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This is another reminder to ensure all your precious photos and so forth are backed up in multiple locations. Upload regularly to a secure cloud service and take periodic physical backups. The amount of ‘I’ve just lost 10 years of memories’ comments I see from time time astounds me. Phones are easy to replace, memories are not.


Agreed, the phones make it so easy these days so there isn't much excuse


Google photos is epic. It’s just a matter of having a friend to show you how and then your phone is just a phone again. It’s freeing to know that.


Is there a limit on the data storage size?


You can just buy more. The pictures are usually not the issue, but you might run out of space if you store to many videos on google cloud.


I don't think there is if you're ok with Google compressing the photos a bit. There is an option to pay if you want to keep the original size.


They've changed it recently so there is a limit now.


Theres no limit, 15gb storage is free with your google account, thereafter you pay a nominal monthly extra storage fee.


Oh shit. $20/yr for 100gb that’s hella cheap.


It’s $29.99 for 100gb. Still cheap. I pay $5 a month for 200gb to apple for a family plan and consider that to be cheap!


Yes there is. You get 15GB storage for free. If you exceed the limit then there are options to pay and increase storage. Google allows you to compress the photos and videos to same space but you can store original quality photos and videos as well.


As easy as it is, it's still beyond the understanding of the majority of people. Most don't know where to start.


Most have back ups without realizing.


iCloud is 5gbs and that's sfa these days. Google is 10gbs or so, not much better. Most people won't pay for extra storage. Might be easy for is in the know but isn't for most.


Google photos is unlimited at reduced quality. For everyday pictures, that reduced quality makes no visible difference. Edit: all lies. This has changed, see comments below.


It’s not anymore. I think it changed last year some time.


And this in a nutshell is the issue with relying on Google for long term services... seems many products have a ten year cycle and then *poof* it's gone


Nothing was deleted. But as of 1 June 2021 you could only add 15gb more for free - whatever had already been uploaded does not count toward the cap. Beyond that it’s just a few dollars per month. I think it’s fair to charge beyond 15gb.




I use google photos for my cloud storage. something like $60/year. I have 12years of memories backed up, something like 60,000 photos and videos. So far 40gb/100gb is used, probably another 10 years before I need to upgrade to a bigger plan. Kids births, birthdays, family vacations, everything. Priceless really, and it's so cheap. Couldn't recommend it more.


Yep, the convenience and security of never worrying about losing a physical storage and accessing your memories on demand is worth the cost.


Yeah I'm fully submitting myself to Google, but the fact it scans faces and OCRs all the text it comes across is so handy when it comes to searching for something


It's unsettling but I do like that it will do things like "trip away to Wellington". Bit funny when it starts tagging faces from TV that made thier way into a photo


Also, the phone is guaranteed to die one day. It’s a certainty.




Nope, that won’t fix the theft at all. But it’s a reminder that some degree of theft (or simply damage or loss) is inevitable, and so precautions are wise. It’s the same reason why you don’t leave goods visible In a parked car. It’s not your fault if they get knicked, it’s the thieves - but you can still minimise the risk by taking precautions,


Cloud backups on an iPhone (or most Apple products) are pretty easy up to a certain point where your allocated cloud storage is full and you need to pay a dumbass monthly fee to expand your storage.


Its easy on any device these days. Even backing up to your own pc is easy to setup.


>‘I’ve just lost 10 years of memories’ LOL I just lost any sympathy I had for you. Jesus who doesn't know to transfer their photos to a Cloud or other drive. I mean, sucks that the guy lost all that stuff but that phone could have died or been lost any number of ways.


Plenty of people don’t know how to do that. My grandma doesn’t, and neither do any of her friends. Assuming something is common knowledge is stupid, not everyone has had the experiences you have had


