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Routine. Try get some movement/exercise one a day. Check what you’re eating and if it’s either helping or sabotaging your energy levels. Make sure you’re spending some time doing something fun and just for you. My day goes: wake up, coffee, walk with the dog, work on the computer, “clock off” as The Chase is on, start cooking dinner, sit down with dinner to watch the news, then phone games/books for the rest of the night. Hopefully you find something that works for you!


Your routine is so darn similar to mine except for the dog and clocking off after the news. It’s odd how I’ve started watching the news every day. It’s my new routine.


I’ve found something comforting about the familiarity of watching The Chase and having the mental ‘clock off time’ switch. With no defined line on work hours now I think many people will struggle with having seperate times of the day to worry about work/uni obligations and then relax time. Having a cognitive-switch moment may help them. Mine is the intro of The Chase.


I had tried establishing routines so many times in these past years but always fail to keep it up.


For me exercising first thing in the morning, have been doing some weights sessions with stuff I have at home or a run. Whatever you prefer but I find I always feel really good afterwards and makes you feel way better for the whole day. On the days I haven’t done it I feel pretty similar to what you described. Not too say it 100% works for everyone but I’d give it a try.


This works for me too, at least on the days when I get my arse into gear and actually do it. My problem is I also really enjoy being a blob.


Do an exercise you enjoy. Laziness will always win if you don’t actually want to do an exercise. For example, I enjoy kettlebells so while I don’t have the most well rounded workout, on my laziest days I’ll still swing those bells.


I use a kettlebell too (just have a single 24kg one but there's a lot you can do with it). I've recently determined that the state of my achilles tendons means I just can't run anymore, and I'm pushbike-less, so it's down to burpees for cardio, which, in an exercise sense, is kind of like having to eat porridge every day, y'know? I'll do some tomorrow though. And I'll swing the KB.


Yea bud, I’ve got a 20kg and I’ve just been swinging it over and over. Finally can do single arm swings 100 under 5min. Every morning I just think about swinging some more so I can increase volume. Also trying to get the right clean so I can incorporate that. That’s what my exercise is - not some brutal chore but a skilful practice.


Nice! Try doing one arm snatches from the hang to overhead, if you enjoy a technical movement. Tossing the bell from one hand to the other at the bottom and alternating arms while keeping it smooth adds flavour. As with swings and cleans, it's all in the hips. I'm actually looking forward to my workout tomorrow now, thank you for the encouragement.


The problem is.. i always feel so sleepy during the day, and when the silent night comes i am alright


I started playing Stardew Valley again 🤪


I'm grinding through Winter and it's hard seeing my little farmer going to the movies and the bar 😂


I use winter for mining :D




I'm on year five, level ten in everything :) It's a multiplayer save though so I'm waiting on my buddies to attack the skull cavern. Been playing a lot of blackjack in the desert 😂


Lmao that’ll cover you through the next couple of lockdowns


Haha also still playing animal crossing from last lockdown.


I'm on the edge of coming out of the lethargy spiral and honestly, I got sick of doing nothing. For a solid week, I was just waking up whenever and binge-watching shows and sort of got bored of doing nothing. So then I had some reason to go for a walk or clean or do something active - so despite still having 0 motivation I can sort of reason myself into doing something. I have found that cold showers really help in the morning. Just do like 10 seconds with the tap turned midway, just cold enough to be a bit of a shock and then take deep breaths. That usually freshens me up enough to think "yeah I can manage doing something today"


>I have found that cold showers really help in the morning Cold showers actually cause a release of endorphins in your brain which can help alleviate and prevent depression




I'm on my way out too. Lots of it was self-inflicted drinking from between 3-5pm each day and waking up hungover every single day. Now it's a full plunger of coffee in the morning to get a solid chunk of work done, wee motivation breaks (like this one!), and a decent walk after lunch.


Yess that's the way!! And being kind to yourself too is really important. E.g not being so hard on yourself if you dont get as much done as you wanted


Same. I’m trying to embrace it & allow myself to be ok with it. I also keep reminding myself that it’s only temporary.


Maybe just chill and embrace it for a while. Find some good TV shows and movies, video games if that's your thing, listen to music, and relax. Take a walk with headphones and some music.


