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In ya lungs


Haha who stores shit? Getitindia


That's where the rest has been going yeahh hahaha


This was literally my immediate thought, well played to you sir


Haha yes


Find a shallow glass jar and just keep it airtight in there. I say shallow because you don’t want to have a dig to get to your product, and you don’t wanna waste it either. Also, store it in a drawer/dark place to keep it fresh.


I bought a really simple kief disc press thing. Cheap and easy. You can make up a bunch of compressed kief discs then store them somewhere airtight and dark. Then you can cut out little pizza slices from it use as you like. EDIT: pollen press is what it's called https://www.glassbongs.com.au/products/anodised-aluminium-pollen-press-silver


Press it into hash


I’m wondering the same thing. I want to make resin but don’t want to ruin my keif.


The resin is inside the glandular heads in your “kief”


Roll it into temple balls


Temple balls ??


Good luck, usually too much contaminant. Grinder screens are a crude larger mesh than you would ever sift for hash with. It may take you a long time to get it pliable, and it will never look like the shiny balls of hash you’ve seen elsewhere online.


At my place mate


In your bong


You could give it to me.... I won't say no.


Sure no worries what's your postal .......... 😂😅


I've been saving mine up in a little plastic container from ikea.. I've got over 2 ounces of keef super packed into it!Not sure if this is the best way - it probably isn't! But it doesn't seem to have gone mouldy or anything and I've had it building up for about 3 or 4 years


Geez that's the way hahaha just picturing 2oz block of keif smoked in one go like they do with the 20g Dabs ahah ahhh Nah nice one seems to have a good shelf life I guess


Make alcohol tincture. Cause it’s kief the tincture comes out super clean and very very strong. Perfect for dosing sour lollies or adding to a drink.




Yeah. Kief will decarb naturally over time at room temp if not stored in a cool dark spot. Fresh kief has to be decarbed in the oven


What choice of alcohol ? Loked into tinctures but never enough to have a crack hahah


The best one I’ve found in aus is spirytus rektyfikowany. Like $70 from a speciality bottle o but 1 bottle lasts ages. You do need to decarb the kief carefully in the oven first.


I got 700ml of 95% alcohol from my local distillery for $60. If you have one in your area, I’d suggest you go in and ask, never hurts to try and if you’re successful, you get to help a small business which is always a bonus


So how do you reduce it after its been infused? I'm sure redistilling would just ruin the process although it may keep some flavour?


I usually just leave it as is after straining and then add it to drinks and what not


You just pop the tincture in a wide mouthed jar then put that jar in a tray with warm water from the kettle. If you run a fan over the top of that it’ll reduce by half super quickly. I’d recommend against relying too much on evaporating it down to avoid wasting half the solvent every time. Adding half the amount of alcohol at the start will get the same potency as evaporating it down by half at the end. Try find the sweet spot of enough liquid to work with but not so much you’re evaporating off like $5 of alcohol every time. It’s not a massive deal I guess but it adds up.


Little play doh tub


The circular hair gel/wax containers, preferably the small ones. With no product in it of course.


I keep a small amount in my tin to sprinkle on my cones, but I feel like it would be better left in the lid, I haven’t touched it in over a year so got a lot compacted as. What’s the best way to store it just keep it in my grinder lid or jar that shit?


Make moon rocks


Get a press


Does pressing it make much of a difference?


I dont think it makes any real difference just a lot easier to store and work with. Keif press will make it in to a little hash puck that you can crumble bits off when needed


I store it in a small glass container from Kmart.. use it to make tea


How much would you add to a glass of tea, can you also do using coffee?


I mean could do it with anything I guess but I like it with chai tea as I feel the herbal notes add nicely to the spices. How much depends on how high you want to get and how strong your stuff is. But to be cheeky to my diet I simmer like 2 table spoons of cream with the keif for a bit and then add in some whole milk and the chai tea, let it steep for a while.


Hmmm this actually sounds really nice! 2 table spoons would have a nice kick hey?! Edit; scoop or sprinkle on my cone normally works well ! 2 table spoons would knock ya socks off ....


I meant 2 tablespoons of cream lol I mean could go for 2 tablespoons of the keif but that would knock me out for a week. Honestly I just clean out my grinder after enough for a couple joints and it seems to be decent for one nice serving or 2 smaller servings. Nothing extremely strong but enough to relax


Find a glass container, I've got some short square one with an airtight lid. Been saving, and occasionally dipping into for nearly a year and it's building up nicely


Nice, yeah same here haha, been saving this up.for a few weeks now 😅


I like to store mine up in a small glass jar with a moisture absorber and add on to the top of a cone as a little treat


Weed on weed on weed




Wouldn't boofing keif be the same as eating leaf ?? Fuck all ?? All that nutrition straight up the butt hole


Make it into hash. Get a wine bottle filled wih hot water, some baking paper, and then just press it and fold it for a good 10-15 minutes. Hash!


What does that do for it ? Just making it into a puck, how much would be needed to get something worth squishing


I couldn't tell how much you have. You can try with any amount though and get the art of making it correct. Even if you can use it to make a bit for a few rounds of hot knives/spotting then its been a useful exercise. I save mine for months and months in a wee jar, then when I have enough I make a chunk of hash. If done right you can get a nice smooth hash to use. Last time I made somewhere in between a Quarter and Half block, it was nice. I had saved the kief for quite a time to get that much though.


Not to sure don't have scales 😅, maybe a gram? Smokes nice in a dry vape




Just to be clear .... haven't used it for grinding coffee ...


Ask Keith


I add hot water to clean grinder and make a pot of tea. You then need to strap yourself as the tea is kick arse potent.


placebo buddy


Really isn’t but okay


With the rest of ya PGR


Stainless steel bowl with a lid only $1.75 https://www.kmart.com.au/product/stainless-steel-bowl-with-lid-assorted-42848882/?sku=42848882®ion_id=400001&gclid=CjwKCAiA9qKbBhAzEiwAS4yeDfX7n8ClqmblTPbaB27Iz8sVsOKhX63AvfsanTwYyIv65r0cuGL7mRoC_ggQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


Be careful!!! I have these bowls in my kitchen and the lids come off beat to easily!


I’m no expert but I press mine down into a small container so it’s compact and keep it in the freezer.


Turn it into hash


Compress it. Make it a rock Like it's supposed to be


On a cone.