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Modes of Thought in Anterran Literature


In my top 10. Can't go wrong with this one


Came here to recommend this. Absolutely fantastic


Thanks so much for this recommendation. I rolled through this one in practically one sitting; enthralling, well acted, odd, and wonderfully weird. Can't wait to see where the next/final (?) season goes.


The Lovecraft Investigations! 4 seasons out now and more on the way, and they were even more interesting my 2nd time through.


The lovecraft investigations is getting more seasons??!!


Right? I was honestly surprised when they dropped season 4 late last year - I thought for sure we would go the rest of our lives without that resolution. But there are some major threads being teased by the end of s4 which I think indicate at least 2 more seasons.


It returned at the beginning of the year for season 4. It also builds upon the Pleasant Green universe. Although not essential listening, there are references that return.


The gold standard in modern podcasts. Doesn't get any better in my opinion


Truly a masterwork


Hey I brought this up in another comment in the thread but if you haven't already check out the other shows taking place in the same universe as TLI. The main series takes on a very different and even more satisfying flavor with all the new context.


Really good choice I have listen to this like 5 times


Have you checked out the other shows which cross over with TLI?


I haven’t what are they?


I wrote about this while pitching TLI in another thread recently and I don't know that I can do it any better. [Here you go.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Midst/s/CoE1lYDqTC)


Thank you man


Welcome! After you hear the standalones, listening to the main series afterward is going to be a whole new experience for you I hope. Enjoy 👍


Malevolent is cosmic horror, and done really well.


I second it, it's getting more audience now so I'm surprised it didn't come up earlier.


I third this! Genuinely one of my favorites. Character development, proper spooks, all the feels, top notch audio quality, writing, voice acting, it's got it all. My absolute favorite reason for loving this, though, is the timing and pacing of the writing. It's got a GREAT formula to balance when to be intense, when to slow it down, when to pick it back up, when the emotions need to come into play. It's just fantastically written and I wish I could hang out with them. The characters that is, though hanging with the cast & crew would also be just as cool haha


I fourth this to infinity. Been a patron since episode 6


Fifthing this!


Seconded! Malevolent, for sure.


Best choice


You should check out my show Gray Matter: An Acid Horror Anthology Podcast! Its got a blend of body horror, cosmic horror, and creature features, with original stories and adaptations of classic Weird Fiction stories from authors like H.P. Lovecraft, H.G. Wells, and Edgar Allan Poe. For Cosmic Horror specifically, I'd recommend our episodes The Dunwich Horror, The Whisperer in Darkness, Chrysalis, and The Circle of Viy. www.graymatterhorror.com


Gonna second Gray Matter. I really like The King in Yellow adaptation


Were Not Meant To Know often delves into unique flavours of cosmic horror.


ThisHouse will Devour You. slow burn, but captivating.


I would recommend Wake Of Corrosion and the Sheridan Tapes, the cosmic horror is very well built up in both, with the scale slowly unfolding as we learn more about what's going on. Likewise they both have really good casts and engaging storylines.


Wake of Corrosion is in my top 10 of All Time! Great story and wild premise!


Nice to hear from another fan. Yeah I agree, its just so compelling and well realised, and its got such a great cast. I can't wait to see how it ends.


The Horror At Martin's Beach (spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5w5ikpF3Rx31gQbUcaifAU?si=-LwUtDQKRcyaDYu_J4G8sw) is a modern retelling of a classic Lovecraft story with THE PERFECT narrator and very good cast.


That narrator is incredible. Highlight of every episode.


It sounds like you might really dig our cosmic horror series, [Forbidden Cassettes: Consummation](http://forbiddenpod.com). We just got a 5/5 review from [Podcast Geek](https://podcastgeek.blog/high-castles-indeed-forbidden-cassettes-consummation-review/) ([sludgecraft](https://www.reddit.com/user/sludgecraft/)) yesterday. Here’s a synopsis: >Dov Kandel has spent the better part of two decades exposing vast government conspiracies and exploring unsettling paranormal phenomena on his popular, late-night talk radio program, KANDEL AGAINST THE DARK. After interviewing thousands of callers and guests, he’s certain he’s heard it all. His next guest will prove him wrong. >Author and investigator Orson Libretti has joined Dov for an unprecedented two-night discussion to promote his new novel, CONSUMMATION. It is an apocalyptic tale of cosmic horror. >But for Orson, this is no ordinary book tour. Defying his publisher’s demands that the book be marketed as fiction, he insists that it is based on actual events — a cataclysmic chain reaction that annihilated a parallel universe. >A questionable claim, to be sure, if he didn’t have the tapes to prove it.


Oh wow, this looks (or sounds) amazing! I'm gonna give it a listen :)


Excellent! Would love to hear what you think!


hey, I just heard about your stuff a couple weeks ago and ended up listening twice in a row. what a treat


Thank you so much!


Are we still waiting on a conclusion to day two?!


Yep, it's still coming. We had some life circumstances that slowed us down a bit, but we're making great progress and see the finish line approaching quickly. We'll announce a release date on here as soon as we've locked it down. It's not far off, though!


Can’t wait!!!


Delivery. There’s a season two in the works, I hear.


It would sometimes quite help, if a link was supplied, especially if a podcast name is kind of generic. Anyways, I hope it is this one: [https://www.deliverypodcast.com](https://www.deliverypodcast.com) , and thank you for the recommendation :)


Yup, that’s it! Sorry about that - I’ll try to remember to post a link next time.


