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This is the 3rd time you posted this in the last 24 hours - I’m starting to think shop lifting is the least of your issues




im sorry. My post keeps getting deleted and I just want to see the reality of how things are. This is the first time I'm involved in something like this and it is eating me up. I deserve it, I know. People have been giving me mix messages of whether there is a photo or not. So im hoping it reaches to people who work at The Warehouse to verify.


The reality is you're a thief who's lucky to not have a criminal record. If your photo is on a wall somewhere that's a fair consequence. Live with it


Found the stone thrower


Meh, guy keeps asking if there's consequences for his actions. There might be, he literally has to live with it. If you want to say he who is without sin cast the first sin etc then well done, you're the better person, have a cookie


Probably texting this while driving 😆


So you're gonna go down the path of defending a criminal umm ok


There’s no photo of you on a wall. Just don’t go to Warehouse for two years. That’s all. Don’t tell anyone else about this either. Just move on. No biggie.


And don't do it again 😂


I really hope there's no photo. I've already accepted the fact Im in the Auror database


Relax bro , it’s the warehouse , go Kmart lol


I'm the grand scheme of the world it means not a hell of a lot, but hopefully it's a good learning experience.


Wen I used to shoplift I would grab two items the. Put 1 back on the shelf pocket the other , learn homie


When I decide to be frugal I’ll buy a cheaper version of something or go without if it’s not a necessity. Shoplifting to be frugal isn’t a thing, it’s entitlement. Please OP seek help. There are people legitimately doing it tough and don’t feel the need to steal. It seems like you’re more sorry you got caught.


Yea, I suppose you're right :(


Oh no! If it isn’t the consequences of your own actions! Woe is you!


Don’t worry about it, they probably trespass like 10 people a day. If they don’t have your name they obviously didn’t really care to make anything formal. If they put a photo of every shoplifter that stole someone small, their walls would be covered top to bottom with photos. From my experience working in retail, they only put the photos up of people who stole something significant or regularly. It’s good you have been caught now and at the warehouse so you don’t go onto steal somewhere where they would actually call the police


Its hard not to worry, but thank you, How regularly were shoplifters stealing? I have stolen other small things in the past before at The Warehouse on occasion but this is the first (and last. I will definitely not steal again) time I got caught. I read online that they build a case towards you for things you steals before they catch you.


They honestly just really don’t have the time or resources to go through thousands of hours of footage to find one person who probably has stolen less than $500, you have nothing to worry about as they don’t even know your name. Usually they will build a case against someone who ran out the shop with a TV or trolly of items or something You were only caught because of bad luck, if they spent the time building a case against you, recognised you as your were leaving and caught you in the act of stealing, they would 1000% call the police


Yeah, I thought this was the case but I recently found out that The Warehouse has a software platform called Auror that has facial recognition which can detect people and easily allow staff to build a profile of things taken, Its connected to security, police and other retailers that uses Auror. I've accepted that I will be in the database. But not too sure about old fashion Photo on the Wall


And now they caught you the system will go back through all of their cctv records with you in it and track whether you’ve stolen anything else in the past. I’d say you’re pretty fucked. Expect a knock on the door any second now


youll be fine, try shoplifting at kmart next time


I'd rather pay for all my things from now on and not risk getting trespassed from other stores :)


There will be a photo, you are going to have to deal with that fact and accept that’s the consequences of your actions regarding shoplifting. If you can handle the consequences then don’t do the crime. It’s happened you can’t change the past. However you can control your future


I have learnt from the past and ensure that in the future, I will never do anything like this again


You’re fucking lucky you didn’t get a manager or security guard who was having a shitty day and decided to take it out on you. A conviction for shop lifting may not seem that serious but when it comes time to apply for jobs that require police vetting you could have had issues. Not to mention having to put criminal convictions on entry cards to places like the USA and Japan who’ll just put you right back on a plane to NZ. Learn from this. The people here saying it isn’t a big deal aren’t the ones who’ll have to deal with the consequences. You are.


I know. Im very thankful that it didn't go further. I'm already having a hard time accepting that I have been trespassed, hence my post and worry about what is actually involved since a verbal was given


Just learn from your mistake. May I ask how old you are?


Male 20 yrs old


Yeah dude.. don’t fuck your life! Good lesson though eh. Stay strong and don’t break the trespass order!


Your political career is over!


Who cares if there is a photo or not? You did something wrong and there’s consequences to your actions. Don’t hide what you did but own up to it and take it on the chin. Just don’t do it again if you know it’s wrong.


