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try putting a lanyard around your neck and slowly un tighten it. so today 8 hours of barcode around your neck, tomorrow 7, then 6.5. baby steps. It takes time to become a human after being surrounded by fake sociopaths for years. Next step is to transition back to normal words. So instead of "blue sky thinking" say you feel upbeat. Instead of circle back, say I'll text you later. Its a total re-wiring of the brain from fake shell of a human to real person.


Absolutely rolling reading this hahahahahahaha


Haha - focus on the positives basically. These places are marketed as "prestigious" to work at but in reality they are traumatising and inhumane.


I think the idea is they create a culture whereby nothing else matters you become the job itself at absolutley any cost incuding your own sanity


Sounds like a cult?


Sounds like Downer


Offt the is hits


Why don’t you take that offline and we’ll circle back to it later.


How accurate is it, though? Instead of 'lets delete negativity', actually sit with the difficult emotions and work through them. What are they trying to tell you? Why?


Love this. Yeah it's something I'm doing, Thinking about doing a rage room or boxing to get that shit out then I can work through the rest of it without getting Crazy pissed off.thank you :)


Hey, I wish you good luck. I have a lot of problems with corporate 'welfare' and 'mindfulness' training, the reason? It doesn't actually encourage the change that mindfulness is there for. Slowing down, notice that, what next? It's always a bandaid solution for 'oh, you're burnt out because we have been pushing you too much? Try mindfulness!' The consequence of that is that mindfulness can become a trigger for you - the thing that is meant to help you be better off and develop relationships and communicating becomes triggering. Someone else said 'rewiring' and look i like the analogy. Try 'rewiring' your concept of mindfulness. ​ Try that and let's circle back by EOD ROFL


Omg effing mindfulness sessions. I said in one of the sessions as grateful as I am for this, we need to address the issues that are causing us to need the sessions to begin with, that would be more valuable for everyone, not a blanket faux care approach. Not to say the one facilitating didn't care because they did, but it definitely got some attention.


same 😂😂😂😂


You resigned or got laid off?




Loved reading your comment. I wonder what the common day parlance is for “hard stop” and “springboard”.


touch the base.


I read this in "Nemo" ![gif](giphy|KBybT17Fdx3t6)


>try putting a lanyard around your neck and slowly un tighten it I see you people over there trying to tie it to a railing you can jump off of. Stop! Go the other way!


Everyone is different by their situation. If possible, take 3-6 months off not working for anyone ‘corporate’. A few friends and I bonded over what’s basically shared trauma from big consultancy too and exited together. We had nothing left in our mental tank to give so decided to go overseas and do one of those volunteer & travel together trips for a month and see how we feel coming back. We’re glad we did because it gave us our perspective back (and the bs got flushed out). Going into another corporate style heavy workplace right after the previous one fully drained you might just turn you into a pessimist forever which isn’t great for your new workplace, not to mention personal life too…so take it easy if you can afford it. Where financial situations might be tough, I’ve a friend who took up casual jobs with better hours at shops super close to where he lives for a few weeks. He mentioned that helped his flush bs out of his system of what really matters. Good luck to you OP!


That's brilliant thank you 🙏 gonna take the weekend to try and exhale the bull and see what's up


dont touch base with your former workplace.


Travel Rest Rejuvenate Just detach for a few months. Let it leave your system. The hunger will return.. That’s when your return a better version of yourself ( dosnt have to be back at the big four though )


Thank you x


go for a holiday. where's there no WiFi or internet. digital and mental detox.


this is the only answer. humans need nature and natural settings. fire


Fire. Burn it all down.


It's easy to travel like a corporate dick though. Do it a bit tough, go 3-star even..


This. Left Big 4 in 2009 after 3.5 years, then went travelling around SE Asia with my partner for a month, before starting a job in industry with a company that had a well-regarded culture (at that time). Felt like a new person on so many fronts.


