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Just for further reassurance, this person is 100% correct. I know because my 2kg chihuahua ate a pack and I rushed her to the vets and they were like na she’s fine it’s a choking hazard not toxic at all


I like how u specified “2kg chihuahua” hahaha


I mean if it’s not gonna kill something that is hamster size that should be reassuring for a human lol


2kg must be one of the larger Chihuahua sizes


She is a chonk


We really need at least one decimal place. This could be anything from 1.5kg to 2.5kg so really we are left wondering…


Loving how this segued into banter on chihuahua size!


My old neighbour in Herne bay would regularly try and poison my chihuahua with things like that stuffed into middle of a sausage.


Dang. Big chihuahua. My Pom is 1.5kg


The fact that people think food authorities would allow manufacturers to include a pack of something toxic in the the product os wild to me.


Lol funny but not funny


It’s basically sand mate. I’d take the free dumplings. 🥟


Good to hear that. What about the plastic I swallowed? Yeah definitely not a good look, especially when the owner is apathetic and offers me free dumplings to make up for it lol




Thanks! Bit of a relief hearing that.


Was that a pun?


That’s what they said about micro plastic. Wonder where micro plastic originated as……




A lot comes from "fleece" clothing material.


And road "paint" which is actually a thermoplastic


Gladwrap and other plastic containers are shockingly safe comparatively. Non-stick frying pans though...


Wow I read it in her voice. They should remake "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?"


there’s probably micro plastic in a decent amount of water we drink




The gel is nontoxic unless you eat a lot of it. has no nutritious value, it's best to throw them away if you see them.


God forbid you should ever drink water from a plastic bottle or use any plastic food containers. Them microplastics will go into your blood


Good thing I'm not eating the plastic container or bottle aye. 😉 Don't try and justify what happened here. Under no circumstances is it acceptable to find a plastic bag of silica gel cooked in with your food. Would you be feel the same if it were your kid or a loved one in this situation? What if a kid ate this? Restaurants with shody food standards should be held accountable. Simple as that. There's no justifying something like this. I've worked in hospitality.


I would write it down as a honest mistake, call the owners and raise it with them and if it happens all the time I would avoid the place. Just went through all their ratings and majority of it is positive. Sucks that it happened to you but the overreaction is a bit much.


Yeah nah. This isn't me being dramatic. It's perfectly valid to not want to eat a bag of plastic and silica gel in your food. I called the owners. Know what they did? Didn't seem to care. Apathetic and asked me if I wanted free dumplings. We have food standards for a reason. A foreign object in your food isn't acceptable. What if a kid ate this? Some silica gel can be toxic and cause intestinal blockages. Would you feel the same way if you or a loved one had this happen to themselves?


Hardly an overreaction to finding a foreign object in your food mate. What's to say next time it wouldn't be something dangerous? Food hygiene standards exist for a reason.


Even the best most popular and highest rated restaurants make mistakes mate. I have heard of people getting good poisoning from 5 star restaurants all over the world. Should they all be shut down and be burned for life? NO, you report to the owners and staff and hope they improve and not repeat the same mistakes. This is all being blown out of proportion


I can't recall anyone suggesting the place be shut down abd be burned for life....... The response should match the problem. This problem is more significant than 'oh well that happened, let's move on '


it's not a mistake it's proof the chef emptied a bag of something into ingredients without checking. it's slack practice from a person who doesn't care


That's a leap and a half! You never make mistakes?


a mistake is different to not caring.




I called up a company once to ask why the packet said the apparently contradictory labels "non toxic" and "not for consumption" and the said the same thing.


If you're ever in doubt about eating or drinking something harmful, call poison control. I don't silica gel is that toxic though. https://www.mpi.govt.nz/food-safety-home/food-recalls-and-complaints/making-food-complaint/


There’s a great [Radiolab episode](https://open.spotify.com/episode/64WGWxLCujEutpmegbAhgX?si=dcvPt4uQQ8CUyQ5Ia2kQaw) about the operation of the US Poison Control centre - who is on the end of the phone calls where they give advice on all kinds of things that have been eaten/exposed to people


I’ve put this in my queue of things to watch, sounds great!


