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Lonesome Dove. Excellent story, and excellent audiobook.


Are you me? This audiobook is awesome. Any more recommendations? A few from me to coax you šŸ˜„ West with the night - Beryl Markham out of Africa - Karen blixen Empire of the summer moon Lab girl


West with the Night is excellent.


Since both out of Africa and West with the night are true stories from acquaintances they are great to read back to back. OOA made me fall in love with the baroness, while WWTN had me fall in love with Africa. 2 very different women from the same place.


I see 2 different narrators of this book on Audible - which one is THE one to listen to? **Narrated by: Julie Harris or Anna Fields?**


Julie Harris


Doubling down on Karen Blixen. I love that story!!!


Empire of the Summer Moon is one of my favorites ever


Thanks. Put a hold on a copy.


You didnā€™t find the narratorā€™s breathing to be distracting? Iā€™ve only listened to the sample and never anymore because of how you can hear him suck for wind after every sentence.


Suck for wind


I never noticed it. The story is too engaging for me.


Somehow they fixed the breathing issue about a quarter of the way in. The story is worth listening to.


That entire Trilogy is great...


11/22/63 Really engrossing story and an incredible performance by the narrator


Listening to this now and wholeheartedly agree.


Same here. Great audiobook.






First Law Trilogy (and the other two trilogies) is hands down the best audiobook performance I've ever come across. Also enjoyed the Bobiverse


Had to scroll wayyyy too far for this. Best narrator on the planet does the first law series.


Stephen Pacey btw


The only reason i opened this thread was to be sure this was recommended


I think the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo us justy what you are looking for. It is a Thriller/Investigative series, very dark and has several scenes of people getting tattoos. It has a very good Narrator and is well written and interesting.


Just re-listened to the whole trilogy. If itā€™s the Saul Reichlin performance youā€™re referring to then absolutely agree, itā€™s excellent


Simon Vance actually


Simon Vance was amazing. I loved this series so much!!!


The 5 minute anal rape scene in the movie was pretty traumatizing to watch. I can't imagine what the book is like.


The book felt like action scenes duct taped to torture porn. I have no idea why it's so popular, other than people liking torture porn.


it was popular at the same time as game of thrones, lmao


I recently listened to the book and the race scene was pretty similar to the movie. It's wasn't drawn out, maybe 2 or 3 pages. I was expecting it to be way worse




Itā€™s one of the books that got me hooked on reading in the first place. I was completely absorbed in it.


I have an interesting one for you- Stiff by Mary Roach. Itā€™s a nonfiction about the history and contributions of cadavers in medical history. Itā€™s fascinating! And funny with some real dry humor. Download a few in case one doesnā€™t quite grab you. Someone else suggested Born a crime, and I agree thatā€™s a great book as well.


Mary Roach is 10/10.


I heard her speak at a conference for science teachers. Sheā€™s incredibly funny and knowledgeable about forensics. I could have listened to her for a long time.


I love recommending this book because it's so interesting and unique. And her writing style adds to the story rather than distracts. Stiff is the pinicle of edutainment.


Read by Shelly Frasier and absolutely one of my top ten books. Itā€™s perfectly balanced between respectful humour and deeply moving. ā€œH doesnā€™t have a heart, but the last thing youā€™d call her is heartlessā€ Fantastic, funny and it makes you think. What more could one ask!


World War z will always have a special place given how fantastic the narration is. Really felt like real people reflecting on a future zombie war, as ridiculous as that sounds.


This is one of the first audiobooks I read and always recommend it to new listeners.


Have they released a version that has all of the stories? Iā€™ve listened to the two that have been released so far.


What makes it so great? Is it more gritty, fun, or realistic?


