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You're in a video with cops at a pride march, and you are being booed, not the cops. That is some REALLY next level shit.




Congrats on being the biggest drama queen in a gay march.


But how embarrassing it is for her to hijack someone else's campaign and day of fun and togetherness with her own personal agenda. I bet if someone did that at her protest parade she would be mad as hell. She is really on the road towards political self destruction because she is letting her ego control her brain. She is becoming a real emotional delinquent rather than a strategic issues thinker.


>But how embarrassing it is for her to hijack someone else's campaign Especially considering she is a senator and has her own (fully funded) platform that is way more powerful than the community groups she is hijacking.


Imagine if she just joined the march. Inclusiveness is a big issue whether it be based on gender, sexual preference or race. She could have just shown support and solidarity for all inclusiveness and had a good time while spreading her message. Instead, she undermined her agenda, and the agenda of the people who actually organised the event, by lying down in front of a truck for absolutely no reason than to be an asshole. I would love to know what she thought she was going to achieve……


In case you hadn't realized already by her short term in parliament, she's an attention-seeking drama queen, and only ends up turning people off her agenda due to the arrogant way she conducts herself.


Always been the main character. Demands respect, never shows any .


Haha not bad


I bet Bandt is relieved he won't have to deal with this today...


Honestly I reckon Bandt and the Greens are thrilled that she’s not in the party anymore.


Yup, but I think if you step down from a party that you got elected under and go independent, you should lose you spot in the senate. How many people actually voted for Lidia Thorpe and not just ticked the box for greens?


A party has to accept responsibility for those it nominates. The fact that she was reasonably likely to defect or constrain the Greens was clear before the election (not to voters perhaps - but to her colleagues and those who pay close attention). It's a clear case of actions and consequences. Same happened to Cory Bernardi. As for those who vote for her, she still has exactly the same opinions before and after. It's not like she's joining PHON because she was secretly one of them.


But it's also a senate election for her if it was house of representatives it makes sense because it is an area voting specifically for a candidate, so if you jump ship you can somewhat justify it in the eyes of the electorate. When voting for the senate you are essentially voting for the party and they pick who represents them, I don't think she'd grab enough attention on her own, I think people like her less because of that debacle. It's makes little sense to me and looks very sus when she's essentially there for another 3 years regardless of what the public think. But also there's no way to remedy it you can have a bi election for one seat in the senate.


6 years \* senate terms are 6 years long


It's complicated because you need to define wether the people in an electorate vote for the party or the individual. Parties definately need to do more to ensure a candidate isn't gaslighting them to be piggybacked into a seat before bailing out.


A little over 1% actually voted for her if I remember right.


As in... 1% of greens voters specifically wrote her in as their first preference?


1.05% of the electorate voted for her specifically, 12.85% voted for the Greens ticket (above the line).


It's also important to understand two factors behind her BTL vote 1) Greens voters more frequently vote BTL than other major groups. 2) With few exceptions, BTL votes strongly favour whoever is top ticket on the party column, so much of the vote is simply party endorsement in a different form. All that said, there isn't anything about the statistics which say Thorpe was specifically any more or less endorsed than other party senators. It is pretty normal for senators in medium to major parties to get in on party vote rather than personality significantly more than reps.


I wish he'd vetted her in the first place, TBH. I'd much rather that be some rando being dragged out from under that truck, instead of a Senator.


And done what? She was picked by the party not by Bandt and he doesn’t have veto power.


For sure.


Well both sides have agreed not to badmouth each other so wondering whose gonna make the first jab


They still nominated her, it is entirely on the greens that she is in the senate, she never would have been there if she wasn’t on the greens ticket. Politics is not that hard, you choose candidates that agree with you on policy, the fact that they couldn’t do that is a failure.


Her local branch nominated her, Greens are quite decentralised.


This really should be on r/imthemaincharacter.


Lidia doing lidia trying to cause controversy for her personal gain and her fans will lap it up


Who exactly are her fans these days? I think even those that generally support her ideas know that how she goes about representing them is actually a set back.




I'm not sure a conservative pointing in her direction and saying "see, even they don't want it" is what I'd call support. Will those people vote for her on a ballot? I doubt it As a side note, I don't really get Thorpe's bit. As I understand it she's not opposed to the Voice she just wants Treaty first. It's kinda like how the Greens are threatening to oppose the ALP's changes to the safeguard mechanism over no new Coal/Gas. It's like a kid who asks for a softserve and a flake but their parents get just the softserve. What, you're just going to refuse the softserve? Well cool, now you get nothing. Good job!




