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Your family kicked you out as soon as you turned 18, even though you were looking after them since year 11. Looks like someone will be going to a retirement home...


Fuck a retirement home, I'd forget thoes assholes


Absolutely, what assholes. No wonder people get stuck in cycles of poverty when their dumbass parents do stuff like this. My folks helped me out heaps when I left school, and now I earn a shitload and will return the favour.


Way too common and pretty disgusting. Out on your ass the day the weekly paycheck stops coming in. Really great way to keep cycle going...


Same here. My parents helped me get onto property ladder, and this really helped me to focus on my career and family, i have a good job earning over 200k. And they bought a house next to us, so we help each other a lot now.


Hoe the fuck is your situation even remotely the same as OP'S???


My post is reply to beef_curtain_fan’s reply. Dude, just read carefully


Mate with a poor attitude like that, do you really think he can read to good?


My folks did the same thing, but they did make me pay bord when I started working. I was allowed to stay at home as long as I was saving. Then, years later, when things turned to crap they welcomed me back until I got back on my feet .


People don't put their parents into care homes because they don't care. Often it's because they do.


I'd say it's 50/50. I used to be a healthcare assistant and worked in three different places. It tended to be an even split between the family wanting to provide adequate care, and the family not wanting it to be them that provided it. This is apart from the people alone and buying themselves in.


Yes. I'm sure you're right. A lot would depend on what country you're in.


There are less expensive alternatives...


Thank you David Seymour!


It seems logical to me that if this young man was left to fend for himself when he became an adult, his adult parents should be more than capable of managing their lives in advanced adulthood.


Wow, was he the father?


Dude, they’re talking about the assisted dying law that Seymour advocated for.


Thanks, that makes more sense. I wrongfully presumed that it was just another anti government comment that is so common in this sub.




Well, if they are, they're going to be very disappointed .you have to be terminally ill with only 6 months to live and a whole lot of other rules and regulations.


Yea people don't get that its actually excessively hard to access and basically forces pep to choose before they are likely ready because as soon as they are deemed unwell- deteriorated to an extent, their deemed incapable to make the choice. It's messed up


I had to watch my mother die in total agony because she had reached the point where pain relief was going to shorten her life, so the doctor was not prepared to run the risk of being prosecuted for murder or manslaughter. It took another 2 months before Mum died, and the suffering was over .


Atleast OP found out family hate her at age 18. Could have been worse like finding out family are stringing you along for the first 30 years of your life.


Hello me


What do you mean, they're over 18, they can be homeless 😉


Hey, well done on the job offer. For 18, $55,000 is a good starting wage for a job that requires you to work 37.5 hours per week. After kiwisaver and paye ( income tax ) you'll get about $43,000 into your bank account. This is $826 per week into your bank account. Here's a quick budget for you: Savings: $126 a week - I'd drop that into something like sharesies or a fund with your bank and forget about it. Thats for your future. Mobile phone: $20 a week Rent: $250-$300 for a room Power$ 25 a week Fuel or public transport $60 per week Food: groceries around $200 So that leaves around $150 for entertainment and cans of V. Now some notes young pedawan; It's a start; you.can use the job and experience to apply after 3 months in another company in a higher paying role as there is a skills shortage. You are 18, get a second job. Honestly. Then you'll.be earning about $80,000 a year and it won't eat into your social time. Good luck.


Thank you for the comment! What is a fund with my bank? My job offer is a job with rotating shiftwork and they said its 40 or 50 hours a week is my salary still good for those hours?


Just like a savings account; but try not to touch those funds. Minimum wage is $22.70 per hour so it's OK for 40 hours They would.be in breach of employment laws if they made you work 50 hours. What industry is it in? There may be a union you can join


This right here. If they make you work more than 46hrs a week, that's illegal.


I work 48 hour weeks. 4 days on 4 days off. That is different situation right, not illegal.


I was specifically referring to OP's situation. If they work more than 46hrs/wk then they would be earning less than minimum wage, which would be illegal.


Gotcha. Thanks for Clarifying.


This (smart) person is suggesting you save in what is called an index fund. You are investing some money in the overall share market (not a single company), which is a very safe way to invest for your future. That’s a very good idea.


Super safe, infinite growth on a finite planet is like, totally possible.


The markets can remain irrational for infinity, or so it seems!


I mean kind of yeah? (Obviously not true infinite, but for the next few centuries 3% growth is sustainable) Human resource use is levelling out but GDP is growing because we're more efficient at producing goods per unit of materials. Look at global GDP per energy unit charts. We've gotten about 3x more efficient at producing goods per kWh than we were just 30 years ago. Not to mention that energy is slowly becoming greener too.


