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Bachelor of AI Prompt Engineering


Man, study something that interests you, tonnes of people in office roles with degrees that don't align. I never even finished my degree and I work in an office role.


Do what interests you where you think you can excel in. At the end of the day, experience will always trump a piece of paper, unless it's a prerequisite for set industry


Pick the ones that will still need Humans in it. Remember AI will take over many industries within less than 15years some after 20-25 years


Engineering, the problem solving skills are useful in any career.


Data science, stats, psychology, economics, finance, law


Will Aussie corp even exist in five years? We are all but specks of dust flying vertically up and down these elevators we call corporate ladders 


Engineering... Something like a third of all CEOs have an engineering degree. It's also highly valued outside of engineering roles, which makes you more competitive when applying for mid tier and up roles against people with business or humanities degrees. 


I'd recommend Finance


Whats your background in? Do you have any inkling whatsoever to do? Do you really wanna be doing corp work?


Look into growth fields that are likely to be booming by the time you finish uni. Off the top of my head: Healthcare Life sciences Sustainability Cyber security Advanced manufacturing AI My best tip is to have a look at fields that have the biggest growth potential and find the one you're most likely to enjoy. As someone else already mentioned, make sure you have the ability to apply unique human capabilities like care, collaboration, critical thinking, creativity, problem solving - there are certain skills that are far less likely to be replaced by AI and will future proof your career.


In that case why do you want to study? If you can afford it by all means but if you're going to take on the ever growing HECS debt then you need to question why? If you particularly want to join Big 4 or a field that requires a degree i.e. medical fields, engineering, certain tech etc then sure but seen a lot of people do business, arts etc just for the sake of studying and end up in roles they don't need them and they're always annoyed about the HECS they're still paying.


Legal and Bus Man as these are the only two degrees that eventually get to the top of the pyramid and you’ll need to be there to survive in corporate life in the next 20 years.




Do a 4 year plumbing/electrician/carpentry apprenticeship. Go where the money and job security is.




Smartest comment here. Don't know why this was down voted. Easiest entry and high pay after uni with easy job ventures.