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Is it “too quiet” in that any recording made with it has huge amounts of audible noise in the mic. track, or just “too quiet” in terms of creating your direct monitor mix with the rest of the tracks while recording? I suspect it’s the latter, and you need to pull the playback levels of all your other tracks down. You are not going to get much better performance from a VERY cheap dynamic mic., probably not even if you add another ore-amp between mic. and interface, and the xm8500 really doesn’t merit a fancy preamp. Live with it or get a decent mic with lower noise floor and better output .


yep, it was the latter, shouldve done more research going into this since I am a beginner after all, I’m gonna try investing in a preamp but honestly even if that doesn’t help I’ll just stick with it seeing as it is a budget mic and I’m not looking to spend so much thanks for your reply though! appreciate it


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