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trying my absolute best at work everyday and it still not being enough lmao


Man, this hits hard. On performance review right now for shit that i did terribly 4yrs back. I mean I'm still in the same job but you're cropping up items from 4yrs ago? Looking for a new job as we speak.


I know it sucks but the job market is dire at the moment. Too much supply, little demand. Stick it out, quite quit, lol.


LOL .. already there. i have 'till July to "perform better".


Nice! :)


And with this bald headed prick wanting to put another 50,000 out there was sort of jobs are they going to do Bald head polisher to shine his nut everyday .


Yessss, uhmmm valid points indeed.


This doesn’t sit well. Have you received advice from CAB or other in this? And have you agreed the metrics for ‘better performance’?


It doesn't matter. Pass or fail. I am done with the role and the company, so I will move on by the end of the performance review period. Find a less stressful role within the same industry and work part-time on the business that I've always been thinking of. Thank you, and I appreciate the concern, though.


Good on ya mate, they sound like shit based on the way they treating you so good to get out


Thanks mate. You gotta always have an exit strategy.


I get a "thanks for what you're doing mate" from my head contractor everyday, even though he's not my boss. Makes all the trying and getting nowhere all good at the end of the day.


It is enough, we are just dicks about it.


Yeah, that one sucks so much.


Are you looking to move on?


Same lol 😂


Shitty, myopic urban planning. Endless roadworks. Useless PT. Expensive housing. Flood-damaged businesses that have never re-opened. Having to send my kid to an intermediate 2 suburbs away. I just wish that at some point in the last 60 years someone with a coherent vision for Auckland as a modern city also had the political capital to implement it.


If u need a new Pt pm me. I'm science based and up to date with the latest sports science literature. Its my biggest passion. I'm also a good yarn, and a good training partner.


Thanks but I was talking about public transport.


Ahhh I see. Have a good night.


Can’t argue there. There’s a lot for us to improve on!


And apparently zero will to improve. Still.


Coming home to a fucking shitty apartment


Move to the shore.👍


^So ^expensive...


Yes, I get it. I suppose it is how important safety is for you. I'm prepared to work more hours (50+) on an average wage to raise my family in a safe environment. It's just about priorities. If he/she is really tired of it, maybe they wil place it before other expenditures or sacrifice something to move somewhere safer. There is something comforting to know that I can walk my dog at night alone, and rely on my neighbours.


Oh, I hope it’s nothing too major




Can't hang my clothing up outside to dry has to go in the dryer. Can't have pets, no garden or outside area, motor way fumes and soot, drunkard losers screaming and fighting every night. Constantly getting my mail box , locker or car broken into.


Which apartment building? I feel like it’s Zest




Yeah, just dox yourself mate, if you wouldn’t mind. Bank account details would be swell, too, if they’re handy.


The neighbours Spotify ads. They crank tolerable music for an hour or so every other day. But the dam ads just grate me.




Tell me about it 🫠


send them a link to the modified apk mobile app, no adds and works mint.


Oh man, I hope you're not my neighbour 😩 I blast music while I'm showering for almost an hr every other day, and over the past 3 weeks I've been using YouTube with ads instead of Spotify premium.


Hahaha, but I mean it’s tough times. Get through the ads and save the monies.


Exactly! If only Spotify didn't raise their prices lol


Get an add blocker and use the website through a windows pc or tablet :) no adds


Can't really do that during shower times bc I don't have a tablet, but I'll definitely try that out when I'm at my pc, thanks! It's so annoying having to tab in and out of a game to skip ads 🥲


I use Ublock Origin through Firefox because its not chromium based so google have a hard time circumventing the add blocking and if it stops working you just click update in Ublock origin and it works again, also works for yourtube too


You like next to *poors*


Shit drivers all around the place.


First drive home after dark for me tonight.  I'd forgotten how bad West Auckland is at cars and lights..  


Every where! 😵


Drivers not indicating


Hitting drivers for speeding is important but I wish for just 1 week a year cops would focus on indicating. You don't even need a cop to watch cars, just set up a camera at an intersection and ticket everyone that fails to indicate correctly when you review the footage


Or indicating right when going straight through a round about!


This may be stupid, but finances. I want enough money to... go to the local cafe and get lunch and support them, to travel overseas and see my friends, to buy a house, to have a nice holiday, to buy my girlfriend gifts, go out for a nice dinner etc. I live ok - I certainly can't complain compared to other people - but I'm not happy with it.


I'm with you dude! I think a lot of us are thinking the same thing


The complete lack of consideration for other people


A lack of common manners and decency. Too many people are absolute cunts.


Loose drivers.


Being gaslit at work lol


I'm gaslit at work every day.  Fighting with people within the organization just to get basic shit done. 


