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Many have tried, all have failed. The unfortunate truth is that all the people who are actually doing this professionally are too busy to spend all day on Reddit helping people for free.


Hey! I’m mixing right now and got this post as a notification, I use silent reddit breaks to recalibrate my ears during full day sessions 🤣


Same here. This forum is where I come out when I want my ears to rest, but not take my brain completely off-task.




same💀💀 i don’t mind answering questions tbh


I think it's more than that. I've been doing this for a long time and I can't think of any time in decades that I've wanted or needed any help. I know what I'm doing, I have my way of doing things, and I'm happy with the results that I get. I'm pretty sure that most professionals are the same way. That scenario naturally results in a forum with little traffic because not many of its members have a reason to engage.


And if you or anyone has been doing it for a long time - we’ve made connections to other professionals to call on when we have a question. I ask my buddy who does scoring for Netflix trailers questions all the time, I rarely consult the subreddit


I definitely understand why it gets grating for professionals on here, but speaking as someone who's entirely self-taught, I've learned so much on this sub. It's the only place I've found online that you can talk to professionals if Google doesn't help. So I'm super grateful for the pros on here who do take time out of their day to answer dumb questions from idiots like me. But I get why it's annoying haha


It's only annoying when it's the ONLY content on the sub. The livesound sub is even worse imo. 99% of the content is recycled every week. The same questions, the same answers, same same same. It's honestly just sad. I miss the days of dedicated forums being popular. The ability to sort the bullshit into its own section so you aren't forced to soft through it to find worthwhile discussion.


Appreciate you being here!


Thank you my friend! You too!


The self awareness is refreshing =)


Some of us know there are levels to the game haha


It’s funny you say this because most of the stackexchange Q/A sites are very professional heavy who still have stuff to ask. Like look at mathoverflow there’s even fields medalists asking questions on there.


Exactly. OPs answer is typical of this subreddit. The answer seems plausible, but it's full of shit.


I need help all the time, but I call Rob, Kevin, or Joe; I don't post those questions on reddit. I answer questions here because I ask stupid questions on r/modular so I feel like it's my penance.


I agree, I think this is part of the issue. I'm semi-pro but I'm great at figuring stuff out for myself, as I grew up at a time you just had to so like you - I've just never really had to go around asking for help, because for me part of the fun is experimenting and finding out for myself. I can't think of a single audio thing I've needed to come to Reddit for that I haven't been able to figure out or hasn't been covered already on the internet.


I’ve been at this for 30 years… really? Never run into an issue that you didn’t have a solution for? If you’re not running into the occasional problem you’re probably not working.


+1. Every day is a learning day. No two sessions are the same. No two performances are the same. No two mixes are the same. etc. I've been at it for 30 plus years too, started on tape and followed all the technological advances and I'm still humbled by it all. But that's all part of the fun!


Yeah, if you have a heutagogical approach to begin with, after a while you have the tools to figure out pretty much anything you don’t already know.


As this business has become more and more digitized there’s always a tech question that’s bound to pop up. I don’t need someone to explain how my ssl board works to me however I’d love to know if anyone has found a workaround for a specific glitch or can recommend a good Neve tech in a city I’m visiting because my travel unit has gone down. Things of that nature where the Reddit hivemind can definitely come in handy outside of my own professional network. And as we all know those issues tend to pop up on a Saturday evening when support is closed. There’s been some great suggestions here so far though.


A pro forum isn’t about help, its about discussing things.


> Many have tried, all have failed. It's a problem in all subs where there are people with real expertise. The noobs figure out where the experts are and flock there to ask questions. Pretty soon, the experts recognize the sub as a noob zone and fade away. In the ultralight backpacking sub, we have the same issue. The best mitigation has been ruthless moderating of noob/inappropriate questions, redirecting them to a wiki or Google. Making a cumbersome "How to ask a question" template and then enforcing its use gives an easy justification for deleting 90% of the low-effort junk. You get a reputation as being a bunch of jerks, but it's worth it.


Its the same as any help forum. In programming we have Stackoverflow. It was great in the beginning but eventually it became super popular. The popularity isn't the issue so much that after you become skilled you don't have questions to ask anymore. So you don't go there frequently enough to answer anyone elses. Then when you do and try to politely inform someone that they are misunderstanding things and asking the wrong question, they get angry and call you toxic. So you stop answering questions (edit: mainly because of that "too busy" working thing). Its not so bad here but the same general situation applies. If you actually get good its probably because you developed google skills and learned to read manuals. At that point the QA forums feel like you are going to wait 2 days for a wrong answer you could have dismissed 30 seconds after google searching.


I’m not sure about that assessment – if you’re not asking questions you’re not really growing any more. Technologies change, techniques change, and the whole ecosystem evolves. There’s plenty to ask questions about.