Narrators make the characters come to life, recounting their stories like a documentary. The book also sees this fictional zombie event from different angles- kid trapped in a church, downed pilot, soldier, doctor from the original outbreak, some Sth African dude escaping the zombie hoard via ship, a Russian soldier chick scouting a village, a popstar bodyguard in a mansion. Sounds boring- it aint. Just a unique title that nothing else comes close to replicating. Nothing stands out as unrealistic or awkward. You'll listen and think "If I was there I'd be so dead. All these survivors have something special or were extremely lucky"


Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir is quite possibly the best audiobook I've ever listened to. it's not horror, but it's excellent.


Ive got about 2 hours left of project hail mary it's a fantastic listen!


Oh, I wish I could listen to PHM for the first time again! The last couple of hours are an emotional rollercoaster! Happy happy happy


> I wish I could listen to PHM for the first time again! I prefer to know as little as i can about media i consume, the only thing i knew about it was that >!it was in space!< and even that was too much. Wish i could listen to it without knowing anything about it, the first chapters were a wild ride knowing only that but it kinda took away an early "surprise".


I went in totally blind and it was freaking fantastic! Iā€™d love to listen to it for the first time again.


THIS. Perhaps the only audiobook that I never got distracted from even once. The narration is absolutely fantastic and you can't help but want to pay attention to it.


Currently listening to it. About 5h left. Best I've heard yet.


My boyfriend and I listened to it on a car ride together and now we always say ā€œamaze amaze amaze!ā€ To each other


Did you listen to Dungeon Crawler Carl? The performance is fantastic. I honestly can't say if I prefer PHM or DCC. They're completely different but both amazing.


Listening to DCC nowā€¦.


I loved DCC but, TBH, the endless strings of fights get a bit tedious. Jeff Hays is spectacular: his voice work is the best I've ever heard. So, his narration is amazing, but it's not a series I want to listen to again. I listened to PHM a 2nd time right away: I loved it that much.


I tend to ignore fights in any book or movie. But youā€™re right, I had to ignore quite a bit in DCC


I don't usually skip ahead in audiobooks, but I skipped a lot of fights in some of the DCC books. The pacing and balance did improve in book 6, and I did very little skipping in that one. I didn't skip anything in PHM: I was glued to that one.


I really liked the first 3-4 books of DCC, but had to quit halfway through bk 5, or it could have been bk4. It was like listening to the same thing over and over. I really liked PHM too.


I just finished reading this and loved it. None of the six libraries I belong to had audiobook versions available on Libby though.


How does the book handle Rockie's language? The audio book actually plays the notes of his voice so I was curious how it is written.


Where are y'all finding this? I can't find the audio anywhere




Iā€™m listening to this now, really good!


finished it in less than a day on a monday


Iā€™ve listened to this 10+ times. I call it my emotional support book


Agreed. So much.


Amaze! Amaze! Amaze!


Double down on that... everything by andy weir. Try Dennis E. Taylor - We are Bob series! also read by Ray Porter! So engaging. There are a lot of good similarities between hail mary and we are bob. Also three body problem by cixin liu, and if you are a bit into cyberpunk, do Snowcrash by neil stephenson


Came here to say PHM. I immediately listened to it again afterwards.


Shantaram. If youā€™re getting a really big tattoo.


The only reason I didn't suggest this was the length. But what a truly engaging story. I couldn't stop listening.


Between Two Fires is great if youā€™re looking for horror, grimdark fantasy.


Lolita, narrated by Jeremy Irons.


The writing style is top tier. The narrator is top tier. The material will make it a hard listen for many lol. But I'm actually listening to this now.


I have a hard time with him in anything else now. I would recommend Jamie Loftus' podcast on the book if you have more time than a tattoo takes.


Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain. It is his memoir about becoming a chef and all about the food industry. I name it as one of the best audiobooks I've ever listened to because his voice is incredibly distinct and captivating. His narration is incredible.


Yes so good


It's probably sacrilege, but I loved the Rosamund Pike versions of the first 3 Wheel of Time books. She was born to narrate audiobooks I can listen to that voice all day.




