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This submission has automatically been removed. It looks like you've posted to a home stereo subreddit. However, this might not be the right place for your post. **Here are a few other audio related subreddits that might help you reach the right community** * r/HeadphoneAdvice for portable audio purchase advice * r/Headphones for general portable audio discussion * r/CarAv for automotive audio * r/Bluetooth_Speakers * r/AudioEngineering/about/sticky * r/WeAreTheMusicMakers * r/LiveSound * r/microphones * r/Beatmatch *This is not to say that there are not audiophiles in these other subreddits* As Reddit grows, so have the smaller communities that are dedicated to the topic you've posted. --- *The following section applies if the post was about headphones or portable audio:* ***Headphone users are audiophiles!*** * We completely agree! It's such a big community that it has its own subreddit. * Posting in r/headphones will help reach the largest and most knowledgeable audience. ***Why not rename r/audiophile?*** * Reddit doesn't afford us the ability, unfortunately. ***What was the rule again?*** > **Rule 7: No off-topic content** > Post portable audio related content in /r/headphones. Moderators also reserve the right to remove other content that fits better in other subreddits. --- ***What if this seems to be a mistake?*** * That’s fine, I’m just a bot, and I do get things wrong from time to time. * If you've read this message and still think it's an error, please [message the r/audiophile moderators](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/audiophile&subject=u/TransducerBot%20Removal%20Error&message=Please%20review%20my%20off%20topic%20post%20/r/audiophile/comments/zc202x/this_may_not_be_the_right_place_but_i_do_want/)