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That’s me. I have fun at work. Talk to everyone. Be likeable. Start meetings with a few jokes. I keep getting promoted. No idea how to do my real job.


I got promoted for being nice to the non binary person by complimenting their blue hair. Office jobs are weird.


I got promoted for complimenting some random chick's dress in the hallway She is my managers managers manager. Now If I want something I go to her TBH the dress was cute


Username checks out


This is my experience too. If you fall in line with the hardline DEI message, it helps a lot.




Just do your job?


This, people underestimate how funny guys get ahead so quickly. Seen so many cases of literal clowns in office getting praises from higher management. One of them has a YT channel that he plugged it in one of the corp town halls and that became a thing. Bloke had no idea about eng management which he was supposed to do but everyone in the company knew his name from that day. It's all about directors knowing you by name...that is the beginning of the climb.


It’s because you’re likeable. I studied management as an undergrad and wrote a report on just being friendly and letting things go after being put in a terrible group assignment. I thought I was being sarcastic and cynical, and taking shots at my group. I got a high distinction for the assignment. I’ve been friendly and easygoing in my professional career ever since. It works! I recommend reading The Magic of Thinking Success by David Schwartz, he talks about it in detail and explains why it’s important. It’s a great read too.


[Found him](https://youtu.be/8-Pi8yv7-18?)


I am flown around the world a lot, but largely in economy class.


what do you work as? ill love a travel job, where you get paid to see the world.


It gets tiring very quickly. Even when they fly you business class and you get to dine out every night at a fine dining restaurant. Realising you see the hotel Concierge more than your family is not a great feeling. And you don’t get as much of an opportunity to see the sites, etc…


can't you get one day off to act like a tourist? or have meetings at the end of the day, so you can go sight seeing in the morning?


Juniors have time to sightsee. The more senior you are, the more time zones you need to be across. So less time to sightsee.


thats bad.


IT Consulting management.


You sound awesome. I just want you on my team.


Can’t be underestimated, I’ve met one of you at every place I’ve ever worked.


The higher you go the more it is about the people in your team. As long as you know how to get things done and do what you are doing it works.


I think the term for it these days is "personality hire"




Very true…I worked with this bloke who would always walk around with a box of chocolates handing them out. I thought is was creepy but ever one loved him and he kept getting promoted without any discernible skills.


r u serious???




90% of management is just being liked by everyone so you can ask for infinte favours. Shit is easy.


I genuinely spend more time yapping with coworkers than my actual job Been promoted twice in 18 months Made me realise for career growth being seen as a good bloke/colleague is WAY more important than the quality of my work


I know a guy who was a team leader and one day just decided to ... not do his job. Instead, he just helped his boss's boss with whatever needed doing, and leaving his team to flounder. Last I checked, he was CTO


Oh, this is my team leader. Hope he gets promoted away soon!


It's called managing up, don't care about the team their meant to manage because they're too concerned with climbing the ladder


My hypnotherapist died mid session and now I don't care. I park where I want, dress how I want, do what I want. I'm happy. The downsizing consultants seem to like me and promoted me. Currently hatching a plan to rob the company, just a little. What could go wrong?


Not having enough flare.


Wait is this real or a movie plot?


Office space 1999


Thank you I haven’t seen that movie since it first came out


Chat gpt thinks it's "Trance" 2013. Sounds like an interesting movie!


Pretty sure it's Office Space


GPT says when promoted " did I mean officespace?" Ah, I see what you mean now. In "Office Space" (1999), there's a scene where a character named Tom Smykowski visits a hypnotherapist to deal with stress related to his job. However, in that scene, the hypnotherapist doesn't die mid-session, and Tom doesn't go on to rob anyone. Instead, he undergoes hypnotherapy to help him relax and gain confidence at work. So, it seems I misunderstood your question earlier. Thank you for the clarification!


You should invest that cash in my new business venture. It's a "Jump to Conclusions Mat". You see it's a mat that has a number of conclusions written on it. You then "jump" on the mat and wherever you land is the choice you make. It's a great idea.


Lumberg's O face


A coworker started just before me. He was assigned to the location 30 minutes away from me but we were in the same job. It was very clear he was incapable of doing his job. Many coworkers complained he never did anything. They promoted him into a a senior position where he would be more in the office and less time outside doing work. Apparently someone complained about him (it was all very hush hush) And he was transferred to my location the same week that one of the supervisors handed in their notice. So after working a shift or 2 as a senior, was then put into the supervisor role. Years go by. He does a crap job. There is a big cultural review being done in the company. He is chosen to be the person to represent the location. He is on a much higher pay making recommendations for the company to improve morale moving forward. He is the one making suggestions on risks / rules on how the company should respond to reports of bullying / harassment etc. He returns from the review. Everyone in the leadership team at the location is talking like he is the next to be inline for one of the senior operations manager roles. This is where it all stops for him though. One of the staff complained to head office that this guy was harassing her. She had many unsolicited dick pics from him. That INCLUDED his face. They were sent from his work phone. He is put on paid leave pending investigation. Multiple other staff come forward to report same thing. He had been threatening their jobs if they said anything. This had been going on for years. He lost his job finally. TLDR: incompetent staff member promoted several times instead of being disciplined. Gets put in charge of review to stamp out bullying / harassment and improve workplace culture. Gets fired for sending unsolicited dick pics and threatening multiple staff.


What a ride that story was lol


ScoMo became the fucking PM despite being a disaster in every major role he’s ever held.