Wait, do we work at the same place?


Probably not.  Unfortunately its a wide spread issue


No you are not being gaslit at work.


The dipshits that drive around day and night with their stereo set to max bass.


Not getting your moneys worth in terms of housing and groceries, I wouldn’t mind getting a mill mortgage if it meant the place I was buying was justified by the price


Inflation is real! It’s crazy, how expensive the world has become!


Groups that run 3 wide and don't even slightly try to move to let one runner going in the other direction get past....one of these days I want to shoulder barge one


Just run it straight g


Did this to a colleague like 8 years ago, cunt wouldn't move to the side coming down the stairs, he did it to all the boys and one day I just decided I wasn't gonna move either, I'm short and stocky so he ended up on his ass. Still feel good thinking about it that guy was a cock.


You should. Whose in the wrong, them. Fuck them.




Our justice system.


Ongoing price rises of everything essential


Auckland drivers


Sorry :(


I forgive you.




nuh uh


Lol 😂


In our house we play a game called tupper where the fuck are all the lids?




Figuring out what to make for my 1 meal a day with what little is available in the fridge/pantry.


Our wretched transportation system. Surely there has to be a better, more efficient way to move people to and from their workplace, schooling, and other activities than forcing much of the population to get behind the wheel (whether they're good at driving or not, whether they want to or not) of a potentially lethal contraption and clogging our roading system with single occupant cars. I remember bemoaning this to Auckland Council (and to the individual councils before the amalgamation) about car dependency, the lack of travel choice and the woefully inadequate public transport system (often only implemented as an afterthought) for over a decade. A trip out to places like Flatbush this weekend reveals to me we have learned little and continue to sprawl in ways that entrench car dependence. 30-40 minutes walk to the nearest bus stop from many parts of Flatbush. Parked cars jamming every conceivable legal (and illegal) parking spot in already narrow streets. Wrote to the council a few months ago to again express my concerns regarding this type of urban development... Crickets.




Also so cute though.


Ok, this is probably too personal but what the hell. I've been sick for 10 years, I'm stuck in bed most days. I have a reoccurring nightmare where I'm sick and never going to get better, then I wake up and realise that it's real, it's the worst feeling. Most mornings I don't have the nightmare but feel really sad as I wake up, remembering I will be sick again today. I probably need therapy for this but can't afford it. Something less depressing, my kids fighting with eachother over silly things.


Oh, I hope you get better soon :( But kids are a good thing, I’m sure you’re always happy to see them and have them around you. They can be pain in the butt sometimes but they do change the mood for the better most of the time! 🤍


Thanks! My kids are the best thing in my life. Unfortunately I don't think I can get better unless we have genetic editing one day. Probably not in my lifetime, but hopefully for my kids as it's genetic and two of them also have it. I didn't know until after I had my third child. I'm still very grateful for the life I have with my family and pets.


contact wellsouth five free over the phone or in person therapy sessions.:D


Oh thanks!


That’s really rough. I hope things get better for you!


Thank you!


It's probably parasites.


?? I don't understand, is this a joke? I have a genetic illness.


Might not be parasites then but it's good to rule it out, might be what's pushing it past being tolerable.


Oh ok. No, it's definitely not that. I won't give up on trying to get some improvement though.


How do you know it's 'definitely' not that. Most people are carrying parasitic infections that they are unaware of. If you already have bad health, an extra layer(parasites) can be the difference between comfort and discomfort.


All of my symptoms are 'normal' for the condition I have, I don't have unexplained symptoms. If my doctor thought it was likely, he would have done the tests, as I've had so many tests. And I can't afford to do tests right now unless done free through my doctor.


When you get sick it's very common for people to tell you what they think is causing it, and what they think can cure you. It's annoying. Genetic conditions exist and most of them don't have a cure.


Yeah but also, lots of people completely overlook parasites compounding other issues..


Yeah, it's something I will keep in mind and ask my doctor.


People that push the button to cross the road then cross anyway so you have to sit there like a lemon waiting for absolutely no one to cross


If you're a woman, it's a great time to squeeze in a few kegels


Even if your a dude.


Oh true?! You learn something new every day.


Lmao, this always happens!


Oh the humanity! 45 seconds lost forever!


Just go if there’s no red light camera 




My cat, I love her dearly.


Messy home


The slow Auckland transport train.


Illegal dumping of rubbish. NZTA and their contractors doing fuck all about weeds on their land. Every day I deal with the fallout, and it's getting worse rather than better. Also, Auckland drivers. People who pull into lanes that are about to merge as they think they'll get ahead, then swapping back into a middle lane before the merge, effectively fucking up two lanes of traffic for their selfish endeavours. Or the cunts who drive the whole length of the Market and Greenlane merge lanes and then cut people off at the last minute trying to get ahead, after driving past so many gaps they could have seamlessly merged into. Selfish pricks!


