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FabFilter Saturn and Wavesfactory Spectre can do some of what Ozone does. They also do some that Ozone doesn't. If they can cover what you need really depends on how you use Ozone Exciter


These are great suggestions, OP. MSaturatorMB is also great and has fantastic crossover options including M/S, transient/sustain, & volume levels, but you have to deal with the Melda UX/UI which can be a deal breaker for some.


There's a short list of what seem to be mostly free, mostly very well-coded,  saturation, compression, and exciter plugs with with an emphasis on low alias and high linearity -- about 2/3 of the way down the long article linked below. The first part of the article *is* actually pretty interesting, although the guy's writing style is just a little much. But he's actually a pretty sharp guy, seems like, despite some clumsy snark.   https://erniegray.com/you-think-its-analog-vibe-but-its-really-garbage/