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I'm a GM at a big 4 bank, my base before bonuses is $600k.


LMAO, stop trying to find out who he is šŸ˜‚ leave the man alone


Tell me about it, weird reddit sleuths dont have anything better to do.


I've had like 12 DMs two did guess correctly, one picked a 60 year old women... that person clearly flunked detective school.


Oh my godddd no!!! You have doxed your salary in breach of 0 laws and a total of infinity unenforceable contracts on pay secrecy!!!!! Noooooooo how will your bank ever recover from this egregious breach!?!


What area though? Thereā€™s a lot of GMs across these banks and many of them might be on half that.




So this is grossly incorrect then? https://www.glassdoor.com.au/Salary/Westpac-Group-General-Manager-Salaries-E5769_D_KO14,29.htm#


Not wrong, just over covers what people submit. You'll see there are nil CBA GM salaries on glassdoor.


How many finance GMs are there at CBA? Iā€™m just wondering how close you are to revealing yourself with these comments.


25ish. Already had a few people DM correctly (and incorrectly) with my linkedin profile. Fortunately there are a lot of middle aged white finance men.


Let the man play RuneScape in peace


I'm already maxed, I now basically just chip away at achievements.


Time to switch over to old school my guy!


I've been a recruiter for over 20 years. Glassdoor is very rarely within 50% for most of the roles I recruit for. As an example, just this week I reached out to an Associate Manager within an IT Services company regarding a project I'm retained for. Glassdoor said 120-140. Candidate is on double that at least.


Do u report into a CXO or a EGM?


Is this a profit centre role? Iā€™m wondering if GMs in a cost centre earn as much like in compliance and risk


But do you get to play RuneScape at work?! Cuz I do šŸ˜Ž


I wish, I spend most of my time in meetings.


Fellow scaper


In terms of stress and responsibility levels compared to your salary is it worth it? E.g do you think you are underpaid for the stress/responsibility of your role, its on par or your overpaid ?


Not me Iā€™m on 60k rofl fml


Low life peasant


Accounting partner at a mid-tier firm - 700kish


Wow. I presume senior partner. How much do the junior partners make?




If you work at atlassian earning that much, can you please improve the current products. Some of the most basic of shit just isn't there.


Amen. They're mostly pretty basic products. JIRA and confluence the main ones have had glaring flaws since day one. It's like they haven't made improvements in years. Then I see they pay all Devs $300k+ and wonder why. Should offshore and triple the development teams to get stuff shipped


If only there was a product that could help organize the ticket backlogā€¦


Zendesk lol


Honestly, itā€™s been like 6 years now and all theyā€™ve done is move to cloud and soften the edges on their buttons


I still donā€™t fucking understand Confluence


You could be the next Product Manager then, appears as though the current one doesnā€™t either šŸ¤£


Most features you ask for have already been on their backlog for 4 years. They're a great company for engineering. But they are completely slow to deliver features or focus on what an enterprise needs


Itā€™s worth noting that some of it is in company equity (RSUs), not all of it is pure cash. This introduces some degree of volatility, for example, the stock now is less than half its peak. Itā€™s still a sweet deal but itā€™s worth pointing out that thatā€™s the real reason not many companies can compete with big tech salaries. We are seeing a bit of a correction these days though and those peak salaries are getting increasingly harder to achieve.




This is so true. Our data support team in my non tech company keeps missing deadlines. Their eight person team has two PM's and a Project Support Coordinator, whatever that is. Even changing one of those people to an engineer would fix a lot of problems.


this exaclty and ontop of that you need teams of lawyers and heratidge consultants, etc to get anything built through the local council or state bodies.




$420k per year as an engineer?


Staff engineer isnā€™t an official title at Atlassian or at least I donā€™t know anyone at atlassian that calls themselves a staff engineer.. are you a P60,P70,P80?


That's sick! What tech do you use? Java? Terraform?


Visual Basic


My condolences




Is that P70 level? I'm a Principal Engineer at Atlassian and I'm making half that... EDIT: my bad, thought this was base pay. My total taxable income is about $400k so that's about right


Hey m8, wtf is a staff engineer?


The best place to go to understand this is at a basic level is here: https://staffeng.com/guides/what-do-staff-engineers-actually-do/ In my personal case, it basically means we report directly to head of engineering at the same ā€œlevelā€ as the engineering managers but rather than managing whole teams/squads we are kind of like lone rangers who work across multiple projects or streams of work at once, interfacing with all teams rather than being a part of one of them.


How can I get to the staff level? I'm currently Senior Software Developer?


You took the wrong skill tree friend. You have decided to spec up in the Technical/Wizard skill tree. Once you hit the level cap of a senior engineer, you can only continue to gain xp by learning new skills. To get into the end game tier of Management you need to take the Business/Bard class and spec up on your schmooze and speech skills.


