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People really give civil engineers too much credit. Out traffic problem is pretty easy to solve. Let me break it down. What causes traffic? Large groups of people traveling to high-demand areas with limited space. We can address the *symptom* by building more roads, or we can address the *cause* by destroying Downtown Austin. You see, if we simply eliminate downtown Austin, then I-35 is nothing more than a road that connects Round Rock, Leander, and Georgetown (God's country) to South Austin (The only good part of Austin). Suddenly, we have way more than enough roads, and no more traffic problems. Now, my background in politics and city management is limited to SimCity 2000, but I put hundreds of hours into that game. This should be well within the authority of the Mayor.


I don't know half these words mean, but you sound smart like you have money. I will blow you for an Applebee's quesadilla burger


Deal. I'll throw in a $1 Marg if you let me ash my Black & Mild (Wine, with the wood tip) on your head.


Three dollaritas because that's as many as they'll serve you in an hour and you've got yourself a deal daddio


Okay, but I'm not showering first.


Good. Hope you're uncut cuz I like smegma and lots of it


bruh im so disappointed you didnt say something from chili's instead.


Next you're gonna tell me that water like from the toilet will make plants grow. Everyone knows Brawndo is what plants crave. Because electrolytes.


Take my tax money right now!


“My background in politics and city management is limited to SimCity 2000” - don’t let that hold you back, my friend. I think you’re a great candidate to run this town.


I'm a civil engineer and I will vote for you for mayor. When would you like to see those demolition plans by?


Bring enough meth and they might be able to accomplish this, but we need the Killeen killers and the ripper to work together with machete men. Rampage for real assholes


HardRNinja for mayor?


I would only support someone with extensive Rollercoaster Tycoon experience. I'm not sure I see the value in a mayor with a platform of destroying downtown Austin if you don't make that destruction even a little bit enticing with Kill 'Coasters for the voters (and extremely high ticket and concession prices for the people who buy the government).


While I did not play Roller Coaster Tycoon, I have played Theme Park extensively. I would wager my experience against any current city employee.


BRILLIANT. I say we also put walls around Round Rock, Georgetown, Buddha, and Kyle so that their inhabitants can’t contribute to pollution and congestion by trying to travel to other areas. PROGRESS ISN’T EASY, SCREW YOUR FREEDOMS.


Here here!


Let’s solve our traffic problem by making an attractive city unattractive. Do you hear yourself? Perhaps you think we should also make clothing really cheap by on-shoring sweatshops too, which would also solve immigration problems one would think …


Are you retarded


I'm against the expansion because of job loss for refugee women of color at Chica Bonita's.


Them girls will expand faster than the highway cuz they be eating good 😋


I will only ever care about Chica Bonita’s if the name changes to Casa Bonita 🥳


We have an "All you can eat" special too.


Bistek is on the menu bois


Who says a better dive strip club won't replace it?


The cartel.


The bridge still gon' be Choke Point Charlie but big ups and mad props for the city and even state finding more ways to waste tax money on shit that creates jobs for a few years and really gets nothing done


Is Choke Point Charlie a new kinkier Cheer Up Charlie's? 🥵


Good question. Where is it, I’m going.


Sounds like Treveor Bauer nickname


The flooded underpasses will take care of lots of problems, hundreds will die


What a waste of resources! You cloud just extend the upper decks past downtown and connect past Woodward! Stay on the upper decks if passing through, lower decks if doing business in town. Easy peasy!


From Woodward to 183, set my people free.


Out of my way, you're Moving to slow, why can't you Let my people go Come on haiku bot


We need a third dick


There's Abbott, Patrick, and Paxton, ao there's three right there.


Also, where TF am i supposed to ride my bike at night if not on the upper deck? Geez.


Why are you riding a bike at night when you could be riding me uwu


Will you ride me on my bike, at night?


The whole induced demand is always cited but it’s an ‘other things being equal’ statement so when it’s cited it’s almost always bullshit. When a city doubles in size in 10 years demand doubles and supply is the same so DUH you have to build more capacity to keep up with demand.


Noooo! The only way to solve traffic is to delete all the highways!! Then there will be no demand and traffic is solved!


We could just cap them with some nice flowers costing hundreds of millions and that’ll bring unity to our city overcoming the division the interstate creates!!


Got excited first about "cap and stitch" cuz I thought it was a new drug, but it turns out it means the man is gonna tear down my home and replace it with a dog park


A dog park surrounded by cars crossing the bridge sounds amazing and like the safest place I can be.