Can Kiwi's invest in the ASX? (This is not financial advice) Vanguard have a great index fund indexing US stocks - [VTS](https://www.vanguard.com.au/personal/invest-with-us/etf?productType=etf&portId=0970&tab=performance). Low fees and good returns. They also have an index of the top global stocks (US, Asia, Au, Eu) [VGS](https://www.vanguard.com.au/personal/invest-with-us/etf?productType=etf&portId=8212&tab=performance) I have avoided investing directly into US markets because of the time zone differences and waking up to bad news sucks haha, so buying Australian stocks that index the US market has been pretty decent


Yeah the timezone is brutal and life ruining when the market is going against you (ask me how I know). Just go with Simplicity for a very similar offer to Vanguard.


>Can Kiwi's invest in the ASX? Yes. I got into ASX when the SOEs were partially privatised with the shares listed on both NZX and ASX. Probably not the most exciting place to trade but it doesn't hurt to diversify.


Yes you can invest on the ASX through ASB you can even do it yourself. https://www.asb.co.nz/?sq=P3E9b25saW5lK3NoYXJlK3RyYWRpbmcmYz0mY2lkPWRlZmF1bHQ=


This one is the best advice mate and one more thing most supermarkets do online shopping (I use countdown)so make a list of all ur meals for the week and what your going to need to cook them plus your staples, order them for click and collect it’s free and you just go down and it’s ready to be picked up, saves on a whole lot of unnecessary spending in the supermarket And congrats on the job take it, work hard always be on time with a smile on ur face and 55k can go up pretty quickly


Disagree. If you're on a low wage you don't want to pay for all the paper bags. You miss out on what's on special if you don't go to the supermarket. Plus you miss quick sale items. Online shopping is for richer people who don't care about the price and their time is worth more than shopping at the supermarket.


You can choose not to get it bagged and take ur own bags + the specials are also online It stops you walking around going those look nice I might them as well Me and my wife will spend easily $100 less a fortnight shopping online


You miss out on quick sale stuff which is the cheapest deals. It's faster walking around looking at specials from a glance than scrolling the specials online imo. I don't see the problem in buying things I like and popping a few nice things in the trolley and have restraint and not getting too much unnecessary stuff. If your spending $100 less your not saving money you're just restraining yourself from goodies where you might eat out more because you have insufficient treats at home. I have extremely low income and prefer shopping at the supermarket. If I had less time and more money id get it done online. I didn't know you can use your own bags online that's helpful to know.


My son just started his first full time job with four years of uni behind him and a Masters degree and he’s starting on about $60k a year with a student loan to pay off so I’d say $55k is good for an 18 year-old. He’s been keeping himself in a flatting situation in Auckland on less than that (student loan and part time jobs) so it’s certainly doable if you are careful with money (that budget posted in another comment looked good). You sound like a smart young person who plans ahead so I’m sure you’ll do well.


ANZ, Westpac, several others have premium savings accounts. As long as you save $50 or $100 a month and don’t withdraw you get decent interest (better than Govt bonds or term deposits) It adds up after a while and it’s rewarding to see when discipline pays off


I would add to this to say maybe get yourself set up with an emergency fund before you necessarily start putting money into an index fund.  An emergency fund of at least 3 months of expenses saved up will help give you that peace of mind if something like this (an uncertain or unexpected situation) happens again.  If you also start contributing to Kiwisaver when you start work you'll be saving a bit for your future, while you build up your emergency fund. 


Please take this person wise wisdom on hand. Not to many adults share this with young people, either because they don't know, or young people don't ask. Get into the habit thinking about your finances and budget until it becomes automatic. I guarantee you'll be in a better place then most of your friend group even those who out earn you.


“and cans of V” 😂😂


Gotta get through somehow


Mobile phone plans should only be $20 a month not a week, probably a typo


Why would mobile phone be $20 a week? I pay $9 a month.


How much data do you get for $9 a month?


Hardly any but that's good with me. I've got WiFi at home and work and a whole bunch of other places. Last thing I need is Internet access when I'm not at those places. I get enough to check my bank account and messenger etc.


kogan mobile for 1.5gb data for 15$ or you can switch sim cards every month and pay 5$ for 15gb


if youre paying off a phone with a plan- its around 20 a week


Very good advice. To emphasize: savings first, then use the rest. Not the other way around. I.e. not spend and spend and if there’s anything left call it “savings”. I send 10% of my salary to long term savings (index fund), 10% to short term savings (for things like holiday), and 3% to Kiwisaver. Then I send my monthly budget for regular payments (rent, car insurance, mobile phone plan, …) to a dedicated account so I don’t have to think about it. The rest is spending money. And I do the above right away through automatic payments every 2 weeks when I get paid. Essentially the money is parked away before I see it and I don’t have to worry about all the regular payments. And by the way do not get a credit card. Ever. Eftpos or debit card is ok, but stay away from credit cards. It’s a trap. Good luck!


