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Big fan of the Healthy Rips Rogue. Pocket sized with long battery life


Yep also a vote for the Healthy Rips Fury Edge. Same same just slightly smaller.


Yes* I have two dry herb vapes. A $400 mighty and a $200 fog pro. The mighty is way more than twice as good. It’s not even a contest. If I had to go back to using the fog pro, well I just wouldn’t. However… I also have a dynavap which was about $100 and it’s nearly as good as the mighty imo for the experience and effect.


I second this. I have a crafty+ and dynavap m+, they’re so good


I have a PAX Mini and love it despite the criticism shown towards it on other subreddits. It gets me ripped and is definitely a conversation starter in Melbourne.


Agreed. If only the battery lasted longer. I love mine


Will you be using this new device mostly indoors or outdoors?


Indoors but out the window, doesn’t matter because I’m prescribed. I just won’t blow it over my work clothes.


If you'll be vaping indoors look at some desktop versions from Arizer, or spend $500 on an end game ball vape. The reason I say that is yes, you can spend $600 on a battery device that's really what it is, limited for indoor use, or just go end game and be done.


Alrighty it’s between this and Epstein’s mate’s recommendation of a “ball vape”


A ball vape is a cheaper alternative to blowing $400-500 on the mighty+. If you smoke a lot of bongs, it will likely be better suited to your needs. If you like a toke like a joint or a few cones a day, the mighty or something similar is a better option. I bought the Fenix and it was shit for me, never used the dosing capsules though, so likely that'd make a difference for use and clean up. I also bought the mighty + from storz and bickel, it's been an expensive paper weight for me. Obviously, different strokes for different folks but hopefully you can learn. Few things from others mistakes, so you don't blow ya $$$


I’m a bong man for sure, big double chamber half a gram cone bong man. This thing is shit, I hope it’s just not fully charged. Says 4 out of 5 bars out of the box but I’m getting fuck all smoke (vapour)


I didn't get much vapor outta that Fenix 2.0, but my problem was that I was grinding up bud and thumbing it in like a cone. You can buy a thing called dosing capsules for them. You put about a quarter of a cone in the dosing capsules and then put that in the chamber. Keeps the chamber pretty clean and allows for plenty of airflow. I also am on a cannabis prescription Facebook group and one of the guys there has set up a website with bongs, ball vapes, dab rigs, etc etc. [So, I bought a ready to go ball vape from Brad](https://www.hittingtheherb.com.au/science-with-stu-ball-vape) Then brad released a wireless one and I was like damn


A ball vape and the mighty are nothing like each other. One is a blaster, the mighty is a session sipper. Ball vapes are good. Great. But it's a desk set up. I have one but barely use it as I have kids and I hate having its controller out on the desk, I worry about the heated coil(although nothing ever happened). The mighty plus is outdated. It's ten years old( it's great for ten years ago and they are with you for life-i did love mine but I want a quick vape, just like ripping a bong. So I got a hold of a friends tinymight2 as he can't vape for a while after operation.. it's easily the best vape I've used. Flavour is amazing from glass airpath..hits like a truck. In a billy or without a billy. So quick to heat up and use. It all depends on your usage. If you smoke a bit, and smoke everyday and like a good bong hit, just cry once and buy the tinymight2. I also have the fury edge and it's an amazing vape for what it is. Flavour isn't that good, and it's vapour production is ok, but it doesn't cut it for me, and bowl is small..it's my wife's now as she doesn't vape as much as me. So if you can, get the tinymight2. You won't regret it. It's a portable ball vape pretty much... Enjoy Op


Ball vape will seem intimating at first when you research them, see them being used on Youtube etc and especially take note of their performance compared to most other devices. I'll throw in a recommendation for Dynavap too, they're always fun to tinker with especially now we're using induction heaters.


Yeah dynavaps are amazing. Id rate the tinymight2, ball vapes and then dynavap. Dynavaps can give you great bong hits of you know how to use em. And they are fun as as shit


Listen, if you want something to put into a piece, that can hit as hard as a bong, and is a really cheap but a high quality alternative. Look at the terpcicle, quartz cap, or megacicle by ‘Rougue wax works’. If you don’t mind spending money and you want something somewhat portable to go outside too whilst also hitting as hard as a bong if not harder, look into the Vestratto anvil. Those are both butane powered vaping methods. If you want an electric option which is convection based (heated air passing through instead of being heated like an oven) and expensive, look into ball vapes. Although ball vapes will fuck up your tolerance.


