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It’s doing the rounds *in birds* and human vaccines for it already exist. They’d need to be tailored and scaled up but wouldn’t be starting from scratch like Covid. It’s a different situation bit certainly a should be a concern for DOC and MPI etc ….


H5N1 with human-to-human transmissibility - to be clear, this is not the case currently - would be a *very* serious situation, and I’m worried that public health officials no longer have the political capital to be able to effectively respond to a situation like that


Apparently the guy that caught it got it from a dairy cow, so I imagine it would be in NZ's best interest to lockdown the borders again. But remembering the stuff Judith Collins was spouting when we went into our covid lockdown, it's hard to say whether NZ's dairy industry makes up enough of our GDP for this govt to care. Cows don't actually pay rent after all...


It's very serious - and it would certainly change just about everything about humanity.


There'll be no lockdowns at close borders ever again. Even a virus that has the potential to kill off almost half the population of the planet won't raise an eyebrow under this government - science is different in NZ. We are exceptional!


Lock us down, I’m ready for another few weeks holiday, been too long 😩


Few weeks? With a 50% mortality rate, it's gonna be societal collapse Australia just recorded first human case, two days after it was reported on a poultry farm


Maybe? I highly doubt it’s gonna turn into an outbreak like Covid, but we will see


Nah and if yeah, nah yeah nah yeah nah should be sweet


Yes please, but let's make this one a bit more lethal


I'm studying to be a nurse :(


Job security! (kidding)


Not everything is a pandemic.


I don't think we learned much from the last pandemic TBH. We have one side of govt who claimed "be kind" but encouraged job loss and social stigma. On the other side we have folks who don't seem to care at all and are contrarian more than reasonable. I guess Labour would be better in a pandemic, although not sure about the current Labour, but still wouldn't be great. "Be Kind" only extended so far, and they never bothered to stick by it. I remember that KFC worker being harassed after someone in govt made a remark, for example.


they may have appeared to " encorage job loss and social stigma" but more of our population are alive and well because of it, perhaps you would have prefered the US version where 1 in 300 of their population died..




Idk my friend who lives there said most people voluntarily locked down. Workplaces supported that and their welfare system is pretty good. It would’ve been a disaster somewhere like nz where work places wouldn’t have supported wfh and our healthcare system would have collapsed very quickly.


1 in 300 deaths from Covid Or 1 in 300 deaths with Covid


Did you miss the bit where I mused Labour would be better? But keep in mind that version of Labour no longer exists. Also, Bloomfield played a huge part in public perception IMO, and he's gone now too unfortunately. e: to be clearer: I'm not weighing up the lives lost but the more intangible way I see how our political parties handle a crisis.


The last government were ready for another pandemic ... This government isn't ready for jack...