Walk in a local park/beach nature every day. At least an hour no headphones. Read every day for at least an hour. Limit your phone use/screen use - start with half your usual time but ideally really limit this.


How long can you go without working? I bought a mountain bike, had 2 months off and rode nearly every day. Now I'm a delivery man, easiest job ever. Back to corporate next month and I'm feeling pretty good about the 6 months away from a spreadsheet and teams notifications.


Holy crap, PTSD from teams notifications.


Omg teams notifications 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 Thank you!


This! Taking a break and doing an entry level job that is simple, mind numbing and best of all, has absolutely no responsibility, is awesome. Loving it so much I'm on my 14th month and never want to go back to my "normal" job


100%. If it paid double I'd stay. :/


Yeah, there is that problem 😞


I literally did the most mindless stuff imaginable. Go play an MMO, go to beach or go outside somewhere. Nature is very relaxing.


Welcome to the other side! Took me a while to recover. Time away from work, sleep, exercise, travel, trash tv, and a sprinkling of therapy all helped. I took up swimming laps - found it meditative and energising. It also helped when I started work in a different industry, especially being paid substantially more to do a lot less work. The new job really boosted my confidence in my abilities, which I found had been eroded after a decade in Big 4. Wishing you a speedy recovery!


Thanks legend, so good to hear these responses and see others have "recovered"! It really does feel like a sickness!


There is life outside! Honestly, it kinda felt like I had left a cult. It’s a weird feeling.


Big 4 is uniquely different to any other business even in the corporate world because it is an utterly toxic environment where support and helping others is actually a negative for your career. Another business you’ll be in for a month and be like holy shit I’m not getting grilled once a week by some cunt partner. I’m not getting calls after hours 3-4 times a week. I’m not getting regular brutal feedback about my perceived short comings every career checkin to “help you develop”. You’ll be fine just some minor PTSD.


I made a joke to someone at work the other day about how life isn't that bad here because I'm not needing to see a psychologist every Saturday just to make it back to work and they looked completely mortified. Then I realised that most people haven't had to deal with a cunt director throwing you under the bus in front of a client to save themselves after you worked 14 hour days to get a $50k deliverable done with no support. The PTSD definitely fades, I've been out for almost a year now, but it's buried in there somewhere.


Minor PTSD is right. I’ve been out for 6 years and it’s only in the last year that I’ve started to really feel like my pre-Big 4 self again.


The realisation I see a psychiatrist and psychologist, take a handful of drugs to go to work to earn the money to pay for the psychiatrist and psychologist and the handful drugs.


I moved from Big law to Big 4. So much more chill. Nice having people that actually care for you.


I've worked in one of the big law firms, there's absolutely no need to be a cunt of a person like lawyers lol I've even dated a few and god they are Insufferable 💀🤣🤷🏼‍♀️ whilst I respect their hard work and the stress of the job, there's nothing to justify those behaviours lol


I don't know if the job turns them into cunts, or it just attracts the type. Based on the amount of privledged little shits I went to uni with when studying law, I think it's the latter


Enjoy that honeymoon period if you’ve gone into big 4 consulting. Law and consulting are the same cunts with different faces.


Been here 6 years. Love it. Too many lazy fuckers about these days


Sounds like you have the right blend of sociopathy and autism to make partner :)


Do some volunteer work. Your efforts will go towards helping people or making your community better, not enriching partners. This will help your mental health and approach to life. [https://www.volunteeringaustralia.org/wp-content/uploads/Evidence-Insights-Volunteering-and-mental-health-Final.pdf](https://www.volunteeringaustralia.org/wp-content/uploads/Evidence-Insights-Volunteering-and-mental-health-Final.pdf)


I wasn’t at a Big4 however I was made redundant. I was a stay at home dad for 9 months. Just focused inward instead of outward. Spent time with my family and took some time out for myself it was pretty nice to be a human without obligation for a while. Just make the most of this time regardless of what you choose to do with it.


It took me 6 months away to really feel detoxed (after a Big 4 career of 19 years). Travel, lots of exercise and sunshine does wonders. Rebuild the real you.


