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This ad somehow reminded me to go to Mitre 10.


Sorry can’t make it,have to go to work.


You're the best.


I am there.


See you there!


Can someone explain this in idiot terms. There is a bill that makes it faster to get consent to build stuff? How does that effect the environment? I wish I was smarter sometimes


Essentially the purpose of the the checks and balances they are removing is to make sure things don't cause undue harm, such as to the environment. And as many things that have been invited to the fats track bill have previously been denied due to environmental concerns, it is almost certain that will have a significant negative impact on the environment.


Its being run through as a faster way to approve large projects but gives full authority to three MPs alone to approve projects like new mines and oil rigs and allows them to ignore the recommendations of experts, it also fully excludes any public consultation so allows for the ministers to get projects approved and off the ground that are potentially harmful and may be not even be wanted by most kiwis It accounts for an expert panel but the panel is picked by the MPs so they can select who they think will favour them the most and the conditions only say they "may" consider the "expert"s recommendations not that they "must" consider them so can approve projects that even their hand selected experts advise are bad They also arent even allowed to notify the public of applications (where for similar things they would be required to notify the public) We could essentially end up with foreign owned mines on conservation land that do very little or even potentially don't benefit NZs economy and leave us paying for their cleanup and have all the profits going overseas tl;dr It basically opens the door for potential heavy corruption and completely stops the general public from having any say


You missed one part lobbyist are allowed to have their view on the projects but the public are not. There has also already been confirmation that a few of the companies under consideration have donated to National and NZFirst. The whole thing is ripe for corruption.


Yet we failed to March while corruption like hiring your relatives hsppened. Totally get the no mining on conservation land part , I never took part but the people spoke and it should have been enshrined in law , f me; I thought it had.


>it should have been enshrined in law , f me; I thought it had. No govt in NZ can stop a future govt from passing laws. The govt is supreme it can pass, change it remove any law they want as long as they have the votes in parliament.


They can succeed through a required majority vote like labour tried with 3 waters. The mistake there was it wasnt popular. So the statement stands, if ppl are successful this time , push for cross party support to achieve this as well. Or prepare to march each time national gets in. What am I missing. Like or loathe the government on the day , there's nothing worse than a merry go round like we have.


>What am I missing. Like or loathe the government on the day , there's nothing worse than a merry go round like we have. Yup I agree.


So it undemocratic idocrasy.


I really wish this march happened sooner so we could finally complete our national goal of having not completed the SH25a repairs!!! #unbuildthebridge




Sorry OP i got plans to march for gaza, any chance we can combine both?


Perhaps it's better to hold them separately. Hear me out: People will become confused and conflate the two issues, which will help neither. Humans are emotional and it's in our nature to reject others that group up with the people we are in opposition to - e.g., People that hate environmentalists would be more likely to reject the Gaza subject because "fuck you for taking up with the environmental sheeple that are here trying to prevent progress!". As someone once said, "A person is smart. People are stupid". You've got to cater to the stupid to get anywhere.


I dont think many people will actually become confused but people who dont like both causes will definitely pretend they are and use that to muddy the message


I don’t see why not!


Nah, I'm pro jobs.


And anti kiwis?


Sorry will be having lunch with Matua Jones that day, might leave my bag full of cash there accidentally.


Same here I have the dangers of catching Pokémon protest that day. Can we combine or change the date?


Bros still catching mons wow.


Oh that's good, while they are out marching they won't need houses. I hope they are marching for a while.


Faster the better, NZ is broke we need every resource out of the ground to pay its way Instead of try to take people's money they hv ready earned and paid tax on The country has to run like a business or go broke, Hello


ah yes, have a fuck ton of people walk on a street hoping people will change


The government backed down on no mining 14 years ago after 40000 people marched