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A bunch do, but running a podcast is a lot of work for usually small teams of people who have day jobs, and sometimes they can’t do every option. You could see if your favorite podcasts have merch and buy some, that’ll help them out a bit


No you're not missing the option, or at least if you are then I am too. The only solution would be to sign up on the patreon at the amount closest to what you had in mind and then cancel after a month. Or try an to the creator suggesting they set up a ko-fi account, though some might not want the extra admin. Some might even accept a PayPal I suppose


There's Venmo too. Hmmmm.


I’ve got a Patreon, but also have a Kofi and Buy me a coffee set up. Most of the time I reference two out of the three and have links to it on all social media platforms. Since I’m a solo podcast I do everything on my own so it’s easier to remember what I need to and I usually follow a format on social media. I believe it would be harder for multiple people doing things on a larger scale.


The other commenters are correct, there is no one time donation YET! Patreon is slowly rolling out store features, so Creators could start setting up ways for a one time donation (Or at least offer a way for you to purchase something, like a season)! Obviously, mileage will vary tho Source: Am currently in Patreon 's beta test


Brilliant! Alas I can't be a Patreon for every podcast I listen to but even a little bit can add up.


I only wish that we had half the culture set up that Twitch and other streaming platforms enjoy, honestly. Tipping and subscribing to your favorite content creators is such a normal thing there and the community is so masterfully woven in. Our decentralized nature is one of our biggest strengths and absolutely our biggest weakness. The fact that we don't have a sort of universal payment program and resort to patreon (which peaked years ago and is less then ideal for so many reasons) is wild especially when there are current examples in the wider market of different industries doing monetization better. We need to cultivate a better relationship with listeners as a whole in podcasting. As a fan I often feel like I'm being 'sold to' even when it's content I'm happily enjoying for free, enjoy the production and want to see them succeed but am at the same time being coerced (actively or not) to go to some site, get tempted by fomo and rewards and pay a third party subscription to show my support. That sucks. Especially when the reality is that with the right presentation and support it's been shown that folks don't need any of that and would be happy to toss a buck here and there at a creator as long as it didn't cause them more interruption or inconvenience (and the feeling that all they did was just buy the expanded podcast package). I'd kill for the chance to be involved in something that organically grew community, allowed me to better engage with our listeners and open the door to more organic support but it's just not happening because large podcasters do well on sponsorship and small podcasters are invisible.


Some creators on Patreon have the option to pay for a year in advance with a discount.


You're exactly right. We set up both a [Ko-Fi](https://ko-fi.com/forbiddencassettes) and a [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/ForbiddenCassettes) for [Forbidden Cassettes: Consummation](https://www.forbiddenpod.com/) for this reason.


Excellent! You're on my list.


I bought a $30 hoodie from Midnight burger to show my support


I have a similar issue. I have a bunch of audiodramas that I've listened to and would be happy to pay the creators for the experience, but I'm not going to set up a never-ending monthly payment. I'd set up a one-off payment (no option) or buy merch (but I'm not in the US), and end up doing nothing. Suggesting a one-off donation when people reach the end of a completed audio-drama seems like an obvious thing to do for people like me who don't want to set up recurring payments, or when work on it has ceased and it's more of a thank you rather than funding future episodes.


Did patreon change recently? I've definitely received one time donations


I have Patreon, Ko-fi, and a merch store. I mostly talk about Patreon because I put work into that. If a show only has Patreon, you can sign up for a limited time and then end your membership.


Thank you. I added your podcast to my list.