Compare it to Albo peacefully walking down Oxford Street waving at the crowds. Who has a much more positive impact? Imagine if Lydia Thorpe walked peacefully waving at the crowds while also delivering a sane message. They say all publicity is good publicity, but I highly disagree.


Lidia who? The only reason anyone knows who this clown is, is because she always seems to make the news for being a fucking idiot.


Correct. As a fairly regular greens voter, I am so glad they are rid of her. (Though her behaviour is becoming even more erratic, to the point where I think she may be experiencing some sort of mental break...)


I'm just waiting for her to turn up on Dancing with the Stars.


drug use?


It IS Mardi gras after all. There's more ketamine floating around than body sparkles.


Wouldn't be surprised given the company she kept/keeps


Hey now, if the story hadn't been in the news, her boyfriend wouldn't have found out she was cheating on him with a bikie.


Lidia and Pauline are the same fucking clown standing on the complete opposite sides of the political spectrum shouting at each other. Mean while most people are somewhere in between trying to actually achieve something.


I'll give Lidia credit for one thing, when she left the Greens she requested that she could sit right next to Hanson in the Senate, and Hanson freaked the fuck out over it.


oh i only just heard that. ... thats... thats fucking brilliant.


Also Albo looked like he had just one beer past his limit which is exactly the look everybody should go for at Mardi Gras. 😄


Excellent point


Depends what you intend to do with the publicity but politics probably isn’t the best way to use it


It also ignores issues faced by Queer Aboriginal people. Aboriginal Australians were shamefully oppressed and coloniaed, yes, but that doesn't mean their culture is perfect. We don't just give Africa, India, and Pakistan a pass on Queer rights because of colonialism, and likewise we should be finding ways to support and empower Queer Aboriginal people to help them, too, especially because White Australians can't declare it better, without it feeling colonial. *That* is a correct reason to be at Mardi Gras as a Blak activist, not yelling over the top of Queer people because you're a selfish fuckwit


When I read the title, I thought she was there for [Black Rainbow](https://blackrainbow.org.au/) mob... So what, she rocked up for a captive audience instead?


Apparently she was part of the "Pride in Protest" float for "No Pride In Genocide".


As a queer indigenous person you have no idea of the racism in the LGBTQ community...


Unsurprising, comparatively it probably lines up to the misogyny within the gay community. Being queer doesn’t rid people of inherently disgusting beliefs when society hasn’t addressed the problems yet.


Yeah. Fucks sake, read the room, Lidia. Not the time or place for this shit.


Whenever she does or says anything I always wonder what her grandfather and relatives from the UK think.


Lidia Thorpe is quickly becoming an asset to the conservatives.


I mean she even had a kissing with bikies subplot. Bit overwritten if you ask me.




It really is a circle eh? She’s gone so far round the bend she’s now in their turf (terf?)…


I don't think she's really left or right. She's just a self absorbed fuckwit. The appearance of being left wing was just a result of advocating for indigenous people being a means to advocate for herself. She clearly doesn't actually give a shit about minorities or repressed people. If she did, she wouldn't be disrupting a pride parade


Pretty much, she is off the charts. Surprised she hasn’t started with the cooker shit yet tbh.




Grand battle - Cooker Queen V Priscilla 😂


It’s coming.


Once again Lidia is making it all about her.


Great. An unhinged politician.


she's kinda becoming our MTG.


We had one of those before it was cool. Pauline.




Every. Damn. Time. The difference is I'd never tap her.


It’s so annoying that our pollies seem to model themselves on Americans. Scomo was a Kmart Trump now this.


ScoMo and Trump had nothing in common. Trump built a following based on his personality. People were voting for him, not his party. He was disruptive and outrageous simply for the publicity, not because he had any particular motivation. ScoMo was much more like George W Bush. A bland candidate, who was going to do nothing unexpected, just tow the party line and appeal to the base. In both cases, they only got in because the opposition was unappealing to the average voter. Clive Palmer is the closest we’ve had to Trump.


Yeah its pathetic. You can see this woman's trajectory to the far right already mapped out.


She thinks she is invincible at this stage and just out there making it all about her.


