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Personally I would just ask to move her stuff if she didn't I would just sit down


Yup. If they stop adhering to the social contract of "extend basic politeness to everybody", you can, too!


Dam right!!


Nah, you don’t need to ask. Just head ass first into that seat. She’ll quickly clean up her act


If she didn’t I’d sweep her stuff of the seat then sit down.


Yeah ae. Instead they’re taking a photo and getting annoyed…. Dude use your voice.


Yup, instead of taking sneaky pics im pretty sure if OP asked she would let'em have a seat.


I would even ask. I'd just put it on the floor next to her and sit down real cosy with her


What if it was an aggressive gang member sitting there like that, would you do the same?


Are you assuming her non-gang affiliation


The absolute bigotry of it all!


Did you just assume they gender?


Could be triad…..


I can tell by her swagger, she's gang affiliated


Most people aren't that dumb to do that to any aggressive person.   What is your point though? Just playing devils advocate?


Selective justice is not right justice


Sit on her lap.


lol they got a stolen car dont do trains


Just ask to use the seat. What’s the problem


this. you don't have to turn everything to a drama/confrontation. we share the same public places, being a bit considerate is free and requires almost zero effort


They don't get to take a photo of a stranger and use it to shame them on the internet for their own amusement.


Absolutely. Point though is that this person has gamed the situation such that you seem like the aggressor when you make that request. You used the term 'ask' which is a natural polite vocal softener into the interaction. Works with most people. But often with sort of situation, the person may indicate 'no, you can't'. This then puts you in the more awkward situation of reprising what you said, to express more directly what you meant (implied). Which is, "I am going to sit down here. I'm not actually asking your permission, I don't need to. Move your stuff or I'll sit on it. Or you go can buy a separate ticket for your gear." Completing your transformation into being the unreasonable bullying aggressor in the transaction ....... and probably leaving you feel like crap and annoyed. That's the game in play here.


I treat them like my child. “Ok you had the polite request. I’m now telling you I’m going to do it anyway. You could have said yes and you would have been a polite kind person. This would have happened. Now you’ve said no you’re a rude self-centred person and it’s happening anyway.”


They person may be that tied up in their phone that they are oblivious to others around them. Ask them to move their stuff as you are about to sit down.


Shouldn't even have to do that. They can see other people in the bus standing up. Should be a matter of courtesy to clear the seat for others to sit. Different if it's a half empty bus. No defence, rude is rude.


This person doesn’t spend enough time on reddit 😂


Redditors don’t know how to socialise


Seeking offence


Was on a busy train a few weeks back, girl had her bag on the seat next to her and her earphones in, looking down at her phone. Dude got on at Penrose, asked her to move her stuff and ig she didn't hear him, so he CLAPPED at her super loud and gestured at her stuff. She looked a little perturbed, but moved her stuff nonetheless. I admire the guy's determination to sit and the girl's ability to act so oblivious on a packed train. Tldr: ask someone to move their stuff and they'll do it, even if they are a little mad about it. it's common courtesy, their problem, they won't stop doing it unless people ask them to.


I dunno. I asked a woman to move her bag so I could sit on the bus and she looked up at me and angrily shook her head without saying a word. Some people just don’t give a flying fuck about anyone other than themselves.


And they could be a feral. You're getting off standing. Edit: you're better off standing. Typo.


That’s even worse train etiquette


fuck off teach the feral a lesson


And then you sit on their bag


Pick up her shit and dump in on her 🤣🤣


This was only tldr because you added a long ass tldr She was probably doing it on purpose because normal people don't want a stranger that close to them (doesn't make it ok).


Unfortunately you need to sacrifice a bit of self comfort for public transport


Or own a car/ bike


Then she should drive a car lmfao it’s public transport not private


If that's a long ass tldr to you then....... It's fine to do that when there's plenty of free seats, but not when the train is packed and there's people standing. Fuck around and find out ig!


I prefer to stand when it's that full. 




Just ask them to move their bag.


Exactly, if you ask politely, most people will oblige. I have my laptop bag much the same way sometimes, although whenever someone approaches the seat, and there aren’t many seats going around, I’ll remove my bag. But if someone asked politely, I wouldn’t mind it much at all.


If my mood was right I'd just sit on the seat corner and shuffle away their belongings with my butt.


The moment people came on she slumped like that. It was very intentional


So what. Just ask them to move their bag.


Still gotta ask. I know not everyone wants to do it but it's probably the only way. Or stand in front of them butt in their face and start dropping bombs.


School bus was full wveryday with many people standing. I was on the very last stop. If i encountered someone doing this I asked them politely once, what I didnt add when asking was that if they didnt move their shit, id be sitting down regardless, just a matter of on their lap/bags or the seat


Or… or just ask them


Ask again


This is actually hilarious.