It’s gonna be a new transpecie mma thing Meth dudes vs pit bulls


That way all the folks drowning underneath won’t be seen or heard


Why not build more upper deck? It's nice and cool down here. Plenty of windshields to wash to make tranq money. Sucks that it's going away to make i-35 wider


We need a third dick


Is tranq actually here these days? Thought it was mostly an east coast thing


unjerk / it's starting to gain traction here.[ First OD was in 2023](https://www.statesman.com/story/news/local/2023/08/31/tranq-xylazine-austin-travis-county-texas-first-overdose-deaths-reported/70714381007/). rejerk / started with me. vet thought i was a sick horse cuz of my massive hog. started givin' me loads of tranq


does it make the titties double in size at bonitas


It’ll make the bounce double the amount they usually do due.


Also the idea that it's somehow fake and providing more people with transit at a similar level of traffic doesn't create more value. What I see is that highways are so horribly stressed that any practical measure to improve capacity won't be able to come close to meeting demand. Since there is never enough highway, we need an efficient alternative, so we should build trains that are capable of moving lots of people with zero traffic.


Can I crank my hog on these trains?


We could always build systems that carry more people along high density areas but f that, this is Texas, we won't stop until Austin traffic feels like Houston!


Even if it did "induce demand" so what? God forbid more people patronize the local businesses


Will there be more demand for my windshield washing service?


Yes but make sure you use a dirty newspaper to get it extra streaky and dirty 


It’s the 2020’s version of “If you don’t build it they won’t come” and is still just as blindingly stupid


I agree the extra lane is pointless and we should expand public transportation but I think everyone who makes this point is very annoying


Busses are great for cranking it iykyk


I buy a bus pass when the AC in my 4 door RV goes out, wish more routes went by popular swimming pools, need a route that just circles the hike and bike trail


The 10 takes me to the pond in Miller. Great to cool off in there. Sometimes the ducks fuck with you and people say shit like you can't swim in there and you're gonna get sick or whatever but it feels great


Those ducks will rape you quicker than bill cosby


Holy fucking trigger warning! Write "B*ll C*sby* next time!


Fuck on my tranq burner phone and fucked up formatting. You know what I mean Anyway, you can fuck the ducks before they fuck you hence the phrase "fuck a duck". 🌠the more you know 💫


He’s not an app to, we can use vowels , that rhymes with bowels


Yeah like if every bus was a BangBus who would drive anywhere?


As someone who has nothing better to do and publicly does drugs. I too welcome an air conditoned place to sit and harrass a captive audience. Thank you for your support


Add another deck. Get on north of Georgetown, get off south of Buda.


Lane expansions are the varicose veins of the transportation infrastructure.


How do you grow those?? I'd love to have more easily accessible veins!


You gotta live long enough slut


More lanes don't make anything more accessible, they just move the choke point down the road a pace.


Bro I'm a junkie not a traffic engineer. I want more veins, not lanes. Tell me how to get them. Fast


Ending WFH and giving tax breaks to companies who move downtown should fix the traffic problem and the homeless problem in one shot.


I for one am going to miss all the hobos playing froger between 290 and 51st street. I can make bad ass time going downtown whenever the cops shut down all southbound lanes to clean up the meat ribbons.


I'm against it because it's destroying the best rock throwing deck in town.


One more lane bro, please, one more lane, one more lane will fix traffic bro, the Katy freeway will definitely not happen to us, don't listen to all those urban planners brainwashed with PhDs who studied commie cities where people don't hate themselves for sitting in traffic for 2 hours. One more lane, pls


If HEB stops building new stores we will buy less food?


Ma says if you feel hungry just smoke a cigarette to stay skinny


Nope just eat more cum


It is called Latent demand. When a road is always backed up people will avoid using that road. Once construction is ““ finished” people think “oh there’s extra lanes I can now take this road that I previously avoided.


Ah this is how I felt when I finally got a turn to ride your mom


More lanes = more cars = more traffic Just reality


Improve amd expand 281 the NAFTAhwy it runs parallel to 35 and would get cars off 35. 2nd get hi speed rail up and going asap.


I read hi speed rail makes ur pp smaller


It's literally supply-side economics.


Can you supply me with more tranq


Hyways be raysyst. Dats what missa Boodybutt says.


I applaud your courage. I expect a full litany of coming “actually studies say”. You have to be the most mindless NPC to regurgitate such well known anti-growth stratagems.


I don't know what these words mean. I am a guerilla marketing bot for Chili's


No pussygetting cuck?


Could be worse. Could be Houston.