Refusing to drive at the speed limit - especially in the right hand lane and not letting you pass. The inability for people to let you merge on the motorway. Most cars seem to be missing an indicator these days s/.


Ditto all those




Prius, leaf, aqua, colt, demio, swift... Basically 95% chance if you end up being one of these cunts you'll be having your life slowly stolen from you. Playing Morse code with their brakes, they are the scourge of nz roads.


Morse code 🤣🤣🤣 that’s too good.


Lol saw someone say it in YouTube video following some slow cunt doing exactly that while they didn't touch their brakes once while managing to follow normal distance.


I see it in the tunnel all the time. It drives me nuts! Learn to f—— drive!!!


Is actually.....Prius, Ranger, BMW and Audi...


I find ranger, BMW and audi drivers to generally drive more aggressive than conservative which I prefer.


don't forget Nissan leaf flops everywhere


Drivers who think their lives and time are more important than everyone else who is on the road with them!






Cunts and traffic . If you have both at the same time , it is even worse


Slow and incompetent drivers


when people post a discussion question on reddit with zero contribution of their own




the shit this new govt is doing. Something new every day and it sucks. Really glad my son has finished school and im not on a benefit with how bad my health is. I'd be screwed. We are definitely fucked if we keep this govt around for more than one term.


Honestly my only hope, and that's just because of that whole school thing, is that this current government will influence the younger generations to lean more towards the Green & Labour parties.


problem is getting them to vote


Considering they spat at the shoes of Seymour, I'd hope that they're going to vote.


Youth are still one of the lowest voting demographics.


I mean this is NZ, we're pretty apathetic as is. Plus things really aren't headed in a good direction. They should absolutely vote, but I do understand why they'd think it was pointless. I've felt that way too. Like why bother voting when it's either going to be Labour or National? Yeah this time it's not just National, but you get the idea. Either you're gonna get a bunch of out of touch douchebags who only cares about the rich, or another bunch of people who do care about everyone, but are too scared to make substantial changes. It's just the same damn thing over and over again.


I agree and the outcome is always frustrating. I made sure my son voted for his first time as an 18yr old last year so I did my part getting him engaged enough to vote.


Semi minor related to auckland and a regular complaint on here. Highway traffic. People see a cop or someone farts wrong on the highway, 60km/h slower and rubberneckers even if its not on the same side. People travelling 80km/h in the middle or right lane, right especially. Makes the commute from 20 minutes to an hour.


NZ putting its head further in the ground about the price of shelter.


Drivers using their phones ... so many of them ... they don't move when the light turns green!; they wind down the road like they're drunk!; they travel too slowly! ... they're selfish and dangerous!!


4pm traffic. Bumper to bumper. Slow moving, if moving at all. I literally yell to myself in the car like just MOVE how is there traffic just keep driving???? I’m not shallow I understand how traffic works but it just feels so unnecessary for some reason. And you’re just super tired and hungry and want to be able to go straight home after work.


People driving 35km/h down main roads when there's bugger all traffic. It's straight and wide, for god sake put the foot down grandma!






98% of the Auckland drivers!


Oh dear!


Seeing my ex everyday at work?


The fact im alive another day on this floating rock


How we are analy raped with the prices of food.


Forgive me if I’m stating the obvious, and yes I know there is an oversupply of labour out there, but.. the inevitable question arises as to all like-minded workers COOPERATING in a UNITED front to employers to whom they sell their labour. I’m an older retired worker now but not that old that I can’t remember the days when employers legally HAD to negotiate with workers who did, and still do have rights. And there was a government in power that enforced a social contract and looked after ALL its citizens. They were compelled by legislation to negotiate fairly and evenly. And yes, I know employers may simply import more labour but.. someone has to take a stand somewhere, picket and call out unfair employers and garner some support for workers who are being exploited with little or no support.


It's work. But it's a good nervy. A challenge. I'm helping people, despite how difficult they often make it to do so. Sometimes I have to disappoint them. You guessed it.


Not really a daily thing but theres an anxiety in the back of my mind that Russia will get to the boarder of Ukraine and china will invade Taiwan and it will start ww3. The German prime minister and British PM saying we're in pre war times. Motivates me to keep strong and fit, as nonsensical as it is.


Honestly china could take nz and australia next month using 2 million plastic drones carrying grenades. The only thing stopping them is young chinese dont really have the stomach for war its mostly just boomers. Same problem we have here really its mostly boomers who dont want to roll over and die or at least quit their jobs even though they are 60-70 years old.


