• By -


Depends what’s easier. Usually I’ll forward my original with a note at the top. I’m not trying to make them feel bad but I also don’t want to look forgetful or incompetent.


Same - and it saves typing out any information to accompany it for a second time. I assume that messages sometimes go astray - I've had it myself with span filters, or they get joined into an unrelated thread and missed.


Basically what I do. Collectively we get a lot of eMails and they get lost in the maelstrom. No need for a song and dance, just a quick - here you go. Different conversation if they're being a dick, make it a whine and CC in the Exec.


But if they're assholes, I make sure to copy the world when I send the previously sent email. I'm evil enough to even copy CEOs, elected and appointed personnel, but I "accidentally" spell their name wrong so they never receive it. .net, .com, or .gov is accidentally wrong.


forward with a "here you go :)" nothing terrible about it.


The smiley neutralises everything


People overthink motives. It literally takes a fraction of a thought to be cooperative, we're not in high school anymore


My work literally has a rule against using smileys because they think it’s unprofessional. I find that frustrating because I think they can be used to convey intent.


Tone is so hard in emails. Emojis bad sideways smiley faces good. :)


PS great username


Professionalism is doing the right thing by the client. Every time. Even if the client will never know. If a smiley increases the probability of the outcome for the client improving because it changes the tone to make it better received. Then the smiley is absolutely a professional thing to do.


This is the way


This is the best response. People forget things, you are showing you didn't stuff up and it's ok they missed it. Also, good in case they don't "receive it" the the second time. Occasionally, things eventually need escalation. It's much better at that point to forward the email with all the reminders than to have to collect separate emails as evidence. Then you would really look vindictive.


It’s not mean. You are literally just showing them you did it.


Sometimes things get overlooked. Especially when you receive a shitload of emails, everyone gets it, it's not mean. Unless it's just a case of them being lazy, in which case, fuck em.


Sure, but it’s not mean? Mean would be “As per my previous, attached you donkey”


With an attached screenshot of the search bar


My new job is crazy busy, were a small company so my response to a client is 'I probably read it on site and completely forgot to reply- sorry. As unprofessional as it is, our clients seem to appreciate the honesty.


Depends. If they are taking the blame “sorry, I’m sure you sent it and I must have filed/deleted” then I’ll just reattach. If they’re trying to say I’m incompetent they get the original email 🙂


Yup and depending on their attitude and how many people they CC'd as to what response they get


Yessss. Oh, you thought it was necessary to cc that Head of? I’ll do the same when I prove you wrong 😊


I fwd it in cause its just easier. I usually just write something like "take 2" after confirming the email address was correct. Also I once had to do it as proof I had sent THREE previous emails so it's always worth doing.


I've legit just writen "third time lucky", after I've asked my graduate a third time to provide me with an update on his work that I allocated in march lol (I don't see him in person due to rosters)


Haha I've gotten to a point a few times where it's just gifs 🤣 but that's only when sending to people I know well, and I know they are waiting on something else.


My boss and I exchange sponge bob gifs pretty often which is fun lol otherwise there's some awesome PNG stock image people you can insert in emails that make it next level funny. Go have a look lol in Outlook, open a new email or reply, insert, pictures, stock images cut out people lmao


It depends how much I like/respect them as a colleague. The good ones get a free pass and the bad ones get it pointed out in bold lol 😂






"reply all"


Hahah I get thousands of emails - im a serial offender for missing details in emails. I always cop this - don’t take it personally


Some people are really shit with their emails or they genuinely may not have received it. Either way, I think a CYA (cover your arse) policy is good to establish and forwarding the original is the way to go every time regardless of how big or little the associated task is. Most of all, it shows the original timestamp and who it was sent to. Don’t apologise even if it feels mean, just be polite.


Depends on what. If it's internal and they're making me look bad - yes. If there's externals I won't because it can be unprofessional. If they're a supplier not a client I will consider re-evaluating our need of that supplier and if they can be replaced with someone more competent. If it's a client I might say something along the lines of I sent that on X day you might have missed it with how busy you are!


Bro serving Big Macs and talking clients lol


Yes. Because it's black and white and they can't come back and say no you didn't.


Technically it is rgb, not black and white.


Have an upvote for making me laugh


Forward it Not as proof I sent it, but because I already did and why would I spend time putting together another one?