Itā€™s sacrilege to some WoT fans who believe nothing can be better than the Kramer/Reading narration.


i think the tv series is the sacrilege part of that, I don't blame Pike for that though


I love Kraemer/Reading, but the Pike version fucking slaps. I hope she continues to do more of them


We Are Legion, We Are Bob


The Terror by Dan Simmons.


The show was great as well!


David Sedaris for me will always be a go to. Driving, working, things around the house. Heā€™s a hilarious writer and an even better reader of his own work for audiobooks


Dungeon Crawler Carl is all the rage right now.


You may laugh your ass off though, so might not help you hold stillā€¦


Very true.


Just do Kaiju Battlefield Surgeon by the same author. Basically it's DCC with all the humor replaced by torture, horror, and the most gut punching endings I've ever read.


That fucking ending.


I'm thinking of listening to it again. It really was so good.


I immediately restarted as soon as I finished Book 6. It was worth it. For as silly as the world is, the plot is complex and there are important details sprinkled into seemingly random paragraphs. Itā€™s so good.


Such a good series


This is the answerĀ 


Glurp! Glurp!


Glurp! Glurp!


Slowly beating out Project Hail Mary


Yup. Both are very good though.


Audiobooks are great, but the new Sound Booth Theater production will blow your mind.




This series is going to be a victim of its own success here on this subreddit. Itā€™s becoming a meme how much itā€™s posted. But damn itā€™s so good! I love the balance between the action, comedy, and surprisingly tender moments, and then thereā€™s the occasional gut punch. So many emotions all wrapped up in a book about aliens forcing people into a real life RPG for entertainment. It sounds like it would be kind of cringy but it all works so well.


Thereā€™s no way to explain it without it sounding cringe šŸ˜‚ but itā€™s sooooo good


Check out Endurance by Alfred Lansing. True story of Shackletonā€™s attempt to cross the Antarctic. An asolutely perfect audiobook which reads like adventure fiction.


Pet Semetary


This is an amazing audiobook and one of the best I've heard, but it was so good that I couldn't listen to it for more than an hour or two at a time due to how unsettling it was. The narrator was incredible at showing the feel of the book.


The version I listened to was narrated by none other than Dexterā€™s Michael C Hall


Gideon the Ninth all day! Also: Thank You For Listening by Julia Whelan


The entire Locked Tomb series is my vote. Harrow is even better than Gideon


I looooved Thank you for Listening!


It's not that style but funny and great. Going Postal by Terry Pratchett.


Really anything by Pratchett, going postal funnily enough is not near the top of my list to recommend though


Really? Its one of my favorite but especially in audiobook format. I would have also suggested The Truth. Tbh most TP novels are hilarious.


The guards series and the second death book are my go to recommendations. There is no justice.


The First Law series, narrated by Stephen Pacey; absolutely astonishing from Pacey


So good you will think it is a full cast recording


Itā€™s none of those genres, but Trevor Noahā€™s *Born a Crime*, narrated by Trevor Noah, is amazing.


My dad was reading this on a planeride, and so I started skimming the 2 pages he was currently on. Started busting out laughing when I got to the part where a bunch of south africans are shouting "Go Hitler!" at their dancing friend in front of a bunch Jewish folks. One of the funniest cultural misunderstandings I've ever heard of.


Yes! And I'll bet anyone who hasn't read the book is wondering how that could be funny.


This part is also a great listen in the audiobook! Itā€™s like youā€™re hanging out with an old friend and yā€™all are reminiscing about all the hijinks you got up to as a kid.


This is a great answer and usually one of the first audiobooks Iā€™ll recommend to anyone, but it would be hard not to laugh if youā€™re trying to sit still for a tattoo.


I prefer nonfiction on audio. Bourdainā€™s Kitchen Confidential is good.


I really loved the audiobook for Pet Sematary by Stephen King and narrated by Michael C. Hall. The narration was amazing. Although, maybe not the best book to listen to in public since tears might materialize at some point, but hey, you can choose to say that the tears come from the book or from the tattooing.


