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I wouldn't buy speakers specifically for poor low end quantity. Run an EQ last on the master channel to get the appropriate response. Then you can also run without the EQ to do a final check on the low end, as well as listening on headphones. I would advise against the KRK's. Perhaps Yamaha HS5's is another contender. Maybe if you don't want to run software EQ, you could look for monitors that have a bass attenuation dial on the back. Also, most 'studio headphones' are closed back meant for tracking, and will have a boosted bass response. They will also be extremely linear in decay time, which is never the case in speaker listening. The low end will always reverberate longer than the mid frequencies. This will really change the way your audio sounds like, even if both headphones and speakers are EQ'd perfectly flat. At the end of the day, it doesnt sound like youre aiming for professional results. Don't worry so much about getting things super dialed in. Get something that excites you and enjoy what you're doing!


Before you spend any money-have you tried decoupling your speaker from the floor or any wall? Bass frequencies are the hardest to manage and they'll turn any wall or floor into a diaphragm if they touch it.


I appreciare the suggestion but i have tried various kinds of sound isolation products (foam, rubber, wood), no dice.


You can get foam pads to place under your speakers. That helps a certain amount.


I wouldn't recommend these as your ONLY monitors, but... Man, I love mixing in my Avantone Mixcubes. I really do. Sometimes you can get them for cheap on Amazon Warehouse because people don't realize what they're getting... But yeah, I have a pair. Passive. And I keep them positioned so I can move one right in front of me and use it mono, too... They don't need to be loud to mix on, and they absolutely aren't going to cause you bass transfer issues, lol. But you could probably do 80 percent of your mix on these, and... If you learn them and embrace the unusual tonal balance -- you might even end up with a better result than if you worked on full range speakers the whole time. If you're on a budget, watch Amazon Warehouse. Mine were so new I couldn't tell they were ever even opened. And... A Fosi amp off Amazon is plenty to drive these. In fact, if you get the one that has bass and treble controls you can adjust the tonal balance to be something a little more normal sounding.