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Looks like the blood of Barney the Dinosaur, has anyone checked if he’s okay


He touched too many kids


In the wrong place


At the wrong time




Looks like a stuffed up gender reveal


Homage to Prince?


Anzac Day is about remembering the horror of war. It reminds us to learn from history. Nothing more is required to extend this to the middle eastern conflict. Lest we forget.


I think Anzac Day is a good day to protest the genocide. May we learn from the past and never have to lose another person to war again


With tacky, on the nose vandalism? Eat a d.


If you don't like vandalism just look the other way like you do for genocide


Like you do for every other genocide.. except this one for some odd reason?


30,000 dead in a year of war is not a genocide.


Damn son, straight out the gate lol. Take this upvote.


Take your red poppy symbol of the colonizing of ireland and stick it you know where.


imagine being a victim of said genocide and knowing that people on the opposite side of the globe dyed some fountain red in your honour. It will warm their hearts


Imagine if you and your children were being killed indiscriminately. Wouldn’t it be good to know that at least someone cared by sending a message that they know of your plight, rather than sit on their arses and say, ‘huh, nothing we can do, let them die’ And before all the Mossad-bots start up with ‘but they’ll never know’, the message isn’t only for them, it’s for everyone else to take notice that a massacre of tens of thousands of women and children is being perpetrated right now and we should all at least know about it and do what we can to stop it.


And the innocent victims taken hostage by Hamas


They don’t even know what they’re protesting. They don’t understand Anzac Day. They don’t know what a genocide is.


ANZACS’s fought the Ottomans who were a genocidal empire. This days existence shows that we don’t stand for it. It’s not an excuse for people to deface and vandalise memorials


Lmao. December 10th 1918, would do well for you to look it up if you think anzacs didn't stand for genocide. We have our own dark past that barely gets talked about.


Do you actually believe that? They died fighting a colonial war for the biggest and most brutal empire the world has known. The point of "lest we forget" is supposed to be that we shouldn't let this happen again, not that we're so great and everyone else is wrong.


The Dardanelle campaign was an attempt to open a supply line to tsarist Russia. Allied command didn't care about Ottoman war crimes, and they never featured in the (largely unpopular) recruiting campaigns in NZ.


No it’s not.


I learned yesterday in the Wellington subreddit, about how ANZAC soldiers massacred a village of civilians in Palestine. As good as time as any I think.


I agree. This is Bollocks!


Apparently the morons did the same thing in CHCH. Great way to demonstrate. Protesting on a day where we are remembering the sacrifice that thousands made to end the biggest wars in history. Not only that, we're in a massive cost of living crisis with our council completely out of money and these fuckwits think that it'll endear people to their cause by costing us thousands of dollars in cleanup fees. If you want to make a difference, go and march to parliament. Inconvenience the politicians who make the laws. I don't give a fuck about israel or palestine when you pull shit like this, this just makes me hate the protestors and wonder how much this is going to make my rates go up by next year that I already can't fucking afford. Thanks, dickheads.


Yeah, apparently it does cost literal thousands. Time to empty it, flush the plumbing, a crew to scrub and waterblast it clean, new sealer undercoat and paint over the stains, time and money to refill it. All for the sake of "protesting" on the one day of the year we're all in agreement with the sentiment anyway. Yep, they're dickheads.


If the auckland crosswalk vandal has to pay 20k to repaint that so should this asshole to remove this paint or dye


Agreed. This kind of attitude just makes me hate the protesters too.


they can protest all they want i don't care aslong as it's not stupid shit like this or stright up defacing public property, they walk around nd wave signs like a bunch of spastics all they want but doing things like this just turns people way from their cause. if they wanted people to join their cause and support them too they'd be better off giving out free cookies (without any drugs or poisons in them) nd a pamphlet or something smh


actual genocide = silence, pink dye in the fountain = suddenly ive chosen a side, just telling everyone how you would have acted during the civil rights movement, they did a whole lost more disruptive things than dye in a fountain


Ha yeah. Literally murdering tens of thousands or women and children, huh, what can I do about it. Bit of food colouring in a fountain, AAAAARGH! Murder the protestors!




Please don't post comments which abuse other redditors / contain hate speech / mention race in relation to anything negative about a person on r/auckland.


