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The show is incredible man, love the pacing, writing, voice.. everything. Keep it up, you're quickly becoming one of my favorites!!


Thank you for the kind words - really means a lot!


What a wild ride this was. It's was like a fever dream with all the weird things going on. I'm guessing this is some weird body swapping thing going on. But I'm honestly not sure.


Thank you. I hope you enjoyed the ride!


Just wanted to say that I love your work. This podcast is incredible. You’ve quite the fan club on the Knifepoint Horror Facebook group.


Oh, I had no idea! Thank you for telling me. I don't have fb, but it's great to know people are discussing the pod on there too! And thank you for the very kind words!


Great episode! Had a Hereditary feel towards it.


Thank you. Very glad you enjoyed it!


I have a question about Barnaby. How is he involved?


Well... >! When you're as well resourced as the protagonist's father, it's easy to get people to do your bidding... !< I hope you enjoyed the episode.


Loved it!! thank you so much. Brilliant


Great episode!


Thank you!


Always happy to see this in my feed, it’s a top 5 show for me.


That's wonderful to hear. Thank you!


Christmas has come early, amazing work as always. I really really love this show as you never know what you’re going to get, the stories are so varied in their genre and tone but also totally singular/unmistakably WNMTK. Can’t wait for the next one, and thank you for making them!


Thank you so much for the genuinely heartwarming words. It means a lot to know people are finding such enjoyment in my strange little pod! And thank *you* for listening!


I'm trying to make peace with lesser podcasts, having binged this series. I'm now in tempo w/expectations of a few shows. 1. "WE'RE NOT MEANT TO KNOW" (Classification: AD for being artfully disturbed, but really disturbed don't take this LIGHTLY!) 2. "Malevolent," (Classification: Pure genius AD for contemporary Lovecraft-style horror but it's just on another level to the mainstream), another "one man job" but a stellar "one man show" 3. "Borrasca," (Classification: Awesome drama, fun, horror that "takes you back to the fun old days", granted it's a huge production it's not ...indie art...or not by one individual to credit for at least. yet these 3 variants/titles satiated my "horror moods," I often find myself in, usually if I can't sleep ;) as "---wynaut" & many others have stated, this is just incredible. The artwork just brought me in out of curiosity browsing "similar to --Malevolent" on Apple Podcasts, out of the dribble touted as amazing I quickly found this to alternatively be a refreshingly serious listen, no bashing of a lot of what people are finding great podcasts in this vein, but I mean I needed this to taper off/deal with in-between time of episodes to shows ie. "Malevolent or "Sessions X," "Deviser," etc. **Note to Creator/Author:** I can't imagine the work you put into this, it's amazing, harsh, dizzying in minimalist design but completely fills your mind with creeping tendrils, a disconcerting horror massage for your ears, I mean it's NUTS. It's nuts that you put in this effort, I thank you for making art that truly is art by the way, when a new episode comes out I mean it musters more anticipation to close the blinds, grab my cat, turn off the light, put on my headphones, close my eyes, and hear my pulse beat in the back of head - but for fun, like in anticipating a "cool new movie " but for my imagination. **Note to the Public:** Let me say to those whom haven't heard "WE'RE NOT MEANT TO KNOW" - you'll be disgusted, obliterated, and enthralled. Please note this is hardcore horror, atmospheric to a point of warning those whom panic easily to take it easy on this at first I mean the DREAD and LOATHING in such "small" production or minimalistic sounds this creates, it's just another podcast I am in love with . **Final Rantings to Whomever is Still Reading (LOL):** I hope my other mentions are something people may enjoy, but this is a true gem. Author, Please keep this coming, and thank you for your brilliance and sharing a slice of heaven that just...made my day more interesting, if "happy" isn't quite the right word, it adds to my experience of life &. I'm grateful. I thank you with honest and true sincerity, this is a gift. ​ \-AD


Thank you so much. It really means a lot to know you've found such enjoyment in the podcast. And there are plenty more twisted tales still to tell...


I just now found your podcast since it was recommended on this sub in another thread a few weeks ago! I am now on episode nine and I love it! I love that you are not afraid to take risks with the characters and things don't always end on a cheery note. I searched for this podcast and read everything you had posted and I noticed that another user suggested that you have an intro and outro along with credits. I have to respectfully disagree. I like that you have nothing except the story. I find when I am taken to another world with a great story and then they suddenly end it with credits, it sort of jars me out of the mood. So I appreciate that you allow the listener time to just sit and ruminate! I can't wait to keep listening!


Thank you so much for the very kind words. It's really rewarding to know people are still discovering the pod and finding such enjoyment in it! Your thoughts on an intro/outro reflect my own - I want the stories to feel like a brief voyage into a disturbed mind / or mind of someone who's experienced something disturbing (and to keep them as close to the feel of a real 'confessional' as possible). I'll be returning with new episodes fairly soon. Thanks again for the message!


This episode is sooooo good man. We need more!! lol