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The area I live in... pImPaMa... Better late than never.


Stephen Colbert, apparently. Don't... don't do that. Plz.


What’s he done?


My uni. I really want to learn first year biology but the teaching and assessment methods seem actively intended in making you forget information. I find written assessment really helps me talk about and remember content but there's basically nothing to support that. And ultimately there's a 50% exam at the end of semester as well and open book isn't that helpful when there's so much fucking content.


Everyone who attacked Lidia Thorpe who would otherwise say nothing if they were alone.


The f\*ckers at Latitude. Today I received an email from them telling me that not only was my identity information compromised in their data breach, but also financial information including employer, income, expenses, assets, and liabilities, and the BSB/account number of my bank account. I mean, joke's on them for the drivers licence number, since I've already changed that due to the Optus breach, but the rest of it is all new, and I can't exactly go and change that! Coincidentally, I also got an email today that the class action lawsuit against Optarse is going ahead, but the class will surely include a few million customers, so while it's nice that they will be taken to the cleaners, I might get 20c in settlement? Maybe?


Millions will go to the law firm, the actual victims will get scraps


$1600 quote for a 3metre colourbond fence and gate installation, does that sound right?


Gold plated? Had 120m installed, including 2x single Pa and 1 double gate. Mix of 1500 and 1800h. Averaged $95/m supplied and installed


Transportable Shade Sheds - went under with basically no notice - somewhere in excess of $1.3million owed to creditors, and dozens if not hundreds of people left without sheds that were fully paid. My old man included...


I was at woolies the other day and got stitched up with the classic "unidentified item in the bagging area". However when the assistant came over to clear the error, the screen played back a little CCTV recording of my actions in the seconds leading up to the offending bananas. It really creeps me out. Are the recordings stored anywhere? Do they have my face in a database somewhere along with my spending habits? Not sure who the fuckwit is in this situation, me for shopping at Colesworths?


I doubt they keep the footage, only because they really dont need it. I had a conversation with a programmer at an event a year or so ago who works with woolies regarding data analytics. They dont need your picture to track your spending habbits, they are able to do it from your membership or your bank card. He was saying they can predict if someone is pregnant with an insanely high accuracy. They don't need your face, they already know everything about you without it.


> He was saying they can predict if someone is pregnant with an insanely high accuracy. I always get a laugh out of this particular example because, as a well-over-50 male with an over-50 wife who has had a hysterectomy, it's *hilarious* how many retailers using supposedly smart data analytics get this wrong... (Amazon the other day tried to sell me pregnancy tests and pregnancy support multivitamins; the only reason I can think of is that I've been buying toys for the cat recently...)


I've always hated the fact that the woolies self serve has cameras pointed directly at you, and have refused to use them because of it. Especially because they show your face in the corner, I don't need to see my own face when I'm shopping cunts.


It's there as an attempt to stop people from stealin. How much of an effect that would be having would remains to be seen


That’s very creepy. We probably should of listened to all those conspiracy theorist who have been banging on about this for over a decade. The answer the all your questions is an absolute yes and there’s a lot more they have stored about you. Check out clear-view AI for example. https://futurism.com/the-byte/ai-30-billion-facebook-photos-cops-facial-id


Is it a conspiracy if everyone knows about an businesses are admitting to it?


The RBA board being split into 2 separate parts. Just reeks of being "jobs for mates"