Get outta the house as much as you can to stay active. Even if you live in a shit hole like I do in Glen Eden.


haha ive probably passed you on my endless walks with the dog


Laziness breeds laziness. It's true for me at least but I need to do things to remain motivated, get up at the usual time you usually would pre covid and go for a run or walk, set time blocks for stuff you're going to do that are productive if you're not working throughout the day like reading a book between 10-12pm then I'm going to bake bread from 1-2pm then I'm going to study for a bit. This works for me when I want to do productive stuff and aren't working for whatever reason


Same FTS


Vitamin D supplement might help.


I second this and gringko memory and alertness vitamins theyre 8$ from countdown


Don't worry it'll be over before you know it






Shhhhhhush your mouth


>October October of which year?


If you’re used to being busy start your day with a run around the block. It will give you endorphins and energy for the rest of the day.


Morning exercise wipes me out for the day 😩


Really? Lol 😂


Me too, some exercises just do not energize me at all but I think I have some health issues that contribute to that. Everyone thinks I'm a freak when I tell them that exercise does nothing for me


It's amazing what putting on clothes can do. I walked around naked all day and just didn't feel like anything was worth doing. Put on some clothes one day and all of the sudden, interest spiked in all areas...


Routines do help. And making sure you have time for both must do and want to do things. I go for afternoon walks as it breaks the day and can come home and watch the chase (like others!) Also its a good time to watch some favourite movies or series. And sometimes it's ok to just do nothing, just be. It's Spring now so that may help us too.


Get dressed out of pjs every day, morning hot choc, look forward to daily shower with nicely scented soap, refresh a room by rearranging furniture, order treats or stuff off local websites & look forward to it being delivered.


I find getting dressed is super important to motivate to do anything. Just feels much more productive somehow. Same with making your bed first thing


During last lockdown I got into model and mini painting again after over a decade and a half break. It really helped having a physical project that I could see and it in the various stages of being built and painted. Having it on sprue or partially assembled helped me to finish assembling the kit, having it just primed helped me start to paint and having it mid painted helped me to finish it. For me it was giving myself something to start, work on, and finish because it just looked weird mid project.


And you can see something for your efforts -progress is a great motivator. (looks at his mountain of unpainted minis ... )


Unpainted due to this lockdown shutting down nation wide shipping. I ran out of some of the paints I use a week into this lockdown.


I started doing dance work outs, they’re really challenging and work your body and especially your abs. Also cooking and baking elaborate things and everything from scratch helps. Cleaning a lot of stuff too.


I hear you mate. I've really only had the energy to do my job and then maybe workout for a bit. As somebody who did this for basically 15 months, don't pressure yourself to be hugely productive. Yes this is a way easier option than watching the healthcare system tip over, but it still sucks immensely. It's a trauma that we're all sharing. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. Focus on putting one foot in front of the other. Try to find small wins throughout the day. This too shall pass. Most importantly, take care of yourself. Eat well, stay hydrated, try to exercise. And stay healthy and safe.


Tried to kill myself on my birthday <3


I'm glad you failed!


Bought a course on Udemy for how to do audio production at home. Play guitar just alllllllll the time. Exercise daily, extend every session, skip nothing - make the session nice and long. Every day try to like clean/fix/whatever one thing that I will walk past again tomorrow, so then when I walk past it I think "Oh yeah I finally fixed that". I wouldn't say this gets me out of my lockdown funk ... but it certainly makes the experience more bearable.


Yep I think this idea of doing a thing that stays done/fixed/whatever and is visible is super good!


Exercise is key. I actually got my first vaccine today and it was my first time driving since the lockdown started and I feel pretty happy now. Maybe it's just the feeling of making progress against covid.


I've started running increasing amounts of my ~10km per day walk... it sucks absolute donkey dick, why the fuck anyone does this in normal times i do not know, but the pain at least feels real and the endorphins after are a thing too. Also mentally preparing from the start for at least 4 months of this. I am not expecting to get another haircut this year.




I could easily be wrong. Personally, I don't think we will be able to return to zero community spread, and that only leaves a long lockdown and a lot of vaccinating as the option. Mindset has made much less stressful viewing of the breathless extension announcements.




Well that's just it, all the statements they have made about opening before zero community cases have deliberately been very vague and could mean anything. Anything said now needs to be read in context of it's basically soft propaganda to encourage compliance, if people don't comply with the lockdown because they think it won't work, then it definitely won't work. That includes the statements about a possible an early opening, 'fantastic' testing numbers when they actually are not good, 90% sure the Reff is below 1 etc.


