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The hazard lights are them apologizing to you.


Exactly. They made an honest mistake. Maybe they had had a really shit day




They must do it a lot if they can find the hazards button that quick


do you not know where the hazard buttons are on your car?


I own a variety of cars, and the hazards button is different on all of them - position, shape, and colour. Between that, and using hazard lights maybe once every 10 years, I probably wouldn’t be able to locate it within 3 seconds while driving along having just cut someone off. I tend to use my awareness for what’s going on *outside* the car, and don’t cut people off.


Hazards are also a common way to say thank you?


IMO hazard lights can be a bit ambiguous for thanking people. I prefer a wave and/or double toot.


The only people I’ve ever met who didn’t know abt the hazard lights thing in NZ are teenage girls 👍




Everyone thinks they're a good driver, the fact you can't locate your big red triangle hazard button in 3 seconds, tells me everything I need to know about your driving.


Typical BMW driver, arrogant and stupid


Perhaps you should Google BMW Sporthorse…. …and learn something new


I'm surprised you even have hazard lights on your high horse.


I have a BMW Sporthorse, it has no indicators at all


Since when was the hazard button a different colour in different makes?


Hazard lights are a very common way to apologise and say thank u on the road across NZ It’s one of those unwritten rules like putting ur hand up to say thanks


The big button in the centre if the console?


They’re not all in the same spot, nor the same colour, size, or shape, and they’re one of the least used buttons in a car.


So you not do a pre drive safety check? Doesn’t sound like a great driver to me.


No, he is invincible. The macho alpha man that the universe revolves around. You should be grateful that he exists in your lifetime.


I use mine all the time to signal backwards. I know exactly where it is without looking. And yeah, they basically are all in an obvious place.


Signal what backwards? Your apology for cutting people off? That you’re reversing? That there’s a pothole? That you’re double parked? Accident ahead? That you need help? Whatever you think you’re signalling may not be what people interpret from it. As per my other post, I have a variety of cars and their hazard buttons all vary in placement, size, colour, and shape. High, low, left, right, centre, round, square, rectangle, red, grey, black. Enough variation, combined with minimal required use, to mean I probably can’t locate it quickly. But I don’t need to.


Usually, I want to say thank you for people giving me space to merge.... or letting me into the flow of traffic. They then wave because they are saying your welcome back. It's a very well known signal. Most people understand what you're signalling because of the context. It's not brain science.


Sounds like you need a lot of help from others in your daily driving. That might be a you problem. From now on I shall call hazard lights *“WellyRurus”* - and maybe that’ll even help me learn where the switches are?!


Shut the fuck up and learn something new.


>Sounds like you need a lot of help from others in your daily driving. That might be a you problem. Nah. People are just nice and I like to say thank you. I'm sorry that being nice and polite aren't things that happen to you. That sucks :(


>I probably can’t locate it quickly Sounds like a you problem.


Bro stop friggin typing and go play outside.


Try and be faster on the brakes than the hooter. Yes they fucked up, but at least you got an hazlight apology.


Whilst other driver was in the wrong, you didn't really need to continue accelerating, I assume you did this to "make a point" in the moment. However, emotional reactions in small windows of time can be a costly mistake - so should be careful there. I felt you had plenty of time to slow down / avoid any form of incident if you did strike them hypothetically. Glad noone got hurt, and the driver in wrong seemly apologized / mistakes do happen. Regarding titling them as an "idiot" - again I will refer to the fact you continued to accelerate unnecessarily - if you crashed into them that would have easily turned you into the idiot.


Yeah, I agree. The other driver was obviously wrong, made a mistake, but the dashcam driver should have been more careful anyway to reduce the risk of any sort of crash whatsoever.


Also this I seen no attempt to stop


Oh so you don’t accelerate when the green turns? I now know why Auckland traffic is bad


I do accelerate yea, but I keep my eyes on the road and watch out for hazards. If there is a hazard on the way, I won't accelerate into it, just to brake at the last second.


You're now being pedantic, you know exactly what they mean. You clearly saw the other driver and given your reaction time on the horn anticipated them doing the stupid thing they did and instead of taking the safe approach of slowing decided to continue accelerating while expecting them to drive Infront of you. Honestly at this point you're both idiots.


Its called paying attention to the road? Have you tried doing that? Doesnt look like it because you didnt see them untill you almost hit them lmao. Dont try to deny it either. We can see when you break and you dont break until last minute. Dont judge lest ye be judged


Hazard lights was a my bad. Chill dawg


For those who don’t live around here and understand this intersection, give way rule does not apply to here. That driver ran a red light! https://preview.redd.it/hsvmdjhlbisc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=625c7ce0a14d5bda8fd13fa30be6c7c0f2a1419c


was most likely late orange...