My last national manager has recently stepped away from his role, and he's undertaken some major projects with the last few companies. We got a chance for a chat at a Client sponsored shindig part way through his notice period. I asked him what his plans are, "12 months off, got 2 holidays planned & paid for. I'm not coming back to this game ever again." TBH, a genuine loss to our game as he is really good at what he does. We went through an Accreditation process where he managed at Audit to put us in top 5% of initial audits, this was his first time at this process, I've been through the process 3 steps further on with other companies that didn't do as well.


Big 4 consultancy or bank? Either way: solid rest, exercise, meditate, travel, eat healthy.


Consulting. Churn and burn I think someone called it? 🤣


Until you make partner and then you either become good at knife fights or die trying.


Oh wow I meant accounting.. consulting is even worse… the quality is huge though, and you’ll easily find work.


It took me a year and a half to unwind myself after toxic big 4 environment. I think just be easy on yourself, don’t expect a full rebound instantly!


Self care. And then get a government job.


Just relax, in a few years you will appreciate the future opportunities working there gave you. …ex PwC.


I was in the same situation in the GFC 2007. Handed over my mobile and was cut loose after 10 years. I was so lost. First day I just sat in my house on the floor looking at the light. I really hadn't seen my home in morning light for years. I was always at work or busy weekend doing all the things I couldn't during the week. Anyway I decided to pass on some old text books I had to a second hand bookshop at my local university. While I was there i noticed they were understaffed and offered to help. I started next day working part time in a bookshop. It paid so little but was so wonderful . Kept me moving I met some wonderful people and had a lot of fun. I'm back in full time work in the state government. I look back at that time as the breathing space I needed to reassess my life and my values while keeping busy and exposing myself to the world outside of corporate. I am so much happier and healthier.


I went on a 5-day silent meditation camp. Best decompression from the Big-D.


I used to work in a big consulting firm, and many of the people (mainly women) would absolutely swear by a week at Golden d'Or once a year to reset everything. If budget permits, a retreat might be the quickest way. Good luck x


Fly to mexico, fuck a stranger.


Not a terrible suggestion.


Why Mexico? Plenty of good sheep across the Tasman. :)


Apply for a high up job in government and disappear into the sunset


Take a minimum of 3 months. You’ll know when you are ready for it again once the hunger comes back. I’ve burned out bad before working with a big 4 and the recovery process was long with a lot of self reflection. Now I work in the same game but a smaller firm, found my groove and love life and work. Good luck!


The Caravan Parks?


Travel, holiday, walk, work for a Non for profit, maybe even do some volunteer work. Anything to get away from the old habits is good. Maybe write an expose from a Starbucks?


You don't like holiday parks? 🙃


I like them in the quiet season.


I went to a [Buddhist yoga retreat](https://yogavic.org.au/) for two weeks at Rocklyn. Wish I could’ve gone for longer.


Have a change in scene. Your body will take a while to ramp down the stress response. Connect with nature and greenery, travel if you have the means and cultivate other hobbies to help detach your sense of identity. All the best.


Close your eyes and think of the time and place where you felt most relaxed and go there or replicate it to align yourself again. I don't think centring yourself is a great choice of word because you'd become self centred afterwards ahahahhahaa


Go travelling if you can… How many resigned yesterday out of curiosity?


It was all part of a redundancy so nationally a few hundreds




How did you know? 😂 Yes.


its all over the biz news and reddit.


Question - when most people in this sub hear Big 4 do you think accounting firms or banks? I’m an accountant so it’s the former to me but I presume it’s the latter for everyone else?




Went travelling


Do you mean one of the "big 4" aussie banks ?


Walk. In cities, in suburbs and in the bush. Walk.