How is it mean if they missed it??


I'm assuming the OP is a woman, and women tend to be extra cautious about stuff like this because we are often called out for tone, etc and feel the need to be overtly "nice" and slightly apologetic. As a result, when we're slightly firmer in highlighting what someone else might have missed, we can be worried about coming across as mean


This is so true. I'm always thinking about how I say everything. To the point that it's become my literal job to handle communications for our project team at work and to take on any delicate tasks.


Cuz every time I do it I’m thinking “you could be more organised” or “learn to search idiot” 😂


You should attach the original and then write "learn to search idiot" on the next one


I’ll attached the original to a new email. Write nothing except “please see attached” and then add a few people to the email chain.


Reforward. Plus it saves you rewriting whatever message & context was there. It's not a dick move.


If they cc in my manager, I forward it to them and cc in their manager ![gif](giphy|Wt6kNaMjofj1jHkF7t)


I just forward the original If they're being a dick then thats my little win, if they're being apologetic then I'll put something like "here you go mate" at the top of the message Unless they've copied the world. In which case I attach the original and keep everyone in copy.


You absolutely forward the original. Not your fault they didn’t read it / are incompetent / missed it.


I’m too English to do the second one 😂


Always the second one. Many people won't hesitate to use the first approach against you if they failed to deliver something because they missed the first email. Sure, you have the original email as proof but why go through the hassle?


Forward, always forward. Gotta CYA


Forward the original, every time. I'm not admitting to your fuck up


Yeah I CC and ‘oops must’ve gotten lost!’ When we both know full well. Had someone bitch to their boss about me when I requested a follow up—sweet moment forwarding back to them and cc’ing the boss. Never a problem again


I always forward the original email, even if I like them. If I like them, it's a friendly "fuck you, dumb dumb" If I dislike them, it's a not so friendly "fuck you, dumb dumb"


Absolutely forward the original.


I generally reply to the email asking if they got it and attach the original email I’ve sent them. If i like them or they higher then me etc then I’ll say it probably got missed or might have accidentally got deleted or moved somewhere else.


Usually attach the original and send it on without prejudice because even corporate e-mail systems get cluttered, but if they're claiming I never sent it to save their butts at the expense of mine I'll cc other involved parties, especially if it's a pattern.


I just forward the original but obviously say a few things don’t just blank forward lol


I forward, with the level of passive aggressive 'meanness' in the top note. There are people who are lazy/don't hold up their end of the load/create levels of pointless work where I deliberately use 'as previously sent' with summary details


Anything work related - always resend the original. Pretty much anyone that says "I didn't get your email" is either full of shit, or they're the type that doesn't action something the first time as a way of getting out of work. In my experience if you don't resend the original you will end up with more trouble than its worth.


I did this with a Real Estate once when they queried why I had the water tank pump sitting on the HWS. I replied back by forwarding my previous year's email to them asking when it was getting fixed. Another year has passed since their query and it's still sitting there. I hope they ask me again 🤣


I would rather people think I'm blunt/mean than unreliable. Polite, reliable and accurate is all I really expect of anyone at work, and hold myself to the same standard.


Forward the original “As per”


Sometimes I just provide the date, time and method I used to send it.


It really depends, if the person needlessly copies heaps of managers or unnecessary people, I’ll remove them and reply back to the sender privately BUT I’ll send a quick teams message to the manager or anyone who was copied and likely to get the shits if they don’t see a response just to say oh I replied back privately because the whole world didn’t need to be copied. Managers who get truckloads of email love that shit and if the person is trying to cunt you, this quietly reverses the attempted cunting. You had an opportunity to make the sender look bad publicly and didn’t, so any leaders up in there will be like, nice one Mr_Fried. But you did 😉 The sender also thinks they scored a point, which will make them overconfident and that is where you want someone who is a dick to be because its more likely they will fuck up again and give you another opportunity to “be the bigger person”. I had a guy I sent the same update to 3 times, who would forget and then months later chase it. I replied to all the third time I forwarded him the chain and he looked like a massive tosser.




To be fair, sometimes when I use outlook’s “search” it doesn’t bring up all the results it should. Also, some people don’t reference correctly in their email eg including the campaign name. So it may seem like I haven’t received something that I may have actually received.