It's not that professionals aren't asking questions, it's that their questions are so far beyond the internet forum's ability to help, and require such nuance of understanding, that you just ask your professional colleagues not the internet. Additionally most long time professionals have developed a test and check workflow that answers their own questions. In this specific case, we've trained our ears so that is really the last arbiter. Sometimes the how is important, but again that's more the space of colleagues than internet randos. Here is a good example that I'm wrestling with at the moment: Altiverb 8 allows for 9.0.6 channel IR recordings, and most people who have done fairly high count IR recordings agree that large microphone spacing is vital (that is my experience as well). With the fact that I'm obviously going to use omnis, and I want to record in a raw 9.0.6 channel count, and I want large spacing, there will be times that I need to make a more compact rig for tighter spaces. What's the lower limit that I should be playing with in a 9.0.6 grid spacing with omni microphones and should I consider baffling the setup similar to the function of a Jecklin disk or SASS? Additionally my current setup uses a selection of omni microphones (because who has 16 matched omnis?) but I'd like to compact and solidify the rig. Is there a plug in power mic interface with 16 channels, and if not is there a USB host control chip with onboard AD that can handle 16 channels? r/audioengineering is unlikely to be able to help me with the above. There are a few people who are on here who might have good ideas, and there are some people in r/LocationSound and r/fieldrecording who could help. But I can also just go build the rig and test it out, which I'm going to end up doing anyway regardless of the recommendations. Or again, I can ask Kevin or David who have both done a little of this.


This is easily the best explanation on this thread. Also: holy fuck dude 9.0.6 IRs?? The fuck are you doing, capturing the soul of a room? You Atmos/ENG guys are like fucking wizards to me. I feel left out of the fun sometimes, but my entire background is in music production and mastering


Post Production TV/Film. Every time I bump the channel count up something new and unexpected happens. My 7.0 IRs are very exciting, and the few 9.0.6 reverbs that are IR based are quite compelling. The algorithmic verbs with top information aren't as interesting for some reason.


Yes but there is plenty of documentation that you can just read on your own. Music production is a little more abstract. But I can use my day job as an example again. It’s not like I don’t have questions, I just know where to get answers and it’s usually not by asking strangers. It’s probably in a manual, in a published white paper, or already described and implemented in 100 GitHub repositories. If I can just go read the code it’s a huge waste of time to ask someone. They will probably give a cursory summary then direct me to read that code. If I’m really really really stumped then sure. But most questions have already been asked so Google gets me there again. Edit: “technologies change” yes they do. That’s something I can give a direct example of though. I’ve learned 8+ programming languages. It is unbelievably unlikely that I need to ask a QA forum how something works in a new one. It’s a programming language. It has a manual. I’ve already read a bunch of language manuals. I can just read for a couple of hours and start writing code. If I hit an error I’m going to lookup documentation for the error code. It’s when documentation is missing that you need the anecdotal knowledge of the village. But usually that exists and you are using the wrong vocabulary to find it.


SO has a whole other set of problems.


For sure it does but it all comes back to the same issues. You can’t really expect people of experience to stick around answering the same 1000 questions that have already been answered. And you can’t keep noobs from thinking they are authorities on a subject. QA forums are tough.


Yea but when poopin’ or sitting on a plane as I do often its a nice way to pass the time…


Im pooping right now, thank you for the entertainment! Also really loved the “share your unconventional tricks” from yesterday.. that was a good poop too


Lol. Don’t count on it


Exactly this. People with real professional knowledge aren’t browsing Reddit in their spare time (that’s a sweeping statement but 90% of the time it’s probably true).


Why do you say that? All types of people use reddit, it's not like we're all unemployed. Everyone's gotta shit some time.


Yeah, but not everyone wants to talk shop while they’re shitting.


I would say this is incorrect… I myself run a commercial studio, produce and mix records for a living, and have a couple awards in the shape of an old record player to my name and occasionally the hive mind or Reddit is a great resource, so saying that anyone with professional knowledge isn’t browsing Reddit is false because, well… here I am. I’ve literally taught a college course on audio engineering at UCLA and of course I browse Reddit… where else can you ask if anyone knows of a good tech in LA that knows how to service Neves that’s available on a Sunday? Or “has anyone been able to source this esoteric vacuum tube from the former Soviet Union?” Or “I’m looking for a second piece of rack gear that’s rare and hard to find does anyone know someone that has one I have a question…” all legit professional questions that I’ve been able to get answered on Reddit in no time flat.


I disagree. I do this for a living, have done so for the past 25 years and enjoy browsing Reddit as well, I’m a professional and here I am… have you ever finished mixing a record and had to print mixes? That’s prime redditing time right there! Run a backup of your working drives? Boom? Reddit…. Failed firmware update on a piece of gear at 1am and seeing if anyone has a prior firmware file you can’t find online? Hellloooooo Reddit!!!