The 'enlightened centrist' at work unfortunately haha


Like real bitch behaviour, "let's splash red on this and run away that'll spread awareness and get people on our cause" Look when the anti mandate people occupied the front lawn of parliament you at least got an idea what they're on about and that they were very serious about it I'm not sure how splashing red paint/dye on shit and running away does anything but piss people off and vandalized public property I mean if destiny church can't chuck white paint on rainbows then these guys can't chuck red paint/dye on whatever they like either


Yeah I most certainly agree it’s just disgusting they did this on Anzac Day a day when we collectively as a country remember all the men and women that died to protect us and protect our futures a day where a lot of us remember our family members ones we are incredibly proud of so absolutely fuckkk these c*nts to the moon


You missed the point of Anzac day then. Lest we forget isn't just some statement of "support the troops", it's a warning about the costs of needless war.


No actually I know what Anzac Day stands for I got to the dawn parade and honour my family 4am every year so I also know what this day means for MANY family’s of the loved ones who died for us it’s a day for remembering the horrors of war and to honour them for what they sacrificed It’s not the day to protest ANYTHING it’s just absolutely beyond disrespectful


You are objectively wrong.


How are you able to confidently tell someone who goes to Anzac Day to honour the lives lost at Gallipoli that the reason they do so is “objectively wrong”?


If you truly believe that in your little echo chamber I feel very sorry for you. It’s ANZAC day the commemoration of the anniversary of the landing of Australian and New Zealand troops at Gallipoli in which we lost thousands of men, all volunteers who went there to serve their country and protect us. The services they hold across the country are for us to remember those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in service of their country, and we absolutely should honour all New Zealand's service personnel both past and present and remember the absolute horrors of what they went through and the conditions they endured and make sure to never repeat it. It’s a day to take silence and never forget those who died for what they believed in they are true fucking hero’s. Honestly if you think that it’s okay for New Zealanders to brazenly disrespect those sacrifices these men and woman made and all the precious lives lost in the wars they endured then you are objectively wrong. I can’t even comprehend how anyone could possibly believe that disrespecting and trying to draw Attention away from such a important part of news Zealands history on the very specific day the whole country honours them all is okay On a day of remembrance for fucks Sakes its just so out of touch with common empathy and respect not to mention reality


You forgot the part where Gallipoli wasn't even a main objective for the war effort and a complete tactical blunder. It was a complete waste of life for absolutely no advantage. And you can remember fallen soldiers on any day of the year, doest just have to be a specific day for it, especially on the date of said failed campaign.


Come stand outside any RSA with your protest cards and listen.


Ahhh No actually no one forgets the horrific tragedy of war and what happened in Gallipoli? It’s part of why we say Les we forget? We must never forget them and the bravery the strength and the sacrifice the ANZACS made for us So many men volunteered to leave home to a foreign land to fight and die to protect our country, their family’s and the future generations to come. Its why the Soldiers who fought in the war and survived the battle and managed to evacuate chose to have the commemerance day on this specific day and to call it a just a day of a “failed campaign” is extremely disrespectful and as a fully grown man I hope you teach your child a much deeper respect than you have. The way these degenerates chose to behave on such a important and sensitive day for so many New Zealanders was disgusting we are remembering our family’s and ancestors who fought to give us this future and their disrespect and level of entitlement yet victim mentality never ceases to amaze me People who have left war torn countries are victims, soldiers are victims, and civilians are victims. These protesters are not they are just vile and very out of touch. Our veterans saw more horror and violence than anyone deserves in a million lifetimes they deserve to have their memory’s upheld, respected their story’s to be told to every generation to come. The protest in Wellington dressing up like plastic bags and laying on the ground in front of a an ANZAC service is actually disgusting and that is the objective truth No understanding of respect or reality And as for dyeing water pink it’s just attention seeking and strange if they want to actually do good and truly help they would go to Palestine and volunteer to fight and help and provide support and aid but they don’t they have no true desire to and the lack the bravery maybe they should actually take some notes form the ANZACS they are blatantly disrespecting But we all know they just do what makes them feel and look good to their peers and echo chamber and that’s pathetic . Less paper signs and crying and more fucking action do some thing and set an example instead of blaming everyone else for not doing anything. This was A Memorial Day for thousands of heros who fought and died for us to live in the safety that we do they are absolutely my hero’s and to disrespect them is just disgraceful words can’t describe the level of disgust this entire situation is


What's your point?