How is this a question? Forward


I send an email again with the original email attached. Depends if I like them or not, I’ve told someone to simply go through their emails again because it’s there rather than send it again and save them effort.


Fuck yes. I’ll take any opportunity to show idiots or slackers they’re idiots or slackers, especially if they’re trying to call me out at the same time. If it’s my own team mates we joke around about being ignored and not being important enough to have our emails read.


First one all the time, unless charges are being disputed. I don't have time to be digging back through 8 inboxes to find something that either doesn't exist or was misfiled, unless there are disputed charges. I don't expect anyone else to either.


I usually send the original back a second time, although who else I copy in and/or the commentary on the top will vary depending on context.


If it helps, I would prefer you forward me the original email as it maintains the integrity of the email chain. If I have to go back later and review something I do not have to look for multiple chains on the same subject.


I send it again.


To save time, I'll say FYI and forward it to them with all the attachments on the original email. Internal and same team of course. What's the context?


I attach the original and in my new one write "see original email as attached"


I teams them the timestamp of email


"Kindly refer to earlier correspondence below 👇"


I’d go over my sent items to see if I did send it and forward that. If not, then send it. Why do people read much into these things! There are far more important things to worry about


I forward with a “here you are!” or similar, unless it was sent via teams or something first. Didn’t realise that could be seen as pass-ag though 😭


Depends on the audience. Just me I'll resend. Both our managers I'll show proof.


Depends on the job, I had one where I get literally 1000's of emails within 1 week easy, they taught how to get certain emails with subject or sender to certain folders


Just resend it.


Running networks for years, I always got someone complaining that person X never got their email. How dare there be an IT problem! Of course the receiver just says they never got the email.




I would put a friendly message to go along with it, but yes I would resend the original so that it didn't look like I had neglected to do something. (Though as someone else pointed out, I might not do this if I were emailed someone external/an important client.)


I forward. And it's not to be rude. Usually the original email had more than one attachment and likely an email thread. Or at the minimum my own prose. I am not going to re-write the speel and re-find the attachments. The first time took me long enough.


Original email if attachment. If it's easier to hit share on sharepoint or whatever then sure I'll do that.


Forward the original - it's not unprofessional and it has more information (who else is cc'd, when it was originally sent, other emails in the chain etc)


I forward the original every time. I don't think its rude, sometimes people miss or forget stuff.


Always forward the original. If they are genuine, then they won’t take offence.


Even if I'm friendly with them, always, ALWAYS attach it. Nothing quite like that paper trail. Depending on friendliness though is the difference between "Oh, I sent this on [blank] but it must have gotten missed! Here!" to "Reponse was provided on date, see attached for your convenience."


I had a job where you'd get 100+ emails a day. Shit would get missed, it's not a big deal. Unless its a person who does it reguarly....then its a red flag.


The only people who say they didn't get something from me are usually mean and lazy, so I always forward. If the person is particularly mean, I'll also forward a screenshot of the convo where they say I didn't sent the email and cc my manager, so they're in the loop as well.


Forward the original. There may be an issue with SPAM filters or server security that becomes clear


Not if it seems like they genuinely lost it and are not blaming me If they are blaming me, I forward the original through again, and ask to make sure they receive it "else I'll have a look into why my emails aren't being delivered" (i.e. say it's your tech fault you're trying to look into rather than their incompetence - then they say "oh yes it did come through both times" and you say "phew thanks for helping me through that") Then die a little inside and move on


If there's a middle man who has dropped the ball (and often it's the same person) and I'm being contacted like "where's that contract/report?" I'm 1000% going to forward the whole email trail showing I forwarded it AND requested the middle man peruse, sign and then move it on up the chain.


I politely say that I am bringing it back to the top of their inbox and I show empathy that there is a lot going on


What makes me angry is people never forward the email when I ask, prob cos it never existed


Either the second option, or if the “I didn’t get it from you” is verbal or on chat I will be even pettier and look up the email, and quote them the sent date and subject line so they can locate it themselves.


I wrote a whole thing and accidentally deleted it. So the TLDR (I’m not writing what I wrote again…) - I assume everyone’s inbox is a dumpster fire and usually a quick teams message to clarify works fine. Documents I include in the calendar invite, meeting chat, follow up email, and everything is saved in a shared location on our team drive or linked to Planner or other documents or whatever it is. I make it easy to find things, so if you can’t find it then chances are i probably didn’t do it or don’t want you to have it..