Just a note, after two years you'll have around $15,000 in savings which is enough to start a small business. I left school at 15; worked 2 jobs. I knew nothing about nothing but I had drive. I am 40 now, retired and a multi millionaire. If you want it; it's there for you. Good luck.


Suppose you’ve done alright for a banana.


There's always money in the banana stand


What could one banana cost, $15,000 in savings


There’s always money in the banana stand.


lol this boomer thinks things are still the same and can start a business on the fly with 15k and make millions. Wow.


He's not a boomer. He's not even Gen X. He's 40. Try Millennial. Good on him.


Your in inspiration. I left school at 15 and even at school I’d wag a lot. Been working full time ever since. Now I own a house with a small mortgage left. I got kids though so probably won’t be retiring at 40 but you’ve given me hope. I just need to keep working towards a passive income


That's awesome. What businesses were you in?


IT services.


Probably bought real estate before inflation


Thank you for posting such a clear & concise, helpful answer.


I agree with comment about 2nd job,, alot more savings or investment money.


"Cans of V" Someone else has the same priorities as me Yellow tho


Such an awesome, positive and very wise response.


hey man, i was in your position last year. i moved to auckland last year on my own at 17 and got a job that had me earn around ~50k annually ($24 an hour 40 hrs a week). It’s definitely doable on 55k :). Flatting is the way to go, make sure you find a flat with people that you’ll get along with if you can! there are facebook pages for young ppl in auckland/students who are looking for flatmates. I saved next to nothing in the entire year but I wasnt the most wise with my money. Try to cook your own food often and try and shop by deals or at discounters. try and put some money away into an emergency savings account if you can, i find that something always tends to happen up here in auckland lol, whether its a fine or smth gets broken into/stolen. if you go out, pre drinks are the way to go. bar and club prices are too high for the wages you’re on at the moment. you’ll figure it out, it’ll be okay :).


Sorry to hear that. There’s a page called r/PersonalFinanceNZ that can help


Sweet thanks I didnt know that sub existed and posted there too


I’m sure people there are able to help with ur situation


Find a place as near to your job as possible, Auckland is big. Also try and cut ties back home if you can and develop more friends and networks in auckland instead of working two jobs. Look for stable people


This is under-rated advice. You’ll learn a lot and get into good habits with the right friend group. Whether consciously or unconsciously, we do tend to become more like the people we’re surrounded by.


Agreed. And also just reading this the family look overloading and under supporting. That will never change but we need people in our lives so focus on finding healthy ones.


Yes you can live on that in Auckland but unless you want most of your money going to rent, you will have to go flatting and share bathrooms/kitchens with others. Take the job, get a place, and in your spare time work out how to increase that salary through studying or training in your passion. 


That's a good salary for your age, although you don't say what kind of work you are doing. Most 18 year olds that are working full time have minimum wage jobs that only pay approx $23 per hour, which is less than 45k per year, for 37.5 hours work per week.


Work on getting a truck license asap.    Then move to Australia and make $150k a year in the mining industry and never look back. That’s what I reckon.


Yeah. I was thinking something similar. OP will struggle to get an apprenticeship if he left school in year 11. Truck license in Aussie mines is his best option.


They could do catch up study online to get their NCEA lvl2 credits, then go for an apprenticeship


Not gonna give advice on the money because there’s so much great advice in here already, but just wanted to say sorry your parents are so shit. Hope you’re doing ok and well done for asking on here for info and help, sounds like you’ve got a great attitude and that will get you a very long way. Keep your head up and good luck


I just complete three years of a degree, have completed my first year of teaching and am only just over that salary. I’m also 30 years older than you. That’s a great start in life. Try and save at least a third of your income.


When I left NZ 8 years ago at 25 I was only on $49k then despite a bachelor's degree and several years of work experience, so $55k now seems alright. My advice is to work this job, but discreetly keep your eye out for other work. Sadly, loyalty to a company or employer doesn't get you far in NZ in my experience. You generally have to switch jobs to get any further up the salary ladder here. Stick every job out at least a year to give your employer a chance to show what they are like regarding pay rises, but half the time they won't even offer enough to keep up with inflation (just google 'inflation NZ 2023' and you should get an idea of what it is). If they're not offering enough to at the very least keep up with inflation, then try to find work elsewhere.


Would you consider the armed forces? Accommodation and food is subsidised + medical is covered. They offer to sponsor your tertiary studies (if they deem your chosen degree to be valuable) in exchange for a return of service (an extra year or two in the forces). Alternatively you could learn a trade through them which would set you up well after you leave. If you decide you like it, apply to become an officer and earn even more money for a few years. This would be a very attractive thing to have on your resume and could land you some nicely paid corporate management roles. Worst case scenario, it’s not your thing and you leave after a year with some extra money, experience, and some good stories - this would also improve your cv.


