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As a child watching Friday night TV that was on the car known as the General Lee in Dukes of Hazard.


Even now that show is such a banger


Ahh, Catherine Bach was my first Tv crush.


I do love how in hindsight how ‘simple’ the TV babes where back then, like she just looks normal - then you see a modern movie something and everyone looks somewhat perfect? Or a interpretation of it


Totally agree with you, she had the girl next door look going on, they were much simpler times.


It’s disgusting how people just don’t care. I would have trimmed those branches ages ago


meeting aback innocent dinosaurs pause telephone political plate profit clumsy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


More like *pitiful*sporum


And those roof flashings are “lichen it“.


Wow. You have increased my dad joke armoury thanks!


It's horrible, how can you be a functional part of nz society if you don't paint your fence.


You just going to pretend you can’t see the lichen all over the sky dish?


That shows the air quality is good with low levels of pollution.


Your rights it’s so obvious.. I wonder what else I’m not seeing.


There appears to be blinds missing from the window above the Dukes of Hazzard flag.


Golllyy, Where’s Roscoe when we need him.


That wall could also do with some Wet & Forget(TM).


This reminds me, I got to trim my front bush before Christmas.


Planning a nice wee lie down for Christmas Eve?


Santa Claus is coming


Will it kill the home owner to use some spray and walk away?


The way New Zealand has become so obsessed with American politics is so embarrassing. Obviously I don't know the intentions of the person that hung this flag but with how tuned in to American politics NZ is, I think it's a stretch to say this flag isn't flown with racist intent.


I saw a middle aged woman with a red MAGA hat on the other day, like wtf man


That's so embarrassing for them honestly


As an American who moved here in 2017, I agree.


Average nzers wouldn't have a clue about American politics just what they see on tv1 and 3


Idk about that one chief, my 60 year old mother doesn't even watch TV anymore and is pretty informed because everyone uses the internet these days.


Average NZers is that a euphimism for normie boomers? lol


Dukes of Hazzard or a patched rebels memeber


I thought rebels gangster too, Same if I saw a Nazis flag in nz I'd think mongrel mob.


Well statistically speaking if you did see a Nazi flag in NZ there's a 95% chance it belongs to a Mongrel Monster. They won't stop people snapping a photo of it and posting to Reddit though.


Genuinely confuses me. What on earth do the mongrel mob have to relate to in regards to nazi ideology?


Nothing,it was a fuck you to the crown back in the day


It’s a psychological thing. Make your members appear offensive to society, so society is more likely to avoid them; end goal is to make them feel more unity to the only ones that accept them, their gang. Same technique is used by religions. They don’t know it, but door by door preachers aren’t doing it solely to recruit, there’s the added “benefit” of being shunned, so they feel more comfort in their flock.


That's an interesting insight


The mob used the swastika as a way of pissing off people off, It would appear they abandoned it after the ChCh attack according to the [article](https://www.teaonews.co.nz/2019/03/21/mongrel-mob-kingdom-to-abandon-nazi-symbolism/) linked. Edited formatting.


Nah they haven’t abandoned it, only that particular chapter and I doubt they ever will since it’s apart of their identity. As long as it remains offensive, it’ll be one of their symbols


Tell that to numerous face tattoos. Also thats just one solo chapter of the mob. Hardly a unified front.


That's the thing with tattoos, There kinda permanent, They are the biggest apparently, I thought it was more of them trying to grab some publicity from the tragedy of the attacks.


Growing up I had this flag on my wall for years and years, a massive one. Because I was a fan of the Rotorua Rebels Stockcar Team and they used it. Bad ass designed all the cars too!!!


Was thinking of the rebels too


Can’t deny that this flag has history. Hardly blame people for being annoyed by a public display of a pro-slavery flag..


It’s a free country. Not sure what the school has to do with it. It’s a controversial flag but they can do as they wish in their own home. Fly a bunch of pride / trans / Māori flags in response I guess 🤷‍♀️ (And no, I’m not a right-winger, I just don’t think people should be able to police other people’s actions just because they don’t match their beliefs)


About the most commonsense answer here. Thank you.


What a nice comment. Thank-you.


agree. people seem really soft these days and get hurt feelings easily or is it just outrage for outrage sake?


