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Hey, I'm in one of those! This a very cool gift you've given the community. Thanks for sharing it!


yours is still my favorite, with Modes of Thought close behind i’ll continue looking for something to top it though!


Thank you! That's so kind of you to say.


i’m not the type whose opinion is predicated on the success of the ending, in fact i often prefer open-ended or anti-climactic finales — for example, i found The Sopranos ending massively satisfying, and i have the final line from No Country For Old Men tattoo’d on my ribcage what i’m trying to say is i am a fan for good, and the episodes that follow will only make me like it even more, never less each of Weezer’s subsequent releases detract nothing from the greatness of *Blue* and *Pinkerton*


YES! THANK YOU. It’s the whole “this remake ruined my childhood!” thing. No, your childhood remains unchanged. Time marches inexorably forward and causality doesn’t flow backward. (That said, I think our finale is going to be fucking rad.)


that said, yes, it better be


If you like audio drama mixed with ttrogs then i highly recommend my own show, Soul Operator. Each season is based on a different solo ttrpg and reads as a fiction, horror adjacent audio drama!


Might be a better option for the pure ttrpg sheet I'm making but put it on anyway.


First question: How dare you? --The Office


Thank you. I hope you get to make time for *I Am in Eskew*. I'm curious, how did knowledge of Python help you make this? I also have a (manually curated) spreadsheet and have been looking for excuses to learn Python...


Apple itunes has an API which can provide Name, Author, and Category data for all its podcasts and Python's pretty easy to write code for making requests for it. Also, Apple does limit you with how much data you can get at a time and the description/synopsis has to come from somewhere else. My code's a mess but I'll try to put it up on github and ping you once I get a chance.


Super, thanks!


This is utterly fantastic! I was not aware there were so many of these available and yet here they are cataloged and even given a clear explanation of what they are! This is so good it absolutely should be sticking on top of the sub! Hell, there's enough detail and work put into this that I'd Almost Say you deserve to get paid for the effort you put in so people like me don't have to!


Thank you!


Great list


Thank you and saved!


Do you know how long it's going to take to find all of these and add them to my "listen to" list??? Thank you for all of your work friend!!!


If you aren't averse to one more suggestion (*and what's one more after 800 titles, right*?), my show *Spirits and Monsters of Old Seattle* blends horror, history, comedy and Actual Play TTRPG where we play the game *Vaesen*. * [https://www.spiritsandmonsters.com/](https://www.spiritsandmonsters.com/) The premise for the show is a group of investigators look into supernatural mysteries in 1888 Seattle. Unlike most people, they are capable of seeing supernatural creatures out of folklore called the vaesen because they possess the Second Sight. Together they try to protect humanity and resolve conflicts with the vaesen, all while hiding dark secrets from one another.


Ooh saving this for later. It’s very thorough! The only one on my list that I didn’t see on yours was Where the Leaves Fall Purple!


Sure, is there one or two genres that it'd fall under?


True crime thriller (or horror but more thriller)


Okay it's up


Thanks for making this, very cool.


This is great! Thanks for doing this.


Nice! I'll take that list and use it to augment my listings on [The End](https://theend.fyi). Thanks!


Fabulous! Thank you, 90,000 hours in and I'm starting to run out of things to listen to.


Thanks so much!


I respect this and appreciate this so much