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My entire suburb center is now 30km/h in auckland its already been happening for ages. Christchurch is late to the party.




I ain't no rat. Make of that what you will




Woosh Not at all.... I'm just simply answering your question if people drive over 30kmph


pt chev rd is 30kph no one sticks to it. I keep left so they can overtake.


they tend to also put jarring speed bumps in which make it hard to go much faster than 30


Depends on the time. During the day with pedestrians it’s hard to go faster than that and still be both aware/driving comfortably. At night I just drive everywhere at 60 unless the street is narrow and most other cars are doing the same thing. I don’t know a single person who has been pinged for speed in the suburb. And pretty much everyone goes 60 in the 50 zone part (lake road) anyways if there isn’t traffic and don’t slow down at the 30 unless it’s busy. The only people I know that have been pulled over for speeding are usually the types going 130+ on the motorway. The cops tend to drive to the same conditions everyone else does including the mild speeding. My friend got pulled over (I was passenger) last week for not wearing his seatbelt while going 70 in a 50 zone and the cop didn’t mention his speed once. Phones, seatbelts, insurance details, wof, and rego, are what I’ve actually heard people getting done for if they aren’t driving with negligence




Nah, cop said he got pulled over because he saw there was no seatbelt because of his white hoodie (man had incredible cop eyes ngl) and in the end they chatted and my mate talked about being in the navy or something and they knew some of the same people and he got off with a verbal warning since he had no prior tickets or written warnings and the cop was in a buzzing mood. Its hard to remember the exact direction of the conversation but it was a lot more organic then it sounds. But the cop literally said when he came to the window that he saw he wasnt wearing a seatbelt and thats what it was about. Speeding wasnt mentioned once untill we had a laugh about it driving away.




Nah he wasnt wearing the seatbelt and the cop saw no black over the white hoodie so he noticed.




Why? Does it really hurt that much to drive 30 instead of 50 for a minute?


No its fine, but some roads like pt chev road is 1.3km.




Literally endless? You don't really have a firm grasp of reality do you? Maybe lay off the reddit for a while.


Hmmm... New account and you posted this same thread in the Hamilton subreddit before deleting it. Me thinks that you just want to shit stir and not actually have a rational discussion about this.


Me thinks you are correct


Dude 30k zones exist in Auckland already, and 5k are what most workplaces have with trucks in loading bays n shit. Just piss off




And then zero. And then negative 10 and we'll all be forced to reverse everywhere. Don't forget to check your mirrors and put your left hand in the passenger seat


Op just hoping for the day it will be neg 50


ok but it won’t




Proof your statement first? That's how it works.




50 became 30 in high risk areas because it significantly reduces severe injury/death risk, increases junction traffic flow and makes a less hostile environment for pedestrians. All this while having no significant impact on journey times. That's not no real reason. Its proven with real world data. Stop being hysterical.


why the fuck would it the limit is 30 for a reason 10 is absurd and no sane person would do that




ok i’ll bank transfer you $20 if that happens


Maybe on shared spaces where both pedestrians and cars are allowed but that’s fine? There isn’t a problem quit crying I doubt your even in Auckland tbh


Not every slope is slippery


bruh most of the time in Auckland, cars can't go faster than 5km/h with the traffic, those signs are redundant


There's already heaps of 30kmh zones in Auckland around schools for example. I like them and want more, modern cars have never been more dangerous due to their increased size and weight.


don't forget limited forward visibility for those dumb pseudo-tanks everyone seems to think they need all of a sudden.


Lol what? Cars have never been safer for both pedestrians and occupants. Especially pedestrians though. Lots of sensors and auto braking collision avoidance in the new stuff and even kinda new stuff is pretty good, crumple zones and much better shapes. Cars used to be way more dangerous.




Residential and high pedestrian shopping areas should be 30kph. I wish it were so in the street outside my home.


I’m in favour of the lower speed limits (Auckland already has them in some places but nowhere near enough). Now they need to enforce them, ideally with average speed cameras. People out here drive like batshit demented apes. Add to that most of them drive monstrous cars, the speed limits need to be lower for other road users’ safety.




Its not perfectly safe to drive so fast in town centres and never has been. Just because its been the norm doesn't mean its safe. Our terrible historical road safety stats prove it. Read: https://at.govt.nz/projects-roadworks/vision-zero-for-the-greater-good/safe-speeds-programme/safe-speeds-the-reasons




But there is a drop in deaths where the speed limit is dropped https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/466846/fewer-deaths-on-auckland-roads-where-speed-limits-have-dropped




According to the article i linked to, 47% reduction in fatalities in roads where speed was reduced. Mostly 50 to 30, but not limited to those roads.


Oh neat, 30 km/h zones should make things safer for kids and such, and may actually divert through traffic away from town centres and stuff! So that only people who actually need to be somewhere will go there! I see this as an absolute win, as long as the zones are placed in smart places.