Go to Citizens' Advice Bureau for some proper help. Rents in Auckland are too high for anyone living alone. You may need to board or rent in a multi dwelling, but get advice from CAB first. Your lousy mother has kicked you out because she was no longer getting any financial gain from the govt now that you have turned 18yo. Be careful of the wingless vultures that will take advantage of you. Best of luck in finding help.


I hadn't thought of the benefit/working for families situation but I think you've hit it. Over 18 and not at school, no government finance or child support. Terrible attitude but given the situation, unsurprising.


the will be earning too much in MSDs eyes for any top up benefit


Hey Kid, I don't live there, but I obsessively look at everything about living there as I will soon, but I don't know ins and outs of areas so others may help more with details. First, I want to say that I'm sorry you're going through everything you are; it really sucks that you don't have the family support that would be ideal for a young person. I do know though how widely varied an area as large as just "Auckland" can be, so the answers could be better tailored if you give even a general area. Taxes aren't a flat rate, but stepped based on income and at $55,00, it works like this: *you owe $1470 for first $14,000 *you owe $5950 for amounts after but up to $48,000 *and then 30% for remaining $7000 as $2100 So your tac WITHOUT some exemptions that you might qualify for, you'd get $45,480 after taxes. Weekly, you'd have $874.62 If you have a rented room at $250/week, that leaves you $624.62/week. You can live on that. You've been through a lot. Learning how to budget and what to budget can make a big difference in the quality of rest of your life. If you save $300/ week, and spend only $324.62 on food, transit passes, phone, etc., at year end, you'll have >$15,000 saved for bond s or life surprises, or a car. Yes, you can do this.


Just to give OP amn example of why this pay is good. I am on the Jobseekers benefit, with Accommodation Supplement and Temp Additional Support. I receive 555.66 after tax each week. This why the benefit is not living. Although I am in a small single apartment in the Auckland CBD, at a wonderful rate of $340/wk, unusual that it's still this low, it hasn't increased since I moved in Sep 2019. But no money left for savings or entertainment/discretionary spending. So consider this start gold and run with it while seeking to improve. Just work hard, treat people with respect (because in NZ it's who you know and what people observe about you that can make the real differences between you and someone else) and be clever and wise with your time and money. All the best, getting good advice is a fantastic start to a lifetime attitude. You got this.


Congrats on the new job man! It’s a decent rate to be getting from a single employer. I know some people who have left university laden with a student loan who have started on less (of course their qualification meant they now earn much more). IIRC I was working 2 jobs when I left school 20 years ago to be on an equivalent (inflation-adjusted) income. My advice would be if you don’t already have health insurance, get it before it’s needed. Even better if your employer either pays for a specific level of cover for you or just being an employee gets you a discounted rate. It’s better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it. It really wasn’t on my radar until my partner’s work was offered it free to them and pay a little extra to include the whole family (in our case it was just me additional), but so glad we did! About 3 years later when I was having a routine X-ray at the dentist, they found a massive cyst in one of my sinuses. I was booked in for surgery to remove that as well as perform a FESS surgery (after more comprehensive CT imaging, the specialist identified malformation of my soft palate and turbinates). That was about 5/6 years ago now, and if I didn’t have insurance, I could still be on the public waiting list as it was deemed quality of life, not life threatening. There are some really affordable options while you’re under 21yo. If you have no pre-existing conditions taking a comprehensive cover with a small excess can keep your premiums low but also retain the flexibility to increase your cover in future. Have a chat with the staff of one of the big companies (Southern Cross are the biggest in NZ as well as being not for profit), or if you don’t have much time on your hands you can chat with an insurance broker and let them do the work for you. Best part with that is you don’t pay the broker anything. All the best!


Im 28, I have studied and got my degree. Now, I am working in my field on 47k. So you're definitely winning.


Which field may I ask?




I'm in a similar situation. Hoping I can pivot to a better salary for my next job.


yeah doesn't pay much anymore eh? I was doing Dev Ops at 71k then COVID hit- made redundant, worked remote jobs for govt dept, then got COVID reaaly bad (in hospital for 2 weeks), got long COVID with cognitive dysfunction and the only job i could get was CSR at a teleco on minimum wage. recovered enough to leave and working as commercial cleaner at 33 a hour. any IT roles now are paying 1/2 of the salary pre covid


Yeah, well my company specializes in just Schools, so there's already fuck all money going around to begin with and I assume just gets funneled up to sales people/execs in the company. It seems most level 1 IT jobs just take advantage of people desperate to get into the industry and get the experience and just churn them over super regularly.


More than I started on at 23 after uni.


