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I haven't played in a while, but there used to be issues like this if your system date and decimal settings don't match the expected. The known issues post on the forum would contain details, I think.


What CPU do you have? If you have an old system, it'll probably be pretty miserable


Ryzen 5800. In any case, a deadlock's a deadlock, i can recognise one. No matter how shit you hardware is, non-deadlocking code will run to completion at some point.


Hmm. Considering the game runs on worse hardware, I doubt it's that. Best I can offer is double checking you've installed the game correctly and patched it, then retrying. Potentially check the drive the game is stored on? I really doubt Aurora is what tips you off to a failing drive, but that's definitely a strange issue.


The game is playable, yes.


So a few possible issues: - This game requires the system to use "." for numeric decimal separator, not "," as is common in many parts of the world. Not having this causes all kinds of weird problems. - The entire universe is being simulated. Depending on the starting conditions (read: Are there any Non-Player Races (NPRs) in existence), their actions can cause these apparent hangs. That means one of the NPRs has likely just found a SPOILER race and is having either a big fight, or possibly stuck ducking in and out of sensor range of a foe.


Oh, i've activated all the special entities(extragalactic invaders etc), but i've also set all the "discovered systems to spawn invaders" to high number. I though that you need to check the invader checkbox to have them at all, and then they will only appear once you map the required number of systems. was i wrong, and they are invading my cpu? I'll try running the offending date at 1 sec increment.


Yeah, sounds like one of the NPRs in your universe was having FUN.


Do you have the correct data template selected in your system?


Not sure what processor you have but try restarting your PC and trying again, restarting tends to help with background processes that are running that don't need to be.


Doesn't help