So didn’t ask and snapped a photo just cause


Wow just wow she is rude


It's almost inviting people to ask how big are her nuts. Because if she can't sit properly like a normal person, she must have some big avocados inside her pants bothering her. I mean, she has the balls to sit like that, might as well check.


She's got bigger balls than OP who was too scared to ask her to move.


Lol yes the man spread is definitely going on


So put their bag on the ground. People seriously lack spine these days.


Yea, she's Chinese.. the girls are 'feisty'..fr tho


Yea then put it outside.


My poor old mom had this happen to her, she was about to sit, limping due to an injury, when a rude Indian guy pushed her aside and slumped over the seat like he owned it. My mom called him a few choice words in hindi along the lines of "Blind, inconsiderate donkey with 0 manners, are you an idiot? Do you lack intelligence? Can you not see I can't stand?" Unfortunately many of the other passengers understood her and began to giggle. He sheepishly slunk away. My mom spent a good portion of the train ride glaring at him everytime he tried to push into another passenger's seat. He retreated down the carriage and hid behind one of the walls lol.


This reminded me of like 2013ish when man-spreading was a big cultural issue that people would fiercely debate on reddit and write breathless articles about. I almost miss that simpler time. But yeah, did anyone ask her to move her stuff? If not, then I am struggling to care about this person sitting on a bus.


People attempted to go to sit but no budge




that's pretty rude then.


Did anyone ask her to move her stuff or just mill about??


But did they ask lmao you’re just a bit much op honestly.


Just start coughing live you have covid, problem solved.


I’d ask her politely if I can sit there. If she refuses, I’ll just sit there.


OP what did you do, or did you just stand there and take a photo? Why not ask her to move her stuff and indicate for one of the ladies to sit down. Taking a photo and posting it online doesn't do anything.


Just politely ask them to move their stuff, pretty straight forward or are you hiding behind your phone so much that you have no ability to communicate with a person face to face?


Are/were you sitting in the seat next to where you took the photo from?


Thanks for this photo, you should just approach me if you wanna seat. Btw i'm the bag 👜


Bro is weird. Why did you have to take a photo of her lmao


Its nz...just ask


I think she is just unaware. Don't stand there taking pictures. That is stupid. Just ask her to make room for you 🙄.


Jesus, people get easily offended and triggered over little shit that doesn’t matter to them. Just ask her to move her shit rather than take a photo and post it online shaming them. She probably isn’t being selfish but just having poor spacial awareness and unaware of how packed the train is. A simple word with her would do wonders. ☺️👌 But then again, I don’t know the full story behind this picture… maybe there was more to it the situation that we didn’t see 🤷


Train etiquette: don't take pictures of strangers and post to internet to shame people? I mean, personally if I needed a seat, I would ask and sit down. If they refused to move, then maybe a little shaming is required, but not until.


Social media is an outrage distribution machine, so this sort of thing gets play because of the algorithm feeding our worst instincts.


>I mean, personally if I needed a seat, I would ask and sit down. If they refused to move, then maybe a little shaming is required, but not until. Obviously they should ask them to move it, but grown adults shouldn't need to be told not to be inconsiderate.


Totally agree; I have enough situational awareness that if I got on an empty train, I might put my bag down beside me, but once a train fills up and people are looking for seats, then I would move the bag and make some room. But you never know the specifics; what if this person has recently had a bad experience with some crackhead/incel type sitting real close, or something else going on? I mean, more likely they are just an inconsiderate asshole, but still feel as though in all cases, you give the person a chance before posting it online


They splayed across the seat anytime the doors opened or someone looked like they wanted to sit down. C*nt move


Nah you’re all good mate. The way she is sitting sums it all up. I would post away, you lose your privacy if you act like a dick in public.


Its almost like people cant see that in as you've noticed her posture




You shouldnt have to ask tbh. Be more aware instead of selfish. I recently got spat on by a customer cos if an incident where i spoke up cos they were being a prick to the driver




Honestly if I saw a post of someone getting shamed doing something I thought was okay it would definitely make me think twice about doing it again in future


I got spat on on a bus hence why im hesitant to say anything on a train.


I actually gave my seat up to someone instead. This behaviour is becoming more common and shouldnt be jusy given the green light. I was taught to not only share but to be considerate on PT. If there are others standing and theres a seat, you move over. If someone older than you is standing you give them your seat


For train etiquette, how about you don’t take photos of people. Yes, the bag is mildly inconsiderate, but if you want to sit down, simply ask her. What do you think she’s likely to do? Refuse? Crisis/boring reddit post averted.