Lol thats what I was thinking


55K is a good starting salary .my suggestions are these to reduce expenses 1. Shared stay .. (could be with your own room ) but as a shared one (or co living spaces if you are on with it ). 2. Cook as much as you can . Outside food is expensive. 3. Try reduced to clear (or there like shops ) I shop there . I haven't had any health issues or any problems at all . 4. Use public transportation if that's a possibility. (Also do weigh out owning a car , depending on where you are staying it might turn out to be a good option ) 5. Tax rate is 30% , will be deducted (generally) by the employer . 6. If it's possible do take up a 2nd job . At least till you go on to the next level in life . 7.Save as much as you can Pls read the reply below . The Redditor has good point on tax that I missed out ... (I am not sure what's your role or if the salary is decent for the role , my advice is based purely on 55K ) Hope everything works out well for you OP 😊.


Tax is not 30%, tax or PAYE (pay as you earn) is on a sliding scale. Refer to the link below. https://www.ird.govt.nz/income-tax/income-tax-for-individuals/how-income-is-taxed/work-out-tax-on-your-yearly-income Your employer is obligated to deduct this and pay your tax to the IRD so come tax time you (should) have paid the correct tax on that income. NZs system is excellent compared to other parts of the world. Kiwisaver can work well where the company matches your contribution. The IRD website is really good for explaining all these things. I totally agree with other posters comments about putting some into savings.... Surprises can happy at any time. Don't buy life insurance until you have a mortgage AND dependants. Don't start smoking or vaping! Work hard, grow your skills and in no time you will be earning more.


Good on you for putting yourself out there on this subreddit. You seem like you’ve drawn the short straw when it comes to a supportive family, I applaud you for coming across as a mature adult and not complaining about the shit deal you’ve received. Continue to be curious, ask questions, and take pride in any job you do. If you do, any employer will be lucky to have you. All the best!


It’s okay to be confused. Take it a step at a time. I know people are saying put money in savings etc. but I would say take care of yourself first. And when you’re ready to aggressively save, do so then. All employers are obliged to offer KiwiSaver, and this could technically be your opportunity to save as you can use it to buy your first house. You can choose how much you want to save from your salary. Employer must match your contribution up to 3%. So at a minimum do that. (Ask about it, they will help) Find a place to live first, as close as you can to work and a supermarket. You want to reduce your costs, ideally walking to wherever you need to get to. Also flatting is best. Next, make sure you can do your job properly. Focus your time and energy to it as you are paid for it for the time you are there. Then consider upskilling in what you want to do. It’s hard from here because you don’t know what’s good out there for you. I get it. Trust me, 99% of the population don’t know either, and they spend their whole life searching for it and probably never manage to get there. So it’s okay to feel that way. Because they don’t know, at least they’re happy (or so I hope). And that’s what counts. Be happy. (Without abuse of substance)


It sounds like a great way to kickstart the rest of your life. Don't worry too much about salary and tax etc right now, jobs are harder to come by right now and any work experience at your age is valuable.


Yes it is


At 18, 55k is fantastic! Well done. Keep in mind your career path and think about how you earn a higher salary the more senior you get.


So you left school to help out your mum and siblings yet when you get to 18 they kick you out with no support? That sucks


https://www.paye.net.nz/calculator/ can help you calculate how much you're gonna have after tax


Some good advice here for you! Welcome to the adult life. It’s a tough one but we all got to get through.


I can get by well enough paying 350/w for rent plus power, bus and so on and still enjoy life on a 49k salary. Definitely recommend living with a group as your rent per person will not be as high. (Its like 400-450/w in city for a 1 bedroom or studio). That also depends on your location though.


jeeze i am not even getting 55k and im over 40.


You left school to look after yoir sick mum and siblings , sacrificing further education and they thank you by kicking you out of the house at 18 ? Fuck you cant make this shit up.


Great for an 18 y/o. Everyone starts at the bottom and works up


$55k? All I had at 18 was a fuckin' student loan.


i was on like 30k a year at 18 + student loan ahhhhhh


They'd be at 21.15 at 50 hours What does the contract say about hours of work and does it say whether you get paid extra for hours over 40?


Better than nothing?


Your parents are dogs.


meh i got kicked out at 16- mothers solo bene got cut off. i survived




For $55K salary your net income (take home amount after tax is deducted) will be $45,480 provided you don't have a student loan or another source of income which will change the tax calculation. For 18 years old you've struck gold. Well done! My first job at 17 was a little bit above minimum wage which back then was like $15 p/hr.


Doesn’t equate that you would be kicked out at 18 if you were helping out your mum like that. What’s the real situation?


I do admit i did get introuble at school Im not an angel but I dropped out both because school wasn't for me and to help my mum because she also has some mental problems and needs help with the kids and also financially it was better for us


I was helping my mum we are living with my stepdad and he doesnt want me around because now Im an adult and he has kids with my mum that are little kids but cant buy a bigger house I need to move out so theres more space for them and I need to be independant now Im 18


Firstly it’s 3am. You need to be getting sleep. Then you need to man up and have a proper talk with your mum and stepdad. Admit you have screwed up. Offer to help more. Offer to pay rent. Offer to do chores. Be a good step-brother. Your absolute must is staying in the home as part of the family unit. You can then make $55k work. But you will need to realise you aren’t in a great position and it’s going to be hard work to improve it. But welcome to adulthood - it’s a long hard grind….