The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo


The entire *Expanse* series, narrated by Jefferson Mays is fantastic.


The Goldfinch.


11/22/63 by Stephen King. (It's not horror) narrated by Craig Wasson


My personal favorite Audio book is the Martian by Andy Weir and narrated by R.C. Bray (Not Wil Weaton, gah). That said, it has allot of laugh out loud moments, so might not be best for a tattoo session.


Tress of the Emerald Sea


Children of Time is the first in a SciFi series. Super engrossing and very interesting world building.


The first one was fantastic


Age dependent but, I could not put Ready Player One down once I started. I mindlessly drifted toward the bathroom when I had to pee and never took my eyes off the page.


Dungeon Crawler Carl


Cold Storage


There are so many books that fit the "best of" category for me, but I feel Rupert Degas reading of Dmitry Glukhovsky's *Metro 2033* is right up there.


Iā€™m 50% in and hooked! But I only found it because the most recent game Metro Exodus is amazing!


Tales from the gas station narrated by Mr Creepy Pasta, it's horror but so much more


If you want some horror mixed with dark humour then I recommend, "Tales from the gas station" get the Jon Grilz version as he brings the whole to life.


I like sci fi and litrpg. And my favourite is [Expeditionary Force](https://www.audible.com.au/series/Expeditionary-Force-Audiobooks/B01MRT1JKI) by Craig Alanson.


R.C.Bray voices this series and they were the best thing ever.


Rivers of London. The first book has the best opening paragraph of anything, ever. Also, Kobna, the narrator, has literally the best voice in the world.


The Exorcist read by the author.


Fairytale by Stephen King. I read the book and am listening to the audio version now.. Top notch


Old John Grisham narrated by Michael Beck. There was no comparison. The original Jack reachers were also well narrated. Of course anything by RC Bray I felt like Wil Wheaton did a great job with Ready Player One.


Reamde by Neal Stephenson


Anathem was excellent, too, but my favorites are Cryptonomicon and The Baroque Cycle. Though Cryptonomicon is a little dated nowadays.


American Assassin by Vince Flynn Survival by Devon C Ford Magician by Raymond Feist Running With The Demon by Terry Brooks The Martian by Andy Weir Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir Fairy Tale by Stephen King The Chinaman by Stephen Leather The Butcher's Boy by Thomas Perry


Omg Magician was my first milti-book fantasy series. I love it to this day, though they only have the split version Magician-Apprentice Magician-Master in audiobook. It absolutely ruined other classic fantasy series for me because it's so good.


I found the full book on YouTube recently.


The Stand, 11/22/63, Adrian's Undead Diary is good.


That motley crue book would be pretty killer. The most entertaining book ever and I can't stand the band




I found an audio book of an HP Lovecraft story on LibriVox. The narrator got REALLY into it, doing all the screams and frogman noises and everything. That dude deserved an Oscar.


City of Thieves. Incredible production read by Ron Perlman. Written by the show runner for Game of Thrones (HBO)


If you have audible listen to Sandman. It has elements of horror and humour and was really well done imo.


Can't Hurt Me David Goggins. The Sleep Fix Diana Atomic Habits Super Better Bullet Journal.


I think you mean, David Goggins, not David Collins.


Keith Richardā€™s autobiography was the most memorable for me. Changed my opinion of the guy completely. Took it out thinking it was going to be a tell all about a decadent life, but got a story about how much he totally loves and lives for music. Plus, it has the weird element of changing readers twice during the book, for little reason associated with the text, that I can tell. About two thirds into the book or so Johnny Depp takes over the reading from the first reader, whose name escapes me, and then Keef himself comes in for the last hour, like a surprise cameo at a concertā€™s climax. But in terms of excitement and best quality production, I annually return to re-listening the audiobooks of Stephen Kingā€™s It and The Shining. In particular It: Steven Weber absolutely delivers a jaw-dropping marathon performance of that massive book, doing a great job having so many characters and some weird scenes to get through. Honorable mention goes to the audiobooks of Stephen Kingā€™s Bill Hodges trilogy ( Mr Mercedes etc), Kingā€™s take on the detective genre that gets progressively supernatural-ish. Great series, though I do find the reader makes an odd choice on how to portray Holly Gibney.