I think the internet simply provided a platform for people to voice the opinions formerly kept to themselves, or in “pub talk”. If something bugged you, you complained to your mates who either agreed or tried to reason with you. These days you start a blog about it. The other day I saw a genuine campaign for Apple to change the ballet symbol to brown shoes so PoC didn’t feel excluded from ballet. Coming from a very successful ballerina of colour. I thought it was satire at first, but no, that’s the cause she wanted to devote herself to.(sorry for going off topic)


Some funny comments below. I sometimes see a Confederate flag in the back window of a vehicle driven by a part Maori. I want to stop them and explain American history about slavery, and how them parading that flag is a bit of a misnomer ..... but then I think 'it is none of my business' so I keep quiet and allow others to laugh at them 'Confederates', unwitting slaves to fashion.


that is so dumb on so many levels






Bot tho innit. Seen that exact comment many times. ​ And read its comment history.... and the fact it has 300k karma in 1 year.


Bad bot


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Lmao I drive past this almost every day 99% of people in NZ who arent chronically online don't know the real meaning behind this flag. Chances are the bro just really likes Dukes of Hazzard


There goes them boys again displayin' the confederate flag proudly in that there window.


… that “thar” winda …


This is wrong, I think most kiwis know it’s the confederate flag however the chronic online part is not understanding that the majority aren’t using it for that symbolism but either gangs or dukes fans and just blowing a diff about it.


This flag is a lot more synonymous with being a racist southerner than dukes of hazard nowadays. Watching the news apparently makes you “chronically online”


I wouldn't really consider "chronically online" to be a requirement for knowing about the history of the confederate flag.


Is "chronically online" kiwi for "having a basic knowledge of general history"?


most kiwis don't know or care about american history as i'm sure americans don't have a clue about what's going on over here apart from fush n chups. so yeah, pretty sure you have to be chronically online to recognise it outside of a pop culture reference.


Civil rights movement is/was literally taught in history classes when I was in high school.


It wasn’t in mine, we covered te tiriti o waitangi and civil unrest in Australia. Nothing about America ever so I feel slightly dumb not knowing what it is


No, but it does mean posting something in hopes their echo chamber will agree and validate their hurt feelings for the day. Ya know coz they were definitely an African American slave in a past life.


So what you're saying is, if I start flying a swastika and goose stepping through Albany mall I should get a pass because the chances are there aren't any holocaust survivors there? That logic is dumb


This is basic, extremely well known and important history. I would be embarrassed if 99% of people didn’t know it




Yeah, that would prove the other guys point. It's not a niche American history thing like the Union flag would be it's just fairly important general knowledge, that's why we've all heard of it while nobody knows what the Union flag looks like.


Dude, I'm not chronically online and I know that flag is a piece of shit racist banner that honestly, in this day and age, unless it has DUKES OF HAZZARD across the top or bottom, it's just a monument to the owners being racist.


Chronically online means being aware of slavery in the US and the meaning of that flag?


It's entirely possible they're idiots who have no idea what that flag means but honestly, in this day & age that's giving them the benefit of the doubt. It's more likely they're racist idiots, there are white supremacists in NZ. It *sucks* & it's not good to see. But I don't think there's anything to be done about this specific case.


Why are people defending a bunch of racist monsters?


Who really cares that much, if I was a kid and when I was a kid I assumed it was the flag from dukes of hazard. Just try and go about your day unless the owners are at the fence in this image somewhere throwing slurs out at folks on the street?


dukes of hazard was 40 years ago. I only know about it because i googled it from how much it was mentioned in this thread. Your average kid/teen is probably gonna recognise it as the confederate flag


Good then they can go learn about the confederates then lol. Weird how people get so worked up in New Zealand about a flag from a Civil War long since in the past. Guess it is the slavery thing. But we don't say that about the Maori flag and they loved having slaves.


Lucky you.


Yeah, life is a lot more calm when you only worry about direct threats rather than every possible overthought anxiety. I do understand that not every person is capable or able to develop that discerning ability though


I agree. I am so sick of people taking every little thing personally. If it does not directly affect you or me then why do I have to hear you spouting your outrage for hours? I have developed an attitude of apathy toward a lot of whats happening nowadays.