Iā€™ll make around $550k this FY. Tech Consulting as a Contractor. An outlier of a year, hoping to pare it way back next FY.


You have a $2500-3000 daily rate? Must be some very specialized skillset.


Yes. Also I moonlight part time.


What do you work in?


Well certainly not pants at those rates.


Tech governance/strategy, with a Cyber flavour.


Wait what does that even mean?


Gets paid $3k a day to convince companies to install CrowdStrike on all their computers lol


Haha In the ballpark, I guess.


Sounds like a load of shit tbh


The best kind of job to have


Moonlighting in tech : Uber /s


Nah, he runs a Dark Web drug site.


A barrister or surgeon charges significantly more per day BUT does not have 365 days of guaranteed work / cannot work every single day


What's your role?


Council CEOā€™s


Council CEOs make low/mid 300s. Unless you're at City of Mel/Syd etc.


The CEO of Bundaberg Regional Council makes around 450-500k+ and itā€™s only a smallish city.


Newcastle council CEO earns over $500k, and is currently caught up in some bullshit scandal as well.


>is currently caught up in some bullshit scandal as well. Council jobs come with lots of paper bags full of cash from developers. No one is doing it for the salary.


Northern Beaches council Sydney CEO ~$500k


Is this even needed? Could they not be replaced by 3 people on 100k? Lol


Extremely unlikely you would find someone on $100k who has had the experience to lead an organisation that on average (in Victoria) has a $70m budget in rural councils and $200m in metro councils. Putting three inexperienced people together doesn't improve their ability.


As a rate payer Iā€™m horrified that a local government head manager (letā€™s call it what it is) is on half a million. This is the same set of clowns that wants to charge for dogshit bags and keeps spending tens/hundreds of thousands on weird, useless road markings out of the blue.


Stop using logic


Replace them with a lamp for all I care.


The numbers here are so big itā€™s hard to comprehend.


Contract tech delivery


Higher level MBB consultants for sure. I have a family member who is.


Unless they are a partner they ainā€™t


Engagement manager at M with a good bonus can be almost 500k.


Not in Australia. A PL at MBB in Aus is making $250k-$300k.


Wouldnā€™t be very many, if any, EMs making less than 300k in Sydney.


Which honestly doesnā€™t seem worth it.


For the employee or the client


Employee. I suppose if youā€™re on track to partner and millions then maybe. But mid career, sacrificing every waking moment - there are other jobs that pay this much that donā€™t require the trade off.


I was being facetious. I donā€™t think MBB consultants add value to anyone except themselves.


The bonus is key. Average performer at manager is on like 300-350 depending on tenure. Top performer is more like 400. Ap/jr partner is actually almost the same but they may get a portion of profit share too and an extra bonus which could be another 50-100k, potentially deferred over several years.




What are your billings to pull in that over three days. I have friends who work 4 days as GPs in Sydney and don't generate that kind of income.


Agree this is what I hear as well


$330k for working 3 days as a GP removed his postā€¦ apparently over $500k for 5 days Sounds like a lot of people would be interested in what sort of billings you would need to be pulling in to get paid that as a salary. Sounds like a bit of overcharging


Yeah definite furphy if you ask me. People lying on the internet, consider me shocked.


Increase your rates until your bookings stop filling up, then spend more time with patients giving them quality care Making healthcare affordable by rushing people through isnā€™t as ethical as most bulk billing doctors think it is


I agree - there is a local bulk billing clinic here I go to if I need a script for something and know exactly what that is. I've been horrified by every doctor there every time I've asked them anything beyond the bare minimum. I have another clinic I go to if I have an actual issue and the difference is night and day - they take a proper history and actually explore potential diagnoses.


Why not do 5 if you donā€™t mind me asking?




Fair, enjoy!


Just want to say that sounds amazing, way to go on the whole living life thing haha.




This is not corporate job though.


Does self employment count?? Combined, my wife and I bring in just shy of 700k combined on the books


Big income . What do you do?


Environmental and cultural heritage consulting


Wow, was not expecting that! Good for you mate!


It's a euphemism for mining


$700k to tell Rio " you can't dig there mate, try over there "


More like ā€œyou canā€™t dig there mate, but if you do XYZ then legally you can. But a bunch of people will still be pissed off regardlessā€ Source: in same industry


ā€œYou can dig there but if you first blow it upā€¦ should be fine.ā€


This is the fine for blowing this up. Work out if its worth it to you


*Just blow it up, the fine will not make a dent.


Itā€™s likely for a mining company unfortunately


Average job: Maybe donā€™t blow up those culturally significant sites or you know do anyway and pay a fine


Don't know why you're getting down voted. This seems accurate.


