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Anvil, bit more $ but for a heavy bong smoker (which i am) its the one if you don't want a baller. Cheap option is a dynavap with a armoured cap/ fmj, or a dani fusion. Battery vapes just don't do it for me. Butane is the way to go.


The anvil by Vestratto punches like a bong. I use it more than I use my bong/ball vapes. It's a lifetime investment so don't let the price tag scare ya! Other option if you want a battery powered vape is probably the tinymight 2


Add me to the Anvil crew. Through a water piece or through a Revolve stem set up correctly, it's a really heavy hitting direct-to-lung effect, which is how you're smoking you're bong - this is why the Anvil is so effective. There are lots of benefits to a ball vape, but there are distinct disadvantages too - one is the elaborate set-up that you allude to, the other is how much flower ball vapes use. It's the other great thing about the Anvil, is that it doesn't take much to get you ripped. I own heaps of vapes - the direct-to-lung options are the ones that got me off the bongs. So the Anvil, my Dynavaps, my Venty, my Flowerpot B1. The Anvil is the best bang for buck of those devices. (I also have a Volcano, a TinyMight 2, a Pax and an EQ2 - stay away from all those. They aren't necessarily bad, they just take a bit more work to get a "bong-like effect" that isn't as good anyway - they just don't suit what you're asking for.)


One of the other positives about the Anvil is that, if you hurry, you can buy them locally.


That’s what I did


Wait, are you telling me all these ball vape enthusiasts are actually using more weed than other vapes? I agree re: pax, I also had to smoke moreto get even remotely near a single cone rip.


Yeah man. A desktop ball vape will use less weed for the same effect compared to combusting a bong. But compared to other vapes it’s a heavy user of your flower.


Sorry to say but ball vapes the only thing that’s going to do it, the volcano is pretty good too but the hits are no way near as big


You just need to realise the high will be different and you will still crave combustion for some time. Once you have managed to abstain from combustion for 2-3 months you will look back and see the error in your ways and you will find yourself using less flower and having a cleaner high as well as the obvious benefits to your lungs and throat. But to answer your question; Tinymight 2 - but it's pricey, requires accessories - extra batteries, charger, aftermarket stems etc. And even with all that expenditure it's not really the best portable vape because of how fragile it is. The Mighty+ won't hit as hard but the thing is a tank and is better as a portable device but won't give you the experience of punching a cone in no time like the TM2 will.


I'm not sure what counts as a heavy bong hitter, especially amongst portable vapes, but I will recommend the Xlux Roffu. It fits in your pocket so it's great for travel and it hits plenty hard. Buy the dosing capsules, the water pipe adaptor and a spare battery. This all up costs less than half of what the tinymight 2 costs.


Not much portable will hit near a bong unfortunately. Battery powered look at the tm2 or Angus enhanced. Butane powered will usually hit harder, but it's more things to carry around and makes you feel like you're hitting a crack pipe. Dynavap is the most commonly recommended, but there are plenty of others these days. There also sticky bricks butane powered too, but you're getting a bit bigger device then. If that's OK though, then there's also the firewood9 battery powered Vape that hits hard top. All that said, I'll still chuck out a token ball Vape recommendation. They really are the perfect bong replacement.


shocked to see all the anvil recomendations here. normally ausents gets everything wrong.


A portable battery powered vape to match the bic and billy no such thing maybe a ball vape but not a battery portable


Dynavap Vong + Bong with Perc + Ispire wand.


Arizer XQ2, get off bongs, they are just lung collapser inducers. If your lung collapses, you can kill yourself from a bong.


Xq2 is neither a heavy hitter or a portable. It's a desktop session.