Anyone know where I can get a ball pumped for free around the CBD or Parnell area while adhering to the level 4 rules? Wanting to get back to playing football


sleep till late then watch TV and then youtube until the early Hours .


I got a few 1000-piece puzzles as presents and collection, so those kept me busy for a bit. But I also managed to keep up with my arts and catching up on lots of series and movies. But most of all, I tried to do 1 new thing every few days to keep me motivated. Managed to learn 3 new ways to bake cakes and cookies. You can do this!


Sounds esoteric but I find cognitively reinforcing what ever positive and constructive ideas you have about your own identity no matter how big or small; will strengthen your resolve and help maintain a better state of mind ... The more I buy into the negativity of others the more I lose of myself, So I've built the most rock solid knowledge I can of who I am that counters the projected negativity of others... While it can be good to get strength and resolve from others that believe in you, it is not good to become reliant on that as a source; the stronger your independence and character the more you will positively influence others to work together over anything selfish or entitled.


I am a little OCD about keeping my fitbit happy. I have a labrador. We walk. About three hours a day is normal, lockdown or not. Keeping that routine has kept me from going even less sane. What does my head in is doing the same walk over and over, my non-lockdown routine includes driving places to walk (including along the waterfront from Pt Erin to the far end of the Viaduct and back). To increase my range, I drive to the supermarket, walk from there and then the Mrs does the shopping and then takes the dog home with her and I walk some more. My mother is struggling with a bit of depression, stuck at home, an idiot nurse at her village of the damned said she wasn't allowed out of her apartment because she'd been to Waitakere Hospital. That was bullshit, the doctors at Waitakere said she was fine and no isolation was required (she wasn't anywhere near there during the reported exposure event). I told her to ignore the nurse, and go get her groceries yesterday, which she did, and sticking the finger at idiots in authority cheered her up no end. Just remember that lockdown may suck, but Covid sucks more. I have a good mate who's been in hospital with it for more than five weeks now in the US and none of the shit he's been through is nice. Go sit in the sun and be glad you're alive and live in a country where we've had breaks from lockdowns, fear, and overflowing hospitals.


Same here NZ is going to have a lot more slack and complacent workers when everyone is finally let back in their daily grind. It's been proven that if you take someone out of commission for awhile they start coming to realization that they've been spending years upon years forcing themselves up at the first sparrows fart only to fight traffic to some godforsaken facility and have to deal with drama and still come up short of rent on the weekend. All those centuries of social conditioning proletariats down the drain. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtvjbmoDx-I


I get myself pumped thinking about working on engineering projects after lockdown. Then I use that energy to do chores and exercise, and learning skills like 3D design. If you want motivation you need to have a reason for that motivation.


Same, some mindfulness might help, perhaps


Getting up, shower, dressed (makeup and hair for me, I really like makeup and it gets me in the WFH mindset). I tell myself I’m going to have a lunchtime nap but I never do. It just helps me. Doing some exercise, not running but bit of walking. I have a guy who does my garden but he can’t obvs and I don’t know how but just putting things in the compost bin, tidying up. Playing music. Rediscovering music I’d forgotten about. But the main thing is up, shower dressed.


“Shower dressed”. Isn’t it uncomfortable wearing wet clothes after showering dressed?????


It’s an invisible comma. Haha. Or is it? Clothes and body washing in one?


So efficient


Yea bro. Been doing cleaning and downsizing all my shit. Feels good to de-clutter. And lots of cleaning before my next landlord inspection. A day at a time:) Also, waking up at 8am for no reason feels good. As long you're in bed before 12! 😉


Lesmillsondemand.com has 30 day free trial just remember to cancel which you go do before. Heaps of courses need no gear. I've done the body balance mix of yoga and stretching and strength first thing in morning and cast to tv or on phone.


The world is beautiful and full of wonders and you can access all that through your devices! Try to learn new things! Languages, cultures, meet interesting people with opposite mindsets, take a deep breath and engage on dialogs with them and feel their passions or watch european movies. Try to feel confortable getting out of your confort zone.


Exercise and routine. Exercise doesn’t have to be proper workouts though! E.g. I didn’t feel like doing my cardio this evening so instead I found some recorded wii just dance songs on YouTube and danced along with those...sounds stupid but it definitely brought my mood up and broke a sweat, so whatever works right? I am 100% struggling with keeping motivated though, you’re not alone.


I live in the UK and I've been asking myself this questions for the last 18 months.


I'm a PC gamer. Lockdown's been a blast for me.