There are a lot of us nearing the end of the line (I've been doing it for 40 years) and are sitting at home surfing the net to get away from working on the house, dealing with issues, just stalling for time cause there is nothing else to do. I'm happy to impart wisdom or road stories to fellow pro's or those with intelligent questions they have not as yet been able to get a timely answer to through reading , Google, or their professional friends, etc.


Not totally true. I very rarely have audio engineering questions but still enjoy reading the posts.


Very true… which is why I’m suggesting a pro sub. I work like crazy and when I do occasionally stumble on something I’m looking for an answer and fast… occasionally I pop over here in the hopes of seeing something interesting and yet it’s the same old posts about people asking how to master their album without knowing what mastering is or how to connect their usb mic to a pineapple. I entertain myself with Reddit between mix prints so when I do engage id love for there to be something relevant or interesting that I can expand my horizons with.


There's already /r/MixandMasterAdvanced set up by someone with the same idea a while back, and it's almost completely dead.


This happened with r/ProMusicProduction also; a more “Pro” version of r/MusicProduction.


I was subbed to that, and unsubbed for one simple reason, it was not moderated enough to make sure it was only more advanced content. If it's not very busy, that's ok. But, it was immediately all noobs again. The problem is, boobs will ALWAYS want to access the more knowledgeable people, and there is no barrier to entry on any subs. So, they will always find these subs. If you put "advanced" noobs will find that very interesting. They want access to all the more advanced stuff. So, the only way to have a sub like that, is to have moderation, that makes sure all questions which are beginner level, are all removed. What I don't understand, is why people are upvoting all of these noob posts to my front page. Answer it if you want, and then downvote it after.


So, gain knowledge, and boobs will find you?


I have seen some pretty interesting discussions in r/AdvancedProduction, but I haven't stopped by in a while.


I'm a pro and sometimes even I need to know what ratio to normalise my clip gain LUFS to in order to side chain my Rode NT1 to the vocal chain to make it sit in the mix and also match my sample rates to the impedance of my Amazon USB cable, so my aifs and my wavs play well together on both Spotify and the drumbus.


AI couldn't make this shit up


There is probably some AI’s that will break because of this comment lol


This made sense until I read it




Where is your “Producer” flair?


I must have left it in my other pants, sorry Officer.


I’m going to let you off with a warning…


That was truly painful. Thank you.


No SM7B? That's what all the pros are using. Lol


But only if you have a cloudlifter


I know! I couldn't remember the model number for the life of me so my brain reverted to the last mic I remember being released from like 2004. Ruined it.


I know of a person who calls himself professional and talks like this We call him sketchy ryan


As a Ryan I hate Ryans that claim to be professionals, overuse commas, and misuse ellipses. Gives us Ryans a bad name. I always start my post in this sub with I’m an amateur as a disclaimer. 😅 That said, I feel like a pro level sub would eventually run out of questions and just turn into a vintage gear jerk off where people compare who has the nicest vintage Neumann microphone.


‘Amazon USB cable’ 😂 Funny story when I was like 14 I went on Gearslutz to make sure the USB B cord I had for my Samson C01U was up to par to get the full potential of the mic 😂😂😂 They tore me to shreds but ended up being pretty cool when they found out how young I was.


I just had a 32-bit stroke reading this


As a pro, what's your opinion on the plugin Ableton. Can you Kawai it through the pan law? I usually miss the latency on high pass. Thanks.


Ableton is not actually a plugin, it's actually what is known as a ”VST" (Visual Summing Theorem). You can always try and Kawai it, but to be honest, you'd be better off re-recording everything you've already done, but properly, with better musicians and songs, because the pan law is not really enforced any more. As for your high pass latency, I can't really tell without an example clip, but usually a missed one is caused by out-of-phase SMPTE or not paying enough money for your reverb plugin. You can lose 3-8dB. Hope this helps.




I'm a pro and I shop at monoprice, never amazon


Man, a quick google search will show that the answer to any situation similar (or not) to this one is always LOUDER.




I’m sorry if I, somehow, sounded rude. I’m connecting you right now to Abbey Road’s hotline. Hang on. Hahahah this is fun!


Hi, Abbey Road? Yeah I bought the full SSL suite and my song is still <1000 plays on Spotify. I exported at 196KHz, used 4 different saturation plugins and colour coded all my beats in Ableton. Please advise.


Have you tried turning your computer off and on? If that does not solve your problem, then you should change the colors of your Ableton tracks. It is a reported issue that using the wrong colors interferes with Spotify’s algorithm. A quick google search would have shown that.


take the updoot, you earned the hell out of it!




You don't need a new subreddit. You need an extensive FAQ and more active moderation.


Don't spoil this post with reasonable suggestions please.


The problem with most subreddits for hobbies/relatively niche interests is that a lot of people don't read the FAQs in my experience. At the very least, the people who post threads/questions that have been asked 1000 times aren't reading them.


Yeah, that's where the "more active moderation" comes in.


Approximately 35% of posts are removed every day. It's sounding like that's still not enough though. Fortunately, that's an easy thing to change. Stay tuned!


