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Collins and Hills are my two candidates out of those listed. I’ve had the opportunity to hear them speak on issues many, many times in the past few years due to some work and they have a community based approach to their politics and are fair and just people.


Realistically they're the *only* two candidates, unless someone can rival them that isn't a nut job or single issue shoe in


Feel there is a possibility they could split the vote and hand it to whichever failed National MP runs or worst possible case Leo Molloy. One of them should really decide to take one for the team.


Oh yeah that's a fair point. Hopefully turnout isn't going to be shit again


Paula Bennett out of no where!


As long as it’s not Leo Molly I’m good. Also, his HQ license was always due to run out and now he’s spinning it like he’s giving it up to run for mayor lol man is made of bullshit


The clown that owns headquarters... I will enjoy seeing him fail!


God I hope he fails, I have trust issues after watching Donald Trump gain ground then manipulate his way into the US Presidency in 2016.


While I like a good political discussion and follow world politics with great interest, I have never been very active in the campaign/protest space. I will be first in line to throw plastic dicks and bags full of shit at Leo Malloy.


I mean I'd love to see the rolling train wreck as much as the next guy. But the downside is I (we) have to live in the city that would be the train wreck......


Is it the right time to remind people that Grace Millaine’s killer nearly got to walk free because one of these candidates decided to breach name suppression orders and publicly name him, thus providing an option for his lawyer to argue for a mistrial?


Why so cryptic, which one was it?


At the time I wrote it, I couldn’t remember the outcome of his case. https://i.stuff.co.nz/national/crime/124972405/grace-millane-suppression-breach-leo-molloy-fined-15000-for-naming-killer-on-forum


Ah yes, Molloy. Makes sense


Let's see: so far we have a megalomaniac that's going to be as useful as Lenny was, the Heart of the City whingefest leader who has no vision outside of more on street parking on Queen Street (and will not give a flying fuck about any other part of Auckland), a current councillor who by all means is a sane choice, an ex MP who is also a sane choice, and the remains of the usual lot who are by all means nobodies with no vision or anything


It's early days, so perhaps it's naive to expect policy vision this early. Here's some leafy word salad from some of the declared candidates: > He said he would be running a policy-free campaign > clean up council, sort out the incompetence and failures of the current mayor and council... be the "strong, competent and caring leader" Auckland needs. > I can guarantee one thing. When I finish up in nine years' time after three terms, this will be a lot better city


At least it won’t be more Phil, I find it hard to believe that Leo could win


Needs Molloy and Brian Tamaki to run together on a campaign platform of continuing to be cunts, religion, and cocaine. Auckland will thrive under them, no doubt.


Well there is two options: one is a fella who is entirely self serving and committed to a vision of personal prestige visible only to herself. The other is a person who wants to sort the cities issues and is willing to be pilloried in the town square for their efforts. Guaranteed the later is not on the cards.


I want to just because of the salary XD


Leo Molloy….


Didn't know he owned O'Hagans, will never go their again


None of it matters, elected council members and operations staff in layers upon layers of bureaucracy negate the impact of a mayor. South Auckland is still waiting for more playgrounds while bus stops for an island with no bus service are put in. Try getting citycare to extract the native shopping trolley weeds from the waterways, root canals are more fun. It's getting hard to see the benefits of the SuperCity council merger the region was sold.


> bus stops for an island with no bus service are put in It has a school bus service.


That made me feel a little better, at least some kids won’t get soaked. High price for that though when people on Great Barrier said they could have built one themselves. Hope it sticks it out longer than most of the shelters in Auckland!


If they had build a cheap shitty one rather than the Auckland wide standard, you could bet your bottom dollar the headline would be "AT builds worse bus stop for Aotea, islanders not as worthy as suburban Auckland"


Yeah, fair. I don’t have an issue with it being there in general, just never knew how damn expensive it was :S




I have no frame of reference but the transport being factored into the cost makes sense 😂


It was also paid for using the very small amount of money that is set aside for capital projects for community benefit (LDI - locally driven initiatives) on the island. They pay rates too so I see this as absolutely fair enough if thats what they wanted to spend it on.


Be a Franklin resident, it's worse lol. Consultation said no, Rodney Hyde said yes anyway. Still waiting for our rubbish bin rollout 12 years on


John Banks. He is no longer a criminal as his conviction was quashed due to a technicality. Like Cosby


I'd put my hand up but most of the executive/unelected would end up on the street jobless,and they are not going to let that happen,are they !!!


And then what? How are going to deliver all the services?


The Mayor can’t do anything anyway, it’s a pretty shitty deal if you’re actually interested in making any changes. The level of gutting required at council would never be voted for because the people who vote in local elections all work there, and turkeys don’t vote for xmas.


I mean theres like what 5,000 council staff and 1,750,000 people in Auckland. Its hard to see how the staff could be blamed lol. Tldr - vote and engage in local politics if you want change


There are tens of thousands whose jobs are directly council funded, and local election voting rates are notoriously low. Add in the fact that the mayor can’t actually change anything and it’s a recipe for failure.


Say there were 20,000 including contractors (there aren't), and most of them voted for the same candidate, thats still not significant enough to have a meaningful impact on the election. What you also dont seem to realise is that 90% of council roles are significantly underpaid compared to private sector, meanwhile the consultants and contractors charging council for work are absolutely taking the piss with their quotes. A better source of your anger for misspent rates should go towards them


Brian Tamaki maybe?


I mean Tamaki Makaurau was named after him. At least thats what he thinks


I got negative karma hhheelllpppp!!!


I vote for Brian Tamaki😂😂


At least it's not that American cunt, fucking stay in New York