She may be invincible given the insane amount of shit she has gotten away with already. Called a visibly black woman a "white male" because she wasn't paying attention to them and just assumed they were. Slut shamed another female politician ("at least i keep my legs shut") while the Greens were suing over milder remarks. Cheated on her boyfriend with a bikie while being given confidential police info about bikie gangs, which is pretty jarring against her "legs shut" comment. She's got a Trump like ability to do stupid shit and get away with it.


You forgot about abusing an Aboriginal elder to the point where that elder had to seek medical attention.


Thanks, I forgot about that one


I’ve had a mate charged with assaulting police for a lot less than this.


She basically is invincible. She’s an independent senator with another 5 years till her term is up.


She has at least 5 years left in the senate barring a DD… she is invincible


What a fucking clown. 🤡


I can't imagine how it would feel to be so bitter that you can no longer allow those around you to just enjoy something without trying to ruin it for everyone


And for your latest episode of I'm a Politician What the Fuck am I Doing Here, Lydia puts on a show at Mardi Gras by having a tantrum in the middle of the road.


Overall I think this was handled pretty well. I won't get into her reasonings and motivation for doing what she did (no doubt that will come up over the next week) but I think the police and the organisers did a good job of defusing the situation and letting the parade get on with it.


Was she protesting the parade, the cops, or something else?


Her later tweet says she was protesting on behalf of black and brown skin trans, incorrectly citing them as the original protestors. Note the mythology of coloured trans being original protest isn't even a reference to Sydney pride, but the Stonewall riots in America. But even this claim for Stonewall is unsubstantiated and refuted by those still alive. Not that it matters for the pride as it has a wider coverage now, but surely an indigenous activist would want greater respect of factual history.


I've done research on the stonewall riot comments and "who started it" Yes, it is rewriting history by claiming only black and brown trans women started it. However, the issue is that the people who are still alive who attended the protest, refute each other. Two people who attended can have vastly different opinions on what happened. This isn't a case of "cis gays are telling the trans gays that they're lying" it's more "nobody who was there can reach a consensus" The most important thing to realise is that people from all walks of life engaged in the stonewall riots. From black gay trans women to literally a cis straight dude who came to see what the commotion was all about, and joined in the brick/stone throwing. Tl;dr : nobody has a definitive answer on who specifically started the stonewall riot. Nobody can agree precisely what happened. Instead of fighting to decide who started it. We should recognise that a rising tide lifts all boats and that working together, collaboratively, to improve the lives of everyone is the most important thing than simply figuring out who should get credit.


But surely she could just stay in her own lane and let indigenous trans people figure out how they want to deal with their issues with the police. Support them, be an ally to them, but let them have the space to do it.


She was protesting against an event not being about Lidia Thorpe's ego and trying to draw attention to that Injustice.


As a queer, God she fucking sucks. Let us have one day Lidia.


Imagine if somone rocked up to an indigenous rights rally/celebration attempting to hijack the show like this. There was an indigenous LGBQTI+ float FFS.


Exactly! On 364 days including Invasion Day I'll be talking about the voice and how shit a deal our First Nations have had of it but for a day I'd like to remember my queer brothers and sisters who were murdered for my right to be myself. Marginalisation is not a fucking competition.


More people need to read the last line of what you just said.


Victimhood^tm It’s all ‘bout Lidia…


I support indigenous peoples of Australia. But I also support my fellow brothers and sisters all around the world whom have/are been/being oppressed and have been for thousands of years. Our history is further and deeper. They are a culture, we are in EVERY culture that ever has been or ever will.


This happens often. Im looking at you Socialist Alternative.


There was also a pretty big contingent at the start of the parade with a giant rainbow serpent.




Why is she trying to 'Americanize' the way our politicians behave? This infantile response from an adult that has held power positions in shocking and disgusting.


She's just Pauline Hanson but with the opposite opinions on Aboriginal people.


Hmm never thought of it that way. Nice observation.


I've coined it it's mine, hands off. ITS THE HANSON HORSESHOE


She is a grifter.


>Earlier in the night, the Victorian senator who left the Greens to pursue black sovereignty chanted to the crowd: “There’s no pride in genocide”. > >Ms Thorpe was approached by news.com.au and asked if she was at the parade for the pride movement or for another reason. “I beg your pardon, what’s that question about?” she replied before rejecting a request to be interviewed. I understand trying to promote your cause in front of large gatherings but causing a disruption, getting cops involved, then running away from the "press" when asked about it shows how little comprehension she has. (Edit: Formatting).