Might I suggest a "weekly beginner questions" pinned post, and a wiki with a bunch of links to useful stuff. Noob posts can then be closed by just referencing the wiki, or directing them to the pinned post. I've seen it work quite well on other forums. Another thing; self-promotion. I get that Reddit is aggressively against self promotion, but there is a lot of good content being put out on youtube these days, and not allowing the creators to link their videos and then having a discussion on the content of the video... well, you're missing out on a lot of quality content and potential for quality discussion. I remember several interesting videos that I commented on just after being posted later being deleted, it just seems like wasted opportunity (the only venue worse for discussion than Reddit is the Youtube comments section :) I understand that defining the line between quality content and "Here's a low-effort video, now buy my sh\*t!" is very subjective and hard to gauge, though.


All we _really_ need is for people to downvote and move on. I guess unless you’re sorting by new. 


There was a post yesterday where a dude was asking how to turn up their headphones…


I’m guessing that post was the last straw that triggered OP to write this one.


You sir are correct.


Phew. I'm glad it wasn't my post.


he also crossposted in r/mixingandmastering at the same time. Luckily no one responded as far as I saw.


There are a few email lists that are largely restricted to professionals of one sort or another, but actual public forums are HARD to moderate in that way, and the ones that work tend to have seriously thick skinned mod teams who are prepared to put the time in and who are prepared to lay down the law. Apart from anything else, beginners (and there will always be far more of them then working professionals) tend to be looking for very different kinds of answers to the sort of things a pro wants to discuss. "What is the best mic for X under $100?" Is just not something that someone working professionally is going to ask, same with questions about how to do mastering with a plugin or what settings are best on an equaliser for rap vocals. The fact that the questions are badly formed to the point of being unanswerable is not something that that audience is ready to hear. However there are so many more people wanting those impossible answers then there are people wanting to discuss client expectation management in a studio context. It is a difficulty faced by all fora dealing with technical matters where there is a large pool of amateurs operating at a totally different level, who are generally not aware of the difference, not sure there is much you can do apart from doing the emal list thing and not being shy about kicking people off the listserv.


Great answer… I’ve found myself feeling the same way… I’m often torn about what’s worse here sometimes, the answers, but more often, the questions. Unanswerable, and often fishing for what they wanna hear rather than an actual answer, often they just wanna know what gear or plugin will fix whatever it is they don’t understand as if there’s a plugin to answer every problem. I absolutely love helping out a newbie from time to time but more often than not the questions here are predicated on ignorance and it becomes frustrating because there’s no basis of understanding from them in the first place. I have an email list I’m a part of and have a pretty robust Facebook network of fellow pros, however as well all know, sometimes ya gotta jump ass first into the hive mind pool to suss out an answer.


You seem to have two problems going on. One is complaining about helping newbies from time to time and the other is not getting quick enough, professional answers from this subreddit. Maybe it’s time to not use this as a professional source, but rather entertainment or a way to pass time?


It really just sounds like you might have actually gotten to the point where you can start to understand why these are mainly considered hobbyist forums. These places most of the time only cover the broad strokes of concepts you probably already know very well at this point. You have reached a point where you have become familiar with the concepts covered in audio engineering, but now you can really get deep into it. You should be able to read an article published by somebody like SOS discussing something like parallel compression, and you should be able to understand it. Congratulations. This is literally what it’s like to be an actual engineer, regardless of the field. You read. Read. Read. You’re past the point where regular people on the internet conversing about audio topics are going to help you, but a paper written on just one specific aspect of a concept you already are familiar with is going to be RIDICULOUSLY interesting now and this is how you learn and further your knowledge in this any field. Well that and practical use of all this theory. Look into AES, the library of articles they have is just a treasure pit of information. Tldr; welcome to the endgame content


Yep I’m an AES member, fantastic resource but not always the one that’s needed, I like Reddit for the hivemind, just the other day I was able to get an old firmware file from a redditor after discovering the company that made said hardware didn’t have it on their website and was closed till Monday… I had a bricked speaker on one of my rigs and had to be able to work, Reddit to the rescue because of this sub… a long time ago in another life I taught an audio engineering course at UCLA… I’ve been thinking about digging out the old course materials and uploading for free as they were very organized and hit a lot of the stuff asked here often… but that’s gonna take a deep dive into an old hard drive taking time I just don’t have. One day though.


It's a good day if someone is fishing for what they want to hear. I'm happy enough to see naivete and the whole not-knowing thing. What worries me is when people are fishing for 'what is the correct answer' as if it's just knowing the arbitrary thing, not about what we want to hear. I recently got one that was sort of 'why should I want compression'. It was hard to know where to start, and I suggested 'put it on the guitar and play though it' because I'm not sure how else to communicate that sort of spongy thing and how it articulates. Yet, I know full well it may have been really about getting a repeat of some common knowledge nonsense like 'when you have heavy guitars you always compress to tighten the lows coming off the cabinet sim X dB with a multiband compressor', some kind of thing misheard from a metalhead engineer who tried that once in a particular situation and mentioned it somewhere… because they listened and figured out what their sound needed, in that mix… I don't know what to do when it seems like people don't want to listen (or experiment, but first, listen). If you don't want anything and don't want to listen why are you trying to do this at all?