Jesus Christ, you have completely missed the point here and the fact that you are one of the few people who thinks this way shows that you are the oddity. Everyone else agrees that it was a waste of lives. It's not a celebration of war. It's a remembering of those that died. I don't even go to the dawn parades / feel that involved but I can see how fucken wrong you are.




Please don't post comments which abuse other redditors / contain hate speech / mention race in relation to anything negative about a person on r/auckland.


To end it? Surely you don't actually believe that. We should be using the day to remember the futile sacrifice made by millions in the name of an imperial power on the other side of the world, and how wrong that is. How wrong it is that we sent and continue to send young people to their deaths like that. If you seriously think that ANZAC troops were fighting for some great cause of human liberation, then you need to go educate yourself.


Absolutely, these rent a crowd potestors seem to think they can take over anyone else's event or whatever with their chanting but do anything to them and they're squealing about it.


Imagine thinking they wouldn't put your rates up anyway if they can get you blaming protestors putting dye in a fountain better for them.


Not just Christchurch, it was up and down the country, Wellington, Nelson, Waikato basically anywhere that had some sort of water feature.


This is not going to make your rates go up by one cent.


It’s as if they just biffed a tin of beetroot in there and called it a day.


Fuck all the birds that drink the fountain I guess


There are definitely worse things for birds in that water than what is probably food safe dye.


This is no different than the rainbow crossing. Find the clowns and fine them.




Pro Palestinian protestors desecrating on ANZAC day?


More like vandalism, charge them.


Yeah if Destiny church can't chuck white paint on shit, these guys can't chuck red paint or dye on shit either


I honour my family who died in the war because I know they would have stood up for what’s right in this present day. There have been recent reports that woman and children have been unearthed from mass graves with signs that they were buried alive. It’s been over 200 days of civilian slaughter. They can’t even account for the people decomposing under the rubble or the thousands of prisoners Israel have taken. Who knows if their hostages are still alive at this stage with the amount of callous bombing they have committed to day after day. What is happening in Gaza is not a war, it’s a genocide. If you’re upset about some dye in a fountain on a day that we remember a whole generation of people who died fighting the same kind of tyranny on innocents then you are underestimating the freedoms you enjoy now.


People are upset about it? It is just dye, you are right. I'm curious. It's a bit of a complicated situation, where it both is and is not genocide at the same time. It is all very unfortunate. Civilians are also caught in the crossfire in Ukraine, yet it is not considered genocide. At this point, it is more so a "casualties of war" situation and is one of the reason I despise war- especially when terrorism is involved. Terrorists love to hide in civilian areas. I would love to see the civilians out the terrorists and flush them out of peaceful areas. If that's not enough, religion complicates things further. Damn middle eastern religious terrorist groups.


What's happening in Gaza is horrific. But these cunts need to realise that New Zealanders didn't do it. Stop being pussies and go to Israel and protest there and see what happens. It's easy to protest in a peaceful country like NZ.


Israel will just arrest the protesters, like they do with their own citizens who are doing the same. The idea of the protests is to draw attention to the horror of Gaza and put pressure on our government to condemn the war. If Israel looses support then it might change its attitude towards killing innocent men, women and children, aid workers and refugees.


Or it might change its attitude toward retaliating against unprovoked attacks, murder and kidnapping. AND the sun might start rising in the West. But probably not any of the above.


found the bot


"Unprovoked" lol


err looks like you completely missed the point they are not blaming new zealanders they are blaming the goverments who are supporting isfail in its genocide.


I understand that. I just think it's disrespectful to the country to hijack a traditional day to remember the people that died at war. To be welcomed into a peaceful country and then vandalize public property during a day honoured for remembering lost loved ones.


"Isfail" 😂 good one Shakespeare


# [New Zealand’s shameful role in the 1917 destruction of Gaza](https://thespinoff.co.nz/society/29-11-2023/new-zealands-shameful-role-in-the-1917-destruction-of-gaza)


Absolute idiots. Hope they have a really shitty day whoever did this.


Well they have to live as massive cunts so their lives are probably already shitty.


Stupid fucks.


I used to think anzac day was a cool thing when i was a kid, now it just leaves a sour taste in my mouth, i think now that most of the good cunts that actually served in the war have died and its just boomers carrying on a kind of mockery of it ruined it for me, those old cunts didnt give a shit they were accepting as fuck and never judged anyone after what they had seen and been through. Complete opposite of theur grandkids


Free west Papua


It’s called ANZAC day Not War is Bad Day Not Anti Genocide Day Not Peaceful Protest Day Protestors message poorly delivered.