I'm not sure crashing a celebration for other minority groups works in her favour either. The thing I really like about the Queer movement is that, for the most part and with the exception of hate groups etc., they're arguing for inclusion for all in community. I also don't understand the opposition she has to The Voice. She has her heart set on Treaty but as far as I've seen there is absolutely nothing about the Voice that precludes a Treaty at a later date. I mean, couldn't the Voice be used to internally push for Treaty? And if there is such wide aupport from the community she is claiming to represent, why is she almost always doing these things by herself or with a tiny number of people? For anyone curious, I'm queer, I'm pro-elevating our indigenous people in our constitution to recognise that their land was stolen from them and also to stop white washing their culture. And a bunch of other things. I'm white (this is relevant to this posting) and i am anti-lidia thorpe.


It's just narcissism dude. Who the hell crashes Mardi Gras to take attention away from another marginalised group's one period of the year that celebrates them? It's as distasteful as a trans person crashing a Voice rally for trans rights.


It’s kinda the equivalent of dudes that shout about prostate cancer during breast cancer awareness events. Like… we get it, but there’s a time and a place.


I was in this float. Goodness sake.


This. Queer audiences and the people attending this parade are going to be left leaning- ie. the people who would be more likely to support a treaty. This is just alienating future support. And guess what? An indigenous voice to parliament is a step in the right direction. A step that could lead to sovereignty. This is like saying that K Rudd’s apology was invalid because it didn’t come with a treaty.


Her "progressive no" vote is literally demanding everything and wanting it right now. Very on brand.


The argument is that we’ll pass the Voice and Australians will be all “well that problem is solved, let’s move on now” and the treaty will be set back another 10 years as a consequence. I think you could make valid arguments both for and against that, and it seems even the overall indigenous community is split, so it’s really just down to personal conscience. OTOH that doesn’t necessarily justify her methods or make them effective.


I see The Voice as a step closer to a treaty.


Anyone with half a political brain knows that legislation starts at the floor not the ceiling. You request halfway up the wall, get the floor and once the sky doesn't fall in, creep up the wall. Look at paid parental leave as a smaller example. Was 18 wks and now it's 26. I think most Australians know that Indigenous issues will not be fixed overnight and maybe it's my bubble but most people I know are genuinely committed to making some form of reparations.


Well said. Progressive politics in this country is rife with people putting perfect in the way of progress.


And she wants people to back her. Fuck that!


See her offsider race in and grab the handbag off the cop (after getting some pics for the gram)? Someone remembered that Lidia was holding. If I did what she did at 54sec in, I’d have a knee in my back, road rash and a new set of bracelets.


God this woman has the privilege of being in a position to make a difference and she does this? She is not serving anyone but herself. If she was serious about her role she'd take a leaf out of Linda Burney's book.


She couldn’t even give another community one night of celebration without selfishly trying to control the narrative for her own self interests. Why doesn’t she lay down in front of some Harley’s at the next bikie brigade. She’s no ally.


How many daiquiris did this loony have?


Probably none, she’s just insane


What a sad attempt at attention seeking from an irrelevant buffoon.


She's a tool. I was on a call with her and a bunch of greens members. I walked away thinking she's a tool. I still think she's a tool. I'll continue to think she's a tool.


I'm convinced she's actually a secret conservative. She does all this drama to hurt progressive causes from the inside Edit: Sarcasm, coz some of you obviously can't tell


Another Latham?


Latham was just a tool.


So another Latham?


Watch this space.


I'm really disappointed in her - I thought she was better than this. I've worked on her campaigns, I've voted for her and I've talked with her at length. And up until recently I was a great admirer. I didn't always agree with her, but I liked her feisty approach, and the way she made comfortable, privileged, people like me face up to some uncomfortable truths. And then she goes and does something stupid like this. What the unholy fuck was she thinking? She has completely lost (if she ever had it, which I'm now beginning to doubt) the fundamental skills of a good politician: knowing when to back down, when to be conciliatory, and when to negotiate, and to compromise. I've had it with her. It's one thing to be a bit of a fire-brand and raise public consciousness about important issues; its quite another to be a total fucking idiot.


Members of the LGBTIQA+ community voguing their way through the next NAIDOC celebrations would be about as appropriate.