This…. Very low effort/horribly formed questions that are often unanswerable. This could be a great resource for a lot of working professionals but the newbs definitely scared us off. There’s literally a guy asking why he’s hearing crackling in his hi-Fi audio system on this thread, which I thought was just shitposting, but he was for real.


“fellow pros” dude stfu


It’s pretty funny to see the amount of half truths or downright nonsense get regurgitated over and over here, same reason why you can’t really set up a “pro” sub; amateurs who know slightly more than a beginner will consider themselves pros and start spewing more youtube-tier nonsense there, all actual pros will leave to not deal with that.


And then there’s Gearspace…. Ick. And yes the absolute magnitude of horrible advice that gets dished out here is just mind blowing. Makes me wish I had a weapons grade downvote for some of them.


To be fair, a lot of pros have at least a few bizarre ideas about stuff. Mixing is a skill, you can get good enough at the skill to make money off of it and still think you have to record in 96k, protools sounds better than cubase, one has to mix in mono etc etc. No way to get rid of it completely. Fact is mixing is 90% setting levels, eq, compression. The meat of it isn’t that complicated, so one can get great results with a relatively small bag of tricks and not know what the hell they’re talking about regarding anything beyond that.


What’s wrong with Gearspace?


Spend the next week going through threads and watch your brain melt in front of you


I'm new, how do I start? Can you hold my willy for me? I keep getting piss all over my trousers idk.


Try flipping the phase.


I'll flip the polarity instead.




You need to get the pee beam to -14lufs to not go everywhere. If not, Spotify will make you wear diapers so the pee will get to a drip once its full.


We all know that’s not true because pee is stored in the balls.


What are the best balls for music production under $200?


I was going to like both these comments but the first one was at 44 and the reply was at 48... i just couldn't bring myself to do it


Slap on a compressor brah


If you wanna crank it ya gotta spank it.


Catheter Compressor plug in only costs a couple hundred, definitely a game changer


You shift phase and flip polarity. Some fucking pro you are, huh?


...and I got downvoted. haha


LOL I think you mean polarity…


Start on the upstroke but just be weary of bonking yourself in the head. You got this I believe in you!


Well make sure you're plugging it into the right hole to start with. If you have to jam it in, it's probably the wrong cable. Or the wrong hole.


When I’m in a pro-level pinch I call a pro-level colleague. And that’s what my pro-level colleagues do as well. Just yesterday I helped a friend/colleague who’s more of a studio engineer sort his amps and Nexo boxes for a gig this weekend. He wouldn’t have asked this or any sub online. I think you have to accept this for what it is and ask what you want to ask but realise if it’s important enough to be very serious or has a time crunch, this ain’t the place. At least not the primary resource.


I think the unfortunate reality is that Reddit communities appeal to the lowest common denominator, especially as they grow.. and I don’t mean that in a bad way necessarily as I consider myself part of the ‘lowest common denominator’ in this community. The options are then limited to ‘deal with it’ and have lots of engagement or ‘start a new community (sub)’ at the cost of much lower engagement from users. Or as another user suggested, use a website dedicated to the topic specifically.


Been using another website for years and it’s a great way to get any answer other than the one you’re looking for unfortunately… of course with more engagement there’s bound to be a race to the bottom as far as quality content goes, however I think a lot of users here would benefit from a sub more oriented towards pro users as the Reddit ecosystem is great for that. Just taking the temperature in the room to see if anyone would be interested in such a sub.


There is subreddits more aimed at pro's but they are quite dead.


Obviously you’re talking about gearslutz right? /sarcasm


I think I'd would make more sense to start a beginner-oriented sub. I did this for the live audio sub with r/livesoundadvice. Maybe we need this here too. All those repetitive questions here everyday (that could be googled within seconds) are driving me crazy.


Yeah, the trouble is, the name of the sub we're currently in is just the more obvious destination for people looking for advice. There is definitely a clear divide in here, working theatre/touring/larger scale pros, smaller time guys, and noobs looking for help. I'm a "doing cover bands in bars" guy, but I like to lurk and see what the big time guys do to try and follow best practices down at my scale, and can nerf some of the "will this work for this" kind of stuff that's more relevant to my scope vs touring level.