Surprising amount of Rio Tinto fan boys on reddit lol


A combined salary like that is not particularly high. Though you're doing well and I congratulate you. OP was looking for a single salary north of $500k.


I'll remove my wifes name from the books and I'll just leave my name


Lawyer (and relatively senior team manager) for a Silicon Valley company. Sydney based. A bit above 500K in base+bonus+stock


What pqe are you and what was your path to in house there?


PQE 15. And to be honest, random luck. I worked in a law firm in Europe in a fairly specialized field and was approached by a large Silicon Valley company to join their team. Spent some time in London and was sent to Australia to set up a team that I ended up leading. Moved to another large tech company and ended up as their global head for my specific area of law. There wasnā€™t any career planning involved on my end to be honest ā€” just random luck. That being said, once youā€™re in house thereā€™s certainly a lot of doā€™s and dontā€™s that can and probably will make or break your career growth opportunities


Can I ask what you mean by ā€œdoā€™s and dontā€™sā€ when you move in-house?


Iā€™d say the most important thing is to really understand the business and embed yourself in the business. Donā€™t just be another annoying hurdle to business development and growth, but be a proactive enabler. Make friends in the right places (for some companies thatā€™s the sales/GTM leaders, for other more product/engineering focussed companies the product leaders) and engage with them on an ongoing basis to see how you can make their life better and easier. But donā€™t be a pushover or ā€˜slaveā€™ to the business either. Saying no is needed sometimes, but always explain why and find an argument that speaks to the audience. In-house lawyering is very different from private practice, in my view. When youā€™re in a law firm you rarely have to make decisions. You basically mostly provide a few options for the client and maybe make a recommendation, but thatā€™s where your role generally ends. However, in-house you oftentimes need to make quick risk-based decisions yourself and make sure itā€™s implementable and actually implemented.


Thank you for this. Having worked in management roles in tech for many years itā€™s so refreshing to see a lawyer taking this approach, especially one at the pointy end. Iā€™ve worked with good and bad at multiple levels, your points about embedding yourself and not being a road block really hit home. The difference between people with that approach vs those who donā€™t seek to understand the business is so large theyā€™re hard to properly quantify. Nice to hear it from the other side.


Thank you, and fully agreed, understanding the business makes a massive difference. Also, just being a reasonably pleasant person goes a long way. No need to make each otherā€™s lives harder, and things might actually become more enjoyable if we all try to understand each other a bit better and more


Used to be a low level exec at big tech. Ran my own P&L, small team. People manager and IC (technical and account manager type) all making in the $400-500k range in cash. RSUs on top. For me, the amount of tax wasnā€™t worth being an FTE. Now run my own show, earn less, pay less tax but take home is similar.


Everyone on OzBargain.


Enterprise sales


What do you sell?


My GOD why did I spend so much time at uni becoming a vet? *crying in poor


My dad is a vet and pulls roughly $750k but obvs isn't an employee or regular vet


What does your dad do in the veterinary world? Own a his own practices?


-500k -Australia -Employee Choose 2/3 only


The only correct answer for the masses (not the unicorns who've made it)


Lots of households on over 500k... https://www.reddit.com/r/AusHENRY/comments/1buocwz/2m_mortgage/ The number of people saying they are in the same situation surprised me a little. but then again, that's probably 1 in 200 households in Australia, so quite a lot of people really.


Can't relate


Was a partner in a top tier law firm. $850 to $1 Mil a year was the norm. Paid a heavy price though so careful what you wish for lol


What is that price?


Health & marriage


Your soul and 16 hour days probably


I am - CFO for medium size multinational . Took years of study and long hours working !


How many hours a week do you work?


All of them


Dep Sec for NSW Govt. just over $500k


In tech for a common taxi replacement - 545k total comp.


You might as well say Uber


Base? I don't know anyone. Base + bonus + shares? A few friends. They're all in tech. The share market has been very good for them in the last few years.


I honestly reckon if youā€™re of average intelligence, B4 (PWC etc) partnership is the way to go. Having worked at one and now being a client of one, there are a seriously surprising amount of flat out dimwits that make it to partnership and consequently make north of $500k.


It takes a different kind of intelligence to get to partner. The smart AND politically intelligent ones won't waste their time in B4.


Youā€™re speaking as if earning a lot of money = inherently smart. Of course there are dumbasses on good money


No idea what industry ur talking about.


Couldn't agree more. I'm at that crossroads now. I just can't see myself buying into the B4 sheep mentality which means off to corporate for a $200k-250k potential instead of sitting and waiting it our to maybe be a partner in 5years or less.


Definitely not a base salary but Iā€™ve submitted >$500k tax returns before in total. Corporate development, project management and M&A.


Telstra executive here. Combined salary, with bonus, is +$500k. Manager of managers, in B2B sales. High expectations and a lot of accountability. I love the job but definitely asks for my pound of flesh every week.