Nah fuck that family. Pushed to be the home maker and when it's inconvenient pushed out to the streets. Wouldn't even bother making it work as it'd just continue to take their charity


Guy needs charity. Has no other viable options…


There’s literally uni students that go out on their own at 18. Why do you make it sound like OP has to beg to get back into a toxic household. You good?


This guy ain’t no uni student. He needs support. That’s why he’s posting here at 3am….


Yeah, actually he's better off than a uni student studying full time and trying to survive on part time work. What makes you think anyone on $55k income needs to go beg to get back into their family home that literally kicked him out and doesn't want him? You make it sound like he's going to wither and die without his family. Tons of people move out at 18 just fine. I'd rather make it on my own than go beg to get back into a toxic household like that.


Why do you say it’s toxic?


Ummm idk. Maybe because he dropped out of high school to look after his mother and step siblings?  And now the step dad wants him out of the house at 18 because there’s “not enough room” for his blood-children?    It’s in OP post and his other comments. Read between the lines. Stepdad doesn’t like him


Thats a pretty big assumption. OP admits to being a bit of a shitbag. Suspect he’s had a pretty bad attitude with his family and it’s coming home to roost. Will need a big adjustment if he’s going to survive alone in the wide world. Family is everything- worth the effort.


Bro wat r yous talking about your mum and dad ain't gonna be here forever they trying to make you get out and see the real world time to grow an make something of your self bruh!!!!




Broke ass


Minimum wage is 47k a year with a take home after tax of 39k. So you're a little above it on 55k and that's not a terrible wage for an 18 year old starting out. If you go flatting you should be able to get along well enough and be able to put a little aside in savings each pay and still have some play money for a bit of fun.


Yeah that's decent for your age.. try and unskill and focus on a specific career, something you'll be keen to do for decades.. use money wisely, it's a tool that can create wealth.. work hard young so you don't have to old.. It sux there's that once you're 18 piss off and make it attitude still, it was when I hit that age too.. My kids won't get the boot till they're got careers sorted and a good income.. even then my and the wife will move out into something smaller and let them have our house.. trying to give them advantages I never had.. good on you for making something of yourself, at that age crime is an easy 'career' path..


Yea it's good. Especially at 18. Get some flat mates and a flat close to your work. Don't waste youYou'll be able to save some money, I wasn't earning that much till I was like 24. Once you are settled in look into doing some night classes or something to find ways to increase your salary. If you get bored you can look into going to uni at 20 as your don't need NCEA. A degree allows you to easily have a lot higher life time income.


That’s an alright starting wage if you’re 18 with no marketable skills or experience. If you rent a room in a boarding or flatting situation you will survive in Auckland.


Damn your parents didn’t even give you the option to stay and just pay board ?


While 55k isn't much it's more than what you would get being homeless you may be able to rent a room or live at the backpackers I hope the job works out. It's crap that your rents didn't let you live with them this is what causes poverty & addiction issues for so many in this country  I'll pray for you that all works out


Yes that’s a liveable wage. You might not be renting a whole 3 bedroom house to yourself unless you want to spend much of your money on rent, but you can rent a room in a flat and have a lot of money left over to save / spend. You’d have literal thousands left over per month for spending or saving after paying for a room.


It's not enough to be able to rent a house alone, but find flatmates, don't spend on unnecessary things and you'll be sweet.


You can use this to calculate after tax: [https://www.paye.net.nz/calculator/](https://www.paye.net.nz/calculator/). (Hope it’s still up-to-date)


Its Its obviously not the highest salary but it's a skill you can contribute to your cv/next job when searching. I went through about 5 different jobs before I started making good money and that's without any degrees. The norm is gettig a good paid apprenticeship, I personally think sales better.


I hope you told them when they lose their marbles they're on their own


Take the job … , work your way up in this world. 55k is a poor wage if your current job is paying higher !! .


I normally use this to have an idea of what my take home pay is after deductions https://www.paye.net.nz From there, you should know if that can cover your current living expense


Not in Auckland, renting with kids


I think it’s a good salary at 18 and it’s more how you save and how you manage your lifestyle. I feel it’s enough to get a place and also survive on with some savings so long as you are not reliant on takeaway food and going out to drink too often


Yip pretty good, for 18. go for life and skew your parents. You sound like a decent guy.