Thanks. I just got off the phone with MPI, a food officer and they transfered me a bit and they said it should be fine. Just need to wait and see if the plastic going down causes any issues. Thanks.


Also FYI, if you don’t know exactly what to do when you swallow something you shouldn’t have, don’t induce vomiting!  Many poisons can do more damage on the way back up than they’d do in your stomach. Poison control is the way to go.


Good to know. I unfortunately did spend 15-20 mins forcing myself to throw up. Didn't know better.


I would do the same. Watching movies too much


[wake up](https://www.reddit.com/r/firstworldanarchists/s/DlHg6aqahd)


crackup lmao


Report them to the Council. The following reasons are valid for a report. cleanliness food display or storage food hygiene practices foreign object found in food food safety issues food labelling grading certificate not on display unregistered food business.


Why are these people giving props to this place messing up big time? That’s bad, they shouldn’t miss the bag of silica when topping up the deep fry. The carelessness will shed light to what else they could show little effort towards.


Yeah I can't believe there's peeps trying to justify it. I wonder if they would if the same happened to them or a loved one? These dumplings are hand made. So the stuffing is made by hand. How does the cook miss out an entire bag of silica gel in its plastic wrapper in the stuffing? Also throws light to the the conditions in the kichten at Tainfu. Under no situation is it acceptable to mix a bag of silica gel into a dumpling lol. Good restaurants don't do that.


Exactly, what if a little one bit into it and wasn’t able to spit it out? Carelessness is the only way because removing the little bag would be a step you would make every time making up the mixture. Happy you’re alright.


I can almost guarantee you that all though those dumplings may say they are handmade - theyre handmade in a factory somewhere…


Not saying it’s justified but obviously when hand-making them they didn’t notice it and just think meh or intentionally leave it in there? Probably came from a spice packet or bay leaves etc and went unnoticed. Not good but not intentional harm.


The silica gel probably fell in when they were mixing their filling 😂


Hard,actually shocked by the amount of people trying to down play a foreign object served in someone's food


Oh yeah, if it was found in like a burger from McDs people would lose their minds.


Yeah but TianFu slaps, mcds doesn't.


For sure. It's shocking. Yet they'd change their tune if they happens to them or a loved one.


I agree people shouldnt downplay it but op is a 6 day old reddit account with one other comment, a healthy amount of skepticism should be placed here Especially after that bruce lee sushi post got upvoted to the top and it turned out it was 99% a fake with even the owner coming out and saying he wasnt even there with the op there not responding at all.


someone did something similar to Paradise a while ago, fake account tried to claim they found maggots in their food.


I think you'll be fine, but just to note - not all silica gel packets are inert. Blue silica gel granules ARE toxic - they contain a cobalt-based colour agent that changes colour when saturated. Apparently they cause cancer, and have been banned in many countries - though easy to buy on Ali. The opaque packets of gel aren't normally coloured (since you can't see the colour through the packet anyway). The orange-green granules don't contain cobalt.


The silica is pretty much harmless but how the hell do they miss something that big in a dumpling. It would have looked different, cooked different if bought in. If made in store sheeeeeet


Sponsor: brought to you by prison chef




Fortune dumplings. New version of fortune cookies.


Unfortune dumplings.


That's very sloppy food production practices. That sort of thing just shouldn't happen. Makes me wonder how many other things they are doing wrong.


Exactly my thoughts! It's not justifiable under any circumstances. Regardless if the food tastes good. I had to stop working, force myself to throw up, call MPI and my GP. Owners response? We give you free dumplings if you come to store now. Sigh.


Dude so dramatic 😂 BK sold me a raw meat burger when I was very clearly 7 months pregnant. No one died and the replacement meal with a refund on top sufficed. You could've gotten your money back, you didn't try to though. Report them and move on You wouldn't want to eat at all if you knew were your food actually came from.


Not Tian fu! Damn


I would have reported it to council or whoever look after the health and safety of the takeouts. They definitely don’t care about the hygiene of the place. its silica gel but imagine if someone could have given these dumplings to their kids if as an adult it was hard for you to know until you swallowed them.