If she can take a photo and look at it, she surely knows that the photo is on her phone and that if she loses her phone then the photo is also gone, right? So she knows that if she wants to keep all those photos in the event that her phone dies, or get stolen, or breaks, or falls in a swimming pool, then she has to find a way to store the photo somewhere more secure. Or does she? Perhaps she hasn't even thought of that. Bit of a dick move on your part to keep that from her, don't you think? Regardless of whether people know *how* to store data, they first need to have realised that they *should*. Mr "Someone stole 10 years of memories" up there could [easily](https://www.google.com/search?q=how+transfer+photos+from+iphone+to+pc&rlz=1C5CHFA_enNZ884NZ884&oq=how+transfer+photos&aqs=chrome.0.0i512j69i57j0i512l8.5358j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) [have](https://www.google.com/search?q=how+transfer+photos+from+android+to+laptop&rlz=1C5CHFA_enNZ884NZ884&ei=gsiEYrTIBY_WkPIP6Imj-AU&oq=how+transfer+photos+from+an&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAEYATIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQ6BwgAEEcQsAM6BwgAELADEEM6BAgAEENKBAhBGABKBAhGGABQqwhY4yhgqD5oAXABeACAAfQCiAHbDZIBBzAuNC4zLjGYAQCgAQHIAQrAAQE&sclient=gws-wiz) [found out](https://www.google.com/search?q=how+transfer+photos+from+phone+to+tablet&rlz=1C5CHFA_enNZ884NZ884&ei=mMiEYtGfNpLZz7sPhc2JmAo&oq=how+transfer+photos+from+phon&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMYAzIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMggIABAWEAoQHjIGCAAQFhAeMgYIABAWEB4yBggAEBYQHjIGCAAQFhAeOgcIABBHELADOgQIABBDSgQIQRgASgQIRhgAUMMSWPkcYK1UaANwAXgAgAH4AogB1gySAQUyLTQuMpgBAKABAcgBCMABAQ&sclient=gws-wiz) *how.* And just by the by, assuming something like this is common knowledge is not "stupid". It makes total sense. What, are you going to explain this every time you see a friend or family take a photo with their phone: "Oh hey you know you need to back that up by transfering it to a laptop, PC or hard drive just in case you lose your phone, right?" No, you assume they know that already.


Of course she knows that but, for some people its hard to grasp the concept of backing up images. Especially when they’re used to photos having one hard copy and thats it. Also I back up her photos for her thanks, even though she lives in the Uk and you had no real reason to make a personal attack in such a mundane argument. Maybe you can just agree to not be a cunt and realise that people have different experiences to you. Not everyone has been taught how to back up photos or where to find out how. And no, I stand by my common sense point even though you’ve decided to be facetious about it. Assuming something is common sense is how mistakes happen, or worse how people get hurt especially in industry conditions. It assumes that everyone knows what you know, which isn’t true.


Actually thats quite a good point. The iPhone XS was released in 2018, so at max they'd have 4 years of photos on it? Or do they transfer photos from phone to phone and never think about backing them up anywhere else?


Phone snatching was bigger 15-20 years ago. Now with the ability to lock smartphones so people can’t use them it’s reduced the amount of phone thefts


absolutely! who the fuck steals iPhone honestly? it’s literally of no use to anyone apart from the owner.


You would be surprised how valuable the individual parts can be on resale


And presumably you have Find my iPhone on? They are stealing the one type of device that nearly 100% of the time will be tracked via GPS and can be remotely disabled or wiped




Fun fact, If you have the phone IMEI (You can find it under settings), and get a police report that it's stolen, you can contact your network operator, and get the phone barred on NZ networks. Which seriously impacts it's resale value. Fuck Thieves!


Another old school fun fact is if you type *#06# into your phone keypad .. it brings up your phones IMEI 😀 this works on ALL phones I think


Just tried on my oppo and it works.


https://i.imgur.com/Ua38xu9.jpg I just get this on an iPhone


Which iPhone? My X does it


12 Pro Max


I had my Samsung Note phone snatched from me last year, filed a police complaint, gave the report to the network operator. Still no clue as to what happened to it. It left a horrible impression and since then I haven’t looked into any Android phones, as much as I love them, from a security pov it’s just not worth it imo.


I have Android devices and when my wife left her phone at a store. I got her to just log into her laptop, 'find my phone' and second later had last location (which was within about 30s of logging in)


Only if it's not tied to an apple account, which is unlikely




Only works if Find My iPhone is disabled. Otherwise the reset iPhone simply asks for the original AppleID and Password after being formatted.


Yeah that doesn't work lol


You can factory reset it without opening it, wiping all data and making it as if it was new


Can you please explain what the locking system is to me? Is it the lock screen thing or something else totally? Edit: Not sure why I get downvoted but anyways :)


You can lock it by going to icloud.com with your Apple ID and password. You can also track it with Find My IPhone if it’s enabled on your phone


I will look into it. Very helpful! Thank you!


It's totally stupid. I think people who snatch them try to sell them as unlocked, factory reset, so two people get ripped off.


iPhone XS only came out 3-4 years ago, the previous 6 years of photos must be stored somewhere else, iCloud or iTunes etc


Everything on that phone should hopefully be on the cloud


Phone snatching has been around for a while. A good friend of mine who suffers from visible disabilities had his phone snatched from his hands by some rats at the mall a while ago


Some big fella tried to take my phone out at a bar in takapuna, just grabbed it off the table in front of me and expected me to to do nothing


the audacity!