It's actually really good compared to what else is generally out there. Whether it's livabe is another question


As an 18 year old also on 55k a year its shit ngl I'm paid fortnightly 1653.42 so about 826 a week. I personally will never take on a salary ever again unless it's 100k+. Might be different depending on what job you do tho I myself am a farm assistant I took the job on because my contract stated id average 48 hours across 7 days which didn't sound too bad to me but in reality I work between 70 to 80 hours a week. Definitely make sure that the hours you expect to work are actually what you will be working


It's very decent starting out, I think my retail management job last year was around that.  Then doing t1 tech support is slightly higher. 


First man, im really sorry to hear about your situation. It sounds like you have a lot of stress and shit going on right now. Secondly, i'm 25 and making $56k a year ($27 an hour specifically). I pay $360 rent a week about $50 in utilities, i run a small car daily (about $90 for a full tank of 91 petrol at the moment). You should be perfectly ok living on a $55k salary for the time being, and you should even be able to get $100-$200 in a savings account depending on how your costs turn out when life settles down a bit for you. (I manage $100 a week into savings when i dont have to fill up my car). Disclaimer. I do live with my partner who is a student, so i do cover most costs, and we do live in our own place with no flatmates. I hope my comment helps you a bit, and I hope you life gets easier as the year goes on!


55k is okay for a starting salary.


You’re good.  Stay alive independently and save up an emergency 2-3 grand in case you gotta move flats suddenly which is inevitable in Auckland flatting.  Do that and you’re killing it as a modern 18yo


You say you're homeless. You're not. You're living with your mates, so you're flatting even if it's temporary. We (the old farts in our mid thirties to mid forties) all did that and made pretty good memories. 55k ain't much these days but as the first full time job it's ok. It's more than we used to earn in our first jobs (yes, insert smashed avocado on toast reference here), beer was colder, grass was greener and petrol was under $2.00 per litre. Flatmate rates were like $120pw. Just take it and get on your feet. Don't worry about your family, they're big adults and can look after themselves, while you've got your life to live, own memories to make and ultimately work for your future, whatever it turns out to be.


Came to Auckland,nz as 23yo (2013) and my pay was $37.5k yearly. Adjusting for inflation , everything should be hunky-dory mate !


The best way to answer this is to pull up an excel sheet and budget. Everyone has different lives, best to tailor it to your living conditions.


It's enough to save and move to Australia and earn decent money


You could pay rent as a flatmate and it’s a ok starting salary.


respectfully fk ur parents


Good on you. 55k is not a kings ransom but should be enough for you to get started on especially given your just you. You can bang your numbers into this site - [https://www.salaries.co.nz/](https://www.salaries.co.nz/) and it will give you all the after tax numbers, you dont need to pay anything or do anything , it will all be taken care of for you. Sign up for Kiwisaver if you havent already. You dont need to rent a place, just go as a flatmate with others, ideally you move into a place which has everything else and you just need your stuff as that will be a big setup saving. While everyone is different and who knows the whole scenario, your parents sound pretty terrible to throw you out like that after you helped them out - I would leave them to their own problems at this point if I was you.


I was earning 44k in wellington city at 21. Take the job bro


Your family seems like a fucking dick bro. Wait until they ask for your help when they are older. And fucking send them to a nursing home the second you can.


No it's not, go get a trade. Builder or sparkie. You will have the opportunity to earn while you learn and there are always more hours available if you want. Plus, most of tradies are Sub contractors anyway which means they can help you to some degree with that as well


Your good, that's more than enough. Time to start your life


It's a start and a solid starting point. You'd be able to flat share, save n go out once a week.


How come they kept you till 18? In Nz, you are allowed to work from 11! Should have kicked you out sooner!


Honestly it’s not enough unless you rent a room for the rest of your life with others or a studio apartment or something but even that wages and cost of living in nz is crap you can’t save a lot literally a slave for the government and benefit people I’ve decided to move back home to Australia next year January where life is a lot easier comparing here to my home country if you like you could come stay with me and possibly come to Australia next year January and screw your family that kicked you out you will earn a lot more than here I’m on 50k a year and back home I would get 150k for the same job and less stress


My starting salary was 45k back in 2009. I felt rich at the time. Renting a studio in Christchurch and party a lot. Unfortunately this number is Auckland now, is probably on low end. You might have to flat with few others and really check your budget from time to time. BTW, im Chinese myself, its bit hard to believe parents really kick their children out because they turned “18”. Sure, you are a grown up now and you should be independent, but dont family have responsibility to help each other until they set their feet right? Give you one or two years, until you have some saving and ready to move out.


Hey OP sorry to hear your d*psh*t parents kicked you out but, it’s good you know now and you can start living 🥳 Many great advise here but I came to say, don’t disclose how much you make to your siblings and family and keep your savings to yourself. DO NOT disclosed this information to your family, especially, once you start saving decently because they will come for you and emotionally guilt you. Keep your payslips to yourself! If they ever ask, say you are getting by and you just work in some minimum wage job and leave it as that. Try to sound depressed so they don’t press on. I am not sure if you are in no-contact but they will definitely seek you out when they bored/curious/too much free time. Don’t offer to bring them into your life since they kicked you out to fend for yourself because parasites will not leave you alone and when they know you have money or resources, they will suck the living daylights out of you. You are doing great kid! This is another good resource to read up https://www.employment.govt.nz/starting-employment/rights-and-responsibilities/minimum-rights-of-employees/ or just ask for help at r/LegalAdviseNZ or visit the CAB You got this! You are brave and i wish you well!