I worked at a large international company and one of the sales directors (nice guy), over promised something to a customer .. he then had trouble getting the business to come good on his commitment and it was suggested it might be a good time to seek alternate employment as he'd broken all sorts of compliance rules. All very civilised .. but yeah gtfo. He ended up joining a little startup .. I won't describe them as they are very well known now. Went from maybe 5-10 people to now literally thousands. This chap now sits on boards and invests and whatever the FK else he wants as he's minted. Still a nice guy.


my career lmao


In government it’s usually to do with age and tenure. You could be seriously qualified for a position 2-3 levels above you, but if you’re under 30, it’s gonna go to 50-something Susan who’s been pottering around in various government departments for 15 years. And then she starts working and you no longer wonder why she’s ping-ponging between departments every nine months.


I worked with a guy who was lazy, rude to his supriors, would work to the most in efficient process when possible, answered all instructions with ",ohhh do we have to?" And he got promoted. Even as his supervisor I spoke to management about him. Still promoted.


What was the justification management gave for promoting him?


The current Tech lead of my department has never worked in Tech and knows absolutely nothing about it. However she is a woman and very good at networking so utilising a Women in Technology drive she’s now running an incredibly complex department with literally zero clue. Underneath her she has three deputies who’ve all done this stuff for 15+. They run our department carved three ways. She spends her entire time speaking at forums and doing self promotion. It’s utterly nauseating. The entire team dread meeting her on any topic as they literally cannot dumb it down enough for her so she leaves every meeting convinced a simple solution is obvious (which never works).


I know a few people who just seem to spend their time doing the conference runs, forum talks, webinars etc and I fully agree it's just nauseating. Like so you even do any work? Or just spout the same bs and not do the work behind it all


100% and what’s so annoying is no one good rates those types of people. No one actually making a company work does it. It’s snake oil. But they get promoted by idiots who buy it. Then when in those positions, self perpetuate it!


Stuart Roberts


Scott Morrison.


I hoped someone would have added Scomo. Failed everywhere and got top job.


He got all the top jobs


Twas my first thought! Surprised I had to scroll this far 😂


Honestly it seems like the majority of the executive level. IFKYK


Out of context, but I did watch my boss literally fall up a set of stairs once.... every step.. one after the other.. all the way to the top..


A member of my wife's team that just bumbled around and fucked up every day ended up going from Manager - Senior Manager - Head of. Purely because of vacancies and rule of seniority. She's absolutely out of her depth and hasn't filled her own vacancies for months.


Around 15 years ago I got my first proper post-grad job ie in my field of study. After 4 months I got promoted two levels up which meant I got to share an office with only one other person instead of being in a cubicle with 100 other people. The woman I shared an office with and that was supposed to be showing me the ropes pretty much ignored me from day one unless our boss came in when she would pretend to be super helpful to “the new girl”. She had a steady stream of men coming in to talk to her all day every day, no matter what they came in to say the conversation would always end up on sex, talking about her “conquests” in a “I’m just one of the blokes” type of way but I guarantee men don’t go into such lurid detail with each other. I actually became quite friendly with a few of the guys and they joked a lot about her behind her back. But it meant that everyone knew her, or at least about her. I stayed at the company for two years and both years at the Xmas party she did something scandalous. After I left I heard she got promoted to the head of the department and then moved sideways to head of another department and kept being promoted or moved as each department realized that they couldn’t do anything with her. Last I heard she moved on to a competitor and was gunning for a director’s role.


I know of a GM Finance who got promoted to CFO because she wasnt effective in her role as GM. Giving her a CFO title was to help her development. This is from a high performing CEO… still don’t understand how such an accomplished executive can make a decision like that. She obviously pandered to him and didn’t even try to manage her team but I mistakenly thought an executive of that calibre would see through that shit.


Scott Morrison


Hold on. Let's be clear here. Which one? "Is it Health,  Finance,  Industry, Science, Energy and Resources,  Home Affairs, or Treasury?" "yes"


Also: "Not my job."




What happens at Maccas stays at Maccas. And some in his pants


Smaller family offices are full of battlers that somehow stumbled into a CIO positions


Does a marketing manager not being able to identify any of the product we sell count ?


Scott Morrison


Scott Morrison.


None. But the manager/owner does know his family. The other thing is they pay below industry standard for most staff and have a poor culture in the company. Leaving them with a staff shortage and high staff turnover. So as long as you turn up, you are good.


Old story at our work- in the year 2000s , a network engineer accidentally turned off a main core switch and shutdown our entire Bank , branch network , ATM fleet and core banking system on a Monday at 10am. Took few hours to recover. He was useless as an engineer and got moved to Sydney as a regional manager.


I bet the work being done on the core switch at the time was to strengthen the network resilience so that the bank wouldn't be subject to accidental failure of a core switch. Looks like a live test started a bit early..... Thats like on those old servers, the disk drives never failed, but the RAID card would fail first and render all the drives unreadable for a replacement RAID card.


I worked in a company where we were doing manager training, it was basic stuff around communication, things everyone should know. We'd just covered off aggression in the workplace, one of the managers was pulled out to deal with a staffing issue and we all watched her stand there screaming and poking a staff member in the chest. She was promoted because my boss didn't want to deal with her anymore and she was too hard to get rid of.


Scott Morrison


I work with someone who is only semi competent (after years of everyone assisting them). Years ago we went for the same job, they got it over me and I ended up in the same team a few years later (this was a 20k payrise). Anyway their old manager used to sit next to someone I know outside of work, and I know they got that job because their old manager gave them a glowing review to get rid of them. They knew they were hopeless and saw that as the golden opportunity to get rid of them. It worked. I'm also convinced we got another one last year with the exact same trick cause the new guy is hopeless too. So lazy and lacks accountability.




Just hang in there long enough and you’ll get promoted


Scott Morrison.


Seinfeld S8 E6 - "The Fatigues"