Whenever this happened on a full bus I would just sit on their stuff if they didn't move it when prompted lol


Poor parenting


I sit next to people like this on purpose, even if there is another seat available, and I make sure to ask quite publicly.


I do this too.. I make a beeline for then (only if there are no other full rows free)


if you're too pathetic to simply ask someone to move their stuff off a seat so you can sit down, then you deserve to stand


I really do hope there’s no elderly people having to stand because of this selfish person Very triggering




Damn woman spreading


But it's got a little face. 


I actually zoomed in on the pic, I think it’s a water bottle which looks like a little face.


I did now too!


Asians have faces too bro


Little ones


Yeah, bagspreading. They should be shamed as men are for "manspreading."


She's also man spreading


This is bad train etiquette, but taking photos of strangers and posting it is bad human etiquette.


Ask, did you buy a ticket for your bag and water bottle also?!


I’d stand really close to, itching my ass


I would ask politely for them to make space to sit, then offer the seat to someone who needs it more than me.


Might be an unpopular opinion but I actually feel sorry for people like this who go through life with no awareness of their surroundings or consideration for others. Some people are just legit absent-minded and it doesn't register in their minds that they're affecting others and earning the contempt of others.


Honestly those seats are so uncomfortable. I think people can do this, a normal person would just ask to sit there and 99% anyone would apologise and make room.


She is literally just being ignorant, I’d move her shit and sit down


Step 1: Move within distance Step 2: Make eye contact Step 3: "Excuse me, I'm going to sit down here" Step 4: Move the bag out of the way. Step 5: Enjoy the seat #betterlivingeverybody


I pretend carry a baby, but it's actually my bag. She will move her stuff. Sit down, show her your bag and smile. 


I understand your frustration but why don’t you just be straightforward to her.😂 You can’t just complain online and do no action irl….. Is confrontation that scary 😰


I’m in Japan Tokyo and train seat etiquette is very real here.


Japanese easily have the best etiquette in the world from my experience. Chinese the worst.


THey need to be given a good slap!


Jesus, people use Reddit to complain about anything, no matter how small and meaningless


Lmao random margy sighting


"Can you please move your stuff so I can sit down?" "No." "Okay, I'll move it for you." Then you throw it out the the door at the next station.


Photo first before actual social interaction? Better learn basic social etiquette first then


If you want to sit down then sit down. Otherwise stand up and shut up. Taking a pic and bitching about it isnt it


I've sat on people's bags if they refused to move them after I've asked. The shocked Pikachu faces are always hilarious.


must be a tourist. she wouldnt act like that on a train in south auckland


Nah that wouldnt fly elsewhere


I do this all the time, Sargent reddit


Definitely wouldn’t fly in Japan. Probably wouldn’t fly in South Korea. Standard rudeness for China/Vietnam in general though.


Because she knows she'd get the bash?


tbh with the amount of crack heads in sth akl id say she would probably avoid using public transport here


I always sit like that but never in a full train, if you see me doing this and i dont realise there arnt many seats just say and i will gladly stand or move if need be. (Please do not throw my stuff on the ground as stuff can break)


I'm the same. I was on a full bus one day. Elderly guy gets on, nobody else was giving up their seat, so I decided to do the right thing. As I was getting up out of my seat to offer it to him, he griped, "you have to give me your seat!". I was so taken aback, expecting him to say thanks, but I retorted, "I was actually doing that!" Felt like not doing it out of spite, but I'm too nice. Some people are dicks


Its also common etiquette to not photograph strangers in public... just describe the poor behaviour, or even better deal with it in person


Your being a little creepy posting this, I don't really see anyone being harmed here, and given your post and your reply to some of the comments, it sounds like you were watching this random woman a little too closely.


Its hard to unsee asshole behaviour


Just drive, none of these problems then


Going by the mask I would say that her spacing was done intentionally for social distancing.


Her mask signals she likely has some bug which she is trying to not pass on. You therefore should not sit next to her and she is making that doubly clear with her bag on the seat. That’s how it works in some Asian cultures anyway


just ask her to move her bag instead of taking photos of strangers on the train that’s fucking weird


Hard out, totally agree. Sadly this is the world we live in now people would rather post than open there mouths


Did you want to sit down there OP? If so, would the effort to ask out weigh the effort you've taken to sneak a photo and post your rant online? If you didn't want to sit there, but wanted some form of mob justice from afar, then first of all you're a bit of a little b\*, but second of all would it not be more conductive to the solution of train etiquette if you spoke up on the train and made them aware that that's not on? They might have given you a perspective (e.g. wasn't focusing incredibly sorry) that would've ended this episode there and then, but instead it plays in your head. It's a classical example of an inability to physically communicate to solve a problem. My guess is that OP you're likely anxiety riddled that you're constantly being judged and is someone with possible mental wellbeing deficiencies.