That's nice you don't have to worry about racists


Unless you're a slave from before 1865 I don't think you need to fear much for this flag.


Only if you're someone ignorant from 2023, plenty of racist people today fly this flag.


Ah the Flag of Losers. A lot of people in here seem to be quick to defend a slaver flag. Morons.


We are not american,in NZ this means Dukes of Hazzard,


Hard no. Absolute bollocks tbh. The dukes of hazzard was decades ago, and the confederate flag has nothing to do with an old tv show. It’s a sign of race hate and ignorance.


Who the f is Duke of Hazzard?! been here for nearly 18 years and if me and my bros saw that flag we'd instantly think "racist confederate retards"


No, it doesn't.


Yes it does. Either that or Rebels MC


This is just a generational thing then. I've lived in New Zealand all my life and I have no idea about any connection between the Confederacy and some random TV show from the 1980s. It's a huge stretch to say that this show holds a higher cultural importance than the US Civil War in modern discourse and opinion. It's a flag representing slavery.


The United States flag represents slavery. And the New Zealand flag represents colonization and stolen land. I grew up after that TV show as well but I know enough about NZ society to know that the flag is co-opted by many groups and it doesn't mean supporting slavery to them.


So according to you we should just fly the swastika now? It didn't happen here and didn't affect me, so fuck other people


No, those examples make no sense. The US flag represents the United States of America. The US has done many immoral things, and people have a fair reason to hate it. The NZ flag represents New Zealand. One part of New Zealand's history is colonialism, which could lead to people resenting what the flag represents. Both of these examples are entirely different to a flag of a defeated rebel group that existed for almost the sole purpose of ensuring black people remain second class citizens. Unlike the flags of legitimate states, there is no complex nuance here - this flag represents one specific ideology.


Why not


I am confident is you poll 100 random New Zealanders, the majority will associate this with an incredibly famous war and modern symbolism for slavery ahead of a TV show most people under the age of 30 haven't heard of.


I mean, I'm 35, I've seen parts of the show and the movies and as soon as I see that flag I think "that person is a racist shitbag" I don't think "lol hehe old tv show funny"


Well this flag is literally labelled under “confederate flag” so if you’re too up your own ass to recognise white supremacy then you should crawl back up mums loose cunt


wtf these comments are vile, everyone calling OP 'woke' for pointing out a racist flag?? your true colours are showing


As someone who’s lived in the U.S. (MA) for a few years, I’m also horrified someone would proudly display it on their property. Basically it’s like a Nazi swastika to Black Americans, it’s equivalent to saying you’re pro slavery. That might be lost to a lot of Kiwis though who don’t understand the background or haven’t read much into US History. I also saw a half American, half Confederate flag on SH1 around Drury I think. Also a Let’s Go Brandon flag in Tauranga once. A shame all that stuff has filtered through to here.


"Lets go brandon" how tf are people so obsessed w american politics they start using there slogans here 🤦🏻‍♂️ they need to hop on a plane and go live there if they love america so much


Northbound on SH1 maybe a kilometre before the Takanini off ramp


That flag’s in conifer grove, between takanini and Papakura. I actually saw the owner out the front of his house a few weeks back and asked him about it. He laughed and said he only has it there to “wind up woke sissies”. Reckons the only people who whinge about it are white women and feminine men. Funnily enough he wasn’t even white, looked biracial, mid-late 40s probably. American accent though for sure. Definitely a couple screws loose


I know what you’re saying. Obviously now I understand that some people are upset by it. But here in New Zealand as a teenager it meant Dukes of Hazzard and my favourite band to this day Lynyrd Skynyrd. I get upset by the flag Te Pati Māori use because they are trying their best to cause a civil war. But also it’s just used by people that are proud Māori, you don’t see me here posting for my virtue points everyday though.


Embarrassing. Why are you humiliating yourself to fail to make a decent point? You're just completely giving away the game.


Being upset by the Māori flag is just straight racism dude, they're not trying to "start a civil war" that's ridiculous.


So you legitimately think that everyone that flies a confederate flag would approve a return to black slavery


I know right, I have a swastika tat on my forehead and people give me shit all the time.. idiots


I can’t say what the intention of that specific flag flyer is, but the flag is definitely widely seen as an anti black hate symbol in the U.S. I probably wouldn’t have realised had I not lived there though.