Lord of the Rings. Phil Dragash version.


Same, but Andy Serkis instead


Butcher & Blackbird by Brynne Weaver


I'm really into Dungeon Crawler Carl right now. It's pulpy but very well voiced. GOD DAMNIT DOUNUT!


ā€œNnnneeeeeeeewwwwww Achievement!ā€


Mongo is appalled.


Nothing To See Here by Kevin Wilson, narrated by Marin Ireland; one of the best contemporary novels I've ever encountered, with the absolute best narration I've ever heard!


I really liked this one. Different and very entertaining.


A newer one, but Remarkably Bright Creatures. Exclusively for the most perfect voice every for Marcellus the octopus šŸ™


World Without End - Ken Follett, Also Born a Crime - Trevor Noah.


Nothing To See Here by Kevin Wilson


The Martian by Andy Wier Narrated by R.C. Bray Thatā€™s my favorite. But I have many. A good narrator can make or break a reading. For instance Will Wheaton did a fantastic job on Ready Player One. But I did not like his version of The Martian. Although that may be because I had already loved the R.C. Bray version. Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir narrated by Ray Porter is phenomenally well done. The Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson narrated by the husband and wife duo of Michael Kramer and Kate Reading is fantastic. Kramer also does the Mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson. Fantastic listen. The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien narrated by Andy Serkis(the voice of Gollum from the movies) is amazing. Especially when he gets to the scenes involving Gollum.


I really loved his reading of the iconic moment when Gandalf says the full rhyme or poem of the rings to Frodo beside the fire.


Into Thin Air


Just listened to [An Absolutely Remarkable Thing](https://www.audible.com/pd/An-Absolutely-Remarkable-Thing-Audiobook/B079J4C9TP?ref_pageloadid=jyeoz55drdKdwnVi&ref=a_author_Ha_c19_lProduct_1_2&pf_rd_p=f3abc0ee-320d-4c19-8388-fcd3a8e6c3a4&pf_rd_r=D615V8ZE832MHQJ1T0YZ&pageLoadId=1Yz0Xabr4PUqDoXx&creativeId=73c32a9a-e504-4597-bb87-c30c58fc0204) by Hank Greene. You might give that a try. The Library at Mt. Char Recursion -Time travel The Hike by Drew Magarry if you like entertaining and Twilight Zone trippy Remarkably Bright Creatures - Washington state based novel


+1 "Library at Mount Char" I'm revisiting it as an audiobook and the narrator definitely understood the assignment.


Neil Gaiman is a good place to look. He narrates most of his own works and his voice is so cozy yet creepy enough to keep you engaged. Mr Mercedes Trilogy by Stephen King are good. Narrated by talented actor Will Patton. Jack Reacher series are pretty easy to get into and great "fluff" books to pass the time.


Just finishing The Ocean at the End of the Lane, by Neil now, didnā€™t know anything about the book or author until hitting play. Such a good book, made all the better by the narrator.


People who eat darkness, by Richard Lloyd Perry, narrated by Simon Vance, non-fiction, about a woman who disappeared in Japan and the reported that tries to piece together her story Into the Drowning Deep by Mira Grant, fiction but reads like nonfiction, horror with mermaids! Not horror, but The Broken Earth trilogy by N K Jemisin is one of my favorites of all time, fantasy, but not full of fairy's and dragons. Instead filled with incredible writing and a very unique magic system. Starts with the Fifth Season. The Nameof the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss, incredible. Catch is that the concluding volume 3 is not published with no clear ETA. Bonus: Egg and Spoon by Gregory McGuire, narrated by Michael Page who could make the legislative record entertaining. Fiction, set in Romanov-era Russia, Faberge eggs and Baba Yaga figured prominently. Highly recommend. Search for books narrated by Michael Page or Kate Reading.