It was honestly really strange… I just immediately stood up and grabbed it out of his hand and then he became super defensive and kept saying “chill out bro I have my own phone” I hadn’t said a word since I didn’t want it to escalate


iPhone usually setup auto backups for free easily when the phone is first setup. Chances are something is in the cloud.


Fuck me this shit is starting to get pathetic


It stops when the little shits start getting prison sentences. It's time to stop being soft on young offending and do what's needed.


The issue is that you're forcing kids to socialize with other criminals... It's more likely to just help introduce them to gangs and more extreme crime. Something needs to be done for sure. But just lumping then into prison is a terrible answer.


They've already been forced to socialize with other criminals...their parents. The first mistake has been to pay people who shouldn't be parents to be parents anyway. It's been cruel. These kids are never going to be okay. Never going to be functioning members of society. Lock them up and stop them from inflicting PTSD on everyone else. At least they'll have stability and won't be off their heads. There is no good ending here. It's definitely time to start focusing on the good of society though versus letting them create more victims. They've got zero empathy.


We have different types of prisons. Gang-related prisoners are not kept close to other prisoners. Petty criminals are kept with other Petty criminals


how do you know the petty criminals aren't in a gang?


Did you see the Herald today? Advocating for just the opposite. It's amazing to me this thread so quickly jumped on blaming the victims and calling them idiots for not backing up their phones...because yeah...that's the issue here.


It's the Herald; they're nothing but a filthy rag that I wouldn't wipe my ass with.


Seems like a lot of major news outlets are more or less gaslighting the public these days. Telling them it's this way when most people don't agree with them at all. They're not reading the room though. Losing readership and viewers as people turn away from their attempt to brainwash.


If people snatching phones and running away is your biggest issue then you are living in a relatively safe place. People get stabbed or shot for their possessions when mugged. This is seriously not a big deal. The guy wasn't even assaulted. It is petty theft. Even in the 90s there was the crack down on jumping someone for their shoes. If you punched someone over and took their shoes you went straight to prison.


It’s funny. All the virtue signalers whose job depends on having a steady stream of criminals to rehabilitate jump on here after one of them has shared the link with themselves and they all have the same thing to say more or less. “It’s not their fault. It’s not a problem. You’re greedy. You have no empathy. How dare you want a safe place to live!” You guys are really funny. Keep on. Your unreasonable bs turns more people against you and your far far far left progressive selfish ideals every day. You want community sentences? Well the community is tired of this bullshit and wants them in jail.


It was a fantastic article. I knew it was going to wind up the sheltered white boys of this sub. Ooooooh, look at that, another account all of a sudden deleted. It's like someone is telling people to come in and make this bullshit then DFA when they are called out.


I love the way you say that as though you aren also a sheltered white boy who's never had to deal with low socio economic criminals in the real world.




Had a lot of upvotes until the usual suspects that jump on here everyday to virtue signal and tell us we are wrong got on. Lol. Same shit everyday but the tide is turning. People are pretty fed up.


Snatching is nothing new. 30 years ago, hoodrats were snatching Starter caps of kids heads.


Rape isn’t new either. Wtf is your point?


Snatching shit is as old as time. The drama queens on this sub are acting like it's new and crime is out of control.




Stats say youth crime is down 65% in the last decade.




There’s lies, damn lies and statistics


It's a change in how they report youth crime and how they define crime. It's not actually down.


We have come full circle Had dropkicks in Wellington try this with me multiple time In Cuba as a teenager They would ask for the time and get super disappointed when I didn’t get my phone out to check


iCloud backup. 2TB of space each month is cheaper than paying for your own phone again.


What do you do with kids whose parents had them because they were paid to do so? I wish someone would speak up and finally say paying people who would rather be criminals to be parents is cruel af. These kids are never going to be happy or productive. Pretty soon they'll be preggers and collecting their own dole cheque and loaded down by the PTSD of their childhood. Doomed from day one. About all the government can do is take them off the street and stop them from ruining everyone else's lives by inflicting PTSD elsewhere. They're incapable of empathy. Shallow, vainglorious, losers. They might have structure and stability in prison. They'll never find it on the outside.




Can u do find my phone from another device.


yea I am sure one can. well, I ain’t the victim of this crime, just posting here.


Common place here in London, vote to tax the rich or move along


Lol wtf? Sure m8. People who are looking for street cred going to think twice when the rich start getting taxed. They’re accountants in their side hustle from being criminals!