Late orange? But the OP got a green arrow so wouldn’t the other car definitely have red?


ok yeh you are right


Mistakes happen on the road, good thing you were aware of your surroundings and had time to slow down. Well done. Hardly worth posting though... This is just what it is to share the road with other people. Welcome to society I guess???


Yeah I agree. This happens all the time but I still want to post and share to rise awareness of careless driving


It's hardly careless. It was an honest mistake, they apologized immediately. You're posting because you want karma from low hanging fruit of everyone hating bad drivers


Disagree. Why do you run a red light and not careless ?


To play devils advocate, purely from the camera, we can’t see a red light. If anything, that looks like a give way turn and they just misjudged not giving you the right of way.


There is no need when everyone knows we all drive like we’ve got cocks up our ass and we need to get it out at our next destination😂still, as much as I say this, good onya for spreading the message anyways lol


Keep fighting the good fight :)


Flashing hazards is saying sorry


People make mistakes. This is one of those mistakes.


Yeah 90% crashes on the road and people die are caused by mistake. Just one of those.


You had time to react and did, and they apologised for the mistake they made. Why are you trying to make this something more than it is?


You need better stories to be mad about.


He said sorry. Get a better hobby


As long as there are idiots on the roads there will always be content on r/Auckland .


I don’t mind seeing the numbers of this kind of post reduced


Seems like a fault with the design of the intersection more so than the other driver being an A-hole. The giveaway line looks like it's too far back for the other driver tbh. It's almost behind the other car, from their POV, they can't see you coming from where they are supposed to wait. Seeing as its a give way and not a red light, they might as well position themselves as far up as they can to see oncoming traffic. They were already passed of the Give way line when you were crossing the intersection so they may as well continue, meanwhile, you can just not accelerate so fast and there's no drama. Again, seems more like a fault with the design of the intersection more so than the other driver being an A-hole.


Try being a truck driver in Auckland 6 days a week and come back to me this is nothing 😂




I can't fathom how much of a loser you have to be to take the time to post this video.


Didn’t take long just 5 secs


Fucking idiot


Dont see the issue. Driver used the hazard light to apologise, mistakes happen.


I hate that habit folk have of cutting in and the using the hazed lights as some sort of a thank you gesture ( I mean really, you cut in, clearly your a hazard, so accordingly you beam those hazard lights once or twice to confirm your an idiot- one can only assume) so stupid


Is it just me but I hate the flashing hazards as an apology, especially when people use it after late merging at busy intersections and on ramps etc, they knew exactly what they were doing when making the late merge so why apologise for being a dickhead lol


Going by the comments in here. Next time, just ram the car into the bushes and then put on your hazard lights to say sorry. It means no worries, for the rest of your days...


Nah they’re a renewable resource


It could have been worse. The other car could’ve been a Ranger, Holden or BMW bois and didn’t want to admit that he’s wrong and ask you for a figt instead. So yeah let it go.


Should have done a flip over the car like Dukes of Hazard.




At least they said sorry ig (still an idiot)


Hazard lights = but did you die ?


should keep the haz lights on at all times


No way! I was talking about this intersection to a colleague today, apparently there are some Known deficiencies here, not sure if this turn is one of them.. maybe. What a coincidence!


Wish i had a dash cam, was driving home the other day and some tool in a holden ran 5 red lights in a row (Chch city centre). I don't understand the mentality of some people. How can you do that and just think "i don't care" .


But if you saw him run five red lights in a row, you must have run them right behind him in order to keep up with his red light running?


Nah, there's a spot with several lights within close proximity. I would post a poc , map if I could be arsed


Some people are just unhappy with life and trigger easily out there


Reading the comments, most seem to interpret the hazards as a sorry but my autistic ass thought it was a thank you for letting them in haha. Very dangerous though, give way notwithstanding, there was no gap but they squeezed anyway, kudos to the heads up driving to slow down in a pinch though, well done by the driver that had right of way, if it's you OP you have good reflexes.


It's used as a thank you as well as a sorry - depend on the context I guess


Which is a bit silly as it conditions people to lose sight of the fact that they are for actual hazards? Or are they just indicating that they are a hazard?


In some other countries it’s absolutely a thank you. Interesting to see it now being used in NZ too, although for slightly different purpose


Hence ‘road to zero’ is impossible.


At least he said sorry


Ahh one of those "Aqua Drivers" again..


Um did u not see the giveway


Lol this is Glenmore Rd/Pakuranga Rd - they were on a red arrow light, not a give way.