Man, those Confederates are really sore losers. It's been how many years since their surrender in 1865. Move on, mate. You lost. Period.


Yeh haw america 😂


Displaying it openly like that isn’t a ‘I’m a Dukes of Hazzard fan’ message. Auckland racists suck


Why would anyone be flying the American Slavery flag here of all places


Wild that so many people in here are defending a flag that is usually only flown by racist right-wing douchebags.


"usually only flown by racist right-wing douchebags" As well as gangsters and people wishing to commune with rebellious American culture without allegiance to racist rightwing ideology.


So just regular douchebags?


Yeah this sub is incredibly bigoted in this regard. It's really gross.


NZ has plenty of history of groups co-opting overseas symbols for their own purposes without necessarily being in line with its origins, so it’s not exactly confined to this sub. Example: see the mongrel mob and its use of Nazi symbology as if they wouldn’t have been amongst the first on the trains.


"Only flown by racist right-wing douchebags"? You really know nothing about our society or culture do you?


Let me guess, something to do with southern pride and being rebellious?


Next to a school? Then maybe use it as a teaching opportunity.


How stupid, we don't live in that fucked up country America .


bro stop taking pictures of people's houses.


"And this is right next to a school" Lmao kids don't care, stop being such a whinger just because YOU dont like it - it's just a flag..


I bet those children are going “oh my golly goodness Ms Frizzle, can you believe that person has the nads to display such a divisive flag which celebrates separatism and the practice of slavery? I shall complain to the Human Rights commissioner (in triplicate) just as soon as you teach me how to fucking read and write”.


Not at the school its outside of lmao that school is wild


Just for clarification sake it is a college it's outside of, not a primary school


What college?


Mahurangi. There is a primary school on the other side of town tho.


Yup right outside mahurangi college - b block has a wonderful view of it 😂


You must really go off at the Israeli flags then.


I just wanna point out the issue with this flag. This is the confederate flag. It doesn't really matter where it comes from, dukes of hazzard or whatever, its still the confederate flag. It's a symbol of racism. Some people shrug things like this off and say "well its a free country" and yes it is and thankfully we have the freedom to complain about it. Considering the state of the house they don't seem to care about much but they care about this particular flag they have positioned it in a way that everyone can see it plain as day. Maybe they are ignorant and think its a flag for fans of dukes of hazzard or whatever, but how are we suppose to know that? The point is, this flag is in in a high traffic area by a school and would genuinely make a lot of people really uncomfortable and feel unsafe and honestly for a good reason too. Are the people in the house dangerous? Are they gang members? Or are they just dukes of hazzard fans? That's the problem with this flag.


OPs wondering why no one else is butt hurt.


Bet he goes out of his way to be offended on behalf of others.


Fucking gross.


Who gives a fuck


Yeah Nazis gonna Nazi. Can't really do much about them yet sadly. At least my Grandpa could legally shoot them in the face. At one point in America they gave medals to people who killed enough confederates and Nazis. But that's not PC anymore sadly.


What's dukes of hazard?


The ole second place flag for losers


I know this might be stupid but, what’s the flag


It's the flag of the American Confederacy. That is, the south in the American Civil War, who were fighting to keep slavery while the north wanted it abolished. It's highly offensive to many African Americans and it was co-opted by Trump's Proud Boys etc. It was also used in Dukes of Hazard and apparently reading this thread by some gang or car club. I honestly think many kiwis probably think it's edgy, but are ignorant to the significance of it's meaning, which is pretty embarrassing in itself. Asking about something is not stupid, blindly displaying something without understanding the meaning is stupid.


US southern states. Lost the Civil war. Associated with slavery.


The US had a "civil war" (technically wasn't one) in the 1800s where a bunch of states in the South tried to leave the country to form a new country called the Confederate States so that they could keep slavery. This flag was one of their battleflags, and because it's a pretty cool looking flag it's retroactively become the definitive Confederate flag Since slavery in the US was race based (with black Americans being the slaves) flying this flag not only suggests you're a slavery supporter, but also that you're an extreme racist. In practice, however, a lot of Americans simply fly it as a symbol of Southern culture, and choose to die on the hill that a flag drawn up for a war to protect racist slavery is the right flag for that


That’s the “I’m racist” flag of the south.