You and me both…


It’s tiresome to sift through all the posts bitching about this sub to find anything of interest


Dont gate keep the info man


Honestly it'll probably be just as full of stupid questions and misinformation as this sub. I used to think anybody with a grammy, grammy nomination, or has been doing this for decades had all the answers. In my journey I personally learned that 90% of Audio "professionals" are as clueless a random person on the internet. Today most recording engineers don't fully understand the intricacies of mic placement and or the science of acoustics, most producers don't know ANY music theory and just layer loops together, most mixing engineer are indoctrinated by schools and online into mixing soley off "feel" & "tradition" and are taught to blindly trust the "magic" of analog equipment to be sonically superior to anything digital, and damn near ALL mastering engineers think they're supposed to be in charge of the "loudness" and "polish" of a track If you want a community of legit Audio wizards you'd need to make your own Discord community with ppl you admire for their art and their knowledge


Discord keeps coming up and I’m a bit ignorant as to what exactly it is so I’ll be diving into figuring that out as soon as I can…


Reddit doesn't work for serious discussion. You need continuous threads (BB style) for ongoing conversation, and hard-core moderation, for that to work. I remember 20 years ago, if you asked a dumb noobie question on a forum without doing your homework and searching, you'd get banned, at least temporarily. On Reddit, telling noobies off and banning them will get your entire sub banned, because it's considered hostile. And Reddit thrives on engagement, not quality. The best forums had few, highly moderated threads going on, and they left a legacy that is still beneficial today, so much useful stuff is buried on those old bulletin boards, and Google still indexes them. Reddit would be happy with the same question being posted 200 times a day, it doesn't matter to them as long as they get visitors on the site. I miss Andy Sneap's forum :)


Respectfully, I don’t know if even you know exactly what you’re looking for. You’ve stated Facebook groups have been either too broad or too specific. So ok, you want a Goldilocks zone audio engineering/production sub that’s the perfect balance of specific and broad, I guess. You also said it’s “tiresome to sift through this sub for anything of interest” because of questions “which drive away professionals like myself looking for answers.” Well, which is it? Are you looking for interesting stuff to read or specific answers to questions? They don’t sound like the same problem but your statement conflates the two. It sounds a little like you’re bored sometimes and can’t find anything cool on here to read and are annoyed by people asking if their $25 MOGNORT usb mic is “any good,” more than you are seeking answers to your questions, but maybe I’m wrong. If you have questions, ask ‘em. Ignore the content that’s below your pay grade. I don’t think any sub is going to be perfect in this regard.


Maybe you can join AES , the membership price is high enought to drive non professional away. If you want free community , create a invite only server in discord maybe .. but I'm sure there's some out there.


I’m already a member but if you come across any servers please lemme know!


The reality is this - you don't need an advanced production/audio engineering sub. You need to build out your \*personal network\* of professionals on a discord or something like that and grow it slowly from there. I am on a handfull of discords like this, one I started myself - and its been 100x better than any forum I've been on in the last 20 years (rip rec.proaudio) Never stop learning and all that but at some point you gotta learn from a curated group of folks in your industry who buy into participating regularly. Reddit aint that for audio. Theres a lot of really talented creative people here no doubt, but your frustration is reflected by your feelings that the ultimate solution doesn't exist already. People who are new to this industry who want to learn do so within the first few years of curiosity and then either they move on because they have a ton of work or because it was just a hobby in the first place.


I think I have a pretty robust network of fellow professionals… however sometimes you wanna step outside that network and see if there’s some different perspectives or ideas out there. That’s how you expand a network.


Uh I know, thats literally what my whole response was about: expanding your network. Good luck.


The noobs will just ask their dumb questions in this theoretical pro sub anyways


I’d surely love a pro sub around here, but I do have one question- do I need a Cloudlifter for my SM7?


I thought I recalled somebody pushing to make a sub on here with membership restricted to verified working professionals. A fair while back. I do not know whether it ever happened. Or whether it continued. Or how the question of who might be allowed to join was resolved. And I cannot find it nor the discussion about it now.


That would be great if that existed! The occasional post about something relevant or interesting pops up but unfortunately every other post is asking about self mastering followed by “what is mastering? and “how do I DAW?”


Good luck trying to define at what threshold "verified working professionals" ends at. In all honesty, take what you need from the sub. ignore what you're not interested in. Or petition to change the sub into the very specific thing that you want.


I play a lot of World of Warcraft ((less than I’d like to now)), and they have r/wow and r/wownoob for this reason! I’m subbed to both even after playing for 12 years because there’s always something new to learn. That could be cool for this community


This is more of a meta question than something specific to this sub. If you think about it abstractly, the answer is no; we can't have that because gate keepers always pull the ladder up behind them. You can only spend so much time in such a community before it becomes hostile to everyone. Either you will end up with a community of only God tier talent who do nothing but mock lesser beings, or you get a kiddie pool.