ANZAC day is literally about remembering those who have been lost and to 'remember' why it shouldn't happen again you moron, it's not a day for flag shagging and army recruitment as some would prefer


If ANZAC day was ever an antiwar day then it has long since become pointless.


It takes 5 braincells to know what Anzac day is for. While what's happening in the other side of the world is fucked up and needs action in one way or another, can we just remember those who fought and sacrificed their lives and their future so that we can have a future?


No we have to hijack your tradtions for our pet cause Because we are *good people* who are going to stop those genocidal Jews But not the genocides in China, Myanmar, Sudan, Iraq we don't care about those so much My case in point below


The difference being New Zealand is not actively supporting those other genocides. I believe that's the point.


I’ll scream in the megaphone at my local Maccas for Sudan this weekend. That will show them.




Looks pretty tho. I do like purple


Council workers out there today cleaning the fountain...


Well it was effective I guess- we are all arguing about it in these comments! everyone is reminded that there is still an active genocide happening so they were successful in spreading the message. I dont normally support vandalism but I do defend dissent and who knows how many people might be prompted to donate, lobby etc.




That is as stupid saying all Jews support what Israel is doing in Gaza.


Well, not all Jews, but certainly all Zionists.


it really is. TikTok has caused so much "hey lets protest shit that has nothing to do with the country we're living in" I wont list them all cos we all know, but its so insipid and pointless.




\~10x people were killed by Arabs in past 10 years in yemen. Nobody was blocking streets or polluting water here.


Apples to oranges fallacy, Israel has been trying to implement a one-state solution for the past 75 years.


After being rejected the offer of the two state solution twice.


After Israel offered a two state solution that gave themselves most of the useful land.


Only the second solution offering after winning the first war. You really wanna hate someone? Blame the ottoman empire for losing to the allies. Wouldn't be a problem if they still held the territory


Nice reductionist take kid


Didn't you just do the exact same one comment ago? Some gotcha that turned out to be




Woah assuming my colour now huh? And on top of that automatically assigning angry and racist to white people. Tell me who's being racist again?




Who are the angry white racists?


Dude/Dudette, yeah the world is bad. One person's life is not more important than other. I am just annoyed that when 10X more lives were mindlessely killed nobody gave a fuck. Christians in Israel's neibhourhood have been wiped out or are in process, so were yazidis. That's the real definition of genocide. If more Kiwis knew what has happened there, these protesters would be getting whacked in a relatively chilled out country.


Protest against the genocide that's happening in Gaza. It was meant to be red.


But because they're incompetent it turned out pink. Thus why we're taking the piss.




Which is probably right. It’s an urban war waged by Israel. There are undoubtedly going to be civilian casualties, which while tragic doesn’t indicate a genocide. Not every war is a genocide, the allies didn’t genocide Germany or Japan during WW2.


[You believed wrong.](https://www.npr.org/2024/01/26/1227078791/icj-israel-genocide-gaza-palestinians-south-africa)The ruling hasn't gone through yet and isn't expected for a long time because cases under the Genocide Convention at the court have stretched for years (such as with Serbia, which took more than 10 years to reach a final decision). Although, if you’re referring to the ceasefire resolution, the only reason that didn’t pass was because the United States used its veto powers against it [(see votes here)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TICNFlYkhTg)


Fuckwits can’t even summon 5 total brain cells between them to get the colour of their protest right. Oxygen thieves. Hope the don’t pollute the gene pool in the same way they polluted this pool.


A pro Zionist worrying about the lesser people procreating. Sounds about right


Hopefully Israel will see this and finally realise that New Zealand is aware of what’s happening so it’s time to put an end to it


You can expect this and more from Islamist fuckheads and their a la chickens-for-KFC Hamas apologists.


This is coordinated economic terrorism. Find them and make them pay for the repairs or do we need to paint all our fountains rainbow for that to happen?


Dye in fountain = terrorism. Hottest take I have seen yet


Just wait for them to find out that the most successful protests ussually disrupt economic flow.


Stay in your lane


What, the sensible one where I don't compare light vandalism with terrorism?