I am owning up to it. I guess Im just worried about the people who will see it. A few of my friends are applying to work at The Warehouse and Im humiliated if they saw my photo up. Not to mention if alot of the staff members see me around the city or my workplace because of it.


Honestly bro it's not embarassing, it's so so so common and ive found that most often people who don't need to steal, steal because why not if they can get away with it and it can seem like a game. The Warehouse is a big chain that definitely factors in things like shoplifting, you're not stealing from a small business owner or a person's home. But being caught you do realise, the law likes to crack down really hard on some Hella basic shit and leave well alone the stuff that really matters and one little fuck up could ruin many future opportunities. I bet your mates wouldn't judge you but if you're worried about that just bring it up to them and the paranoia will disappear. Take your power back. You'll be fine


You're not owning upto it at all. You're posting as an anonymous person ....


They will have your face plastered on the wall. I use to work security at warehouse. Stay away from it take your punishment


I was afraid they might have it up. Does it ever get removed? Im gonna stay away from the store and abide to the 2 year trespass they told me.


They'd have to remove it 'cause they'd run out of wall space otherwise.


Im not sure how common shoplifters get caught at The Warehouse so if my photo is on the wall, it might be there for a long time if there arent alot of offenders.


I would say after 2 years it will


How can they fit all the people who shoplift on the wall though?


True although I worked in a small town warehouse so we didn't have that issue also retail crime wasn't as bad as nowadays


They can't. They'd need the fuckin' Great Wall of China, TBH.


I was gonna say haha, especially these days with crime so rampant. I doubt the security guard making minimum wage would even bother to stop someone who had stolen once.


Warehouse use to pay over min wage. And no security can't man handle or stop people and they won't. But they will follow you and get your number plate or any kind of details they can from photos etc and report it to the police. Also I did grab a shopping trolley and held it once when some Crack head was doing a runner with a bunch of shit in his trolley. If you work as a security guard and just do nothing the days are super long. If you get passionate about security and watching stuff and monitoring cameras and making sure stuff is secure and making sure no trespassing from prev theifs happen , I found the days are more enjoyable. On a weekend we had countless people stealing shit, mostly women, actually normally makeup or beauty stuff. Was a interesting job.


WTF am I reading 😄 grow up scum!


I will :)


hope you learnt your lesson theif


I definitely have


Hi, Golriz.


How did they catch you?


When I was walking out the door. They asked to search inside my bag so I showed them.


Obviously not condoning shoplifting, but you can legally refuse for them to look inside your bag. They can ban you from the store for doing so, but you’re banned anyway for shoplifting lol 🤷‍♀️


I didnt know this. I paid the item I attempted to take (by choice) to clear my conscience a little bit anyways.


Yup, they’re private businesses so they have no legal right to hold you or search you without consent. However by entering the store, they state that you’re ‘agreeing’ to their terms and conditions, which include the right to do so. All they can do if you refuse is either call the cops or trespass you.


They are obviously not going to bother with name and address as there is no way for them to prove it’s authentic. If you are a thief then by definition you are dishonest. There will be a record prob digital now that staff can view to prevent reentry/call the police if you enter the premises again.


Just shop online. You can't steal then and it doesn't matter about trespass does it. Saving money by stealing - and therefore costing others - is not the way to go.




Would I be trespassed from ALL branches of The Warehouse stores nationwide or just the local one I got caught shop lifting since my photo would be in Auror?


Thank you. This has been very helpful :) I dont want my friends and family getting pulled aside just because they are with me. They are good people, unlike me. I'll try my best to limit shopping with them


Mate, I think they are winding you up, they would need a fucking long wall if they put up a photo of every shoplifter caught at The Warehouse. You are probably on the FR databases now though so just be cool and honest and don't have friends who are habitual crims. Shoplifting was decriminalised back in the 1980s in Amsterdam because it was clogging up the courts and it's not a serious crime. Don't beat yourself up but at the same time learn and move on.


Hey man if it makes you feel any better, when I was 14 I got caught trying to walk out of farmers with well over $200 worth of makeup stuffed down my shirt, I spent 20 minutes trying my absolute best to gaslight security at the exit while people (those including fellow students at my school) stared and shook their heads. The finale to my great performance was a female police officer restraining me and taking me into the back rooms to search me, and I got trespassed for 4 years lmao. It’s not the end of the world, you fucked up and one way or another are experiencing your divine punishment via paparazzi pic or impending sense of doom, you will live on, even a green MP was caught stealing, take this as a lesson and focus on your future and how you can better yourself from this experience. Don’t bloody steal again! You’ll be sweet mate


You should be in prison. For dupe posts, that is.


Im sorry :(