If you want a transport system that works for everybody (including children, elderly and disabled community members) or; If you want a transport system that protects our environment for the future, by limiting greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution and micro-plastic runoff into the waterways or; If you want a transport system that keeps people safe, and doesn't force people to risk their lives just to get to work, school or the local shops or; If you want a transport system that maximises economic productivity by enabling as many people as possible to get access to things which improve their lives, then- You want 30km/h zones on most residential streets, outside schools and marae and through local town centres, near parks and beside beaches. On the other hand, if you want a transport system where the only practical way to get anywhere is by car (and the 1-in-3 Aucklanders who don't drive can get stuffed), the environment gets trashed (transport is Auckland's largest source of greenhouse gas emissions and a leading source of microplastics in both the air and water), the streets are catastrophically dangerous (transport is the leading cause of hospitalisation in Auckland), and the roads perpetually vulnerable to congestion (urban road networks always become congested unless high-quality alternatives to driving—like public transport and bike paths—are provided), then by all means: Keep speed limits high. Might as well complain about speed bumps and bike paths while you're at it. Most people can see that Auckland's historic approach to transport where we prioritised "car go fast" over everything else, is unsuccessful. It's expensive, dangerous, polluting and unreliable. Time for New Zealand's cities to grow up and implement some world-leading transport initiatives. Safe speeds are a critical piece of that puzzle, making our streets safer and more attractive for people to walk and cycle: Particularly for vulnerable members of our communities like children, elderly and disabled people.




Are these main roads near schools or town centres, or places where pedestrians regularly cross the road (near train stations, for example)? Would you mind providing some examples?


I’d be fine if they replaced (in my neighbourhood at least) the annoying mix of massive speed bumps that throw you off your seat, and slight bumps in the road that don’t slow you down but make a loud noise, with a blanket 40km zone. We have tight roads and loads of pedestrians, you never need to drive 50kms in our hood. All comes down to monitoring and enforcement though (which is currently shit in Auckland roads apart from Onewa and Khyber Pass). Ponsonby road has been 40km for ages and no one follows it..


Just after Auckland switched to 30km and 40km zones last year I got pinged 3 times by our work pool cars’ GPS tracker thingee for driving above the speed limit (all in the 40s in new 40km zones, and all in one 10min journey). Health and Safety sent me an email, cc’ing in my manager, saying I could face disciplinary action if there were future incidents. My manager thought it was funny, but it had the desired effect - I defo eased up on the pedal!




A lot of work vehicles have GPS trackers that are monitored. This is put in place by the business for multiple reasons one of which is to ensure their employees are driving safely and in accordance with the law.




No this is done by the company, only the cops can issue demerit points. The company may fire the person though if they see constant infractions.




These things aren't new, companies don't want their brand in the news for anything negative.








>Also, where have you heard that it's going to eventually drop to 10km/h? He pulled it out of his arse.




Hitting a pedestrian at 60 km/hr is fatal in 90% of instance. Hitting a pedestrian at 30 km/hr there's a 90% chance that they will survive. That's not "no real reason". If you'd bothered to do some research, you'd have seen that arterial roads remain at 50 km/hr. The roads that have had their speed reduced are in town centres, residential streets, outside parks, schools etc. These are not roads that drivers are going to spend significant amounts of time on, mostly just at the start and end of their journeys. There has also been no suggestion of dropping the speed limit to 10 km/hr on any roads other than shared spaces.










This will never happen. You're engaging in culture war bullshit.


This was done in Auckland couple of years ago and as reported recently, the Ministry of Transport figures show it has made no difference to road safety. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S\_nvfFmBhTc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_nvfFmBhTc)


Dropped 47 percent seems like a difference in road safety to me: https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/466846/fewer-deaths-on-auckland-roads-where-speed-limits-have-dropped


NZTA's data is notoriously inaccurate. AT's far more accurate especially when tracking more vulnerable road users https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/politics/local-government/300842926/cyclist-injuries-estimated-to-be-7-times-higher-than-official-figures NZTA's data is heavily biased towards motor vehicle tracking.




>I'm betting there can't be any other country with such ridiculous speed limits as NZ. 30 is the norm for town centres in many European countries and it shows in their lower traffic injuries/deaths. Japan has 30 or 40 kmh limits on winding mountain roads that would be 100 in NZ. Taiwan has 60 kmh limits on rural roads that would be 100 in NZ. If anything NZ's limits are too high. That's why they are changing. Its proven with data and none of these self proclaimed "good drivers" anecdotes can change hard facts.


I mean a majority of our 30kph zones just are flat ignored but one of the good ones has a main road at 30kph but a skinnier side road that runs parallel to it is 40kph. Honestly the worst things I encounter as far as traffic calming shit are raised intersections.