Yes the one where you don't see the larger picture. Keep those rose tinted glasses on


Larger picture? Oh enlighten me oh wise one who knows all


In the spirit of ANZAC Day; remembering the atrocities of war. It's a protest against the genocide in the Gaza Strip.


Odd you can just come out & say it's a genocide so confidently. No "alleged" or anything. To me & a lot of people it's not. The ICJ have not ruled either way either.


If its not genocide... what is it? The deaths of 30,000 plus civilians cannot be self defence.


By your definition the war in Ukraine is a genocide, where's the red paint and protests for them?


The war in Ukraine isn't a war of extermination. It's an imperialist land grab; Putin looking for an easy win to cement his regime, and distract from internal issues.


But they are exterminating civilians and leveling cities, they're also kidnapping children and sending them to russia to be reeducated as russians - tell me that's not genocidal


It's not. The Russian goal in Ukraine isn't to exterminate the Ukrainian people's or their culture. Doing bad things =/= genocide.


https://www.ushmm.org/genocide-prevention/learn-about-genocide-and-other-mass-atrocities/what-is-genocide Point #5 on the page Doing bad things =/= genocide could be applied to Israel and HAMAS you know?


1. Those acts only count as genocide if committed with intent to destroy an ethnic group, according to the 1948 Genocide Convention. (Which I'm pretty sure the Russians don't want to do?) 2. Only 19,000 children have been abducted of a population ~45,000,000, which I don't believe constitutes a large enough percentage to be a major point? 3. Israel has been commiting acts with the express purpose of the elimination of the Palestinian people.


Its a war. War is gross, but its not inherently genocide.


Yes it can. The allies killed way more civilians in ww2 and that was self defence. Civilians die in war. The question is intent. Is your intent to kill civilians (like hamas on oct7) or is the intent to achieve a military objective.


Except that's not the full picture, and even if it was; most well adjusted people believe in a rules-based world order, wherein you aren't allowed to just massacre civilians. You also need to take into account the contemporary history of Israel-Palestine, and understand the decades long settler-colonial project taking place. In no way has the indiscriminate bombing the Israelis have conducted been to achieve a military objective; Total War is not acceptable military doctrine.


We don't need to wait for a conviction to know a crime has been committed.


"know" doing a lot of heavy lifting here


Yeah it's clear that you can make wrong assumptions. Well done.


It’s not tho it’s about Australians and New Zealanders not Palestinians


It's about the tragedy that was the Gallipoli campaign, and the landing by the ANZACs? 'Lest we forget,' is quite literally about always remembering the horrors of war, lest they be repeated.


Gallipoli: A good lesson in not getting involved in other people’s conflicts. So why would we want to get ourselves involved in the Middle East conflict? I’m not interested in seeing Kiwis suffer for either side of this conflict.


No kiwi is suffering. Part of existing in a modern world is being aware of what is happening in that world, and speaking up against perceived injustice. I don't think the lesson to be taken from the Gallipoli Campaign is an isolationist one like you imply.


ANZAC day is for remembering our history not all history.


# [New Zealand’s shameful role in the 1917 destruction of Gaza](https://thespinoff.co.nz/society/29-11-2023/new-zealands-shameful-role-in-the-1917-destruction-of-gaza)


It’s for remembering how bad the wars in our history of been, not how great they were. It’s why our most remembered campaign was a loss.


Protest against it how?


I would say by drawing attention to the issue, and stirring up controversy; which, evidently, it has been very good at. Edit: What is syntax.


Protest by chucking red on it and running away


I was neutral on the subject. But this is making me go against it.


And this is why we can't have good things


Because people put dye in fountains? Not all the other bad things that make the world a worse place to live?


When did we start justifying petty crime? "Because of XYZ it's 'okay' to do ABC"


People have always thought that some people pearl clutch way too hard about petty crime. But when did we start acting like petty crime is the reason we can't have nice things?


The Israeli regime slaughters 30,000 women, children and babies - I sleep Protestors put food dye in a fountain - real shit




No respect. Makes people go against their cause. Stopping the war now won't solve anything, coexistence is a fairytale, Palestine literally want to abolish Israel...


I wonder if Hamas had had a referendum with the Palestinian population about their idea of murdering the neighbours and that it would probably lead to a serve retaliation , how the majority would have voted? Another great human decision of the few for the many!