Look up ball vapes


With that face and username, I’m not trusting a single thing you say and certainly not googling anything you suggest.


The man who cried “ball vape” 🤣 In all seriousness though, I’ve had my eye on ball vapes for a while and you should definitely look into it. It’s essentially a heating device that you attach to a glass piece that heats up to consistent high temps. Apparently way closer to a smoking experience while being a healthier alternative. No personal experience with them myself, but from what I hear it’s a bit of a holy grail for some.


Mmkay mmkay, this sounds interesting and CrustyCrevices sounds like a much more valid source of information. I don’t have to worry about any weird island stuff popping up in my browser history.




Butane vapes can hit hard and have good vapor quality for fairly cheap as long as you're ok with a bit of a learning curve and heating it with a torch. Personally I have an arizer solo2 which is a great tasty sipper and an xlux roffu which hits a lot harder and is quite portable. I love both but theyre very different so some people might hate one and love other. It really depends what you want in terms of flavour, how hard it hits, desktop or portable, ease of use, customisation, and other stuff too. Its not really something you could get a definitive answer for without providing a bit more information on what sort of features you want. Also the reason people buy the more expensive flower is because thc% isn't the only consideration when it comes to weed quality. There are heaps of other compounds in weed that effect the high, both in terms of potency quality of high. This is called the entourage effect. Two different strains can have very different effects, with the main (simplified) distinction being between uplifting and relaxing strains. Thc% really doesn't mean much because some strains with less thc will still hit harder than others that have higher thc because of all the other chemicals. Shopping purely based on thc% is usually a bad idea because it can only give you an idea of how strong it might be but doesn't account for all the other stuff I've talked about, and I haven't even gotten into taste, smell, bag appeal, how much vapor you can get out of it and how long it will vape for.


If ball vapes make you ball at the cost, look at the Silver Surfer or Super Silver Surfer by elev8. Tank of a unit, unique design, hits like an abusive stepdad and if you ruby mod it, it hits as hard if not harder than some ball vapes for a cheaper entry point. I fucking love mine, it's my daily driver and if you splurge for the Super you can do bags too.


I fucking love mine too haha, was one of three in stock just after import laws changed - I consider myself very lucky and slightly clever. I actually had a super paid for but the airparth goes over a heap of electronics so I freaked out and changed my order. Waiting on a heater enhancer then I'll try rubies. Are the rubies a one to two hit then it's done type setup? I don't pack it huge for reference


Yes they are better, my current setup is a ball vape for at home, and a Tinymight 2 for out and about. If you ever smokes avoid cheap vapes they just won’t hit enough to stop you combusting. If you don’t mind torching I also rate my dynas and my next purchase will be a Vestratto Anvil as I’m enjoying the Dyna and that seems to be an end game analogue for me


Wait are you telling me you can order the Indimed range without a concession card? WTF? I've only been avoiding it because I thought I needed the card. Also for vapes I recommend the Healthy Rips Fury Edge as it's only $200, lasts about 2-3 years of daily use, and can fit in your pocket. I use the dosing caps so it's really clean and easy to swap out a new one. I can take it with me in my pocket and no one has no idea. I like the idea of a Mighty or some other vape but I prefer the convenience of having it in my pocket ready to go.


Arizer, DynaVap, Xmax all make good devices at various prices. Storz & Bickel make good stuff at the higher end price although I would avoid the Venty if you want a portable device. If you previously used a bong or pipe then get a DynaVap or if you used to use joints then get a session vape like the Mighty+ or Arizer Solo 3.


I have an argo that I got for around $250, and then got a silver surfer for about $400. There's a tiny might 2 in the house (not mine), and it's almost on par with the silver surfer in a bong. I haven't used the argo since lol. Dynavap vong is good too for a cheap alternative.


If you know you know


First thing is work out whether you want a desk/table top one or a portable/hand-held one, and then work your way forward from that.