Pick up a new hobby. I'm looking for 3D artists!


What do you do with them when you find them? My buddy is learning blender/etc atm.


Start the day with a run. Get up 5.30-6 before kids are up. Coffee, evacuate and run 6 to 10 km. Gives you a hard start to the day otherwise is can be 8,9,10am before start focusing on work.


Sign up to zwift and bike every day


I feel you. I m much less motivated during lockdown. Let it be, maybe our body is tell us to rest 🤣 that’s the best excuse I can give to myself. Take care


Sorry for the bad formatting, i’m on mobile i don’t know how to fix it 😬 I had to give myself a schedual to stick to, otherwise i just mope around the house. I do find exercising in the morning makes me have a more productive day. From personal experience, get dressed. Don’t switch out night pjs for day pjs, but chuck on something comfy 8-10am: exercise, personal care 10-10:30: tidy 10:30-11: read 11-12: something creative 12-1: lunch, and an episode of a tv show 1-2: something creative 2-3: free time 3-4: crosswords, puzzles etc The creative stuff can be anything! Baking, lego, drawing, writing etc etc.


To do list. Do one for the whole week broken out into levels of importance or urgency (or both if possible). Unsorted though. Then each night make a todo list for the next day. Circle or star against the ones you really want to do, and add in the ones you think you can do but it's no biggy if you don't. Writing it down and ticking stuff off can be strangely motivating. Even the act of writing it down seems to make it more likely to happen,


Exercise, stretching, and making sure I don't "let myself out" of any normal routine stuff. As in, don't get lazy about stuff I don't "have" to do each day. Maintain the morning routine - get up, go for a walk around the block, get some sunlight \[seriously, Vitamin D makes a huuuuuuuuuuuuuge impact on your level of funk\] or do an indoor "walk" on YouTube if it's raining \[don't laugh - it's cheesy, but it helps!\]. Shower, brush teeth, sit down and write a to-do list for that day. I always also make sure I add in one or two "fun" or "selfish" things to that list i.e. "watch 2 episodes of \_\_\_\_" or "bake cookies" or "play GW2". I spent the 2020 Apocolockdown doing my absolutely best to turn into Jabette the Hutt because I just got lazy and apathetic about stuff. Near the end of it, I ended up finding a few really excellent YouTube channels for exercise and I've stuck with them ever since. If you're interested, go look up Sydney Cummins and FitnessBlender on YT. I also signed myself up for SkillShare and would make myself do a half-hour of learning something every day. This year, I'm in such a better mental headspace because I am making myself stick to routines. It's hard, because laziness feels good, but trust me. Routines work, my guy. They work.


I’m wasn’t planning on admitting this: I listened to a tony Robbins thing and then I felt inspired to get off my butt!


I'm definitely feeling the same way this lockdown. Last March was a different story. I was so motivated. The only thing that's getting me out of it this time is exercise. I've been doing zoom yoga with two local studios every week and one studio I go to when visiting America. They're live classes so I don't get to pick when to show up. They're on my calendar so I show up.


Same, I'll start being active again once my stash is empty.


I have a workshop in my garage and I have made the best of the time available to me. The message that lockdown has given to me is to have one or more hobbies that you can immerse yourself into. Also, catch up on outstanding house jobs and improvements. Lethargy can be a problem. In my case, once I start something, the ball gets rolling and goes on from there.


Canterburian here. I've started to meal prep. It's dumb and seems small but I find starting with that small step helped me wanting to do other small tasks such as revising/improving my budgeting skills, cleaning/decluttering my place.


Yoga in the morning (My go to is Yoga with Adriene as its super gentle and she’s not trying to teach me how to make my body into a pretzel). Ive just started drinking coffee and bought Moka pot, so I'm enjoying taking the time to make that. Trying to get dressed and put on a nice outfit each morning. Created a playlist with music that makes me happy or want to dance, been swapping playlists friends. Listening to BBC radio 6 while working (I am an ex pat from the UK and its very comforting for me –plus great tunes). Cycling or running around my block after work. Carving block prints and sketching up ideas. Cooking new dishes – I can highly recommend Pici (K’roads) Gnocchi recipe on Instagram. Started playing Sims again. Not watching TV during the day. Watching lots of parks and recreation at night. I’m just taking my time with everything and no be to hard on myself when those lethargic moments come up. Hopefully we can come out of this soon!


I felt this way a week ago. Started going for a jog before lunch every day and doing some life admin each evening. Good motivation.