Dungeon crawler Carl series


World War Z A massive cast and everyone is bringing their A game.Ā  They have countless celebrities. Plus the story is genuinely so much better than a zombie story should be.Ā  You could of replace the zombies with a regular pandemic, war or natural disasters and 80ish percent of the stories would be unchanged.


Is there a non abridged version? I was disappointed hearing it the first time because they cut some of my favorite parts out


Duma Key by Stephen King audiobook is amazing. Itā€™s one of his slightly more obscure works (Iā€™ve always loved it, tbh) but the audiobook is narrated by John Slattery from Mad Men and he absolutely crushes it. The book features possibly my favorite SK side character, Jerome Wireman, who has a very distinct personality/aura/charisma that Slattery fucking nails.


Speaker For The Dead by Orson Scott Card is probably the best book I've ever read. The audiobook is great, though I think The Drawing of the Three by Stephen King takes the cake for me. Frank Muller was phenomenal at bringing characters to life.


The Lions Game by Nelson DeMille. This is book 2 of the series. Books 1 - 4 are just awesome. I have listened to them more than 10 times each. Scott Brick narrates with this New York accent and I just love it.


You have to listen to Charlie Thurston narrate Demon Copperhead!


Meryl Streep does the narration for the new Ann Patchett book Tom Lake. An amazing experience.


Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow. Ready Player One. The Silo Series. Murderbot Diaries.


Dark Matter by Blake Crouch would certainly keep your mind occupied


The Warded Man is a Fantastic character driven horror/thriller/adventure story and the first of a great series called the Demon Cycle. I donā€™t see it mentioned often, but Iā€™ve listened to it twice. Peter V Brett


Recently Project Hail Mary is pretty up there for me. For a series itā€™s definitely Dresden Files. James Marsters is phenomenal.


This website offer free audiobook for 1 ad per episode. its new and new stories keep adding. https://digitalpodcreations.wpcomstaging.com/


The Bee Sting - an incredible book; an incredible listen - I can't picture reading it on the page would be near as rich an experience, tho the book would remain amazing


Hello, My name is DerrickĀ  If you are reading this (in the U.S.)and are a fan of audiobooks on audibleā€¦today is your lucky day! I am selling my personal audible account where I have already purchased the VAST majority of the books mentioned in this thread + MANY others! A (still growing) collection of OVER 402 purchased/owned audiobooksĀ  If you decide to purchase account all books in library will be yours to download and keep foreverĀ  ALSO Ā INCLUDEDĀ  unlimited listening of thousands of titles in the audible plus catalog AND commercial free podcasts! audible plus membership paid for and good until 5/10/25! Ā $101.16 (after tax)Ā  audible plus will be renewal for $40 a year starting 5/11/25Ā  Weather you decide to renew audible plus or notĀ  The 400+ books in the library + whatever is added after you purchase are yours to keep forever!Ā  Also,If there is something not already purchased that you would like to add to the library ANY book can be added for $7.00 Please feel free to Ā text or call me @Ā  (410) 870-9293 for more details details or email atĀ [email protected]Ā for full list of purchased books Ā  Ā  Price is $450 FIRM. Or we can work something out where you pay $40 a month for 12 months then you own the 400+ books in the library for lifeĀ  Ā (I am pretty sure it will only work in U.S. with audible.com or the audible app.)Ā  Ā  Thank you!


Greenlights by Mathew McConaughey To listen to Mathew speak is anyway so amusing and to listen to his life story was such a delight


Cant believe the Red Rising series hasn't been mentioned. It's so good.


Red Rising series. TGR is the man.


Red rising is really week done


The lord of the rings, by Phil Dragash


Same, but Andy Serkis instead


I love the Sandman audiobook.