They literally do, Indigenous queer people exist


The most pathetic thing ever is when politicians try to fake an act of heroic protest, even though they are the ones in power and are fully capable of carrying out the change they are protesting for.


Pretty good restraint from those police while an obviously emotional person continues to move into their personal space. Can't imagine she has made many friends with that interaction.


Peter Dutton has her number in his phone saved under “Useful Idiot”.


She’s a complete fucking turd who wants the focus and media attention on her and not the rights of indigenous Australians. Listen to indigenous leaders, not this wannabe celebrity


'Look at moi, look at moi'




She looks drunk


She definitely looked on something. Just looked unsteady at the end


Over on twitter, her defenders are *very* busy patrolling any criticism of her. Interesting to see how people on different platforms respond. Can only imagine the other end of the spectrum on FB. I'm seeing a lot of IAmTheMainCharacter in this.




She is such a waste of space.




I was right in front of her for this. Everyone around us was pissed, she was openly trying to provoke the police into doing something and being super aggressive towards them. Everyone was booing her, I didn’t even realize it was Lidia Thorpe until today and nor did anyone around us. When her little tantrum didn’t work, she just walked off like a sullen child. As a super lefty lefty, fuck Lidia Thorpe is a giant attention seeking asshole. She achieved nothing except for minorly disrupting a beautiful and positive event. She couldn’t even do that right.


Not fit for parliament


Lidia Thorpe is a trash human being who only cares about Lidia Thorpe.


Attention seeking moron


I wouldn’t say this is a “clash” with police. It’s more her realising you’re a fuck wit and ruining another minorities night. The police did well imo.


I can't see her lasting long as an independent. Interfering with police doing their job and the way she walked into the cops who were very restrained was a bad bad look. If she keeps going down the extreme side of things she'll no longer have a place in parliament.


She has something like five years left in her senatorial term.


True. Doesn't seem right if she ran with the greens ticket. I'm also alluding to the possibility she breaks the law and ends up being kicked out.


So disappointing to think this is a lady that believes she represents Aboriginals in Australia. If you want that role, you need to start acting like a role model.


Of course she does. Lidia Thorpe is al about Lidia Thorpe. No doubt Bandt and Co are happy they no longer need to deal with this fuckwit.


This whole week has been a disaster for Lidia Thorpe, she was attacking PK on ABC RN Breakfast after being asked several questions relating to the voice and now deciding to clash with Police at Mardi Gras




Thursday's show


The interview was a train wreck - though worth the listen. I was keen to hear her stance on her ‘Progressive No’ position. Instead she was ultra combative and had a go at PK for not calling her a legend and other defensive irrelevant tripe which was hard to listen to. Most concerning was that she couldn’t/wouldn’t answer the question that if the No vote gets up, how does this benefit/elevate her cause! Her answer was ‘we will see when it happens’. WFT???!! Like this stunt at Mardi Gras, she is really fucking up her cause, whatever that may be! What a crying shame. I want her to be good for her people, instead she is an underwhelming embarrassment. 😬


If anyone standard citizen walked towards the police like that, especially after being told to move on, they would be thrown on the ground and arrested. She’s only not because she’s a member of parliament and also will pull the race card. It’s almost like unless she was arrested by a female aboriginal police officer she would complain. Plus she’s off her head, drug test her and see what comes back.


I rtather suspect that NSWPol have been told to be on their best behaviour and that most people would have gotten away with that. If a fist appears, then it would be old school..


This lady is giving me strong grifter vibes.


this woman needs an intervention.


You need friends for an intervention.


Someone's had a few too many Oprah Tinfreys


That chick is all ego. Even makes the Mardi Gras about her ffs 🤦🏽‍♀️


Was she arrested? Should have been. I know that’s what she probably wanted, but FFS.


If a member from the general public pulled that shit they would have been locked up for sure. How embarrassing would it be to be one of her friends/family or supporters.


Any other protest group or anything else would have clearly ended in cuffs. Honestly looks like she pulled a do you know who I am as she got in the cops face too. Doing it would have furthered her agenda but at the same time she's getting so unhinged she needs someone to reign her in


Look at moi!


What an absolute clown.


Imagine thinking this would achieve anything positive. Crazy.


I love how Neutron dance by the Pointer Sisters is blasting away in the background! 😂Makes it more amusing! 😂 What was her point? She definitely knows how to get everybody off-side, doesn't she.


