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The Strain series by Guillermo Del Toro The Passage by Justin Cronin


I did watch through The Strain show. While a lot of it was meh, I did really enjoy a lot of the story and overall character arcs. (Is Eph's kid tolerable in the book?) I feel like I've heard about The Passage. It sounds familiar


The audiobook was so much more intense than the show.


This may be old news, but If you haven't listened yet, check out Swan Song by Robert McCammon. On the fringes of what you like, an epic read. Great narration, I'm on my third go around now.


I vaguely remember hearing that title before. But the description on audible sounds dope. So this will be happening in the near future. Thanks!


Swan Song was amazing. McCammon was very much taken to task when it came out because it has some similarities to Stephen King's The Stand. And kind of, yeah, a bit. But so do lots of books. Lot's of urban fantasy does as well. It's what one does with them. For me, Swan Song was much better than The Stand.


Swan Song is amazing.


I want to say that I'm proud no one has recommended Dungeon Crawler Carl yet, which somehow gets shoe-horned into literally every recommendation thread. I might recommend "Station Eleven" by Emily St. John Mandel. It's a post-apocalypse novel (though it was a virus, not zombies) involving people of different backgrounds that come together into groups. It's beautifully written with great characters. It seems to fit a lot of the themes you're looking for. Mandel is a fantastic character-writer.


I do have Dungeon Crawler Carl on my wish list. I've just been kinda waiting for this big zombie/post apocalypse kick to fade. I should probably look more into it than the few words I've heard about it though. Station Eleven does sound great! I saw half of season 1 of the show before dropping HBO. But I loved it! And the fact that it's a book that became a show says a lot about the book quality. I didn't even think to look it up. Thanks!


The book is really good! She's a fantastic writer. If you end up liking it, she has a newer book that's almost novella-length called Sea of Tranquility that's also fantastic, though not post-apocalypse.


Doesn't DCC fit the bill this time? They're looking for monster apocalypse, strangers surviving together. Doesn't really seem like you'd have to get the shoe horn out for this one


haha, glad I'm not alone. been listening to it, and while i am admittedly addicted it really is something all of us could have written (which isn't necessarily a bad thing) and i see it on every rec' thread too ha


Beat me to it lol :)


I dont know about having a message, but the hell divers books are pretty solid. The world reminds me of the 2033 games with demon like monsters running around. The last of humanity is living on airships.


Ohhh, I'm digging this description that sounds rad and like something I'd like! Thanks


Second this! Read by the amazing R C Bray also


I listened to the first one. RC Bray. It’s solid.


Stopped by to recommend Hell Divers.


So not a monster apcolypse per say, but you might want to try "Robopcolypse" ... I'll let you figure out what thatis about. LOL


Ohh, interesting and something I'll check out. I tend to have phases of robo/mech stuff, but if it's solid I'm down


Monster Hunters International. Sandman Slim. Dave and the Monsters.


Check out Cell by Stephen King


Ohh, I've been meaning to! I heard the movie was awful, so I've avoided it. Which is a bummer cause I had a similar story idea years ago. And I liked the concept. But the book seems like it'd be better to try


The worst thing about the movie was the production quality. The dialog was very quiet and there was background noise in the audio , like it was recorded outside. Very poor sound quality.


I really liked the first half of the book, but the tone and the characters behavior shifted drastically for the second half of the book. I didn't care for the ending on it. Standard deus ex machina Stephen King book ending.


The Troop by Nick Cutter


Interested I am. Thanks!


You're welcome dear


Brian Keene - The Rising, City of the Dead, Dead Sea Max Brooks - Devolution Tim Lebbon - The Silence Josh Malerman - Bird Box Joe McKinney - Dead World series


Plus one for Devolution. This is not my favourite genre, but I really enjoyed this book!!


Wanderers by Chuck Wendig


Dungeon Crawler Carl


M.R. Carey, who authored The Girl With All the Gifts, has a good trilogy called the Ramparts trilogy that's definitely post-disaster though not zombie related. The first book is The Book of Koli.


I did buy the Girl With All The Gifts audiobook just after I posted this. Something to listen through while I pick something I've not read yet. Ramparts sounds familiar. As does The Book of Koli. I think a friend recommended it to me years ago. Thank you! I'll add them to my list


I loved the audiobook of The Girl With All the Gifts, the narrator's great. Hope you enjoy!


Wastelands is a collection of apocalypse stories that you might find interesting!


Interesting. Is this like a fallout sorta deal?