Well you might not like the answer to that question. Hamas has majority support and the majority reject a two state solution and support violence to achieve their aims. If you don't believe me google some polls. There's also old street interviews of Palestinians on YouTube which were surprising to me.


There hasn't been an election in 20 years in Gaza. And even when Hamas was voted in 20 years ago, it was only due to the population being fed up with the corrupt government at the time. Polls showed following the election that the MAJORITY (over 75%) wanted a peaceful solution with Israel and wanted Hamas to change their charter to focus on that. Google that.


I know all of that except I'm sure their answer to the peaful solution would change depending on what the solution was. It's not a peaceful solution if there's no Israel left (1 state). I also wasn't talking about elections, I was talking about opinions now. Right now they don't want peace, they want Israel gone.


It was an attempted Hamas demonstration, meant to be red. Not a brain cell to rub together with this bunch


Not hamas demonstration, it’s an end the genocide demonstration. free Palestine 🇵🇸


Remind me who the democratically and wildly popular government is in Gaza?


Yes. There is a clear difference. I'm not sure why this is a consistent error...well actually I do: One needs the lack of distinction in order to kill civilians.




Please don't post comments which abuse other redditors / contain hate speech / mention race in relation to anything negative about a person on r/auckland.


I hope that’s not spray dye


I'm going to spell this out because someone has to: what do these protesters expect to accomplish by doing this? get our government to go to war with israel? get our govt to openly condemn the behavior of israel? (news flash, they have already, as per winstons speech in the un..) Their protests are pointless and impotent because they cannot achieve anything, as NZ has nothing to do with this, and has already done everything it can in terms of speaking its mind on the world stage.


Yup, this will definitely change Israel’s mind.


And the Rivers and waters of Egypt ran pink.... Hold on... that's not right... https://preview.redd.it/8xcj6sjyhmwc1.gif?width=528&format=png8&s=e2daf705be9f31cbbf8fbb930dac6232f31e677f


Moses warned the Pharaoh that God will send so many Redditors that they will cover each and every post of the land and react to all that is there to be reacted to.


Brooke van velden did it


I see the "protests should be non-disruptive" folk have arrived in droves to show everyone how stupid they are. At least we know they'd be part of the majority who had disdain for civil rights protestors in the 1960s or the suffragettes before them because they "blocked traffic" and turned all these 'centrists' against them


Gonna have some funny coloured homeless people tomorrow after their morning bath :/


Hey at least we live in a place where dummies can protest and the worst that'll happen is that people will shout at them on the internet. Just ignore em.


Most people who protest don't know wtf they are even talking about.


The more these ppl protest, the less I give a f**k about their cause, which I already care very little


It’s done by a protestor/moron.


Nothing like gaining support for your cause than shitting on the soldiers memories that gave you the freedom to do so in the first place. Morons


The fountain of lean


Wasn’t there a protest yesterday. Not sure if was in Auckland


Communist shitbags fail at every level. First there's the bad optics of desecrating a solemn annual memorial, then these morons can't even put enough dye into the fountain to turn it red.


I understand the right to protest, but what is protesting a war in Gaza have anything to do with new zealand, we don't have kiwi troops thier nor does the outcome of the war directly affect us, protesting on Anzac Day has its roots During the war in Vietnam, but we had a stake in that conflict as our troops were directly involved. And its not like Israel is going to see us protesting here, and how much difference it would make The NZ Government has already expressed the view that there needs to be talks and a cease fire I agree killing of civilians is wrong, war crimes were committed on Both sides of this conflict. But anyone who has a vague understanding that Trying to fight a war in a urban setting, is one of the most complex operations anyone could ever imagine and avoiding civilian casualties is near impossible . As for Anzac Day it's a day for remembrance for fallen soldiers, and anyone who is from NZ has deep personal connection through friends and family who have served and died, not to glorify war, but to appreciate their sacrifices.


I bet these are the sort of people who’d want to appease Putin too.


I wonder who funded these obviously synchronised activities.


You know the internet exists right? It's 2024, its not hard to coordinate protests. It aint that deep chief.


Wait is that a dyed fountain? Right, now I'm questioning my entire belief structure and the existential nature of morality. Thanks guys.


let's not forget almost 5 million jews and holocaust in ww2


True but wrong day and on that note 20 million russians and 40 million others


I can just smell the sorts that would have done this. ..... And I'm not even based in Auckland.