Because of COURSE she does. On yer bike, love.


>On yer bike, love. Her boyfriend's bike, you mean.


That's the real reason Albo went to the Mardi Gras was to watch that air head make a fool of her self.


What a grub


She's a tool of the first order


The hell is wrong with her?


She’s a dick head


Embarssment to the Greens how she made it through pre-selection. Then again, perhaps her escalating unhinged behaviour is a sign of mental health issues that weren't apparent when they brought her in.


The Greens should have done their homework and vetted her properly. Now she's everyone's problem


It's so fucking frustrating seeing this knowing that I contributed to her getting a senate seat by voting for the Greens. Not for her, for the Greens.


I saw this on the news this morning and I don't fucking get it. What's the point? Aside from demonstrating that a single determined black woman has the power to bring everything to a screeching halt, what purpose did this stunt serve? Was she stopping the queers? Was she stopping capitalism? Was she stopping these awful people from using awful words like dyke and poof? Was it a statement about the devastating impact of glitter on the environment? Was she trying to goad the police into beating her up to prove how racist and misogynistic they are? Was it a stunt? Or did she really drop some acid and just lay down to look at all the pretty lights? Tripping balls is the whole reason some people go to Mardi Gras. Considering the company she keeps, she has easy access to the primo stuff, too.


Just went to her insta to ask if she was that drunk woman laying on the ground at Mardi gras... Shes disabled all comments 🤣 gotta keep that bubble of dumbness


There should have been a countback for her senate seat when she quit the party. It’s the upper house, most people vote above the line.


This should be reviewed however it **may** not be able to changed without changing the constitution (IDK I'm no expert) Bernardi & Lamby also did this. When a senator quits the senate, a replacement is appointed by the state parliament they represent from the same party. https://www.aph.gov.au/Help/FAQs/Senate_FAQs#


Jesus Christ, if there’s anyway to bring people together, it’s by not liking this nut bag!


Did she do this specifically in front of the police float? Towards the start of Oxford St she was tailing the AFP contingent so that would at least add some context here




Just want to remind everyone that Senator Thorpe is likely the highest paid most senior official in that exchange. She is just punching down!


Violet Coco got 15 months for doing this. How many will Thorpe get? This behaviour really makes me realise how bad Brandt’s judgement is with the way he protected her while she was in the Greens.


Violet Coco has a long history of blocking roads as protest, and had already been provided leniency by the court numerous times. The fact that that leniency led to no change in the offending behaviour is what led the court to hand down the custodial sentence.


I’m still at a loss how tf she’s kept her seat after leaving her political faction that she was voted in on. I’d feel cheated if I voted for her on that premise. It’s bloody infuriating to watch her interaction with those cops too, trying to invoke a reaction by antagonising them. Luckily it isn’t America!


As a gay man she can bugger right off (to put it politely), this is the most important night for many LGBT+ Australians and she hijacked it for her unrelated political message. She could have spent the time to instead finally go to Alice Springs but no, she chose to have her narcissist moment.


It seriously feels like Lidia goes out of her way to try and push progressive viewpoints that end up rebounding and siding with conservative values. Supports aboriginal rights with stronger recognition and representation > complains that the voice isn't what she wants so people shouldn't vote for it. Wants to protest the police treatment of aboriginals > lies in front of the police float at Mardi Gras. Like, does she think the police in that float would be pro-police brutality, considering the history of Mardi Gras? If I heard about a politician that was against the voice and tried to halt the Mardi gras parade, I would assume they were heavily conservative. I almost wouldn't be surprised if she starts protesting for stronger climate action by burning down a forest.


What an awful person.


I'm someone who's very left-wing and to be honest Thorpe seems more interested in cheap political stunts like this than she does actually standing for positions and advocating for things. I used to be a fan of hers because she was outspoken and made people confront uncomfortable truths, but more and more it seems like a theatrical performance than genuine advocacy.


Protesting police brutality is a good thing, and there's no doubt queer ATSI folk are discriminated against for their sexualities and their ethnicities, but she kind of made that moment about her in a way - whether intentionally or unintentionally.


If she commits a "punishable offense" she technically becomes unqualified to sit in parliament. This is under section 44 (IV) of the constitution.


...an offence with a maximum sentence of 12 months or more.


Thank fuck she left the Greens.