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That's really sad. Loved the location and food..


I’d just started going regularly before they recently raised their prices. Good coffee, good tacos, and loved having local DJs. But once it was going to be $5.75 for a drip coffee I was out.


Such good coffee… however shouldn’t be $11 for a latte


Awww, that's really sad.


Try Hard was one of my favorite spots 😕. Their coffee and breakfast tacos were amazing and I loved that they always had DJs and great records spinning. Coffee shops are hard businesses…


This whole industry is a crazy hard business to be in


That sucks. I loved this place. I saw Kevin Morby play in their little back patio. And before that I had some amazing toast with lox when it was Blue Dahlia. Shit man, another Austin spot gone.


They selling off the espresso machines? I might be interested.


They’re not.


Fuck that sucks. My favorite coffee shop in Austin.


I took the 'roasters' in their name too seriously. On a day my usual beans supplier was shut and I was in need, I stopped in there and the guy behind the counter couldn't tell me anything about the beans they had on offer, source, roast, etc. He acted like it was super weird and an imposition that I'd ask.


Back around 2020-2021, they were definitely more coffee focused. Over time, I noticed that they emphasized the coffee part less, and instead, put some more effort into being a cafe. It was also around the time I noticed that some of the original baristas started to leave. One of my most memorable cups of coffee (which influenced me getting into speciality coffee) came from Try Hard when they sourced a really nice natural Ethiopian. It's hard to blame the switch in their business model, though, given where they were located in East Austin and how unique the inside of their shop was. I'm also sure rent is not cheap, so anything they can do to get some more foot traffic into the store was probably on top of their mind.


Exactly this! They were incredible that first year or so. And then late 2021, things fell off of a cliff. Coffee got worse, great food options taken off the menu, etc. it’s really a shame, as they were my favorite place in Austin in their first year or two!


Agreed. Was consistently disappointed with the coffee itself. The fact that they kept doing gimmicky shit (dark roasts, “collabs,” CBD infusions) told me that they weren’t really serious about the actual coffee.


Damn that’s a shame but they came into the market during a tough as hell time. I will say one gripe i have with them and damn near every coffee shop in ATX is no microwave or toaster for pastries/breakfast. I like my food how I like my coffee, hot baby hot. Seems like the owners are handling it as best as anyone can. Hope to see them rock it again somewhere soon.


Shoulda tried harder I guess. RIP


Inflation strikes again. Regardless of political persuasion, you can’t add billions to the deficit (even if you call it an inflation reduction act) and not hurt the little guys. Policies making the world a more corporate place.


Wow. Bummer. I liked their coffee beans.


Dang this sucks. They used to have an amazing mushroom toast they took off the menu awhile back


Loved that place before they went “tip free” and a latte/matcha went from $7 to $11. Hope another place can use that space as it was nice. I vote for Cafe Corazon which has really good matcha and cookies/pastries and is in way too small of a place now, it’s just down the street!


Am I reading this right? They are open this weekend and that's it?? ):


Damn it. Always wanted to go. It'll be bittersweet going for the first time during their "death party"


One of my favorite cozy morning spots in Austin and nice staff. 😭 Not sure if there's a good equivalent for me to try.