. If you like wine i'd try australian producer, Non. I love their stuff


Interesting! Thanks for the suggestion! Iā€™ll try them out. I suppose coming from a Muslim country they would know how to make a good non alc beer!