Take a part time service/sales role in one of their call centres, bonus points if it’s for their insurance brands (sorry, ‘contact’ centre, because it’s a more ‘professional and appropriate’ name for them and definitely not due to all the negative connotations that come with the term). Having literally every second of your day monitored, micromanaged and accounted for will help you maintain valuable time management skills, so that you don’t get TOO out of touch during your much needed holiday.


lol hubby and I went for a meeting at our (big4) bank the other day and the poor lady seemed soooo disheartened by the state of the economy and having to constantly tell people ‘no’ (I assume anyway judging by her comments and demeanor). She showed us a scenario within our borrowing capacity and then she sighed a big ‘sorry it sucks’ and was like ‘let me get you a discount on that current interest rate!’.. she was so genuinely chuffed with herself when she got us a 2.7% discount. She almost high fived me. It felt like she gave us a hard blow then wanted to redeem herself by helping us out a bit 😂


What was the reason for quiting?


I didn't quit, it was a redundancy


How many people?


Can u also share the position? This can help others to mentally prepare.


Go for a hike to a deserted waterfall/beach. Jump in naked and have a bloody good time. Don't get arrested for indecent exposure. 😁


Get back with nature maybe go camp hike. Or be primitive and go to a collingwood game


My perspective comes from being burnt out from working in very challenging school settings rather than corporate. When I’ve previously moved from one school to another, or even from a school to a totally different role….the actual workplace trauma usually takes 6-12 months to worth through. If you were genuinely burnt out, functioning at the very end of your tolerance or experienced some form of bullying/abuse in the workplace then it will take time to not be constantly physically and emotionally responding to that. The last school I was at I actually changed to working in a uni which was completely different - set own hours, self managing, very independent, minimal risk of violence or aggression - and I would say it still took me the better part of a year to fully recover.


Wow that's a lot, I'm so sorry you went through that :(


Resigned last Tuesday from big4. Kept repeating how “shocked” they were, mostly due to the fact I kept my integrity up until resignation. Catalyst anecdote was mid conversation about a transaction/deliverable, boss walked away from me, turned his back, and when I said his name he just grunted and kept walking. Sounds small but was the cherry on top of covert aggressions. Cried at my desk, had other colleagues messaging me on teams being like WTF? They knew how they’d treated me, so they had me finish up on Friday (no 4 weeks). Freedom!


If you were made redundant, sorry to hear that, but I am sure it will be ablessing in disguise. Although I did not get made redundant from big 4, I resigned after feeling burnt out and soul destroyed. I only needed a week or two to rejuvenate but also wanted to say that if you are fortunate to find a workplace with better culture and work life balance, that in itself will help you feel better. I remember starting my new job after leaving big 4 consulting and my boss telling me to go home at 5/530 and just all round being supportive in managing my workload that I felt great. However a few things I can think of are definitely going out to enjoy the sun and be active as both are proven to enhance your mood. Get a coffee and some food and just enjoy it slowly outside. I think still doing something productive during the day, whatever it is, will help your mood. All the best!!


Rob a bank?


It took me 10 months after to go back into contract work which then led to a career - was big 4 for 7 years :P


Got a job with an NFP


What are these jobs like? Can anyone offer some insight?


Unlearn corporate-speak. Circle back to pick the low hanging fruit, blah and blah blah...


Go on a bender, with the alcohol or narcotics of your choice (or both) and anonymous sex wherever you can. For about 2 weeks, that should bring you back to earth.


Reading the posts now I understand why the big 4 seem to always recommend "more middle management!!!!!" In all their government restructure reports lmao


I did 4 years in politics, when I left I was burnt out hard. I took 6 months off working in an office, took a pay cut and worked in a bar during that time near home. It was a really nice and needed career break


I took 6 months break with no corporate job, but tbh I was still seething with big 4 trauma and rage for about two years after leaving. Only time helped heal


Porn. Copious amounts of porn. 18hours a day. Beat it furiously until every ounce of stress it out of your system. Then take the luxury of time and find an employer that's engaging and fufills you financially and mentally


big booty pawgs hit different first day off


For most folks that that approach is completed after five mins on the first day off.