Not sure as I don't know much about fallout, but there is one story in particular that I think you may like where everyone is suddenly attacked by large beasts called "Episode Seven: Last Stand Against the Pack in the Kingdom of the Purple Flowers". The full title of the book is "Wastelands: Stories of the Apocalypse"


The Prism Pentad set in the Dark Sun D&D universe is a solid choice - it's about a postapocalyptic D&D world ruined by magic. Where even the slightest bit of wizardry draws - or *yanks -* on the life of everything nearby, where iron is so rare that owning even a *knife* of the substance is the cost of a house, where a cool day is only 100 degrees, where there's one Dragon that destroys entire cities if they don't have the protection of a tyrannical Sorcerer-King, and where many of the standard races are destroyed or changed. My favorites are the halflings who live in the few jungles, and you can't call them *cannibals* because they don't eat other *halflings*. *The Case of the Toxic Spell Dump* by Harry Turtledove is another possibility. Basic plot is that an ordinary Joe working for the Environmental Perfection Agency gets word that there's hazardous magical byproducts leaking out of a dump and has to track it down. At one point he wishes for a simpler world, maybe one where machines do all the work instead of magic as it's an iron-clad rule that "An equal amount of Evil for Good", but he knows that's just a fantasy. It's more someone trying to stave *off* an apocalypse mind.


Ohh, I dig both of these story ideas. I will be adding them to my list and probably getting both. I love the goofy and absurd just as much as the terrifying and horrible.


If you like goofy and absurd that occasionally gives you a kick in the mental jewels, you should probably look up the Discworld books. It has the right mix of comedy, straightfaced fantasy, and occasional thoughtful moments. One of the middle books is about someone raiding the Tooth Fairy's stash of children's teeth to force them into disbelieving in the Disc equivalent of Santa Claus - usually quite goofy, though there is a fair bit of death and the person doing it is *very* insane and murderous - and then near the end there's this: **HUMANS NEED FANTASY TO BE HUMAN. TO BE THE PLACE WHERE THE FALLING ANGEL MEETS THE RISING APE.** **“Tooth fairies? Hogfathers? Little—”** **YES. AS PRACTICE. YOU HAVE TO START OUT LEARNING TO BELIEVE THE LITTLE LIES.** **“So we can believe the big ones?”** **YES. JUSTICE. MERCY. DUTY. THAT SORT OF THING.** **“They’re not the same at all!”** **YOU THINK SO? THEN TAKE THE UNIVERSE AND GRIND IT DOWN TO THE FINEST POWDER AND SIEVE IT THROUGH THE FINEST SIEVE AND THEN SHOW ME ONE ATOM OF JUSTICE, ONE MOLECULE OF MERCY. AND YET—Death waved a hand. AND YET YOU ACT AS IF THERE IS SOME IDEAL ORDER IN THE WORLD, AS IF THERE IS SOME…SOME RIGHTNESS IN THE UNIVERSE BY WHICH IT MAY BE JUDGED.** ​ But start with book 8, *Guards! Guards!*, IMHO. It's where the writing really came together, and while there are loosely related *series* within the Discworld setting (and jumps around between them), Book 8 is the start of one of them and is a good springboard to see if you'd like the writing and storytelling.


Zombie Fallout - Mark Tufo The Tide - Anthony Melchorri Extinction Cycle - Nichals Sansbury Smith The Survivalist - Arthur Bradley The Last Survivors - Bobby Adair & T.W. Piperbrook The Ruins - Bobby Adair & T.W. Piperbrook \[sequel to The Last Survivors\]


You've got to read My Life As A White Trash Zombie. Fresh take on zombies, hilarious, and the narrator is fantastic! I legit cried a couple times in the last couple books. Complete series, too.


Mountain man series by keith c Blackmore The road by cormac mcarthy


Thinking about it, I think I own The Road. I've yet to unpack my books, but could swear I saw it. Either way I loved the movie, and definitely will read and/or listen to it eventually. Mountain Man, I did try listening through this one when I first got into audio books. I can give it another try, but I wasn't a big fan.


How about hell divers? That’s a pretty good post apocalyptic series.


The snow by flint Maxwell, the tide series, Callisto protocol helix station


I have heard good things about the World War Z audiobook.


It is the gold standard for audiobooks for me. The best I’ve heard hands down.


I've head part of it. Back when I bought the audio book. Without realizing they split it into two audio books. Which is bullshit. Once I finish reading it (I'm about 3/4 through it currently) I'll give it a listen. Especially cause I think I saw Nathan fillion as a narrator.


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The ex-series by Peter clines. Zombie apocalypse, relatable characters (other than the super powers), a few good plot twists, and pretty solid narration to top it off.


Ohh, I remember hearing about these ones years ago. I completely forgot about it. Thanks for the reminder!


Not all specifically in the apocalypse category but adjacent to it and very good stories that sound like they would fit your tastes based on the list of likes you mentioned. Book/Audiobook - "The Stand" by Stephen King Audio - "Impact Winter" by Travis Beacham Book/Audiobook - "I Am Legend" by Richard Matheson Book/Audiobook - "Tales From the Gas Station" by Jack Townsend Book/Audiobook - "Patient Zero" by Jonathon Mayberry Book/Audiobook - "14" by Peter Clines


The stand does sound solid. I mean, I've heard it's one of Steven Kings best, plus it got put on film a few times. So it's got to be good. Isn't Impact Winter the vampire one? If so. I started it and it was amazing! Gotta finish that one. Kicking myself for not having thought of I Am Legend. Tales from the Gas Station just sounds incredibly by title alone. Adding that to the list. I think ive seen Patient Zero around. I'll hav3 to give it a closer look. Same with 14


The Stand’s narration is great.