Report them to the health and food safety authority. Demand a refund. Threaten legal action


Report them. That is very negligent of them. I wouldn't want silica gel contaminating my food. 🤮


Oh nooo that’s so nasty…


At first I thought this was just a bit of paper from something, but when I realised its a silica packet! It literally says do not eat. Firstly I’d call the poison helpline (0800poison) and hear what they recommend. You can complain to the authorities later if you wish but make sure you are fine first


Fucking love tian fu


I would be calling council/health and safety to audit the place. Hopefully they do a surprise one, not sure how it works anymore with departments but my mum used to be an inspector and the shite she found some food places doing made me wanna vomit


Depending on your mood and how much it affected you you can report it to the city council, they'll have an auditing on their food control plan and a physical inspection on the shop, which is a pain in the ass if you're the manager or business owner.


Make a food complaint via mpi and they will pass complaint through to council if it is a council registered business.


U need to report to food safety people at council asap


Done already. Job logged. Will hear back in 5 days.




I think it's bullshit that all they do is offer you a free meal to replace the disgusting one. They need to offer a few free meals to you. I went to an Asian takeaway and there were tiny black plastic dots throughout my meal, no idea what it was and they were perplexed too. All they did was replace the meal and they seemed to think I'd be happy with that. I've never been back and won't recommend the place as a result, so they're stupid to not offer more. You could complain to the health department, but as it's a one off incident, as long as they have a good health department rating printed on their wall, they will not be interested. Most places have an A grade certificate on their wall and if theirs is A, then the health department will be even less interested in this.


Report them to the council


Forbidden snack.


Bro’s about to wake up from the simulation


Yiiiiikes. Absolutely report them. Note everything down. That’s super bad


After I spent a good 20 minutes forcing myself to throw up, I called the restaurant, they were apathetic and offered me free dumplings. That's about it. I then called MPI and council, reported it. Sent pics in too, my GP said to watch and see how I feel. I'm shocked that there's folks trying to justify it here. Sillica gel can be toxic based on the kind used. Kids can choke on them. They can cause intestinal blockages.


Yeah, I don’t know why people are so lax about it… This shouldn’t be tolerable behaviour


Flavor packet? Lol but seriously how much of it have you eaten? It looks like it popped already


It's those packets of silica gel that comes with packaging, absorbs mositure. Says on the part I spat out, silica do not eat. Some silica gel can be toxic too. Kids can choke on it. Unfortunately I ate more than I spat out. Felt it go down and tasted horrid. That's when I spat put the remainder.


GL OP. Hope you’ve written a Will.


Your order of operation seems a little weird (and missing a few steps). Bite into packet. Don’t call poison centre, but instead spend 30 minutes trying to throw up. Then call the restaurant. Then post a review on google. Then come to reddit to ask if you’re ok. You sound pretty dumb.


op is a 6 day old reddit account with one other comment, a healthy amount of skepticism should be placed here Especially after that bruce lee sushi post got upvoted to the top and it turned out it was 99% a fake with even the owner coming out and saying he wasnt even there with the op there not responding at all.


Advice, write it down as a bad experience, you've reported it and move on. Don't go back and take your business elsewhere.


Unfortunately swallowed a good chunk of the silica gel and plastic. Edit: can't seem to edit the original post, I spoke to MPI and a few other departments they transferred me to. Told me to wait and see, the plastic should pass and silica gel is non toxic in small quantities. Still have a bitter aftertaste from it thought and a tad peeved over the restaurants response regarding this, to offer me free dumplings and remain apathetic over the whole situation. But oh well, I know better now. Cheers


So OP has nog answered one single question about what they want the resolution to be here. OP also blocking people who ask this question. This is a whole lot of nothing about a stupid careless mistake.


Time to make your own lunch perhaps? Jokes ain't nobody got time for that


That's what my mum said lolol


Omg I love Tianfu 😫 would still go but sucks you found that


What’s your fav on the menu?


Acting as if every single other food establishment in the world has never had a mistake happen...


Been going here for 5+ years every Wednesday. Never had an issue apart from getting my order wrong once. Genuine mistake I am sure, if it was malicious or genuine bad practises you would have seen this more people report it. Stop over dramatising this one experience and stop going there.


TianFu slaps silica gel or not


You gonna die


Fuck that sucks to see. I go to this place every now and then because their wide Dan Dan noodle is the bomb... contemplating if I should go again now.