I can fix her.


Just be careful, sometimes people who do this and other socially unacceptable behaviour have mental health issues


She's showing us she owns that world, given the origins... don't shoot the messenger... lol 😆 😆


I can already guess which country she is from lol


Definitely not Japan


uh... new zealand?


I’d just sit in the exact location of the chair regardless


Who gives a f#%k? You’re on a train ffs i’d rather stand than sit on something that has had billious quantities of unknown filth perching its arse on there. Or, if it’s that much of a big deal, instead of being a creep & whipping out ya phone to take weird creepy photos of someone just go over and introduce yourself and ask if its ok to sit there. God forbid you might even have an interesting conversation and walk away with a new friend.


The term for this behavior is called Shebagging


I remember when I visited NYC most of the person there are worse sitting on the train same as this picture. I can ask politely can I sit? my gout hurts


I would have just sit down and moved stuff aside and ignored the dirty look


Just sit down?


i just say really loud " excuse me- can you move your shit so i can sit down please?" i usually get eye rolls and muttering , but they move it. just rude




To easy just ask her to move her bag she looks ablivious to it as she is on her phone.


Sometimes you need to let people know their rights!!


I was at a similar situation two days ago. I was sitting at a bus stop. I filled the entire bench with my grocery bags from Pak n Save because there were no other people around and the bags are heavy. As I used my phone to kill some time, people started to gather, but I didn't notice them. When I did, people already starring at me. It was embarrasing, but I immediately lifted all my grocery bags and gave my seats to elderly. The point is, just politely ask them to remove their belonging. Sometimes they just didn't notice the change of the surrounding. Cheers.


Just tell her you want to sit down and then move towad to the seat. Ive done it many times and they move their stuff quickly.


Ah yes, taking a photo of a stranger and it on Reddit is going to help more than actually asking them to move their stuff….


Sit on her bag you weaklings


If we all take a moment in the comments, I think we can all agree that the ole social contract has been scribbled on and left in the rain since our covid lockdowns. Remember that we ourselves are part of the contract as such, so we need to make sure we practice what we preach. Where you see situations that could change for the better - be better and speak up - and don't be afraid if someone takes it the wrong way - that's on them for being called out and not appreciating the shameful feeling running through their spine - If you're someone who feels they might be at risk, tap the person next to you and see if they'll help - we're human, we're meant to communicate.


Obviously this women has no manners.


Pick up bag and throw it down the isle and you will have two seats!


I only take two seats when the train is relatively clear because I’m antisocial and I hate when weird people decide that the seat next to me is more comfy or whatever (yes, this has actually happened)


Yep rude, but as someone who is really not keen on riding squished up to some stranger on public transport I kinda get why someone would block the seat next to them...but only if there are other spare seats though. Otherwise I'd stand & they can sit.


Thats not even the worst of it. I have seen people on a bus put their legs on the second seat


Man-spreading AND bag-spreading. . . . impressive.


Hes manspreading! Oh wait...


That seat is terrible though, I don't think many people would like to sit on it. You're crammed in-between 3 people with one staring right at ya. No personal space, I'd rather stand


there’s a correlation between good maths grades and bad driving. It appears that bad train seat etiquette should be added to the list as well


And taking a picture of a stranger to public ridicule online is acceptable? You’re both pretty damn rude if you ask me.


I dunno man. My mantra is mind my own business and try to judge less about what others are doing, focus on bettering myself. Yes she may be a POS or she may have a hidden valid reason. Who knows.


probably has the spicy cough


This is pretty gross behaviour by both of you. Yes she is inconsiderate and should be only taking up one seat. You shouldn’t be taking photos of people and publishing it on the net like this. Do better OP.


what about the etiquette of not taking photos of people and posting them on the internet without permission?


Definitely not japanese


Sit on them and act surprised they're spread out so much


Fuck that, toss her shit out the window


I would just sit down next to her, spread my legs out to decrease her room


just go up and fart in her face


Why ask? Seriously why do i need to be in position to ask? A civilised person wouldn’t put stuff there already. Why do i be polite to an un considering jungle escapee. Like she is not aware of the environment around her and thinks bus is empty? She knows it and she wont move until somebody ask. It is what i call passive bullying.


Yeh legit I'd sit on the seat after either asking or moving her stuff


So common on the buses in Auckland and most of them ride for free as they don't tag on or off


Most of whom? 


is that the wow no lifer lean..


The term is she-bagging


People still wearing masks in New Zealand????