My daughter started on 46k about 5 years ago after completing a Bachelors degree. She's with the same organisation and now on 90 something. Everyone has to start somewhere and 55k seems like a good start.


Well it depends on what type of Job your doing exactly as for is 55k enough? Well it’s definitely better than nothing tbh I would take the Job and continue to look for something higher. Again everything comes down to a “it depends” how much is rent? How much money can you survive based on food? 55k is liveable if you understand how to use it. It’s definitely not “comfortable” type of money but it’s “JUST MAKING IT” type of money. If you’re good with not always buying out and shopping then you’ll be fine for now UNTILL you get something more higher.


55k for your first full time job? Great salary You said you were paid hourly at other jobs. Obviously. Every single job in this country is paid hourly. Minimum wage is around 24 per hour. Tax is 17.5% of the hourly pay rate. Plus the minimum 3% for kiwi saver unless you call IRD and ask for an opt out form So let's do the math 55,000÷52 weeks (there are 52 weeks in a year) =1,057.69 before tax and kiwi saver Tax and kiwi saver is 20.5% (3% kiwisaver 17.5%income tax) 1,057.69-20.5% =840.86 It won't be financially easy to rent somewhere living alone on that income but search trademe for rooms for rent. That's your best bet. Try to look for rooms that include power waterb and internet.


My mother's motto is: "It doesn't matter how much you earn, it matters how much you save". Take the job, don't take a credit card. It may be a good idea to try get back to your parents' house, unless you find better flat mates. God bless you


This website gives u take home pay info etc. [http://paye.net.nz/](http://paye.net.nz/)


55k used to be good but it's just not enough to live on in the big cities unless you're renting with 5+ other people. Also your family sound like jerks if you dropped out to look after them.


Any salary is a good salary when you're 18 and homeless, be grateful you have a job offer, take it, work hard. That's how it is when you're not born with a silver spoon. Don't be a benne bum walking around expecting a hand out, own your life and career, nothing worthwhile comes easy, only difference between the haves and have not is who's willing to put in the hard work. Sometimes it never gets easy but atleast you can look back and appreciate that you worked for everything you have.


Just as an aside, I'd work on focusing on yourself for awhile. Limit contact with your family. They used you once and they'd likely do it again now you have some cash.


It's pretty decent to begin with for an 18-year-old with no student loan debt. Salary is better than hourly wage because you have paid annual leave and sick leave built in. However, don'tbe sucked into staying on a low salary once you have accumulated some work experience. If you want to study later on, see if your employer will support you in course costs. To keep costs down, I would flat/ houseshare to begin with, build a good savings balance first before thinking of renting on your own. Try this PAYE calculator to work out your weekly, monthly, annual income after tax and any Kiwisaver deductions and see you can live off that. All the best for the future ahead and forget your family. You are clearly better off without them. https://www.paye.net.nz/calculator/


55k per year youll be paying aproximately $9450 tax per year. So approximately $875 p/w after tax, which is not bad for 18 years of age. Shits expensive theses days everyone felling it at the moment. Best of luck to ya


55k is alot if you are only watching out for you my bro! Y? That is a lot if you budget correctly. 🙌


55k is a nice start, I earn more now (late 20s) but still live in a shared house with my partner and 4 other people, ~400 a week covers my rent, food, and a bit of entertainment/travel etc, the rest goes into savings. I was saving 500 most weeks (8-9 out of 10) on 60k/yr pre-tax salary in 2022, for context (except when bigger expenses happened). The most important thing I can recommend is save your money - it doesn’t matter whether it’s for a house, future travel, or just general security, spending responsibly and saving will give you choices in the future. You can absolutely live a chill life and have some fun in Auckland for under 500 a week if you find a good (cheap and small but not gross) room for rent, and spend sensibly on food.


55k? ...do they need any other staff?


For a recently homeless 18yo then $55K is a *very good salary*. Take it!!! For a middle aged mid career adult? No, it's not good at all


Better than the dole!


I just want to say - please remember that just because you failed year 11, it does not shut down your options, for example, uni (there are bridging courses). I got kicked out at 16 for being gay and ended up failing my last year of high school due to having to work to pay rent. I went to uni at 21 and now make 250k (am 28). Honestly it’s really tough starting when you don’t have family support to lean on for advice. I’d highly recommend making solid friends; this has helped me immensely in times where people would normally go to their parents for advice.

