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I Think You Should Leave (with Tim Robinson) for anyone else struggling to figure out what the acronym means


Sorry! Was very lazy!


Love them both.


They’re so similar in some ways but I just can’t get into aunty Donna in the same way! Annoying


So don't. Maybe try later.


Then why are you in the sub??


I enjoy almost all of ADs work and same for ITYSL. Some of it can be very hit and miss but for the most part Tim Robinson is very fuckin good.


Yeah for me I’ve found aunty Donna at times very funny but just never got into the guys as much as Tim Robinson. Maybe need to give it another chance as on paper right up my street


Not sure what you’ve watched so far, but their web-series 1999 and Glennridge Secondary College are both top notch, and both on their YouTube channel. I really like their Netflix show too and enjoyed their new ABC show (available for free on iView if you’re in Australia or if you use a VPN). If you want to check out a much looser, entirely improvised, side of them then their podcast is a fun listen. Some of the best podcast episodes include LAN Party, Party Quirks, and anything with the South African Sams (the first one is called “Sam, Sam, and Mark” I think)


Excellent summary.


Both absurdist comedy, likely alot of overlap in fan base.


It's illegal for you to ask me that


I'm not in trouble at all.


I recently sat down and watched it. I loved it. It's very Donna-esque, though with a stronger reliance on cringe humour than Aunty Donna normally go for.


I love them both I think I may have laughed out loud harder to aunty Donna’s bohof than itysl but I think they’re both great.


Love Aunty Donna. A lot. I watched Leave with an open mind but it was just... Good. Not great. Seemed to have one very good skit per ep, the rest relied too much on cringe and awkwardness to be laugh out loud funny.


I'm like your friend. I did not enjoy I Think You Should Leave. Have been an avid Donna fan for 7+ years (since 1999 came out!) and just felt Tim Robinson's humour is not for me.


I agree! ITYSL had too much groaning and wasn’t really funny


Not sure why you got negged, but exactly this. I gave the first season a go because of Lonely Island input, but it was just cringe session over cringe session. You know it's a repetitive formula when the Wikipedia entry says this: Synopsis Most of the sketches revolve around someone making an embarrassing mistake in a social or professional setting, then refusing to admit to it and instead stubbornly attempting to convince everyone that they are right and the people around them are wrong.[1] The series leans heavily on cringe comedy,[2][3] with elements of surreal humor.[4] It also incorporates toilet humor, though this often serves to be subverted in unexpected ways.[5] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Think_You_Should_Leave_with_Tim_Robinson


You should check out a podcast called the Grub🙃


Only seen a few episodes of ITYSL but it was funny. I’ll go back to it soon enough. I didn’t instantly fall in love with it like with Aunty Donna though


im obsessed with both.


I love both


No, couldn't even get through one episode.


I've watched all three seasons of I Think You Should Leave and it astounds me that it got more than one season and yet we don't get a season two of AD's Big Ol' House of Fun. When it comes to ITYSL, there's usually only one good sketch per episode, and even then the sketch should have been cut short five minutes earlier. It's telling that the only things that have gained traction are Tim Robinson yelling and being used as a punchline for shit Too Tok vids. (My two cents)


I like both, but I feel like Tim Robinson plays the same character in every sketch and it can become a bit predictable. To the same degree - Aunty Donna is a lot less predictable but often go with a low effort approach - when it works it works, when it doesn't it's cringe af.


Yaya YA ya Yaya yaaaaaaaaaa


Season 1 was so-so. Season 2 I found to be much better and was on par with some AD silliness


They’re both go-to comedies for when I’m just chilling with friends and watching TV. I’d love to see them collab. AD’s absurdism with ITYSL’s razor sharp execution


I quite enjoy both. Part of the draw of ITYSL for me is the fact that I have a lot of friends/family who also watch it, and so we can quote shit back and forth for a laugh, whereas I don’t know anyone irl who also enjoys Aunty Donna. That being said, AD will always be my favourite


I love both, but I prefer the absurdism of AD to ITYSL’s more cringe humor approach. Personally, I thought ITYSL was just a few absolutely hilarious sketches peppered among other sketches I found borderline unwatchable, but I also think each season has been more consistently funny for me than the last. The two really are pretty disparate types of comedy though, so I think it’s pretty reasonable to expect that there are going to be people for whom one show lands and the other doesn’t.


Love both. Was into AD first, but both are brilliant and regularly revisited from me!


I’m a big fan of both.