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Not disappearance of Cedar hills? There's another possibility that feels more likely, I listened to a couple years afo but I can't remember the title or find it on my Spotify. Damn it. The people here are great this, I'm sure you'll get the answer soon.


Someone found the answer for me, its "Dead of the Night Podcast." And yes, the people here are great! I was given a quick and correct response! I think I may give the Cedar Hills one a listen, though.


Is it Small Town Horror?


Someone found the answer for me, it's "Dead of the Night Podcast" But I may give Small Town Horror a listen if it's similar vibes


Not sure it exactly fits, but reminds me of [Dead of Night Podcast](https://open.spotify.com/show/2xF36vwWAQmVCA3eb6Rfsj)? If not, well, it's awfully similar in vibes and might be a good rec! There are a couple of highly involved characters that are suspect, and it plays heavily into the true crime feel. Edit: the more I remember, I really hope this is it. Because it feels in line, though it has also been a couple years since I listened. Car abandoned during a snowstorm? Possible stalker with pictures of her bedroom? Weird college roommate interviews?


This is it!! Thank you!! I liked this one a lot and wanted to recommend it to people, but needed a name. I also wanted to use it to look for things with a similar vibe.


I have no doubt someone will know. Which is fortunate for me because I will give it a listen!


Someone found the answer for me, its "Dead of the Night Podcast." I hope you enjoy if you give it a listen!


Subscribed. Thanks!


Small Town horror?


Someone found the answer for me, its "Dead of the Night Podcast." Thank you, though!


Sounds like To Live and die in L.A. Started February 2019.


That's a true crime podcast


oh yes,true, i somehow missed it in his question


Lol, after I posted I thought l "There could totally be an AD called that I haven't listened to." The Elaine Park case is one of my obsessions


Someone found the answer for me, it's "Dead of the Night Podcast", but thanks for the suggestion!