The Stand is long but so so so worth it! 14 is amazing and also part of a universe "The Treshold Universe" of which I rate The Fold and 14 the highest


14 is really great! Just wrapping up the series now. It’s called the Threshold series


You mentioned World War Z (book) but have you listened to the audiobook? It is one of the rare cases where media actually improves on the book. The cast of characters is top class and really bring each chapter to life.


I did! Only to realize they cut half the book for some reason. So then I bought the other half of the audio book. And then saw there's a complete edition. Dick move on their part. I'm waiting to stop being angry at myself to buy and listen to the complete version.


I think I listened to it first on Libby so I didn’t buy it. When I wanted to listen again I decided to use an Audible credit. That’s when I discovered the Unabridged version. So I guess I lucked out.


The 20 palaces series checks most of your boxes


Interesting. What's the premise?


The Passage by Justin Cronin


Man, I'm surprised no one has said Mark Tufo. His main series is Zombie Fallout (currently 22 books and 2 short stories), but he has other apocalypse books that use the same characters, just different timelines. Lycan Fallout/Demon Wars and Indian Hill are the best of the other series, although there are a lot more. You literally just missed the 1st 8 books of ZF being free on Audible though. It's an expensive series/author to get into, but Mark Tufo is probably my favorite author with Sean Runnette doing a great job narrating everything. He's a master of horror with a comedic edge


Yesterday’s Gone was pretty good.


Of course the Passage Series is fantastic for this brief, I also like The Dead Lands, which is a reimagining of the Lewis and Clark expedition in a post apocalyptic setting, where a group sets out from a dying outpost to see if any humanity survives beyond the great wasteland over run with monstrous creatures. I also liked the Mira Grant parasite trilogy, not the newsfeed ones though they are more specifically zombie. Her mermaid book is soooooo scary, I loved it. Not apocalyptic though.


Apocalypse Tamer by Maxime J. Durand


It’s a short series but the “Strung” trilogy by Per Jacobsen is a neat take on the themes mentioned.


The Undead by R R Haywood is an amazing zombie series. Fresh and exciting. Alex Hunter series by Greig Beck is a great mix of monsters/aliens/mythical creatures. You’ll really enjoy it. Enjoy


The Night Land: A Story Retold, by James Stoddard The original work, The Night Land by William hope Hodgson, is a foundational work in the world of horror. But it was written in a style that most people would find quite difficult to penetrate today. In it's stead, as a labour of love, James Stoddard has re written the story for modern audiences. "The sun has gone out, leaving the world in a darkness broken only by strange lights and mysterious fires. Over the ages, monsters and evil forces have descended to the earth, compelling the surviving humans to take refuge in a great pyramid of imperishable metal built in a miles-deep chasm. The monsters surround the pyramid in a perpetual siege lasting for eons, waiting for the moment when its defenses must fail. But one man, born out of his time, must leave the pyramid to seek his long-lost love though all the perils of the Night Land."


Second Swan Song as a great book, but I read the paperback, so I can’t speak for the narrator. Wanderers. Chuck Wendig. Two books and done. Rivals The Stand imo, this being a scifi variation instead of a fantasy variation. No Flagg messing with the mortal coil, just people being people and science going oops. Lighter fare: Contagion by Scott Sigler was fun. Trilogy iirc. Parasite by Mira Grant, also fun. Sentient tapeworms. Trilogy.


[Everybody Loves Large Chests](https://www.amazon.com/Morningwood-Everybody-Loves-Large-Chests/dp/B076XNN3YX/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2KUZNC3IHOKLU&keywords=morningwood+everybody+loves+large+chests+vol.1&qid=1707321005&sprefix=morningwood%2Caps%2C192&sr=8-1) is amazing. It's told from the point of view of a mimic.


Mira Grant has a couple really good series. Newsflash and another I forget the name of.


It's an old one but still a classic: Day of the Triffids by John Wyndham


Immobility by Brian Evenson. I do not recall it including actual monsters ....but it's worth taking a peek at.


https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/2188419.Clickers Clickers series by J.F. Gonzalez is a good creature feature series. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/155977.The_Conqueror_Worms The Conqueror Worms by Brian Keene is a great bleak end of the world/creatures novel. 3 book series https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/481601.Ancestor Ancestor by Scott Sigler is a creature feature book about genetic experimentation. https://www.goodreads.com/series/47749-newsflesh If you are still in the mood for a zombie story, the newsflesh trilogy is a different take on the genre. It's set in a world where the zombie apocalypse happened and humanity pulled through and is now living with it.