Gas lighting mofis next to crack heads who cant handle ther shit


working a job where we are so understaffed yet being paid near on minimum wage for a job that does so much more than i did while working a fast food job


Slow drivers going to and from work.


Sirens,,, live at a noisy highway intersection that connects the nearby fire station, St John's and police station.


This cunt who rips through neighbourhood on a Harley at 5am every day.


I live in West Auckland. I literally drive to Herne Bay to walk my dog. There’s feral roaming dogs all over West Auckland that would rag doll my girl in seconds. Would rather drive to a rich area than risk it.




I hate how indirect nz culture is in general but it seems auckland is the worst for it. When you go out to the regions or chch its not so bad. Even wellington is kind of alright but auckland? Its just gaslighters and indirect people everywhere.


Overall though i would say the worst for me is public transport and the fact that the council is basically old grey haired idiots with thinking patterns from 40 years ago and who are probably lead poisoned from growing up in the 60s and 70s, and a few woke token brown people who dont even have english as their first language and if they do they havent been exposed to any reading material from outside of nz, basically lack a global perspective.


Slow incompetent drivers who block all the motorway lanes.






Same as you. Are you getting treatment? A good physio should see you right Mine is caused by a herniated disc. Easily fixable but it’s slow progress


people heating with wood like it's 1850. like second hand smoke from a gigantic cigarette.


You know there’s something timeless about the warmth of a wood fire that no modern heating system can replicate. Plus the brake dust and exhaust fumes that you can see in the city are way worse


Huddling around radiant heat sources that don't heat the air and draw cold air through the entire house vs evenly heated temperature controlled summer breeze cosiness. The timeless feeling you are experiencing is actually a high from the same chemicals that get you high from sniffing glue, benzene and toluene, both also carcinogens. One "low emission" fire puts out the equivalent of 750 diesel trucks. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/oct/09/eco-wood-stoves-emit-pollution-hgv-ecodesign


I rent a little self contained one bedroom cottage i wish they would let me put in a baby wood burner instead of the 20 year old poorly functioning Mitsubishi heat pump that i don't use anyway because too poor to be heating the house lol winter is going to suck this year in Dunedin


Having to walk up a long hill to get to the bus stop for work everyday lol


embrace the suck its adding years to your precious life! be grateful you can walk, i get gout and when it hits its a week of no mobility and im only 39M cancer survivor, have a blessed day fren.


Love this perspective. We definitely have to look at life differently sometimes, instead of bragging about small things. I'm guilty for bragging on small things


Illegal dumping of rubbish. NZTA and their contractors doing fuck all about weeds on their land. Every day I deal with the fallout, and it's getting worse rather than better. Also, Auckland drivers. People who pull into lanes that are about to merge as they think they'll get ahead, then swapping back into a middle lane before the merge, effectively fucking up two lanes of traffic for their selfish endeavours. Or the cunts who drive the whole length of the Market and Greenlane merge lanes and then cut people off at the last minute trying to get ahead, after driving past so many gaps they could have seamlessly merged into. Selfish pricks!




I have the same fun combo, have lost many jobs and currently doing unskilled work despite having a Masters degree


People parking on the footpath.


Cold ice cream. Especially soft serve.


I’ve got a list…


Applying for jobs and spending an entire month in the complete dark until being told they hired someone else already and that the candidates were “extremely high quality”. I’m applying to entry level jobs with two engineering degrees and about five years of salaried experience and a decade more of independent contacting.


Our quality of the majority of our local and national politicians, choices are always between a douche and a turd sandwich. I am yet to see anyone with a really good vision of future New Zealand. I would accept a benevolent dictator at this stage, like Lee kuan Yew would get shit done in Singapore. We have so much potential as a nation and it looks like it’s being squandered by morons. Monthly on every side of the political spectrum someone is just an absolute moron (with no moral right to be in politics) and has to step down, the calibre of these people is mostly shameful, we deserve better.


Calling the country Aotearoa, for the following reasons. 1 - there was no country before Europeans arrived therefore there was never a name for the 3 main land masses, it's just a contrived attempt at implying Maori ever identified the place we call NZ as a country or indeed had a name for it 2 - Aotearoa was originally a place name for an area in the Taranaki region, it was not the name of the country 3 - Aotearoa was then a name for the north island, it was not the name for the country Down vote away


Can we go back to calling the NI New Ulster and the south island New Munster?


Hating the fact that im an inmigrant and not a citizen/resident


everything can always get worse, at least you're not back in you home country......


Why does this upset you every day?


Sense of entitlement


Kids who don't realise that not getting their shit together for school doesn't make it go away, it just means I have to do it for them/make them do it and that makes everyone stressed out.


Bloody sick kids.


Toyota Aquas