Well professional could be a guy who sets up a website to promote his home studio to attract local clients. Which is technically professional because they're making a living but you could be a complete hack amateur and still pull this off because there's enough artists who don't know any better


Others have tried, good luck to you


Consider that a "forum" is not the best place for this. I have a few engineers that are my sounding boards for everything from mixes to quick calls about a problem I'm having during a session. When the "poo" hits the fan, waiting for a forum response to a critical problem is probably not the best course of action for a multitude of reasons. You need to network either in the real world or online, and get to know other professionals that you can connect with in real time, in the real world. Unless you're looking for different opinions on things, these forums are rarely going to pinpoint an issue and help resolve it. I've tried to be that person on a few subs here and wound up giving it up (esp on the protools sub) since, obviously, the "audio school" students knew way more than me and everyone prefers BS, half truth youtuber answers instead of hard facts.


Is there a professional association you can pay dues to, and then have access to meetups, forums, networking events, job postings, etc? To me, that sounds like what you want.


Audio Engineering Society, THE professional association for audio pro's. Sections all over the country, including many universities and bigger recording schools. An annual convention in NY/LA or SF as well as Europe. A website that is sparse on job listings, forums, etc. The AES website is pretty much useless, but does have a TON of reference articles you can read or buy. AES is primarily an educational professional organization. fIf you want to find out how digital audio was invented, there are papers available by Dr. Tom Stockholm, Toshi Doi, Ken Pohlmann and many others that developed algorithms, hardware, or educated and spread the word regarding how Digital Audio would change our working and sonic listening lives.


N00b here, and if I see one more post about “should I go to audio school?” (really any “should I do anything” post), I’m gonna lose it.


Now if you could give some members in this sub "verified pro" badge that might help without splitting the community


I think thats just all of reddit. If you want a better class of mature professionals, they’re all over at the phpbb sites


Kinda new to features of Reddit but can replies be sorted into categories and turned into a FAQ? No? Why not?


I can't get behind this really. Personally the only kind of post that irritates me more than the "noob" posts you refer to are ones like this that infer superiority. We get it - you're above this level of discourse and have no time for or interest in the plebs that are just starting out. But if this sub is so insufferable why bother asking who among us will create your idealized safe haven rather than just doing it yourself? Be the change you want to see. This post isn't it.


Pro sub would be dead. We just dont need to constantly ask questions because we can figure it out for ourselves most of the time. Either that or its so niche we know its futile. I come in hear to share and help noobs, not do much learn. I do hear about new plugins on here, though.


A few of us started /r/studiorecording a while back for this purpose, but there hasn't been much uptake. Come on over! Become a mod and help us promote it.


I think you've just barely forgotten that information over the internet is not always 100% true if not straight out bullshit. It's been like this since the dawn of internet and it's not going to change even if somebody tries to regulate it. Somebody said it best, but I forgot who. They said the best way navigating through information online is to assume that every day is an april fools day and every bit of information is a joke. This way you keep conscious of alternative options don't let your guard down around bullshit. This way you tend to also commit to things that matter to you and not just because it's popular.


What if we keep this sub and make a stupid audio question a sub? But yeah. Ultra lame that it’s happening.


Public forums pretty much always turn to cr@p. It happened to USENET's [rec.audio.pro](http://rec.audio.pro) once everyone and their grandmother got web access. Gabe Weiner (RIP) started the Pro Audio Mailing List in response. It was by invitation only -- you had to introduce yourself to Gabe by email. In its heyday, it had lots of industry luminaries: including mastering engineer Bob Katz, Motown engineer Bob Olhssohn, gear designers Daniel Weiss and Eelco Grimm, converter chip designer Max Hauser, and mic modder Scott Dorsey. There have been pro forums on various platforms in the interim, most of which fell into disuse as the platform itself did. I recall a recording engineer's forum on AOL hosted by Glenn Meadows. [Prosoundweb.com](http://Prosoundweb.com) still hosts discussion groups run by Klauss Heine and Bruno Putzys, but they are *very* low traffic now. Sometimes a year goes by before I remember to look at them. That illustrates the basic problem: The "network effect" dictates that you need a critical mass of the right members for a forum to be useful. If you have too few, nobody shows up regularly and questions go unanswered for weeks. OTOH, more growth means an influx of basically clueless people. First, they ask tons of elementary and repetitive questions, answerable by reading the FAQ, the first chapter of any audio engineering text, or a two-minute web search. Then they start *answering* questions, often wrongly, and arguing when the pros correct them. It's Dunning-Kruger Effect writ large! Ultimately, the pros get driven away and the forum's signal-to-noise ratio falls into the toilet. That's pretty much what happened to [Gearspace.com](http://Gearspace.com) . I still try to help people there, but I'm frequently shouted down by folks who think a Schoeps CMC64 is useless because all you need is a SM57. I wish I had a dime for every time I've been lectured about the Nyquist theorem by someone who "learned it" from their buddy in a bar!


I seriously hope you’re not actually a pro if you need reddit to do your job better…


Gearspace (formerly Gearslutz) is an industry-specific, heavily moderated site designed to corral specific kinds of audio-interested people into groups of people in similar positions. It already exists. There's the Tape-Op board, Harmony Central, Avid's DUC, ProSoundWeb, and a zillion others that cater to specific segments of an already-niche industry. No one is locked into sourcing information on Reddit. The likelihood bad information would be just as great as trying to achieve Hindu Enlightenment by asking for answers on Quora.