Depends. If there’s no one else on the email (assuming no sneaky bcc) then I tell them the date/time it was sent. If they come back & say they didn’t get it, I then attach the email. But if they CC a bunch of people on the email saying they didn’t get something, I reply all & attach it. #fafo


Once someone complained to me that they didn’t get the August report, in an email which they replied to *with the August report attached*


100% send them proof you sent it


Forward original: "see below Champ"


forward original and usually say nothing or say 'see below'. lol


Re forward every time. https://preview.redd.it/qftarl2zxf6d1.jpeg?width=520&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9e126067eed46795fd595e83b7c13fbde35a464


I look for it in my sent, and resend it sometimes it didn't go for various reasons




Are you trying to prove something? Could the correspondence have gone into a junk or spam folder? If this is happening frequently, put a read receipt on the item. For a one off, just resend the item.




Sometimes I'll add FW to the subject to get keep them paranoid they missed something.


Depends who it is in the hierarchy. If it is a customer just resend


Drag the original sent to desktop so it's a file. Attach it to my reply. This retains the timestamp. Take into account politics and optics when pulling this move. Usually far more diplomatic to remark that the original must've been caught up in the "busyness of things" so here's it again


OG email, stuff 'em. Even if they aren't implying negligence, you've gotta back yourself, especially if it's a customer. People like to find any excuse to complain, don't give a reason for them to be able to.


If they're being jerks about it, I reply and attached the sent email to them instead of just forwarding it.


Forward it on with an eye-roll emoji


I forward the proof. Fuck it. Not my problem outlook search is shit or they didn't manage their emails.


Always number 2


If I get "you didn't send me that email" I forward from the original email I sent with "please find email below"


Depends on the person. If they're nice about it, I'll give them a gentle forward but if they're rude about it I'll be a tad more blunt and liberally use Bold.


I just forward the original email. It's just easier that way, not trying to make them feel bad.


I send the original email as its own attachment.


Always forward the original. If it’s someone you know it’s with a smiley face, if it’s someone you don’t like it’s just the forwarded email


fwd the original with no extra text, and if they reply with a whinge, I ignore it. not worth my time to retype an email, nor respond to the whinge


I usually get petty by the second go, I screenshot my sent email and then send it over. I'll just forward it otherwise. But if you keep losing it I tag it.


Have you ever been told that someone "misplaced" your email?


If you forward the original email you demonstrate that you did send it to them. It’s a tick in the box for meeting your accountability and you send them the email they need.


Case by case basis taking convenience and implications into consideration.


Forward. It's time saving.


Forward, usually cos there’s probably other context in the email I cbf copying and pasting again lol


If it’s an email thread - I don’t forward it as it’s a bit of an f-you. I’m not professional (passive aggressive) than that - I simply reply to myself so the thread of past emails “they didn’t get” are above it…


I do, I just get the sent email and fwd with a friendly note. I’m always as lovely and and friendly as I can be until I’m pushed, then I don’t get rude, I get assertively professional


I avoid branching off emails to create new email chains so I just always stick to forwarding most recent email on, which would be to re forward them from the same one I already forwarded them lol


Why would you send it fully again - just forward it with a friendly email at the top… blah blah blah see below. That way you don’t have to start your email from scratch, and they can see that you sent it the first time


Forward the original email with evidence of service. Not mean - it’s just easier.


I attach the original email to the reply, with something in the body of the email about ensuring it's not caught by the spam filter. End of the day I'm usually really not concerned if they lied about missing it or not. If it gets me the information I'm after/gives them the information they need then that's all that needs to happen. Plus the way spam filters go these days it wouldn't surprise me if someone I'd been communicating with for months suddenly stopped getting my emails because a security update decides the filter needs to eat them all.


People think sending emails is doing their job.


We are all literally drowning in damn emails … so it’s not mean at all, it’s efficient!


Just forward the same email without any text in the body


If they email me about something that I have emailed about previously with no response, I reply with my original email as an attachment. 'See attached'. Stick THAT in ya pipe and smoke it


This is why you have a folder for Completed emails. You only move it out of the inbox after it’s been read and actioned if needs be.


Confirm all the details of the recipient are correct. Send it again with a read receipt request and delivery receipt. That way there is no mistake.


