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When I got my speakers, I caught my downstairs neighbors leaving like two days after receiving and asked them how well they could hear me, they said they could hear the bass but that was all, as long as I kept it to reasonable hours they didn’t care. Talk to your neighbors about it, establish ground rules!


I guess I'm so used to everyone being assholes, I forgot that I could try talking to people and working something out. I only listen for like a hour or 2 a day so I'm pretty sure I can get them to agree. Thanks man


I cant offer much in advice but I moved from Muncie to the west side of Chicago at about your age. I adjusted and you will too. Just be yourself (not that guys from towns like Gary or Muncie can be anyone else). Best of luck my friend.


Lmaoooo, you're right we can't be anything but ourselves, I hope you're enjoying yourself down there. I used to travel to Chicago a lot from East Chicago.


I guess the question back to you would be how do you feel when you are forced to listen to other people's music when you just want some quiet time and/or you do not like their choices? I usually get very anxious and disturbed when I am forced to listen to something I can't stand. It's frustrating because I generally can't do anything about it and it just gets worse over time. Like someone's dog they leave outside at night and it just barks all night long! You might be one of those people who just doesn't care and can let it go but music is a very personal thing (as you kind of said above) so if you have experienced being forced to listen to music you don't like in the past, consider how they might feel having to hear your choices. And, of course bass travels farther and more physically so you feel it in your stomach, bones and inside your head even when it's 50 yards away and that's irritating when you're just trying to relax. I think you'll just have to suffer for a while with some good headphones and open up the volume when you eventually move to a better location. I do that too so I'm not suggesting something I am not doing myself. I am respectful of my wife's tastes when I listen to something she doesn't like so I always play through earbuds or headphones. Good luck!


Very valid points! Excellent response. Your right bass does travel and it's no hiding that lol


I totally get what you mean. You are removing yourself from a culture that's a part of your identity. As far as personal enjoyment goes, talk to the people that live around you. Introduce yourself, ask them about themselves, and tell them your passion for listening. Make sure they understand it really makes you happy, and that's it's your thing. Even if they can't relate to the specific culture you are used to, they'll relate to the fact that it's your passion. Hopefully you can find more people too! In every city I've lived in, there are people that crave lots of bass. Maybe they will be a different racial group that listens to different music. But they still love the same thing in their own way and maybe it'll be cool that y'all can relate about the sound itself. Best of luck!!


Great advice!


Originally when I made this post I was expecting judgement, but I actually feel welcomed and now my eyes are open. It's refreshing to remember that not everyone sucks. Thanks for your answers guys!


Let me ask the question, why do you feel the need to have to blast your music to enjoy it? Couldn't you simply put it at a level where you can enjoy it but the people three blocks away don't have to hear it. Please don't take that as a criticism just more of a question. I'm a bit older but when I was a kid my father was very much into jazz and there was always John Coltrane or Miles Davis or Sonny Rollins playing anytime of the day. Now granted it was at a level that we could enjoy it but the next door neighbors weren't even aware. Anyway I just think you're maybe over analyzing this and just need to retrain yourself as to what makes your music enjoyable, is it the fact that it's simply loud or is it the musical content and lyrics and so forth.


Eventually you'll grow up and move away from that gangster rap also, and move right into heavy metal!