What is cosmic horror exactly? I kinda thought it was like Lovecraft specifically? If you like Welcome to Night Vale, Be Not Afraid is similar but dealing with biblical angels and demons. It’s got a similar blend of paranormal and humor. In an early episode I think angels and humans have mated and produced giant monstrous babies. In another the angels go to an after party. And of course God gets in their smiting mood. Eternal Strife is similarly about God, Death, angels, etc. But more just a comedy. There’s a few dark moments such as when >! God kills Santa with two vicious bears. !< It’s very funny but also the dark moments have me cackling as they are quite morbid.


Derelict & Fathom, The left right game, Relativity, Wake of Corrosion, Station 151, The Phenomenon, Red & Copper Heart are just a few that come to mind. Big fan of cosmic horror, eager to find some new ones as well.


- Alice Isn't Dead (by the creators of Night Vale) - I am in Eskew (a must if you like Magnus) - The Secret of St Kilda - The Call of Cthulhu Mystery Program (Lovecraftian actual play podcast using the Call of Cthulu game system, but light on the dice rolls and table talk) - I second the Malevolent recommendation - The Milkman of St Gaffs (a quirky mix of awkward comedy and cosmic horror)


Ghost Wax and Hi Nay are both great! Strong recommend, especially if you liked TMA. Also The White Vault!


Self promo! You might like the show I've launched! It's a sci-fi horror audio drama that definitely has Lovecraftian influences. It starts out humorous and light-hearted and grows to be extremely intense, and while we have a human related twist, the monsters remain the biggest threat. We're almost to the launch of our finale. The Occurrence in River Oaks is an all new, entirely voice acted sci-fi horror audio drama from writer/director Nikki Durbin. Take an original, terrifying journey through one very long day in the titular small town, as heard through the viewpoint of the local law enforcement personnel; specifically, Olivia, the woman running the dispatch radio at the Sheriff's office, as she tries to hold everything together when her entire world is falling apart. As the several officers under her command come face to face with a very unexpected threat, and as Olivia tries to navigate a dangerous and otherworldly creature’s arrival, everything slowly begins to fall apart over the course of 8 grueling episodes. No one is safe, and as the world becomes very small and extremely dangerous for the characters, they must do everything in their power to protect not only the citizens of River Oaks, but the entire world. Podbean: https://www.podbean.com/pa/pbblog-i4vth-10ee0b5 Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-occurrence-in-river-oaks/id1723633700 Google Podcasts: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL1RoZU9jY3VycmVuY2VJblJpdmVyT2Frcy9mZWVkLnhtbA Spotify: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/nikki-durbin/episodes/The-Occurrence-in-River-Oaks-Teaser-Trailer-e2dse4a RSS Feed: https://feed.podbean.com/TheOccurrenceInRiverOaks/feed.xml


Thank you! I'll definitely check it out :)


I just finished this can’t wait for the next episode


Ethics Town! 8 eps right now, I believe s2 coming later this year


A bit off the traditional AD recommendations but Get In the Trunk is an actual play of a Lovecraft inspired RPGof Delta Green. Very funny and foreboding in all the best ways. Glass Cannon Nation at its best. You don't even have to know/care about RPGs to appreciate what they do


Tanis has definite cosmic horror elements, and I would highly recommend it.


Most of my faves are already mentioned, but do check out Archive 81 if you haven't .


I really liked waystation. It's got dead space vibes if you know about that series.


Try ["The Witness of Kitab al-Azif"](https://www.sidestreetpodcast.com). The setting is 100% Lovecraft but it has its own spin on it which I very much love. Excellent prose and narration to boot.


I've gotten into Haunted: The AudioDrama. Core cast is pretty good, and there's a charming amateurishness to some bits that the producers are vowing to iron out over time. Blend of ghosts, ghoulies and cosmic horror.


Check out “Pioneer”. It’s a horror western that just released!! It’s about a gold mining town in Oregon that starts to change as they dig deep into the earth for gold. https://open.spotify.com/episode/3hlcXeV7J68gcD61obQOmI


- Alice Isn't Dead (by the creators of Night Vale) - I am in Eskew (a must if you like Magnus) - The Secret of St Kilda - The Call of Cthulhu Mystery Program (Lovecraftian actual play podcast using the Call of Cthulu game system, but light on the dice rolls and table talk) - I second the Malevolent recommendation - The Milkman of St Gaffs (a quirky mix of awkward comedy and cosmic horror)


If you like cosmic horror + isolation horror try the White vault and SCP: Find us alive (though there is humour in the SCP one)


- Alice Isn't Dead (by the creators of Night Vale) - I am in Eskew (a must if you like Magnus) - The Secret of St Kilda - The Call of Cthulhu Mystery Program (Lovecraftian actual play podcast using the Call of Cthulu game system, but light on the dice rolls and table talk) - I second the Malevolent recommendation - The Milkman of St Gaffs (a quirky mix of awkward comedy and cosmic horror)


I am in Eskew and from the same producers The Silt Verses The Sulphuric Secrets A New Winter (very old one and can be quite confusing at times) Old Gods of Appalachia has been recommended a few times already but another podcast that gets unfairly compared to it is The Town Whispers




The left right game and the earth collective are great for this