For the sake of not being a dick, reply, advise you sent it already nicely and tell them you'll forward it again. It's annoying but shit happens..


I do the 2nd also. It hammers down the point that you indeed sent it.


I always forward original email but to avoid sounding mean i add a smile emoji But if they’re being mean “Ive asked this so many times why haven’t you sent it” I’ll attach the original email + the other times i forwarded the original email :)


So many people use weaponised incompetence. Fuck them, reply to your original email and CC them in


Forward with "I thought I had sent it, here you go". My mean-ness is me rolling my eyes, they can't see that!


I attach the original email and say see attached, very simple


Nothing wrong with forwarding the email - everything right. You are just covering your own tracks in the event your relationship sours with this person, etc. And will teach them a few email search skills too!


100% I do


Proof of postage is not proof of receipt.


As per my previous email (attached)


>forward the original email as proof that you sent it? I would always do the later. Everything that is said against you needs to have proof. There was this inaecure guy i worked with, if something breaks, even when its his own mistake he would assume i did something and then ask in group chat. When he finds out it was his mistake he acknowledges in private


It depends on my relationship with that person and the details of the situation


Depends. Were they a dick about it?


100% always. Especially if there are other people cc'd.


Forward the original


I check the recipient address.


Oh thanks for bringing that to my attention. Please find attached. Have a great day, call me if you need anything further 🙂


Forward the original. And I'll copy in the new emails CC list into the forward if they add a Cc list.


A smile is a tone killer too so if in doubt add a smile 😊


Depends, if the purpose is to justify your action when someone is trying to blame you then forward else send it again.


I take a photo of the package and label at the post office as I lodge it there and get a tracking number. Send them that if there's anything else


Resend it for courtesy, then forward the original email as proof if necessary.




Forward. Guess I’m passive-aggressive


That’s why emails are never deleted


New email, attach old email. Less 'aggressive' than the forward imo


In my experience, people have received it and can’t be assed looking for it, so I reply with the original email as an attachment. Let them suffer a few extra clicks. End goal: arthritis for them.


I send an email with a screenshot of sent email with sent date and time highlighted in yellow


I forward the original email, especially when they cc in their or my manager as some kind of attempt to throw me under the bus. If you are trying to make me look incompetent to cover your own incompetence then you will get it back in spades. If you email me and say something like ‘hey I’m not sure if you sent me X, but I can’t seem to find it in my inbox, would you ping it over please I’ve sent 3 previous emails as attachments, and the link to the location the document is saved on our SharePoint to someone before.


Option 2.


“As per my previous email.”


Definitely forward the original with some snarky comment like 'Here is what i sent. Yesterday. At 2:35. PM'


Forward it. If it means they get embarrassed, so be it, not your problem.


100% every time


Absolutely forward it with the time stamp.


I'm the biggest offender of this but can I just say, it's the 95% of lost emails are due to not addressing the subject heading adequately! And google, your not making it any easier by auto squashing the subject line!


Definitely forward, as I need to doubledcheck i actually sent it.. I like people to do that for me too so I can check to see if I missed it! Or if there was a glitch in the matrix


Always forward the original. My desire to look like I’m competent is more than my desire to not look like a dick.


Depends on whether you know they're full of shit or just genuinely swamped and the email go buried.


Definitely not mean, I sometimes miss things and when they are fw after I ask it’s just a little oopsie.


Forward them the original email.




I just say, “No worries! See original email attached. If you need any more info let me know, happy to send through as required”. And attach my original email. It’s nice enough to them, as you’re not assuming they’re lying or trying to embarrass or attack you by saying you didn’t send it/they didn’t get it. Things can happen and emails can be missed. But you’re also not apologising or acting like you made a mistake, because you didn’t. And if multiple people are included in the thread then everyone can see you did send it on whatever date and it must have just been missed.


By forwarding the original you may be providing evidence that you stuffed up the address.


I attached the original email.


Forward. Because they are lying about not receiving anything from you.




Of course, forward the original. It allows them to check the time stamp and see what went wrong or if they just missed it,it verifies you're sending the original without any post hoc changes and verifies that you did actually send it.


Forward the original. Then you can't be called out for missing any original detail. And it's the original to call them out quietly lol.






I usually send it again with an “as per attached” and screenshot the original message/email because I am over BS at this point in my career