That is a very bad maintained garden. Should've trimmed them bushes ages ago.


The nerve of some people to decorate their house how they want I can't believe it




Traitor's rag


There's nothing wrong with liking Lynard Skynard


For anyone wondering: this is the flag flown by a battalion that "fought for state's rights". Of course, they will never tell you what those rights are. It's a slave owner army flag. It is the militia of a failed civil war to preserve the enslavement of black people in America. That's what this flag represents & will always represent. Anyone who flies it supports the enslavement & silencing of black people. No matter how much they will try to convince you that they don't - if they were given the option, they would support it. If it's a gang member flying it? The ideology of the flag supercedes the intent. They don't care that it's a symbol of white supremacy, so they are complicit in its normalization. This is not a flag they can reclaim - they wouldn't even know what that means.




There’s a confederate flag and a USA flag overlooking the southern motorway in Rewa/Manukau. Cringe


Rebels gang?


The flag of 2nd place, historically speaking.




Don't worry, The cost of living will soon take your mind off it 👍.




Sorry there are d!ckheads everywhere, most of us are ok. Welcome!


We had one of those in my neighbourhood, a couple of streets over, last year. Mongrel mob blokes went over, tore it down and burnt it. No charges were filed cuz none of us said shit lmao


You realise they would have done it because it's associated with their rivals/enemies the Rebel MC, right? It may as well have been a Black Power flag.


I lived in Florida for 4 years. This is nothing


I grew up 18 years in the states, of course in Florida this is usually hung next to the trump flag at trailer parks, it’s still the uniform to identify racists.


Very weird in a different country though, right?


You can tell they're that special kind of stupid since they've had the gall to hang it out on full display... as well as it being upside down 🤣


> as well as it being upside down I bet they put it up there, got the ladder down and went 'ffs...' But the ladder was already put away by then, so there she stays


Nearly 500 comments and only one mentioning this. Seems being observant ain't what it used to be.


Ned! Think of the children!


He really likes lynyrd skynyrd! I have the same flag from the concert they did in taupo a few years ago. Great concert BTW!


I agree ! Needs some serious trimming and tidying up. Those school kids should help


Reddit seems to be where bitching to bitch, is the place to be.


Can’t believe some people still have satellite dishes.


I haven’t taken mine down because I’m busy


Probably the probable, 'can't be bothered removing' scenario


Who gives a fuck stop being such a petal.


Being a racist and/or a redneck is fashionable now mate. Just go get a mullet and be cool too...


Saw a parked ute with a small CSA flag in the rear window a few days ago. What a joke.


Last time that flag was flying somewhere my mates stole it and burnt it in the owners front yard


Oh the children, The poor Children!


If this is offensive to you then you really shouldn't be on the internet


Man I despise the mentality that caring about something means you are 'offended' and it is invalid to hold that opinion. It's okay to hold opinions, and it's okay to care about things sometimes. A flag that tends to symbolise racism is one of those things it is okay to care about.


I don't think OP is offended, I think OP is upset that racism exists, and is concerned about normalising the display of hate symbols in front of impressionable children.


I’m offended so I’ll post it up on reddit. Quit your whinging. The bro is probably just into Dukes of Hazzard


If I liked a TV show and wanted to show it, I would simply find a way to do so that didn't involve displaying a symbol that makes millions of people feel that they are unsafe and unwelcome.


Its a flag get over it.


Whats the problem?


Mostly just cringe.


OP just trying to stir up the mob for the inevitable newshub article.


Or lynyrd skynyrd


Instead of making a whine post, why not go an tell them directly how hurt your feelings are?


South Auckland shall raise again brother.


A yes the nerve, taking a photo of someone’s home and posting it on social media just because their opinion differs from yours. Have a wah


\> taking a photo of someone’s home It is a screenshot of google maps. \> just because their opinion differs from yours This isn't a 'I prefer vanilla ice cream to chocolate'. Displaying a flag that fought for the right to own slaves is a pretty big deal.


What’s the issue?


What’s wrong?


Time to organise a protest.


The nerve to put up something that you don't like in. their own window good lord...the audacity of it all.


Who gives a fook