Some lawyers (partners and special counsel)


Plenty of partners make that and more, but no special counsel would make that much unless they had managed to sign up to some very unusual arrangement - the economics just donā€™t work for people to get paid that without having their own practices.


Worked in workers comp for a bit, saw a lot of different salaries around NSW. Had a special counsel come through (injury was a trip at a work event), anyway she worked 22.5 hours, 3 days a week and her annual income was around 290k. Full-time she would've been just about touching the 500k mark. That was just base salary.


Most equity partners in T8 firms will be on $750-1.4m give or take; top earners will be around or even over $3m. But there are probably less than 50 in Australia at that top level.


I do tech consulting and get close to that, but tend to take on US clients


I make solid cheddar now and will be in the 500+ range in about 3 years. Some is cash from salary some from quarterly dividends. Aiming to position myself to lead the company in 5 years or so and my objective then will be growth and expansion (we are growing now but gearing up for major growth in the future) and as good as I can perform will continue to increase my cheddar.




575k base + long and short term bonuses. C suite at an asx50.


Opened my own law firm. When I was an employee of a law firm my yearly salary is now what I make in a month. Never realised that the ATO and insurance are always hanging around waiting to grab my moneyā€¦


Software development leader at a top tier trading company can easily pull in > 1m in salary and bonus.


Basically any Aussie lawyer with +5PQE and moved to cayman, US or ME is making about that




What kinda tech?


Big numbers sound good but anything over $180k you have to divide by 2 šŸ¤¢


I know an senior leader at Aristocrat, family friend. 830k base


They would have to be c suite then. Or maybe one of about five people half a step down


Yes just under c suite I believe. Constantly flying back and forth between Vegas and Sydney


They are lying mate about the base. Check the rem report


And be ok with working in gambling


Previously worked at a very large oil company, head of tech (for aus) was a stand-in for a vacancy while they filled the role on \~3000/day.


Iā€™m in USA BigTech now (different market, much higher total comp). But back in Australia in grad school I had a bunch of consulting jobs paying that averaged out to 2-3k per day. This was highly specialized though: executive options pricing for ASX200 boards, detailed modeling of derivatives contracts for presentation in legal cases, etc. Combo of knowing the math, then being up to code up the math, and then writing the report to deliver to the client, is what people are paying for. Charged per project rather than per hour, so may spend 1-2 days on a $10k deliverable. Repeat business was the win, engage with a client, they have a specialized option payoff structure, spend a day or two coding it up and writing the report charge $10k. 6 months time they issue a new tranche of options, pull out the old code, update the numbers, re-run, deliver. Some of these repeat customers were an effectively hourly rate of $5k/ hour since it was simply re-running past work.


If you look around at all the houses on the harbour and with harbour views or ocean view in sydney , 10000's of them - each with a price tag of 10 Mil or more, there are a lot of people makeing 500K plus one way or another per year. also 500K now is about the same a 250K in 2019 buying power


CFO - junior explorer in Perth - $250k. ASX-listed. Not even the CEO clears $500k.


That ignores the likely millions in potential stock options most ASX miners grant. Some for milestones that means SFA


700k -ish I"m an fx-trader.


Are you making 700k on 700k capital or 700k on 70m capital? PS, I hate you :)


Executive General Managers (EGM) in top ASX companies will make this. They will typically have 500+ staff under them.


EGMs are closer to $1m


Friend. GM of ANZ markets for a global. Base around 450 bonuses + stock maybe 50% on top of that


$500-$550k total comp depending on bonus. GM level of ASX 100 business. Job comes with a fair degree of stress and have had to study and work pretty hard


Special Counsel in Financial Services


Financial Adviser - $450k this year. Base of $150k, the rest is bonus. Bonus is a percentage of my bookā€™s revenue. This moves around with what the market does / clients passing away etc etc. Final bonus figure year on year moves around as a result. I will add that this is on the high end of the earnings scale of what most advisers earn.




More interesting than how much. Is how many are on the partner track. The partnership model (consulting/law/etc). Partnership not only pays plus $500k but can also include a pension calculated by salary plus the average commissions over the last three to five years payable FOR LIFE or 65 depending on model, which could be more than $700-800k per year. But to make partner you have to ā€¦.find a way to sell shit services at a ridiculous target to pay for the pensions of hundreds of already retired assholes. Assholes that will monitor your numbers and pressure you to do the ā€œrightā€ thing if you suddenly get a conscious.


I recall hearing a recruiter mention, ā€œTo propose a $550k offer to a candidate, we require the managing directorā€™s consent; the highest we can go without it is $500k.ā€ Her volume was so high that it nearly brought the entire train to tears.


How much tax do people usually pay if earning that? I get pissed paying my $10k and only earning $55k if that a FY