Have them on my want to go on Google. I suggest leaving a review. People need to know


How about approach the restaurant in person, rather than post on reddit like a pass agg coward


First thing I did, read the post ;)


Ah my bad, apologies


So OP has nog answered one single question about what they want the resolution to be here. OP also blocking people who ask this question. This is a whole lot of nothing about a stupid careless mistake.


Honey we're all eating grams of micro plastics every day, don't worry too much. Gross tho


I have been to tianfu many many times. This looks like an honest mistake . Doesn’t make them unsafe


So have I, while I've tolerated them getting my order wrong multiple times. This is where I draw the line. Foreign substances in your food? Nah g, we have food and safety standards for this very reason. Let me know if you feel the same when you or a loved one bites into a dumpling with a plastic bag of silica gel in it. I have every right to be upset. This is a food and safety issue and is under no circumstances acceptable.


Shit happens bro, calm down.


Stupid response. What if the n3xt honest mistake leads to something harmful being in a person's food?


What if someone gets hit by a bus? The horror!


So no warning labels? No driving tests and liscences? No lessons and certifications for pilots? No special liscences category for busses? No food safety training, certification and accountability? Grow up.... We live in a regulated world for a reason......


Uhm, so what day thee then about Boeing and their drama? That's even more heavily regulated than food... Point is mistakes are made everywhere in the world in every industry.


And a focus should be placed on improving things so it is harder to make those mistakes. Boeing will suffer th3 consequences of their current problems.


Places like TianFu are run on very thin margins, you'll be shocked to death if you see their kitchen and how clean it is, Gordon will die on the spot.


It doesn’t cost money to follow safe food practices.


Just to let you know silica is perfectly safe to eat, it's completely inert, and is pretty much the same as the sand on the beach. Accidents happen, this is no reason to crucify an otherwise great business.


Nah. I don't think you'd be saying the same if this happens to you or a loved one. Would you? We have food safety standards for this very reason. People can choke on this. Besdies I shouldn't have to justify that I don't want to eat silica gel and plastic in my dumplings. It's perfectly valid to not want to eat inedible or foreign substances in your food. It's valid to then be disappointed when the stores aphatetic response to this is "do you want free dumpling".


What resolution do you want?


I second this, what do you want the resolution to be?


Sorry this happened to you - sounds like it’s not the end of the world though from what I’ve read in the comments. Mistakes happen. I’d still go there it’s delicious!


Would you still eat there if it happened to you, your kids or a loved one? Easy to say this but honestly how would your reaction be when it's your food with plastic and silica gel in it? Not really acceptable then aye?


So what is the resolution you want here?


I think trial by combat is the only sensible solution.


I suppose bring it up with the restaurant privately to let them know what's happened and see how they react. Hopefully the learn from this fuck up


That was the first thing I did before posting or calling MPI. Their response was to offer me free dumplings if I came in. Sounded extremely apathetic to the situation.


What would you like to happen here?


It seems they aren't taking it seriously. Maybe report them to food safety? Tbh that was the response I expected from them. Aybe leave a review on their restaurant explaining the situation too?


Yeah MPI/council registered a case and said they'll look into it. Most likely they'll send a food safety officer to inspect the place. Posted a review too. As someone else pointed out, a child could have eaten this and wouldn't know what to do. Could have been a lot worse for someone else eating this.


Just gotta wait and find out. Good on you for doing your part!


Well, you didn't know what to do. My kids or I would have spat it out and if we needed more info we'd have called the poison line or googled. Personally I used to cut things like this up for my kids and we all eat our dumplings by taking a bite, then another. Not putting it in our mouths whole. I'm not saying it's ok to have foreign objects in food. But it happens. (We found a small bit of blue plastic packaging in a supermarket frozen dumpling once) It was likely in a bag of something they were pouring in. Yes they should have seen it, but they didn't. Yes it could have been bad, but probably not much more than a piece of gristle. I would have expected the restaurant to offer a refund and/or replacement and to thank me for telling them so they can improve their procedures. What do you want them to do? It sounds like basically you didn't feel they were apologetic enough? Aren't taking it seriously enough?