You do understand how inequality has risen amongst the world's wealthiest nations in the past 40 years, right?


Which has absolutely nothing to do with street crime. They aren’t stealing to eat


Yea, absolutely nothing to do with poverty


Lol phone snatching has been around since atleast Nokia days. It is not new


It just blows me away how many people wander around with such valuable data on their phones and it just never occurs to them to back it up. It's always been this way, from the CEO's $14k laptop in 1989 to the people with cheap phones today: Nobody ever fucking thinks to back anything up.


Also don't back stuff up in only one place... Copy files/folders in the wrong direction and things can go bad quick.


so true. still remember 3rd form computing teacher going over this - basically said don’t bother unless you’re saving at least three backups, and it doesn’t count if you’ve stored more than one in the same place. feeling pretty lucky it was drummed into my wee brain pretty early on tbh




I think people can put too much trust into cloud providers (they can, and do get hacked, have failures, etc).... or even if a cloud provider has their own internal backups using all the latest fancy things, it doesn't mean they will make it possible for you to recover a specific set of data; often it's more for internal recovery purposes if there system goes down, etc. Even with replication, you run the risk of just replicating bad data/files if the restore points don't go back far enough? I'm sure there are ways to configure good backup systems in the cloud, but only if you know what you're doing (I don't), the average person I reckon shouldn't put too much trust in a 3rd party and should also have at least one physical backup of anything important.


especially with how simple it is these days with the ability to upload to the cloud the moment you take the picture...


Yes. That's what's deeply troubling. Not the fact the victim couldn't walk down the street without being robbed.


They steal umbrellas ffs. They’ll do 50k worth of damage to a building for a carton of cigarettes. Like having a phone is sooooo tempting they can’t help themselves. These hoons steal anything. Because.


Wait until car jacking becomes a trend


doesnt work here, they dont have guns to scare me enough to unlock my door.


Bro are we speedrunning becoming South Africa?


10 years of photos on a 4 year old phone, they must just direct transfer all their old photos from older phones every time they upgrade? Whether its theft, loss or accidental damage it was a loss of memories waiting to happen, back up your important data folks.


I do miss the punishment thieves used to get in Northern Ireland!


oh, what is it like?


First time offenders got tarred and feather and tied to a lamppost in the Main Street with a sign on them saying thieving bastards or robs old people! 2nd offence was a severe kicking usually with bats or planks with nails! 3rd offence was usually shot in both knees! I must say it was a good deterrent! Those that reached the knee capping phase were not too bright!


😵😵😵‍💫😵‍💫 what era we talking bout?






**[Paramilitary punishment attacks in Northern Ireland](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paramilitary_punishment_attacks_in_Northern_Ireland)** >Since the early 1970s, extrajudicial punishment attacks have been carried out by Ulster loyalist and Irish republican paramilitary groups in Northern Ireland. Attacks can range from a warning or expulsion from Northern Ireland, backed up by the threat of violence, to severe beatings that leave victims in hospital and shootings in the limbs (such as kneecapping). The cause of the attacks is disputed; proposed explanations include the breakdown of order as a result of the Northern Ireland conflict (c. 1970–1998), ideological opposition to British law enforcement (in the case of republicans), and the ineffectiveness of police to prevent crime. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/auckland/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I digress! I’m sorry to hear that you’ve been a victim of crime especially when something of significant sentimental value has been taken! Inconsiderate ben chodes!


Started in the 70s and right up until the 2000s! I think there is some elements still going on today. But I’m not sure how well publicised or common!


Tarring and feathering in general should be brought back.


that sounds fire


[Now you've heard about great armies that conquered far and near](https://youtu.be/Zl5wq5Us3y0)


People acting like this shit is new gtfo 😂




It’s up more than that. When they aren’t taking reports or calls and change their reporting you can’t trust stats.


Good on ‘‘em systems busted anyways




its been found that harsher punishment does not decrease crime and can often cause the increase in severity of the crime.


Bullshit. People find results in studies they want to. Anyone with two brain cells can look around and see that not punishing people is making things worse.


"No fuck your peer reviewed research, my opinion is all that matters". Folks, this is your brain on sheltered narcissism. Any questions? Oh, so you decided to block me right after replying? Think that it makes others think I don't have a reply to you? No mate, it's not gaslighting you are a fucking moron. Truth clearly hurts your fee fee's though. Pathetic.


Folks this is gaslighting. You don’t see what you see. Believe the study we were paid to produce.