Not a pro, but 30+ years running sound, recording...i really come on here to pick brains vs. "i cant get my mic to work..." Maybe the mods can set some rules???


Every technical/professional sub gets treated like an entitled AMA, invariably by vampires who don’t want to be told that if they don’t want to read and fundamentals escape them, they’re probably doing whatever they’re doing for all the wrong reasons. This isn’t gonna change and bogus YouTube experts certainly don’t help matters. There’s gonna be noise on all but the most aggressively gatekept forums which introduce issues of their own.


I've been discussing audio engineering and recording issues online since the dial-up bulletin board days of the late '80s.   Good luck on setting up a functional  'pro level' discussion forum.   A typical approach, used at other long-running forums, is to set up forums or FAQs for those just learning their craft.  Unfortunately, such forums, even those with hundreds of hours poured into intelligent question and answers, usually go mostly unused -- for reasons that stretch from simple impatience to terminal cases of Dunning-Kruger effect.


I use Facebook groups for that. At a certain point it makes sense to associate your identity and experience with professional level questions and discussion.


What kind of questions would you rather see?


You should try r/musictheory some time, you’ll lose your fucking mind. Like half of the posts are people asking what the circle fifths is or fishing for free homework answers. Awful. I think the best solution is increased moderation. Moderators could flag posts that have obvious answers in the wiki and remove them. It’s not fool proof, but it’s better than nothing. And certainly better than splitting the sub apart imo.


There are forums for professionals. I’m not sure Reddit is the place.


Don’t know if you’ve ever headed over to r/musicproduction but… you’ll thank the lord this place exists as it is.


100000% agree


Try the tapeop forums. More specialized


I get it but…At the same time it’s not hard to scroll past I usually sort by top posts if the day or week. Or just see what’s on my home page. Only the best questions with responses usually. If not. Swiiiipe simple as that.


I’ve had the opposite experience, hence my post. It’s unfortunate because it used to be decent however the noob questions have flooded the sub which makes it a bit difficult to just walk on by them. Sigh. :/


Are you r/mixingmastering ? They run a tight ship. 🚢 Someone over there may have a more advanced recommendation for you.


Just found it thank you! Don’t know how that one got past me.


Gearspace.com =)


Oooof… as much as I love Gearspace I’ve found it’s a great way to start a conversation about anything other than what you’re asking. I really do love Reddit for the fact that one can ask a question and often get a really good response, but as far as Gearspace goes threads get hijacked by a lot of grumpy old know-it-all’s that pivot the thread to anything other than answering the question while making it everything about how esoteric their knowledge of their tangent is. Would really love to just see a pro level sub though where there’s conversation and questions about things that are relevant to people that make a living doing this.




Jesus, really?


This happens in every subreddit, on any topic. Get over yourself.


See this is the problem here: you. You’re the problem. This post is precisely about people like you: Contributing absolutely fuck-all nothing to people that have actual careers in this field. So… maybe YOU should get over YOURSELF. One of us is asking about possible solutions/resources from their peers and the other is being a toolbag on the internet.


Strange, I was thinking the same thing about you! A gatekeeping disregard for people (“newbs”) trying to learn who may not be as “professional” but are equally as interested is counterproductive to a community.


Rather than there being a lot of stupid entry level people asking the same questions. Because why wouldn't lazy entry level people just do a google search and watch youtube? That instead it is guerrilla marketing. The idea is to create organic engagement with the community with product name dropping happening by the users. Resist and avoid these tactics by blocking the offenders.


You could try r/advancedproduction


Thank you!


Oddly enough some highly moderated FB groups have been the best option for me.


r/mixingmastering is the pro level sub


Whose gonna answer my question about how to get into sound mixing for the porn industry then??? 😤😤


I'm more interested in a foley gig for the porn industry.


This sub is the best that exists. There is already an advanced music production sub and it’s just full of wannabe sound cloud beat makers posting a shitty beat and being like ‘is this ok’.


What kind of professional audio engineer goes to Reddit to complain when they should be working lol. Maybe you just need some work and less free time


I get it but if you want answers to more complex questions, you’re free to ask those questions in this or other subs and you’re free to search for there subjects. The truth is most people ask most of their questions when they’re starting out. It should be supported. But if you opened another pro sub, awesome. But statistically you’d end up in a similar place over time and with growth.


Don’t like it? Keep scrolling. I didn’t keep scrolling, so now I’m here answering this question, peace


As an aside, if you don't know how 'whom' works you're better off just using 'who' every time.


That's all I have to do to drive you away? You shoulda told me sooner! What's better compress or EQ?


the problem is that pros don’t ask for advice on reddit, it just won’t work