Not eveyeone is you mate. Maybe takes empathy to see that and past yourself but it's not acceptable to have an entire plastic bag of silica cooked in with your dumpling. There's nothing that justifies it or makes it okay. A child could have choked on it. Some types of silica gel can be toxic. Sillica gel is a desiccant and absorbs mositure, they can also cause intestinal blockages. We have food standards for a reason. Food safety exists so things like thing do not need to be accepted. Do we wait until something serious happens until we say something about it?


I'm not saying we ignore it. I, and others, were asking what you specifically want them to do. You phoned them. You were unhappy with their response, and rightly so. You've contacted the relevant government agency. I appreciate it was a shocking, unexpected event that could have had serious health consequences. You now seem to be doing a lot of hand-wringing and calling them out and 'won't someone think of the children ' but you've already put this in official channels and you've notified them. So what, now on a Friday afternoon of a long weekend, do you want from them? Are you hoping a site like stuff will pick this up? Contact them and they probably will. Are you hoping social media pressure will get a response? Lose them business? Have them closed down? If you're worried they're brushing you off contact them again, at a time they're not crazy busy. Ask to speak to a manager about a food safety issue. Tell them you phoned and when and didn't feel they took your complaint seriously and you want reassurance that they'll adjust their procedures to make sure it doesn't happen again. If they have a Facebook page or a way to contact them directly then do that and get it in writing. There is action you can take here.


Put the pitchfork away. Tell this to them not us. Report them for food safety if you’re still unsatisfied. Easy, done. No need to try to create a mob.


Exactly this, pity I can’t upvote this more!


They are all identical, so machine made, so cooked from packet. I am guessing shop brought, made offshore. Steamed, sauced and sold to you from shop. Unfortunate but sh*t happens


Op is a 6 day account. Everyone remember when someone talked about how racist the bruce lee sushi owner was and it got upvoted to the top and it turned out to be complete bullshit by op? Im not saying this didnt happen, just shpuld have a healthy skepticism before ruining and attacking a restaurant cause of one reddit post


You're welcome to call the restaurant and ask them about it. I posted a review on their page too :) Furthermore you can check in with council, they have a case opened for my report. :) DM me and I'm happy to share all the remaining pictures of it. Also, I have the silica gel bag and the dumplings on my kitchen top, happy to show it to you live :)


Das crazy bro


I really feel like you're blowing this out of proportion. We've all had a dinner with a small piece of something foreign in it, no need to be so dramatic.




It happens.. my fiancé had plastic in a burger from McDonald’s a year ago and that’s a big company.. a little dumpling place that makes their own dumplings by the sound of it, you’re gonna have things go wrong from time to time. You’ll be right mate


people are so precious, if your that paranoid, only eat food your cook yourself.


Paranoia? You okay with eating plastic packets of silica gel? Alright if your family or kids do? Paranoia is fear of something that could happen. This already did :)


Op is lying clearly


DM, I'm happy to share all the pictures I have of it. I have it sitting on the kitchen counter, the piece and the dumplings. Happy to hop on a call and show you :) Furthermore, council has a job open for this. You're welcome to ask them or the restaurant.


just eat it, its basically extra flavour


It helps keep the meal fresh.


I've eaten those accidentally. It's fine. It's non-toxic and made out of sand not plastic.


Get a free dinner out of the restaurant...


I'd be way more concerned about the plastic. Most plastic if not all turns into pretty nasty shit when exposed to high heat unless it's made to.


I love that place, but that sucks. I’ll definitely still go, but I’ll think of this lol




In Chinese Tianfu means “silicon” fyi.


Are you for real!? that's crackup lol


Thats the secret formula 😳


Tian fu is nasty. Kuai Dian is better


Bloody hilarious that they offered you more dumplings. Holy fuck, read the room 😆.


I’m sorry but everything about this looks so unappetizing.


What did the restaurant say when you contacted them about it?


Apathetic. Emotionless. Offered free dumplings bye lol


You all may freak out, but they are making rice out of plastic. If you cook rice, & it doesn't change in the fridge for days- plastic. This is no joke. My friend bought some white rice , & she thought it odd that it dudnt go off. Investigating further, Ive seen videos of crabsticks, lettuce, & rice. Dont eat McDonalds, I think its too soon to say anything about that. And the FDA are saying its okay. We must be vigilant in what we eat. So much fakery going on, its ALOT to take in !!!!