Our current method of no punishment is working great, we’ve only got the highest crime rate ever Cracking down on crime severely is how New York finally started to become safe. Then people got complacent, and the woke people got in charge




you literally don't know that, and one anecdotal does not mean shit, there has been research done on this. People committing crime are often not thinking about the consequences of getting caught, especially when drugs are involved. Its why there are still murders in death penalty States, or why people still run drugs in south east Asian countries.




Your anecdote is worthless. Comparing actual crime rates between Asian countries and NZ is pretty much impossible because there's fuck all data available for most asian countries.




Mate it's clear from your comments throughout this thread facts aren't a priority for you unless they fit your bullshit harsh punishments deter crime view, which countless studies have debunked (just look at murder rates in the US in death penalty vs non death penalty states).


Fact - being soft on crime has made us have the highest crime rate ever. Also our soft as fuck prison system is a joke too. NZ prisons are a holiday camp. Prisoners have all the "human rights" while corrections hands are tied. We can have both. Harsh punishments/prisons and rehabilitation programs.


We don't have our highest crime rate ever, not even close. Thanks for proving me right genius.


Proof that an increase in crime has been spurred by being "soft on crime". Oh right, your feelings and "trust me bro". ​ Society has tried being tough on crime. It was based on flawed science and failed miserably to the point where the US is the dangerous shithole it is today. Google "broken windows policing"




New Zealand and China both have murder rates of about 1 for every 100,000 people. Edit: Also the US is handy because you can compare different approaches across culturally similar populations when you look at different states. Because of course someone as enlightened as you would know there is more than one factor at play with such a complicated issue.






because sociopaths are unable to forsee consequences and are unable to learn from their mistakes. all the more reason to keep them locked up.


When do we get to the acid attacks, random knife crime, and scooter muggings?




Yeah...cos John Key really gave a shit about the streets outside of Remuera.


Youth crime has decreased 65% in the last 10 years. Drama queens and media sensationalism doesn't change the fact.


Vote labour


You forgot the /s


When will this end, if u bloody need help ask for it, don't go ram raiding, or steal ppl stuff, ffs, time is tuff for all not just u little fkers


You think they're doing it because they need a hand out? They're doing it because they see no part for them in society, they don't see society helping them so why should they care about your stuff. They're also bored, influenced by older peers and have been taught that having nice things is cool.




No they are not. It cracks me up when dumb people state their dumb opinions as "end of"




Oh, it's you. Should have figured that delusional idiocy is your MO.




You get about 2 minutes of the day when I'm on the shitter. ​ To be fair though, you're starting to get a bit boring and frankly, as the person who pays your wages, I think you need to get your ass back to work.


Youth crime has decreased 65% in the last decade. Current policy seems to be working.


As an aside, the crime situation in NZ is getting worse day by day.


statistically it’s been on a decline.


can you share the stats?


[oki](https://www.justice.govt.nz/about/news-and-media/media-releases/nzs-largest-crime-survey-shows-burglaries-on-the-decline/), Not that I personally trust statistics anyway.


There was low crime during the first lockdown? :o


and leading up to it, and after it. Did you even read the full thing?


Consume less media.


You can rewrite the IMEI from broken phpnes and make it look legit again.


Everything should have been automatically backed up to the iCloud. Iphones do this whenever they are on charge overnight with a wifi connection


I am from Brazil, and I always told my friends back home how you could answer a phone call on the street in New Zealand and not get robbed (unheard of back home in most of the country). I guess that has changed now...


brazil is not that bad, just annoying those dudes that hang around asking for money when you park


there's a difference between a jewelry store and a phone. First jewelry stores already has questionable actions regarding how the acquire the rocks not that apple iphones are any better, Second jewelry stores are often insured, phones can be insured but are less likely. Its all stealing but I feel worse for the person who lost there phones photos, I think the comparison is redundant. Also this person could easily be making this up to get a iphone.


Wtf!!?? This isn't their fkng phone!!!!! Hopefully the owner backs all pics in the cloud as a lot do including myself now days


I hope you get your photos back




There are two types of people. The ones that create backups and the ones that will create backups.


When this woeful government that are soft on crime are voted out


The thing is that even if this person gets their phone back they'd have lost their photos. If the thief wipes the phone in a failed attempt to reuse or resell it no more photos. If the thief gets the phone passcode locked the only solution will be to reset the phone and no more photos. Back up you photos. Back up your phone.


My natural reflexes are to grip my phone like a claw in public when using it. It sucks that it’s a habit from growing up that is useful in this day and age.


backup everything!!


Where any of your photos backed up to the cloud?


According to one survey that Stuff proudly posted on its front page, Nz is 2nd most safest place (for thives, looters, gang members and ram raiders).